八年级英语下册 Unit 4 He said I was hardworking新课标同步配套课件 人教新目标版

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1、语言目标语言目标转述他人话语转述他人话语语言结构语言结构 直接引语与间接引语直接引语与间接引语词汇短语词汇短语与学习相关的词汇与学习相关的词汇 suppose 假定;认为;期望假定;认为;期望hard-working 勤勉的;努力工作的勤勉的;努力工作的report card 成绩单成绩单nervous 神经紧张的;不安的神经紧张的;不安的semester 学期学期disappointing 使人失望的;令人扫兴的使人失望的;令人扫兴的词汇短语词汇短语与学习相关的词汇与学习相关的词汇 copy 复制;抄袭复制;抄袭graduate (大学)毕业生(大学)毕业生be supposed to 被期

2、望或被要求被期望或被要求do well in 在在方面做得好方面做得好first of all 首先首先get over 克服;恢复克服;恢复词汇短语词汇短语其他词汇其他词汇 message 消息;信息消息;信息true 真实的真实的lucky 幸运的幸运的own 自己的自己的poor 贫穷的;贫困的贫穷的;贫困的词汇短语词汇短语其他词汇其他词汇 decision 决定;决心决定;决心husband 丈夫丈夫influence 影响影响return 回来;返回回来;返回hometown 家乡;故乡家乡;故乡词汇短语词汇短语其他词汇其他词汇 danger 危险危险pass on 传递传递in g

3、ood health 身体健康身体健康open up 打开打开care for 照料;照顾照料;照顾句型展示句型展示1. 你曾经看过肥皂剧吗?你曾经看过肥皂剧吗?Do you _ _ soap operas? 2. 拉娜说她不再生马西娅的气了。拉娜说她不再生马西娅的气了。Lana said she _ _ _ Marcia _ . 答案:答案:1. ever watch 2. wasnt mad at; anymore3. 拉娜告诉马西娅她将在星期五晚上带些书到她家里来。拉娜告诉马西娅她将在星期五晚上带些书到她家里来。Lana told Marcia she _ _ some books _

4、her house _ Friday night. 答案:答案:would bring; to; on 短语匹配短语匹配 () () 1. have a surprise party A. 把某物带给某人把某物带给某人2. be mad at B. 在星期五晚上在星期五晚上3. not. . . anymore C. 不再不再4. bring sth. to sb. D. 对对生气生气5. on Friday night E. 举办一场令人惊奇的聚会举办一场令人惊奇的聚会Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore. 拉娜说她不再生马西娅的气了。拉娜说她不

5、再生马西娅的气了。 not. . . anymore也也可可以以表表达达为为not. . . any more, 意意为为“不不再再”,与与no more 同同义义,表表示示数数量量或或程程度度,句句中中动动词词一一般为非延续性动词。般为非延续性动词。 He is _ a child. A. not any more B. not any longer C. no more D. no longer【点拨【点拨】选选D。句意为:他不再是个孩子了。句意为:他不再是个孩子了。not. . . anymore/not. . . any longer(1)not. . . anymore 也也可可表表

6、达达为为not. . . any more,意意为为“不不再再”,与与no more同同义义,表表示示数数量量或或程程度度,句句中中动动词词一一般般为非延续性动词。为非延续性动词。(2)not. . . any longer =no longer, 意意为为“不不再再”,主主要要用用来来表表示示时时间间或或状状态态的的“不不再再”,多多用用于于一一般般现现在在时时,句句中中动词一般为延续性动词。动词一般为延续性动词。 mad adj. 很生气的;气愤的很生气的;气愤的I was mad at Marcia. 我生马西娅的气。我生马西娅的气。 Many teenagers _ computer

7、games. A. are angry with B. are mad at C. are mad about D. be mad of 【点拨【点拨】选选C。句意为:许多青少年对电脑游戏着迷。句意为:许多青少年对电脑游戏着迷。(1)be angry with/at 意意为为“生生某某人人的的气气”,同同义义短短语语为为be mad with/at。(2)be mad about/on意意为为“对对着着迷迷;狂狂热的迷恋热的迷恋”,没有,没有be mad of 的用法。的用法。. 用所给词的适当形式填空(用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)1. He said he _(call

8、)me tomorrow. 2. Ben said he _(see) an accident in the street this morning. 3. We thought we _(be) going to Marys house to study. 答案:答案:1. would call 2. saw 3. were4. George said that he _(take) his volleyball to school every day. 5. Please tell me what _(happen) on “Young Lives” last night. 答案:答案:4

9、. took 5. happened单项选择单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分分)( ) 1. He asked me _ . A. when the plane will take offB. when will the plane take offC. when the plane would take offD. when would the plane take off( )2. We were all _ when we heard the _ news. A. surprised; surprised B. surprising; surprising C. surprised; su

10、rprising D. surprising; surprised( )3. The teacher was mad _ Jack because he came to school late again yesterday. A. at B. in C. about D. on ( )4. The little boy didnt cry anymore when he saw his mother. A. stopped to cry B. stopped crying C. didnt stop to cry D. didnt stop crying( )5. We will hold

11、a sports meeting _ April, 29th. A. in B. on C. at D. of 句型展示句型展示1. 首先,马西娅告诉本她打算为拉娜举办一个惊喜的晚会。首先,马西娅告诉本她打算为拉娜举办一个惊喜的晚会。_ _ _ , Marcia told Ben she _ having a surprise party for Lana. 答案:答案:First of all; was2. 马西娅给每个人打电话并告诉他们她将不举办晚会了。马西娅给每个人打电话并告诉他们她将不举办晚会了。Marcia _ everyone and told them she _ _ _ hav

12、e the party. 3. 你应该今天早上在车站见面并归还它。你应该今天早上在车站见面并归还它。You _ _ _ meet at the bus stop this morning to return it. 答案:答案:2. called; wasnt going to 3. were supposed to 短语匹配短语匹配1. an exciting week A. 举办一场令人吃惊的晚会举办一场令人吃惊的晚会2. have a surprise party B. 做作业做作业3. pass on the message C. 被期望或被要求被期望或被要求4. work on a

13、homework project D. 令人兴奋的一周令人兴奋的一周5. be supposed to E. 传递信息传递信息be supposed to 被期望或被要求被期望或被要求 You are supposed to get to school on time. 你应该按时到校。你应该按时到校。 Children are not supposed to play in the garden. A. should B. shouldntC. must D. mustnt 【点点拨拨】选选B。be supposed to do sth. 意意为为“被被期期望望、应应该该做做某某事事”相相当

14、当于于should; be not supposed to do sth. 意意为为“不许不许; 不可不可”相当于相当于shouldnt, 故选故选B。 message n. 消息;信息消息;信息Please pass on the message to Tom. 请把这个口信传给汤姆。请把这个口信传给汤姆。 I got much _ about the illness on the Internet. A. message B. messagesC. newes D. information【点点拨拨】选选D。句句意意为为:我我在在电电脑脑上上找找到到了了许许多多关关于于那那种种疾疾病病的的

15、信信息息。much修修饰饰不不可可数数名名词词,message为为可可数数名名词词,故故排排除除A和和B两两项项,C项项newes拼拼写写错错误误,应应为为news“消消息息;新闻新闻”, 为不可数名词。故选为不可数名词。故选D。message/news/informationmessage 意为意为“消息;信息消息;信息”,是可数名词,常指,是可数名词,常指派人传达的消息,可以是口头的,也可以派人传达的消息,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。是书面的。news 意为意为“消息;新闻消息;新闻”,是不可数名词,指,是不可数名词,指通过广播、电视、报纸等媒体,面向大众通过广播、电视、报纸等媒体,面向

16、大众报告的最新消息和新闻,强调新鲜及时。报告的最新消息和新闻,强调新鲜及时。information 意为意为“消息;信息;情报;资料消息;信息;情报;资料”,是不,是不可数名词,通常指通过阅读、观察、调查、可数名词,通常指通过阅读、观察、调查、学习或研究等方法所获得的或收集到的信学习或研究等方法所获得的或收集到的信息,这些信息被认为有一定的用途或使用息,这些信息被认为有一定的用途或使用价值,强调内容。价值,强调内容。. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 (5分钟,分钟,10分分)message, suppose, excite, be, return1. What

17、_ news it is! 2. Lucy called you with a _ for Nancy. 答案:答案:1. exciting 2. message3. Mike borrowed my bike yesterday and didnt _ it. 4. I dont think you are _ to smoke in the classroom. 5. My parents told me they _ going to buy me a new computer. 答案:答案:3. return 4. supposed 5. were单项选择单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分

18、分)( )1. What did you say? I said I _ mad at you anymore. A. am B. wasntC. will be not D. werent ( )2. _ , lets finish our homework. A. After all B. First of allC. At all D. At last( )3. Read the letter and _ to him. A. pass on B. pass it onC. pass on it D. pass( )4. You _ arrive at 7: 30 a. m. , but

19、 you arrived at 8: 00 a. m. last Sunday. Dont be late this time. A. supposed to B. are supposed to C. supposed D. were supposed to( )5. Im at Marys house _ a homework project. A. work on B. working onC. work D. working句型展示句型展示1. 他说我学习努力。他说我学习努力。He said I _ _ . 2. 我擅长口语。我擅长口语。Im _ _ speaking.答案:答案:1.

20、 was hard-working 2. good at3. 在英语方面,阅读和听力比起来我更擅长阅读。在英语方面,阅读和听力比起来我更擅长阅读。In English, Im _ at _ than listening. 4. 我能把数学学得更好。我能把数学学得更好。I can do _ _ math. 答案:答案:3. better; reading 4. better in 词语连一连词语连一连1. hard-working A. 成绩单成绩单2. be good at B. 在在方面做得更好方面做得更好3. do better in C. 懒学生懒学生4. report card D.

21、努力工作的努力工作的5. lazy students E. 擅长擅长do well in 在在方面做得好方面做得好 My brother does well in playing the guitar. 我弟弟擅长弹吉他。我弟弟擅长弹吉他。 do well in 在在方方面面做做得得好好,其其同同义义短短语语为为be good at,其比较级形式为,其比较级形式为do better in /be better at。 Doing eye exercises is good _ your eyes. A. at B. for C. with D. to【点点拨拨】选选B。句句意意为为:做做眼眼保

22、保健健操操对对你你的的眼眼睛睛有有好好处处。be good for“对对有好处有好处”。be good at “擅长擅长”,后接名词、代词或,后接名词、代词或v. -ing形式。形式。 be good for “对对有好处有好处” be good with “与与相处得好相处得好” be good to “对对友好友好”. 用所给词的适当形式填空(用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)1. Of all the students in our class, Lin Mei is _ (hard-working) one. 2. You can listen more to impr

23、ove your _ (listen). 答案:答案:1. the most hard-working 2. listening3. She is good at _ (play) computer games. 4. She does _ (well) than Li Ping in swimming. 5. He told me he _ (have) to do his homework. 答案:答案:3. playing 4. better 5. had . 句型转换(句型转换(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)1. Tom is good at reading. Im better at r

24、eading(合为一句)合为一句)Im _ _ reading _ Tom. 2. My math teacher said I was hard-working. (对对划划线线部部分分提提问问)_ _ your math teacher _ ? 答案:答案:1. better at; than 2. What did; say3. He said to me, “I will be a volunteer next year. ” (改改为为间间接引语)接引语)He _ me that _ _ be a volunteer the next year. 4. “Do you watch T

25、V every night? ”he asked Linda. (间间接接引引语)语)He asked Linda _ _ _ _ every night. 答案:答案:3. told; he would 4. if she watched TV5. I think Tom is a lazy student. (该为否定句该为否定句)I _ _ Tom _ a lazy student. 答案:答案:dont think; is句型展示句型展示1. 一切顺利吗?一切顺利吗?_ it going? 2. 我希望你们身体健康。我希望你们身体健康。I hope you are _ _ _ .答案:

26、答案:1. Hows 2. in good health3. 好消息是数学老师说我很用功。好消息是数学老师说我很用功。The good news _ that my math teacher said I _ _ . 4. 西班牙语老师说我听力很好。西班牙语老师说我听力很好。My Spanish teacher said my _ _ very good. 答案:答案:3. is; was hard-working 4. listening was5. 这就是目前我全部的消息。这就是目前我全部的消息。Thats about _ _ _ I have for now. 答案:答案:all the

27、 news 英汉词组翻译英汉词组翻译1. have a cold _2. 身体健康身体健康 _3. do her own work _4. 克服克服 _5. have a big fight _答案:答案:1. 感冒感冒 2. be in good health 3. 做她自己的工作做她自己的工作4. get over 5. 狠狠地吵了一架狠狠地吵了一架I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. 我很遗憾地听说上周他感冒了。我很遗憾地听说上周他感冒了。 Im sorry to hear that. . . 是是常常见见的的交交际际用用语语

28、。在在听听到到不不愉愉快快或或不不幸幸的的事事情情时时,常常用用这这个个句句型型来来表表示示对对对对方方的的同同情或安慰。情或安慰。 听说你妈妈病了我很难过。听说你妈妈病了我很难过。Im _ _ _ that your mother is ill. 对不起,我不会回答这个问题。对不起,我不会回答这个问题。_ _ , I cant answer this question. 【点拨【点拨】sorry to hear Im sorryIm sorry的常见用法:的常见用法:(1)表示同情或后悔,意为)表示同情或后悔,意为“我很难过;我很遗憾我很难过;我很遗憾”。(2)表示道歉,意为)表示道歉,意为

29、“对不起;很抱歉对不起;很抱歉”。(3)表示客气地提出异议或拒绝,后常接)表示客气地提出异议或拒绝,后常接but分句。分句。(4)表表示示没没有有听听清清对对方方的的话话,请请对对方方重重说说一一遍遍(主主要要用用于于英式英语中,相当于英式英语中,相当于I beg your pardon. )。 1. in good health 身体健康身体健康Her grandmother is in good health. 她奶奶身体健康。她奶奶身体健康。 Its important for us to _ . A. be in bad health B. keep health C. stay he

30、althy D. keep in good healthy【点点拨拨】选选C。句句意意为为:保保持持健健康康对对我我们们很很重重要要。be in good /bad health 健健康康/不不健健康康; keep in good health 保保持持健健康;康;keep (stay) healthy 保持健康。保持健康。2. I had a really hard time with science this semester. 这学期我科学真是学得挺困难的。这学期我科学真是学得挺困难的。 have a hard time with sth. “做做某某事事很很吃吃力力,很很困困难难”。其

31、其后后接接动动词词时时用用动动名名词词形形式式,即即:have a hard time (in) doing sth. 。 He had a difficult time in winning the match. (词词语语替换替换)A. had a hard time in B. had trouble in C. had problems in D. All the above【点点拨拨】选选D。have a difficult time with sth. /(in) doing sth. , 相相当当于于have a hard time / problems/trouble/diff

32、iculty with sth. /(in) doing sth. 意为意为“做某事很困难做某事很困难”, 故选故选D。. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空(从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)luck, disappoint, true, hear, start1. She said I was lazy, which isnt _ . 2. You are really a _ dog. 3. Another _ news was in history. I only got a C. 答案:答案:1. true 2. lucky 3. disappointing4.

33、Copying homework can _ a bad habit. 5. Im sorry _ that you are ill. 答案:答案:4. start 5. to hear. 单项选择(单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)( )1. I hope you are _ good health. A. in B. on C. with D. for( )2. _?Very well. A. How do you do B. Hows it goingC. How are you D. How do you think of it ( )3. Lin Tao had a hard ti

34、me _ English last term. A. in B. at C. with D. of( )4. We finished our _ exams yesterday. A. end of year B. end of-yearC. end-of-year D. end-of-years( )5. I dont think its good to copy others homework. You should _ it. A. get over B. get on C. get up D. get off句型展示句型展示1. 她说帮助别人改变了她的生活。她说帮助别人改变了她的生活。

35、She said _ _ _ her life. 2. 每年他们派每年他们派100名志愿者到中国偏远的地区去支教。名志愿者到中国偏远的地区去支教。Every year they _ 100 volunteers _ _ in Chinas rural areas. 答案:答案:1. helping others changed 2. send; to teach3. 起初,稀薄的空气让她感到不舒服。起初,稀薄的空气让她感到不舒服。At first the thin air _ her _ sick. 4. 现在的年轻人需要经历不同的事情。现在的年轻人需要经历不同的事情。Young people

36、 today _ _ _ different things.答案:答案:3. made; feel 4. need to experience5. 我我能能把把学学生生的的视视野野拓拓展展至至外外面面的的世世界界,并并给给他他们们的的生生活活一个好的开端。一个好的开端。I can _ _ my students eyes to the outside world and give them a _ _ in life. 答案:答案:open up; good start 短语连一连短语连一连1. in a poor village A. 作为一名志愿者作为一名志愿者 2. sound like

37、 B. 照料;照顾照料;照顾3. as a volunteer C. 超出海平面超出海平面4. above sea level D. 听起来像听起来像5. care for E. 在一个贫穷的村子在一个贫穷的村子Her village was 2, 000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick. 她她所所在在的的村村子子海海拔拔2 000米米,开开始始时时稀稀薄薄的的空空气气使使她她感感到到恶恶心。心。 above prep, 意意为为“在在之之上上”,其其反反义义词词为为below“在在之之下

38、下”;above sea level意意为为“在在海海平平面面以以上上”,反义词组为,反义词组为below sea level“在海平面以下在海平面以下”。 There is a stone bridge _ the river. A. above B. on C. over D. in【点点拨拨】选选C。句句意意为为:河河上上有有座座石石桥桥。排排除除D项项,in “在在里面里面”。在某物的正上方,不接触,用。在某物的正上方,不接触,用over, 故选故选C。above/on/over表示方位表示方位above 意为意为“在在(偏)上方(偏)上方”,指,指“(位置)(位置)高于高于”,还可指

39、,还可指“(顺序)在前,(职(顺序)在前,(职位)在上等位)在上等”,表示两者不接触,也没有垂,表示两者不接触,也没有垂直关系,与直关系,与below(在(在下面)相对。下面)相对。on 指两者接触,在垂直的上方,与指两者接触,在垂直的上方,与beneath(在(在下)相对。下)相对。over 强调在某物的正上方,但不接触,与强调在某物的正上方,但不接触,与under(在在下下)相对。相对。 return v. 回来;返回回来;返回Mr. Li will return to Beijing in two days. 李先生两天后回北京。李先生两天后回北京。 You must _ these b

40、ooks _ the library on time. A. return; to B. give; back C. return; back D. give; to 【点点拨拨】选选A。由由句句意意“你你必必须须按按时时把把这这些些书书归归还还给给图图书书馆馆。”return 有有“回回来来;返返回回”的的意意思思,还还可可以以意意为为“归归还还”,return sth. to. . . 相相当当于于give back sth. to. . . “把把归归还还给给”,后者,后者sth. 为代词时,应为为代词时,应为“give sth. back to. . . ”;give sth. to

41、“把某物给某人把某物给某人”,不合题意,故选,不合题意,故选A。. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)1._ (teach) high school students in a poor mountain village isnt an easy job. 2. Both my mother and my father _ (enjoy) watching Beijing Opera. 答案:答案: 1. Teaching 2. enjoy3. Its not easy to find the _ (different) between the twin

42、brothers. 4. Tony wants to work in China after _ (finish) study in Beijing University. 5. We should care for animals in _ (dangerous). 答案:答案: 3. differences 4. finishing 5. danger. 单项选择单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)( )1. That _ like a good idea. A. sound B. sounds C. looks D. look( )2. Bill said they would have

43、 a _ holiday. A. two-month B. two-monthsC. two month D. two months( )3. This mountain is about 1, 000 feet _ the sea level. A. above B. overC. on D. makes ( )4. He worked there _ an assistant tutor at the beginning, and later a leader. A. as B. like C. doing D. be( )5. Mike _ my umbrella but he didn

44、t _ . A. borrow; return it B. borrowed; return it C. borrow; give it back D. borrowed; return it back直接引语与间接引语直接引语与间接引语把下列直接引语改为间接引语把下列直接引语改为间接引语1. “I am good at English, ” Lucy said. _2. He asked me, “Do you want to go hiking? ”_答案:答案:1. Lucy said (that) she was good at English. 2. He asked if I wa

45、nted to go hiking. 3. Mary said to Ann, “Why do you want to do this? ”_4. Jim said to me, “I will visit the Summer Palace next week. ”_答案:答案: 3. Mary told Ann why she wanted to do that. 4. Jim told me that he would visit the Summer Palace the next week. 5. “Dont play with fire, ”said my mother. _6.

46、The teacher said to us, “The light travels faster than the sound. ”_答案:答案: 5. My mother told me not to play with fire. 6. The teacher told us (that) the light travels faster than the sound. 直直接接引引语语和和间间接接引引语语(The Direct Speech and the Indirect Speech)的用法。)的用法。一、定义一、定义直直接接引引述述别别人人的的话话,叫叫“ ”。用用自自己己的的话

47、话转转述述别别人人的的话,话, 叫叫“ ”。答案:答案:直接引语直接引语 间接引语间接引语二、直接引语变间接引语二、直接引语变间接引语 1. 直直接接引引语语变变为为间间接接引引语语,注注意意三三大大方方面面: 、 、 。 (1)变变人人称称:直直接接引引语语中中的的第第一一人人称称代代词词变变为为与与主主句句的的主主语语一一致致;第第二二人人称称代代词词变变为为与与主主句句的的宾宾语语一一致致;第第三三人称代词不需要变化。人称代词不需要变化。答案:答案:人称人称 时态时态 语序语序 (2 2)时态一致)时态一致 主句是一般现在时(或一般将来时),从句的时态主句是一般现在时(或一般将来时),从

48、句的时态不变。不变。 主句是一般过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。主句是一般过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。直接引语直接引语 间接引语间接引语 一般现在时一般现在时 一般过去时一般过去时 一般过去时一般过去时 过去完成时过去完成时 一般将来时一般将来时 过去将来时过去将来时 现在进行时现在进行时 过去进行时过去进行时 现在完成时现在完成时 过去完成时过去完成时 (3)语序)语序 直直接接引引语语若若为为陈陈述述句句,改改为为间间接接引引语语时时用用 that 引引导导,that 可以省略。可以省略。 直直接接引引语语若若为为一一般般疑疑问问句句,改改为为间间接接引引语语时时用用 if/whether

49、 引导,从句用陈述语序。引导,从句用陈述语序。 直直接接引引语语若若为为特特殊殊疑疑问问句句,改改为为间间接接引引语语时时用用疑疑问问代词代词/副词引导,从句用陈述语序。副词引导,从句用陈述语序。【温馨提示【温馨提示】 直直接接引引语语如如果果是是祈祈使使句句,要要将将祈祈使使句句的的动动词词原原形形变变为为带带to的的不不定定式式,并并在在不不定定式式的的前前面面根根据据句句子子的的意意思思加加上上tell, ask, order等等动动词词,其其句句型型是是tell/ask/order sb. (not) to do sth. 。如果祈使句为否定式,在不定式的前面加上。如果祈使句为否定式,

50、在不定式的前面加上not。2. 直接引语变为间接引语,部分词汇的变化。直接引语变为间接引语,部分词汇的变化。直接引语直接引语 间接引语间接引语 指示指示代词代词 thisthese thatthose时间时间状语状语 now, today, tonight, yesterday, last week, . . . ago, tomorrow, next. . . then, that day, that night, the day before, the week before, . . . before, the next day, the next. . .地点状语地点状语 here t

51、here 动词动词 bringcome takego 假如你是假如你是Tony, 请根据成绩报告单完成下面的这一封信。请根据成绩报告单完成下面的这一封信。 要求:要求:6080词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Name Tony Class Class 2, Grade 8Math hard-working Chinese so-soEnglish good at speaking Science lazyHistory can do better Geography do wellDear Mom, I got my report card yesterday.

52、 I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said _ 此篇作文是写一封信,根据表格提示向妈妈汇报成绩。此篇作文是写一封信,根据表格提示向妈妈汇报成绩。 写写作作过过程程中中渗渗透透着着本本单单元元的的语语法法,使使用用间间接接引引语语转转述述老师的评价。老师的评价。 根据上面分析我们要在头脑中明确以下几点:根据上面分析我们要在头脑中明确以下几点: (1)如何使用间接引语转述别人的话。)如何使用间接引语转述别人的话。 (2)注意书信的格式,开头已给出,注意落款。)注意书信的格式,开头已给出,注意落款。 (3)单元经典短语、句型储备)单元经典短语、句

53、型储备: be hard-working, be good at sth. /doing sth. , do well in, do better . . . said that. . . Dear Mom, I got my report card yesterday. I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said I was hard-working. My English teacher said I was good at speaking. My history teacher said I could do better. My C

54、hinese teacher said I was just so-so. My science teacher said I was lazy. My geography teacher said I did well in that subject. Well, thats all the news I have for now. I will work harder at science. Love, Tony. 单词闯关单词闯关1. 消息;信息消息;信息 (n. ) _2. 假定;认为;期望假定;认为;期望(v. ) _3. 神经紧张的;不安的神经紧张的;不安的(adj. ) _4.

55、真实的真实的(adj. ) _5. 自己的自己的(adj. &pron. ) _答案:答案:1. message 2. suppose 3. nervous4. true 5. own6. 乡村乡村(n. ) _7. 地区;地域地区;地域(n. ) _8. 稀薄的稀薄的(adj. ) _9. 影响影响(n. ) _10. 危险危险(n. ) _答案:答案:6. village 7. area 8. thin9. influence 10. danger11. luck (n. ) _(adj. )幸运的幸运的12. decide (v. ) _(n. )决定;决心决定;决心13. wife _

56、(对应词对应词)14. beginning (n. ) _(同义词同义词)答案:答案:11. lucky 12. decision 13. husband 14. start. 短语过关短语过关1. 对对生气生气 be mad _2. 不再不再 _ . . . anymore 3. 首先首先 first _ _ 4. 传递传递 _ on答案:答案:1. at 2. not 3. of all 4. pass5. 被期望或被要求被期望或被要求 be _ to 6. 在在方面做得好方面做得好 do _ _7. 身体健康身体健康 in good _8. 做某事有困难做某事有困难 _ _ hard t

57、ime with sth. /(in) doing sth. 答案:答案: 5. supposed 6. well in 7. health 8. have a9. 克服;恢复克服;恢复 get _10. 打开打开 _ up 11. 照料;照顾照料;照顾 _ for 12. 处于危险中处于危险中 _ danger答案:答案: 9. over 10. open 11. care 12. in. 句型攻关句型攻关1. 她说她星期五晚上要为拉娜举办一个惊喜的晚会。她说她星期五晚上要为拉娜举办一个惊喜的晚会。She said she _ having a surprise party for Lana

58、 on Friday night. 2. 他告诉我明天他告诉我明天/第二天他给我打电话。第二天他给我打电话。He told me he _ _ me tomorrow/the next day. 答案:答案:1. was 2. would call3.这这学学期期我我的的科科学学课课学学得得很很吃吃力力,所所以以当当我我看看到到对对我我最最糟糟糕糕的评价来自科学老师时,我毫不吃惊。的评价来自科学老师时,我毫不吃惊。I had a really hard time _ science this semester,and I _ _ to find that my report was from

59、my _ science teacher. 答案:答案:with;wasnt surprised;worst4. 她她真真的的很很生生我我的的气气,并并且且说说她她再再也也不不想想做做我我最最好好的的朋朋友友了。了。She got really mad _ me and _ she _ _ to be my best friend anymore. 答案:答案: at;said;didnt want( )1. 11枣枣庄庄中中考考He said that light _ much faster than sound. A. has travelled B. wentC. travels D.

60、travelled【解解析析】选选C。考考查查宾宾语语从从句句的的时时态态。如如果果从从句句讲讲述述的的是是客客观观事事实实或或真真理理时时,从从句句时时态态不不受受主主句句时时态态的的限限制制,要要用用一一般现在时。句意:他说般现在时。句意:他说“光比声传播的速度快光比声传播的速度快”。故选。故选C。( )2. 11菏菏泽泽中中考考Sometimes most of us probably are angry _ our friends, parents or teachers. A. to B. with C. at D. for 【解解析析】选选B。短短语语考考查查。由由句句意意:有有时

61、时我我们们大大多多数数人人可可能能会会生生朋朋友友、父父母母或或老老师师的的气气。be angry with sb. 生生(某某人人的的)气。气。( )3. 11内内江江中中考考Teachers often tell us _ in the river after school. A. dont swim B. not swimC. not to swim【解解析析】选选C。tell sb. (not)to do sth. “告告诉诉某某人人(不不要要)做做某某事事”。句句意意为为:老老师师经经常常告告诉诉我我们们放放学学后后不不要要在在河河里里游泳。故选游泳。故选C。( )4. 11苏苏州州

62、中中考考 If you dont work _ enough, I dont think your dream will come _ . A. hardly; truly B. hardly; trueC. hard; true D. hard; truly 【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:如如果果你你工工作作不不够够努努力力,我我想想你你的的梦梦想想就就不不会会实实现现。hardly adv. “几几乎乎不不”; hard adv. “努努力力地地”; come true“实现实现”。 故选故选C。( )5. 11山山西西中中考考Mr. Li, I found a watch on the playground. You should try to find out _ . A. whose is the watch B. who is the owner of the watchC. whom does the watch belong to【解解析析】选选B。此此题题考考查查宾宾语语从从句句。从从句句用用陈陈述述语语序序,排排除除A和和C两两项项。B项项中中,who本本身身作作从从句句中中主主语语,是是陈陈述述语语序序,故选故选B。



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