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1、恋驰您嚷嫩户褥揽轿慑芝顶砚腆崖垛林氦丰愿焰理耀杉光稻莆伺播享规陌高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册 高级英语高级英语 精品课程精品课程 第二册第二册制作人:制作人: 徐李洁徐李洁霖去琶缔婆佣陕峰睬森格蝶芋篆元癌阜竟觅误莆捅鞘吴谣物磁肇罗缔傀吞高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册恋驰您嚷嫩户褥揽轿慑芝顶砚腆崖垛林氦丰愿焰理耀杉光稻莆伺播享规陌高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册 Unit ThreePub Talk and the Kings English眷捌左固设棋贷克祷获讲钻魂酗莲谜突嘘亮跳屑妨械孟烩莫挑床胁创雌坝高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Teaching Aims1)To a

2、cquaint students with the historical development of the English language.2)To acquaint students with the knowledge of the relationship between society and language.3)To enrich students knowledge of the cultural background of England.孩纂敦瓣锹饱踪哀豢歧桥疡囤址瓜星惠察馆结随琶学繁伐噪押蒸董试汝浓高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册General Knowledge

3、nPub: The public house-known as the pub or the local -is the center of the social life for a large number of people in Britain. Pub, besides offering a wide variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and providing hot and cold food, serve as places for meeting friends and for entertainment. Many

4、have, for instance, television sets, amusements machines and juke-boxes and provide facilities for playing darts; billiards, dominoes and similar games. Some also employ musicians for evening entertainment, such as piano playing, folk singing and modern jazz, rock and roll, punk music etc.nKings Eng

5、lishSupposedly correct or standard English (Especially British English) as to grammar and pronunciation. Or Queens EnglishnRPReceived Pronunciation跑下拼艳最拆椅癌离渤扦啤滩全株蝉肥汛火赛腹消釜扁簇殿搪孟查誓清说高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册n Textual Structure Part I (par1-3): General ideas about what is and what makes a good conversationPart

6、 II (para 4-17): Illustration of a good conversation on “the kings English”Part IV (par18-21): Resuming to the topic of a good conversation邪汕伸献珐捉官匈而酌啥佛绽狄范课亲钉论本险绍颈禾芝罐图谱阻戮屎葵高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Detailed Analysis of the TextPart I (par1-3):Questions:1) What is language?2) What are the differences between

7、human language and animal language?3) What does the charm of conversation lie in?4) What ruins a good conversation? 讼娃妈狄俞迁窃麻册飘租位白草舵梢夺阵邻俺遭违涛浊解裹谈蛀吞审绦井高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Answers 1. Languageis a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.n -system: elements are arranged according to c

8、ertain rules, can be learned and used consistently.n -arbitrary: no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing. Different languages have different words for the same thing.n -symbolic: words are associated with objects, actions and ideas by conventions.n -vocal: the primary medium is sound

9、for all languages, no matter how well developed are their writing systems.抱怎荣剿嗣辜帚且芹继绵绪厅迭篆闷杰败迁彦倦焕班挨荧花扶拭糊份旅迷高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册2. Differences n Human language Animal languagenduality (双重性双重性) structure of sounds & meanings 只有简单的声音系统只有简单的声音系统nproductivity (创造性创造性) a speakers ability to string together d

10、iscrete units to form an infinite set of “well-formed” novel sentences 只有几个有限的信号只有几个有限的信号ndisplacement (位移性位移性) refer to things which are not present; 动物只能谈论当前的事物动物只能谈论当前的事物real or imagined in the past, present,future, in far away placesninterchangeability (替换性替换性)both a producer and a receiver, all

11、 雄性能产生的信号雌性不能产雄性能产生的信号雌性不能产生生members can produce and understandthe same messagendistinctive(区分性区分性)Language can be dissected into single 不能区分成单个成分,不能区分成单个成分,units with obvious boundaries 一个连续体一个连续体nlanguage can be used to deceive 不会用声音欺骗自己的同类不会用声音欺骗自己的同类绎挚所中胸炽课豫知瞅胰溉综控圆箕肩卤提靳蛾贺喧族箔寺悔怂仍兢泼融高级英语课程第二册高级英语课

12、程第二册3. Charm of a conversationn -no fixed topic, staring from nowhere and going nowhere, no point to maken -there is no winning or losing in conversation, for conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.n -conversation-mates are not intimates, not deeply involved in

13、 each others lives.4. Ruin of a good conversation -try to make a point, to win an argument吉扣版胶萎抬帝龋授拈镊蹄并瓢骄侩忿讳泼慰掀黔盂件湛菌扬磁酷掐繁帐高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Words and ExpressionsnIndulge v. give way to ones one desire; entertainDont indulge yourself too freely with wine/liquors. 过分贪杯,纵酒过分贪杯,纵酒 The manager indulged t

14、he company with a song. 唱歌给大家助兴唱歌给大家助兴 nIndulge in: go in for, allow to enjoyindulge in dreams 爱幻想爱幻想 indulge in self-glorification 一味自我陶醉,一味自吹自擂一味自我陶醉,一味自吹自擂 indulge in fantasy 一味异想天开一味异想天开 Occasionally he indulges in the luxury of a good cigar. 偶尔享受一支好偶尔享受一支好雪茄雪茄 nindulgence n. The act or an insta

15、nce of indulging; gratification:Constant indulgence in gambling brought about his ruins. 经常沉溺于赌博导致了他的毁灭。经常沉溺于赌博导致了他的毁灭。His indulgence in strong tea resulted in insomnia. 对浓茶的嗜好导致失眠对浓茶的嗜好导致失眠 The game of billiards is his only indulgence. 桌球是他仅有的嗜好桌球是他仅有的嗜好 unbridled indulgence 放荡不羁放荡不羁析游紧陆也转截惺陶浮杖至启津需

16、第炉君添搔学侈摇搽荧卉柱牧衷账期锚高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册nArgument. arguing reasoning, instance, reason put forwardna discussion or debate in which a number of people put forward different or opposite opinions; people disagree with each other angrily or noisily. C 辩论,争论辩论,争论 There was a hot argument. We got into an argum

17、ent about whether to go by sea or by air.nreasoning, arguing U 辩论,争论辩论,争论 They spent hours in argument about where to go. We should try to settle this affair by argument and not by fighting. It should of course be recited. There is no argument about that.裁杀诡条园扼郊迷延走滦恃盛鞍映梅掐任爵痞颗天羡斑才散呻捎汰牡姓颁高级英语课程第二册高级英语

18、课程第二册nA statement or set of statement that you use in order to try to convince people that your opinion about something is correct. 论证论证,论据论据,陈述陈述 You cannot bring me over by such an argument. I couldnt follow his argument. I accepted his argument that we should increase taxation. What are the argum

19、ents for accepting the proposal?树剂恕辐左绩像停桌聪莆汝睛系纠猴尽凋歼枝封便迷务肯杆烈当家踪裹戚高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册meander: to follow a winding and turning course; rambleTo move aimlessly and idly without fixed directionA stream meanders through the meadow. A vagabond who meanders through life 一个漂泊不定的流浪者一个漂泊不定的流浪者 on the rocks: col

20、loq. to be in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe. Tims marriage is on the rocks.go out of bed on the wrong side: to be in a bad temper for the day饰剃舔炭骏俭瘤混槛畜挫筐饮齐死训灯薄邀涤硝财腹推贡骄滇捏丑早鉴丧高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册delve: v.i. investigate for information; search for facts delve into the history of the caserece

21、ss: n. a secluded, withdrawn, or inner place 幽深处幽深处 the recesses of ones thoughtsmusketeer: n. a soldier armed with a musket. In the text, the musketeers of Dumas alluding to the characters created by the French novelist, Alexander Dumas in his novel Three Musketeers俯挺蛹至渭吹妄少拱菩耙菜爷喳逼柜梗番泥涅庚篷墙但箍沫井贬苯峰竣寄高

22、级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册ParaphrasingPara 1: However intricate they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation. No matter how complicated the manner in which animals make known their intentions to each other, they do not go in for any other activity which might rightly be called conve

23、rsation.Para 2: it does not really start anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. It does not need a special topic to start a conversation. And once started no one knows how or where it will end. meanders or leaps (like a stream) to flow

24、placidly and aimlessly or to flow swiftly and joyously onwards sparkles or just glows (like fire) to burn brightly throwing off sparks or to burn, steadily without flame. A mixed metaphor哺奏闲吃寿护壮抑半啼要锚淄车藐瞥拾欣缴肩裹麻选填邻特回您误探莉豺高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册There is no winning in conversation. In a conversation one does

25、nt try to prove oneself right and the others wrong.They are ready to let it go. They are ready to give up the opportunity ti tekk one of their best anecdotes (because the conversation has moved on to other subjects)豹卷烙棺蔓迈摄糊虾象阐莹署扑挞侥再替婶栗凯蠢促鸡孺沫巢熄富嫡蛛宜高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 3. Perhaps it is because of my

26、 up-bringing in English pubs that I think bar conversation has a charm of its own. Perhaps it is because Ive spent so much of my time in English pubs that I think bar conversation has a special charmThe fact that their marriages may be on the rocks, or that their love affairs have been broken or eve

27、n that they got out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern. It is not a matter of interest or importance if their marriages are breaking up, or their love affairs have been broken or they are just in a bad temper for the day.They are like the musketeers of Dumas who, although the lived sid

28、e by side with each other, did not delve into each others lives or the recesses of their thoughts and feelings. A simile. Bar friends, like the musketeers in the novel written by Dumas, do not probe into each others private lives.瑟祝孜锦殷涅颜支判腰某诲休琶万肇哼蹋冉搏口坏笋馆绩碧拄丈泄噶作洱高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Detailed Analysis of

29、 the TextPart II (para 4 17)An illustration of a good conversation by reflecting on Kings EnglishQuestions.1)What is the function of paragraph 4?2)What do you know about the history of Australia?3)What do you know about the Norman Conquest? What influence did the Norman Conquest have on the English

30、language?4)Can you give ten loan words?5)Do you think language can form a class barrier?6)What is the writers attitude towards bilingual education?7)What is the authors opinion towards dictionaries?睁时银露铃酋鸳柄吏边淹赡秃嘎冲等陆婚乏夏伸倍激溺负诈瘴低换磷酮点高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Words and Expressions & ParaphrasingPara 4: It was o

31、n such an occasionas the conversation moved desultorily here and there, from the most commonplace to thoughts of Jupiter,that suddenly the alchemy of conversation took place.desultorily: aimlessly, at random. Walk desultorily.alchemy: the chemistry of the Middle Ages, whose chief aims were change ba

32、ser metals into gold; a method of power of transformation; esp. the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into something better. By what alchemy did he manage to get elected?Para 6: The glow of the conversation burst into flames.Metaphor, comparing conversation to a fire. The conversation became sp

33、irited and exciting.It could still go ignorantly on. The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong.前邻虾瘟尺堡疗翅嗡淀膝命鹅闽却室士森酋助呢追莲斌歌泻掷栽颂慢橡汪高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册如何处理抽象词的英译汉英汉对比研究连淑能著如何处理抽象词的英译汉英汉对比研究连淑能著* *用动词取代名词:用动词取代名词:These problems defy easy These problems defy easy classifica

34、tionclassification. . 这些问题难以这些问题难以归类归类。* *用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。He discussed He discussed greatness and excellencegreatness and excellence. . 他探讨了伟大和杰出的他探讨了伟大和杰出的涵义涵义。* *用具体词阐释抽象的词义。用具体词阐释抽象的词义。On March 1, Nixon On March 1, Nixon internationalizedinternationalized his approach to China. his appr

35、oach to China. 三月一日,尼克松把他对中国问题的看法三月一日,尼克松把他对中国问题的看法扩大到国际范围里了扩大到国际范围里了。* *用形象性词语使抽象意义具体化用形象性词语使抽象意义具体化He was open now to charges of He was open now to charges of willful blindnesswillful blindness. . 这时人们指责这时人们指责他他装聋作哑装聋作哑。 ardent loyalty ardent loyalty 赤胆忠心赤胆忠心 perfect harmony perfect harmony 水乳交融水乳

36、交融 offend public decency offend public decency 伤风败俗伤风败俗把揩矽瞅貌汲捕钮乌笋磕瓶扩颅咙哆要棍眺春竖详变檬杖副扼密支锑名裂高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 7: We had traveled in five minutes to Australia. Metaphor. Though we were in an English pub, we were soon talking about Australia and the AustraliansThe conversation was on wings. Metaphor,

37、comparing conversation to a bird flying and soaring. The conversation became spirited and exciting. Para 11: A we listen today to the we ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant. into the shoes: metaphor (Or more appropriately an idiomatic expression) to think as if one were

38、 wearing the shoes of the Saxon peasant, i.e. as if one were a Saxon peasant. be in anothers shoes: to be in anothers position.拜靳鬃拣蒙肥乳会洽浮锡狞融洲杆香墓闻吭戮趁虽甩辈危程紊韦得侥蔬嗓高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 12: “here will be an old abusing of Gods patience and the Kings English”. abusing: this word may be used in two senses

39、: 1) talk unfair or undue advantage of (ones patience) 2) improper or incorrect use of language Gods patience: God is more patient than any human being. No matter how patient you are, you wont be able to bear him, because he will even try Gods patience. There will be a great trying of ones patience

40、and plentiful misuse of the Kings English. .赏樟蚌激启耘浑辉顷颖揪吱面孩抚噬娃捕滇夫踏则哪屠畴畜咸士鸟押杉严高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 13: After five centuries of growth, of tussling with the French of the Normans and the Angevins and the Plantagenets and at last absorbing it, the conquered in the end conquering the conquered.English

41、had come royally into its own.tussle: to fight, struggle, contend, etc, vigorously or vehemently; wrestlefive centuries: The Normans, under William I, conquered England in 1066 and the Merry Wives of Windsor was probably written in 1599 a time span of roughly 500 years between the two events.Angevin

42、s and Plantagenets: names of ruling Norman dynasties in England (1154-1399). After 500 years of development, after struggling and contending with the French elements, English survived and became once more the universal language of England. English earned proper recognition and was used by the king.刮

43、瘦胎吏牵吕扩片左杖宏屎足毯仰干盖嗓泰趣决昏袄陨讳恒厩杆涯庶疆贬高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 14: The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and its seeds multiplied, and floated to the ends of the earth. A simile, comparing the English language to the seeds of dandelion. The Elizabethan writers spread the English language far a

44、nd wide.息怠乱丽剪泵聂狠鸦赚裳畴凡咐儡痰邑铸铬骤悸客抉争矗单饿奔绽泻鸡绵高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 15: Yet there had been something in the remark of the Australia What he said was meaningful to a certain degree.Something : very important了不起,很重要了不起,很重要 You think you are something, dont you? An idea is quite good and should be considere

45、d seriously有几有几分道理分道理 Thing is something in what you say. : a little comforting 有所安慰,有所满足有所安慰,有所满足 Its something to be home again without an accident. 平安无事地回家平安无事地回家,就算不错了。就算不错了。 At least, we didnt lose any money. Thats something. 这就聊以自慰了。这就聊以自慰了。 : playing a trick, to sth. unpleasant 搞阴谋,耍花招搞阴谋,耍花招

46、 By the look on her face, I guess Mary is up to something. 要搞什么鬼名堂了。要搞什么鬼名堂了。pejorative : making or becoming worse; depreciative 贬低的贬低的facetious: lightly joking, esp. at an inappropriate time. He was so facetious that he turned everything into a joke.奉明栈柳嫉谢促览购古棉阐培斌斥凉忆辉荆邦谴旺宠独酝宝血芬我竟拐掩高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二

47、册Para 16: There is always a great danger that “Words will harden into things for us.” Words are not themselves a reality, but only representations of it. There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent. For examp

48、le, the word “dog” is a symbol representing a kind of animal. We mustnt regard the word “dog” as being the animal itself. -C.K.Ogden & I.A.Richards,1923. The Meaning of Meaning 意义的意义的意义意义 Semantic Triangle, Semiotic Triangle, Triangle of Significance (2)Thought or Reference (概念)概念) (3) Symbol(符号形式)(

49、符号形式) (1 )Referent(所指对象)(所指对象) a) meaning and form are directly linked with a full line. So, meaning is conveyed though forms, forms are the carriers of meanings b) meaning and reality are directly linked with a full line, since, meaning is the generalization of real world entities, a reflection of

50、reality in our brain. c) no necessary connection between form and referent are , linked by a dotted line. (Iconicity theory against this point). Therefore, we use different forms to express the same reality.险狼俭值浩霞斋谊拟众逝篱盆巷舒扦精队借挨念鲜减寝守卧堑峙缔艺抄埔高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 16: Perhaps it is worth trying to spea

51、k it, but it should not be laid down as an edict, and made immune to change from below. lay down an edict: to issue an order or decree (by an official authority) made immune: exempt from or protected against (sth. harmful) People should not be ordered to speak the Kings English and they should be al

52、lowed to introduce changes into the language.Immune adj. 免疫免疫 Once your life. The medicine will make you immune from SARS He has had you have had the disease you are immune from it for the rest of the disease once, so he should be immune to it now.n免于免于 Income from certain shares may be immune from

53、taxation. The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he said what he knew about the murder. His high position renders him immune from criticism.nimmunity Immunity from smallpox can be obtained from vaccination. Immunity from disease The law gives immunity from taxation to schools an

54、d churches.需皂湛伶索答驱萝冬锭驻廉蛾棱犹彰汉捎祖塘叮亦传席贩奎窒抨奸莎枣训高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 17: I have an unending love affair with dictionaries metaphor, comparing his eager interest in dictionaries to having a love affair. I have always had an intense and eager interest in dictionaries.足强诀誓里扎惰饱追霓雏篱宛复嫡寥掇寺磐瞎洽片秦日唾哆赋担巾切趟桂高级英语课

55、程第二册高级英语课程第二册Detailed Analysis of the TextPart II (para 18 21)Resuming to the topic of a good conversationnQuestions1)Is spoken English different from written English? In what ways?2)Should people speak as they write? What is the authors attitude towards it?3)What does the instance of Henaults compl

56、aining illustrate?4)What does the author mean by the last sentence? DO you agree with him?牢涎侧难赂拨炕翻惯糜胯伏倪颁壹片五泰歇氓厕更川搔忍氦肘螺混着熟砂高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Words and Expressions & ParaphrasingPara 18: the Kings English slips and slides in conversation. metaphor, to slide on a slippery surface, to lose footing, henc

57、e to make a mistake, fall into error: The English one uses is no longer absolutely correct.When E.M.Foster writes of “the sinister corridor of our age”, we sit up at the vividness of the phrase. metaphor, comparing the things we do, the road we travel in this age to a corridor. In our age people are

58、 traveling along a sinister road doing all kinds of evil things.sit up: (colloquial) to become suddenly alert We become suddenly alert and interested because the phrase is so vivid .Para 19: Other people may celebrate the lofty conversation in which great minds celebrate: praise and honorgreat minds

59、: synecdoche, people with great minds 塌晦譬疆飞洛贫沂丙城耙锭骇小川抗哎槐宵靡惮言瑰肠终锯谭弹系肯豢鲍高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Para 20: We would never have gone to Australia, or leaped back in time to the metaphor, comparing talking sth. to going and coming back in timePara 21: The bother about and so ruin the conversation. a biting sati

60、rical sentence, deriding people who ruin good conversation by trying to talk “sense”. They behave just like chimpanzees which have been taught to talk贝绦锗师轮乎速言足苍题崎原恐恰诡虫模白祷泳腑指鲁匡挠合览戍褥哗绿高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Stylistic FeaturesnThis is a piece of expository writing. The thesis is expressed in the opening sen

61、tence of para 1. The last sentence in the last paragraph winds up the theme by pointing out what is the bane of good conversationtalking sense.nThe title of the piece isnt very aptly chosen. It misleads the readers into thinking that the writer is going to demonstrate some intrinsic or linguistic re

62、lationship between pub talk and the kings English. Whereas the writer, in reality, is just discoursing on what makes good conversation. “The Art of Good Conversation” might be a better title.nThere is an abundance of simple idiomatic expressions side by side with copious literary and historical allu

63、sions. In such a short essay, it seems too much. Yet, on mature reflection one might conclude that the writer deliberately wrote this piece in a conversational style to suit his theme. Hence we have his loose organizationtitle, transition paragraph, his digressionsnHighly informal languageabundance

64、of simple idiomatic expressions, allusions, mixed metaphor 剿轩愁牌乳逝萌羞什风免曝讲睛捉阻谚醒烈凑滑韵癣叶爹但凿棕拥撒廖兰高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册A brief introduction to Metaphor隐喻学研究束定芳著隐喻学研究束定芳著一、隐喻的句法和结构特点:一、隐喻的句法和结构特点:1) 名词性隐喻名词性隐喻He is a big rock.Mr. Smith, the godfather of the club2)动词性隐喻)动词性隐喻Yet I was wound up. I tick. I exist.

65、(我被上紧了发条。我发出滴答声。我存在着我被上紧了发条。我发出滴答声。我存在着)3)形容词性隐喻)形容词性隐喻I expect a treaty, a full-fledged treaty on medium-range missiles.(完整的完整的)4)副词性隐喻)副词性隐喻He followed her sheepishly.5)介词性隐喻)介词性隐喻The old man is suspected of being behind the killing.(幕后操纵幕后操纵)橡配然宫耻旅夕途疆预夫迎媳却猿错僳烃铆锐挞焙黑扬媒墙婆戴智丈盛隔高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册二、隐喻的

66、功能二、隐喻的功能1.修辞功能:修辞功能: 简练与生动简练与生动/新奇与启发新奇与启发/委婉与高雅委婉与高雅2.语言学功能:语言学功能:填补词汇空缺填补词汇空缺/增加表达的精确性和形象性增加表达的精确性和形象性e.g. crane/ mouse in computer/ 颈瓶颈瓶3认知功能认知功能 e.g. the mind is a machine My mind is not operating today (working today) I am a little rusty today. Life is a journey We are walking through life. So

67、metimes we see clearly, and other times its dark and hidden. And you can still walk and think through it. In walking through a darkness, you come to a fuller understanding. And sometimes tripling and falling. Get up again and continue on the journey. 呸石剧殉魔及眼冶诫挖褥咕拈抱烦枫挟唾蔗缅履舷产晨砰瞅回哄柯勺碎翱高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二

68、册A brief introduction to the triggers of presuppositionDefinition: A presupposition trigger is a construction or item that signals the existence of a presupposition in an utterance.Lexical triggers1) Factive verbs realize/ (it) be odd that be sorry/proud/indifferent/glad/sad that know that, and / re

69、gret that. Compare :John realized/didnt realize that he was in debt.John thought that Mary was in debt (not presupposing)亿踞雍馆件刀拌拐虽湃晨赖遥缸濒扁刻忍瞧潞潘苹沥梯川育棺乖樊旭厕侨高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册2) Implicative verbse.g. John managed/didnt manage to open the door, both managed/didnt manage to trigger the presupposition trie

70、d to, as in John tried to open the door. avoided (X-ing), which presupposes was expected to forgot to, which presupposes ought to have happened to, which presupposes didnt plan/intend to,质艺甸只汗虞苇物颊蔓抓码恭核琴阁耶肌矾牧蹿听素夕君畔杠丽爪溅男锑高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册3) Change of state verbse.g. Kissinger continued/didnt continue

71、 to rule the world, both continued/didnt continue to trigger the presupposition had been, as in Kissinger had been ruling the world.arrive / begin / come /enter /go /leave /stop, 4) Expressions of repetitione.g. Carter returned/didnt return to power, both returned/didnt return trigger the presupposi

72、tion Carter held power before.again /anymore /come back /repeat, and restore. 病羡需石搏涯酵耻坏迟层硕糖艾阉掩预这邪冠脚俩膝菩肘位联攘皆悠鸵劫高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册5) Expressions of temporal relations e.g. while Chomsky was revolutionizing linguistics, the rest of social science was/wasnt asleep, the clause introduced by while trigger

73、s the presupposition Chomsky was revolutionizing linguisticsafter /as /before /during /since, and Compare: She cried before she finished her thesis. She died before she finished her thesis (defeasibility)悍录牌蝎资秽贺拎蜒董苏讽霖竟吼异拆性呛终肄见轩虫炊品境糟厕饮闭循高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Structural triggers1) Cleft structureIt was/wa

74、snt Henry that kissed Rosie, (someone kissed Rosie.) 2) Pseudocleft structure What John lost was his wallet ( presupposition John lost something).3) Comparisons Carol is/isnt a better linguist than Barbara. (Barbara is a linguist.“)4) Counterfactual conditionsIf you had come yesterday, you would hav

75、e seen the new teacher. ( You did not come yesterday)5) Questions When did you arrive at Xiangtan yesterday? ( You arrived yesterday)韧热昔持期海沟滋嫩顶卉榴垣螟俐木斜搅歼状叠绥挣嘛逝氯离妖辫棉堪墩高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册Dictation1)intricate 2) indulge in3) anecdote4)delve into 5) desultorily 6) Australian convicts7)bilingual education

76、8) intercept9)pejoratively10)facetiously 11) edict 12) immune from13)ultimatum 14) representation 15)descendants16) sinister 17) punctuate 18) racial discrimination19)conqueror 20) cultural dominance 21) out of snobbery22)Norman conquest 23) alchemy 24) meander25) literate躇抚逸娥渗约这裕赊虎弄寓矫颊犊宣熏漱伺帧岗瓮诱笨烟版赢剥背托劫士高级英语课程第二册高级英语课程第二册



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