高考英语一轮复习 Unit23 Conflict课件 北师大版选修8

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1、话题八计划与愿望话题词汇1ambitionn雄心2intention n目的;意图3volunteer n志愿者4vacation n假期5apply v申请6relax v放松7take part in 参加8prepare for为作准备9work as 做工作10pay a visit to 参观11participate in 参加12sign up 签约参加13in(the) hope of 期望14be occupied with 忙于满分佳作假设你打算去英国旅游,想在网上寻找一个旅伴。请根据以下要点写一篇英语启事,介绍你的行程计划和对旅伴的要求。1自我介绍(性别、年龄);2行程安

2、排(景点等);3对旅伴的要求(年龄、性别、外语程度、旅游经验等)。注意:1.词数100左右;2启事的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Wanted:Travel PartnerAre you interested in traveling abroad?Have you ever thought of taking a trip to Britain?Contact me! 【范文赏析】Wanted:Travel PartnerAre you interested in traveling abroad?Have you ever thought of taking a trip to Britain

3、?Contact me!自我介绍I am a girl of 17 and I am planning a holiday in the middle of July.The trip will be excellent if you can join me and if you are also looking forward to visiting London.行程安排There we will gain a better understanding of how the old kingdom has influenced the world.The Tower of London,H

4、yde Park,Big Ben.so many wonders are waiting for us!对旅伴要求Our trip will be easier if you can speak good English and have experience of traveling abroad.I hope you are also a girl of my age so that we can share a hotel room.Please contact me by dialing 13012345678.A完成句子(1)因为我参观过这个地方,所以今年我会去其他的地方度暑假。Ha

5、ving paid a visit to the place,I will go somewhere else this year to spend my summer vacation.(2)明年他要去上海,他希望在那儿找到一份待遇高的工作。He will go to Shanghai next year in the hope of getting a wellpaid job there.B.句型转换用it作形式主语改写句It will be easier for our trip if you can speak good English and have experience of

6、traveling abroad.C句式仿写句如果你更加勤奋而且你与别人好好相处,你的学校生活将会更丰富多彩。You school life will be richer and more colorful if you work harder and if you get on well with others.重点单词识记1/bItreI/vt.出卖,背叛2/dstIs/n.公正,正义3/kmprmaIz/n. & v妥协,让步4/preddIs/n.偏见;成见5/Ikspz/vt.使置身于危险中;暴露6/dIpt/n.离开,离去7/klsIfaI/vt.把分类;归类8/sbskraIb/

7、(to)v.订阅(杂志或报纸)9/pInt/vt.任命,委任betrayjusticecompromiseprejudiceexposedepartureclassifysubscribeappoint10/lans/n.零用钱;津贴11/kntrdIkt/vt.反驳,纠正12/nkns/adj.失去知觉的13/rit/vt.问候,致意14/rImk/vt.说起,谈到15/kweIntns/n.相识的人16/spns/vt.赞助17/Intend/vt.想要,打算18/Ikspens/n.费用,开支19/ut/vt. & vi.射击 n射击,开枪allowancecontradictuncon

8、sciousgreetremarkacquaintancesponsorintendexpenseshootshot20/pzen/n.私有物质 vt.拥有21/ju njn/n.联合会,工会 v联合 adj.联合的22/sIjrIti/n.安全 adj.安全的23/reprIzenttIv/n.代表 vt.代表24/dIstrIbjut/vt.分发,分配 n分配;分布possessionpossessunionuniteunitedsecuritysecurerepresentativerepresentdistributedistribution25/knsjum/vt.喝;消费;消耗 n

9、消费者26/stren/vt.(使)变强,加强 n力量 adj.强壮的27/lIbreIn/n.解放 v解放28/fnIt/adj.配有家具的 v在(房屋等)布置家具;提供consumeconsumestrengthenstrengthstrongliberationliberatefurnishedfurnish.重点短语识记1The driver wouldnt tell him how the accident came about(发生)2The man robbing a girl of her ring was caught and handed over(交给)to the po

10、lice.3Two policemen have been called in(请来)to help solve the problem.4She thinks they look down on(看不起)her because she is a cleaner.5Information has been put forward(提出)that more middle school graduates will have more opportunities to go abroad for further study.6Leave this house now,or I will send

11、for(叫)the police.7The government has set up a working party to look into(调查)the problem of drug abuse.8Will the food supply hold out(坚持)through the winter?【短语归纳】1be exposed to处于可能受伤害的境地处于可能受伤害的境地2hand over 把把交给交给3in a flash 瞬间,即刻瞬间,即刻4stand up for 保护,维护;保卫保护,维护;保卫5put forward 提议,提出提议,提出6from then on

12、 从那时起,以后从那时起,以后7send for 派人去请派人去请/(叫叫)8call in 请请(某人某人)9have a gift for 有有的天赋的天赋10keep off 减去减去11hold out (在困境中在困境中)坚持坚持12call on 要求要求介入;呼吁介入;呼吁13look down on 看不起看不起14keep ones word 遵守诺言遵守诺言15come about 发生发生16in peace 和平地和平地17look into 调查调查18sort out 解决解决(问题或困难问题或困难);分类;分类19bid.goodbye 向向告别告别20bring

13、 sth.on sb. 给某人招来给某人招来(不愉快的不愉快的)事情事情.经典原句默写1No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full nights sleep.他们一搬进去噪音就开始了,他们几乎没有睡过一个好觉。2.but it is the fact that people have classified his music as “noise” that upsets him most但是,人们把他的音乐归类为“噪音”的事实使他最心烦。3This patient still h

14、ad fresh scars from his first visit to us and this time hed had both his legs blown off.这个病人还带着第一次在我们这里住院时留下的新伤疤,而这次他的双腿被炸掉了1expose vt.显露,暴露;使暴露于险境;揭露;使接触(新事物)教材原句Yang Mings neighbours say they were being driven mad being exposed to such noise.杨明的邻居们说处于这样的噪音中他们快要被逼疯了。(1)expose.to.使面临;使遭受;使体验expose o

15、neself to 使自己暴露于be exposed to 处于可能受到伤害的境地expose sb.as sth. 揭露某人为(2)exposure n. 暴露;揭露We can expose our children to the best values we have found.我们能够让孩子接受我们所发现的最佳价值观Klaus von Bulow was exposed as a liar and a cheat.据透露,克劳斯冯布洛是一个说谎者和骗子。This plant cant be exposed to strong sunshine.这种植物不能暴露在强光下。2classi

16、fy vt.把某物分成,把分类教材原句Yang Ming hates being called an alcoholic,but it is the fact that people have classified his music as “noise” that upsets him most.杨明讨厌被称作酒鬼,但是事实上人们把他的音乐归类于“噪音”,最让他感到郁闷。classify.into.把分成类classify.as. 把划分为;把列为classify.according to/by. 按分类Living creatures are classified into plants,

17、animals and protists.生物体可分别归类为植物、动物及原生生物。Would you classify her novels as serious literature or others?你认为她的小说属于严肃文学类,还是其他类?The books in the library are classified according to/by subject图书馆的书是按照科目分类的。3appoint vt.任命,委任;安排,确定经典例句The committee appointed a day in June for celebrations.(朗文P85)委员会把庆典定在6月

18、的一天举行。(1)appoint sb.(to be/as)sth.任命某人为appoint sb.to do sth. 委派某人做某事appoint sb.to sp./a post 委派某人到某处任职/任某职appoint for 为(某事)约定(时间)(2)appointment n. 任命,委任;约会make an appointment with. 与约会have an appointment 有约会The Chinese government has appointed its representatives to the conference.中国政府已指定出席这次会议的代表。Z

19、hang Zheng was appointed(to be/as) captain of Chinas first aircraft carrier “Liaoning”张峥被任命为中国第一艘航空母舰“辽宁舰”舰长。His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 830.(2013山东高考阅读A)他的约会在早上十点钟,现在已经八点半了。I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.我已约好今天下午去看牙医。链接高考(2014浙江高考改编)Amie Salmon,disabled,is

20、attended throughout her school days by a nurse appointed(appoint)to guard her.4possession n私有物品;拥有,占有教材原句You are always going off with my possessions and not giving them back.你总是拿我的东西却不归还。No possession,but use,is the only riches.(谚)真正的财富不是占有,而是使用。(1)take/have possession of占有,拥有in possession of (某人)占

21、有,拥有in the possession of sb.in ones possession 为某人所有(2)possess vt. 具有;控制be possessed of 拥有,具有,占有We cant take possession of the house until all the papers have been signed.所有的文件都签字以后,我们才能拥有这房子。Its not wishing for what we dont have,but enjoying what we do possess.(2013天津高考阅读D)幸福不是凭空许愿,而是享受拥有。She was p

22、ossessed of exceptional powers of concentration.她有高超的专注能力。【名师指津】possession作“财产,私有物品”讲时,常用复数形式。当我们乘坐飞机回家经过英国上空时,我们两个都评论说所有的一切看起来是那么的绿。(1)remark that.评论remark on/upon sth./sb. 就某事/某人发表评论(2)make/pass a remark on/about 就发表意见;对品头论足(3)remarkable adj. 不平常的;值得注意的be remarkable for 因而著名They are remarking upon

23、 the prosperous look of the countryside.他们在讨论农村的繁荣景象。She could hear the other girls making rude remarks about her她可以听见其他女孩在说她的坏话。Mount Wuyi is remarkable for its wide range of living things.武夷山以其生物多样性著称。【熟词生义】选择句中remark的含义I remarked the tense atmosphere as soon as I entered the room.A察觉B说起C谈论答案A6dis

24、tribute vt.分发,分配;散布,分布教材原句Bill distributed the beer among us and we consumed the lot.比尔给我们分发了啤酒,我们都喝了。Some goods we distribute by merit,others by need,still others by chance.(2013江苏高考阅读B)一些货物是按功绩分配的,另外一些是按需求,还有一些是偶然分配的。distribute sth.to把某物分(配,发)给distribute sth.among 在中分配distribute.over. 散布,分布The pri

25、nters will arrange to distribute the books to every important city in the country.出版商们将设法把书发送到全国各个重要的城市。The Red Cross Society of China distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims.中国红十字会向地震灾民分发了食品和毯子。The farmers in the distance are distributing seeds over the fields.远处的农民正在田间播种。7intend vi

26、.想要,打算;设计,计划教材原句Unless I receive a positive reply within the next three weeks,I intend to take further action.如果在三周之内得不到肯定答复,我将采取进一步行动。(1)intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事intend that. 打算从句动词用(should)动词原形had intended to do sth.intended to have done sth. 本打算做某事(2)be intended fo

27、r 为打算/设计的I didnt intend her to see the painting until it was finished.我原本不想在画还没有完成时就让她看。When international aid is given,steps must be taken to ensure(确保)that the aid reaches the people for whom it is intended(2013江西高考阅读B)当进行国际援助时,必须采取措施确保援助能给予被帮助的人。I had intended to do it,but Im afraid I forgot.我本打算

28、去做的,但我恐怕是我忘了。8expense n费用,开支高考佳句Unfortunately,the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars.In addition,they used millions more dollars for personal expenses.(2012山东高考阅读A)然而不幸的是,政府领导投资失误,损失了成千上万美元。另外,他们将多达百万美元的钱财挪为己用。at sb.s expense 由某人付费at the expense of 以(损害)为代价spare no expe

29、nse 不惜费用;不惜代价If you are not totally satisfied,return it at our expense and your money will be given back to you.(2013北京高考阅读A)如果你不很满意,请寄还给我们,费用由我们承担,你的钱将退还给你。His fame was bought at the expense of health and happiness他获得了名声,牺牲了健康和幸福。间考词汇1betray vt. 出卖,背叛betray oneself 暴露出本来面目,原形毕露betray.to. 出卖给They ha

30、d been betraying state secrets to Russia for years.他们多年来一直向俄罗斯泄露国家机密。2compromise n& v妥协,让步,和解make a compromise with与妥协compromise with sb.on/over sth. 和某人就某事达成妥协reach/arrive at/work out a compromise 达成妥协Is the boss prepared to compromise with the workers over their pay demand?老板是否准备向工人就其工资要求进行妥协呢?3re

31、presentative adj.典型的;有代表性的n代表a representative of的典型a representative to 的代表The tiger is a representative of the cat family.老虎是猫科动物的典型。4acquaintance n了解;熟人,相识的人make acquaintance with与相识have an/some acquaintance with sth. 对某事有了解Its my great pleasure to make acquaintance with you.能认识你我很高兴。5handful n一把,少

32、数He dipped into the bag and brought out a handful of sample wheat.他把手伸进袋里,取出一把小麦样品。学以致用.单句语法填空1A large sum of money has been allocated(allocate)for rebuilding schools after the earthquake,and the money will be distributed(distribute)among schools in the area.2There are(be)only a handful of birds in

33、the cage,so a handful of rice is(be)to be taken out of the bag for them.Thats enough.3Nowadays,parents spare no expense for the college entrance exam for their children.4Doctors warn people that one may develop skin cancer with his skin exposed to the sun too much.5If we all agree to make a compromi

34、se with each other when we are in disputes,wars are forever gone.多维演练1classifyAccording to the statement of John,who majors in medicine,patients are classified into three categories.Nations are classified as “aged” when they have 7 percent or more of their people aged 65 or above.2appoint(1)介词填空He a

35、ppointed Wang Xin as leader of our team.Have you made an appointment with your dentist this afternoon?(2)完成句子She is popular with her friends,because she always keeps an appointment她很受朋友的欢迎,因为她总是很守约。My sister has been appointed as sales director.My sister has been appointed to the post of sales direc

36、tor.我姐姐被任命为销售部经理。The committee appointed a day in June for celebrations.委员会约定在六月份的某一天进行庆祝活动。The headmaster has appointed the headteacher to look into the matter.校长已委派班主任去调查此事。This morning the manager will make an appointment with those to seek the job.今天上午经理要约见那些谋求职位的人。3possession(1)用possess的适当形式填空H

37、e decided to go to America alone to make his fortune without any friends or possessionsThe car Tom was in possession of was once in the possession of his uncle.The country possesses rich natural resources.(2)句型转换This house has been in his possession since 1950.This house has been in the possession o

38、f him since 1950.Charles is in possession of sound body.Charles is possessed of sound body.Charles takes/has possession of sound body.4remark(1)用remark的适当形式填空Many people remark on/about West Lake,because it is remarkable for beautiful scenery.Obama made a remarkable speech after being elected presid

39、ent a second time.His remarks inspired many American people.They made rude remarks about her appearance.(2)句型转换The audience remarked that the opening ceremony of the National Games was very good.The audience made a good remark on/about the opening ceremony of the National Games.(3)完成句子Everyone remar

40、ked on his absence without any reason.人人对他的无故缺席都评论一番。The editor remarked that the article was well written.编辑说那篇文章写得很好。Dont make rude remarks on others disabilities.不要对别人的残疾胡乱品评。5intend(1)完成句子The book is intended for parents with young children.这本书是专为有小孩的父母而设计的。We had intended that he would be more

41、brave than wise.我们原以为他有勇无谋。He intended that she(should)go there/He intended her to go there他打算让她去那儿。(2)根据汉语提示完成小片段My mother intends to hold a party for fathers birthday.But she is busy with work,so she intends me to prepare for it.She requested that all the activities and gifts should be intended fo

42、r father.And we all need to keep it secret,because father has no intention of holding a birthday party.妈妈打算为爸爸的生日举办一个聚会。但是她工作很忙,因此她打算让我为聚会做准备。妈妈要求所有的活动和礼物都必须是专门为爸爸所设计的。并且,我们大家都必须保密,因为爸爸没有举办生日聚会的打算。1hand over把交给教材原句Friction between the familyrun business and the military government first became serio

43、us when the owner wouldnt hand over his “secret recipe”当店主不愿意交出秘方时,这个家族企业和军政府之间的摩擦首当其冲地变得严重起来。hand down把传下来hand around 传递;分发hand back 归还;交还hand in 上交,提交hand out 分发,散发Many old legends are handed down from generation by mouth.许多古老的传说都是一代一代口传下来了。The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the

44、lesson.开始上课时,老师给大家发书。2put forward提议,提出;推荐;将提前高考佳句I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV.(2012湖北高考完形填空)我倾向于接受电视上专家提出的任何观点。put aside保留;把放在一边;留出(一段时间);储存(备用)put down 记下,写下put off 推迟,延期put out 关(灯);出版;发布;生产The president had to put aside some pet programs to deal with a crisis.总统必须把一些喜爱的事

45、暂放一边而先去处理紧急事件。Far water does not put out near fire.(谚)远水救不了近火。They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.他们决定把会议推迟到圣诞节以后。【联想归纳】我们学过的表示“提出”的词语还有哪些?请补全。bring upbring forwardput forth come up withraise3look into 调查;了解教材原句And we will look into the subject of compensating you for your inju

46、ry.并且我们将对你的伤害进行补偿这一问题展开调查。look up 仰视;查阅look up to sb. 尊敬某人look down upon 瞧不起look back on/at 回顾look ahead(to sth.) 展望未来;为将来设想Hes a fine teacher.Weve always looked up to him.他是一位优秀教师,我们一向很尊敬他。Nobody will look up to you if you look down upon yourself如果你自己都瞧不起自己,没人会瞧得起你。I like to look back on my highsch

47、ool days,which were the happiest in my life.我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我生命中最快乐的时光。链接高考(2011四川高考改编)I often look up the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet.学以致用.介、副词填空1The government has called on the graduates to work in the west.2Its high time that we looked into this matter together.3Her name

48、 was put forward as the best for the job.4I have no sympathyyou brought it all on yourself.5The old man made a will to hand over all his money to the girl.6He will give in to his opponents claim rather than wrangle(争吵)over a disputed point.7Could you sort out the toys that can be thrown away?8She th

49、inks they look down on her because she didnt go to university.多维演练1hand短语(1)介、副词填空The land was handed back to its original owner.Our teacher was handing out the exercise books when a telephone call was for her.All the exercise books must be handed in before you leave school.Please hand on the magazi

50、ne to your friends.(2)完成句子This pair of earrings was handed down from my grandmother这对耳环是我祖母传下来的。She resigned and handed over her position to one of her younger colleagues.她辞职了,把她的职位移交给了一位比她年轻的同事。2put短语(1)用put的相关短语完成下列句子It was only after careful consideration that he put forward his views.A notice wa

51、s put up in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.Considering your salary,you should be able to put aside at least twenty dollars a week.Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.The firemen worked hard but were not able to put out the big fire.We are going to put the p

52、lay on again next week owing to its success.(2)用put的相关短语完成下列片段Hearing that Mount Tai was on fire,the mayor put down the phone,put on his coat and went to the firefighters.There the firefighters were trying their best to put out the fire using water.But some experts put forward that the firefighters

53、shouldnt be allowed to get close to the fire.Because of the big fire,the mayor had to put off several meetings.3look短语(1)用look相关短语完成下列句子The time has come when we should look ahead to the future.Be patient.Well look into the matter as soon as possible.I looked through todays newspaper but found nothi

54、ng interesting.When crossing the street,we should look out for cars.The rich man looked down on/upon his poorer neighbors.(2)翻译句子我们在事故现场查找一些有用信息以便我们能进一步调查这件事情。We looked up some useful information at the accident site so that we can look into the matter further.随着寒假的来临,很多学生盼望着去参观上海世博园。With the winter

55、 holiday coming near,many students are looking forward to visiting the Shanghai Expo Garden.1No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full nights sleep.他们刚搬过去,噪音就开始了,他们几乎没有睡过一个囫囵觉。(1)本句中no sooner.than.意为“一就”,主句的动词时态为过去完成时,从句的动词时态为一般过去时,如果no sooner置于句首,主句要用部分倒装句式。He

56、had no sooner returned than he bought a new house.他一回来就买了一套新房子。No sooner had the game started than it began to rain heavily.运动会刚开始,天就下起了大雨。(2)与no sooner.than.短语类似的还有hardly/scarcely.when 意思为“刚就”(主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时,并且when有时可改用before)He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house.他刚安顿下来,就卖

57、掉了那所房子。I had scarcely done my homework before my mother came in.我刚做完功课,母亲就进来了。链接高考(2014陕西高考改编)No sooner had Moyan stepped (莫言迈步)on the stage than the audience broke into thunderout applause.2In fact,the more I use the bike,the more weight I seem to put on,despite following the instruction manual car

58、efully.事实上,虽然我按照说明认真去做,但是我骑车的次数越多,体重增加的就越多。(1)“the比较级.the比较级.”是固定句型,意为“越,越”。第一个“the比较级.”相当于条件状语从句,第二个“the比较级.”相当于主句。如果第二个“the比较级.”用一般将来时,则第一个“the比较级.”通常用一般现在时表将来。The harder you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.(2014辽宁高考语法填空)你试图打他越狠,你就越可能被打中。(2)这个句型表示从句和主句的变化是同时进行的,即主句的情况随着从句表示的程度而变化。

59、“the比较级.”要分别放在两个句子的主谓结构之前,两句之间可以用逗号隔开,当意思很明白时,两句常采用省略形式。The busier she is,the happier she feels.她越忙,就感到越快活。The more,the better(谚)多多益善。学以致用.单句语法填空1Hardly had I picked up the phone when I was told that the hotel had been booked up.2The more you listen to English,the easier(easy)youll feel in speaking

60、English.翻译句子1她还没走出家门,就有一个学生来看望她。No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her.She had no sooner gone out than a student came to visit her.Hardly/Scarcely had she gone out when/before a student came to visit her.2战争持续得越久,那里的人们受难就越多。The longer the war lasts,the more the people there will

61、 suffer.倒装句与“it”分裂句;表达完成的动词形式单句语法填空1Only when they put their heads together did they make(make)such a brilliant plan and complete the task ahead of schedule.2So popular has kite flying become that it attracts more than 100,000 kite fans to this city.3Not until I turned on TV did I know that the Chin

62、ese was rescued by the European Union Task Force.4She realized that it was not the words but the way she spoke to Bruce that hurt him.5Was it at 11 oclock that your father came back last night?Yes,he is always coming back so late.6It is unclear what caused the accident,but the police believe that the driver had drunk(drink)alcohol.



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