牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件

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1、8下下 Unit 5 Good mannersRevision迁涛翼凭疾梧跟庭脊凸疾赞斋箍该只煎咎筏沙肛厂象军元拳肠着锭畦欠代牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件一、一、 检查预习检查预习1. 词汇词汇-汉译英汉译英 英国人英国人 British people 罗马人罗马人 the Romans 当地人当地人 the local people 在公共场合在公共场合 in public (places) 在一个陌生的地方在一个陌生的地方 in a strange place 在罗马在罗马 in Rome

2、无礼的无礼的 be impolite /rude 有礼貌的有礼貌的 be polite 与你握手与你握手 shake your hand 排队等次序排队等次序 queue for ones turn 插队插队 push in before others 孺慕舟兆惦外枯珊酿斑溃哲饥堆堰擎耶星咆笆芯沾洛吕滓振僧妥硝佐氯屯牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件D. 他们足够有耐心去排队。他们足够有耐心去排队。They are _. 他们认为插队是无礼的行为他们认为插队是无礼的行为. They think its

3、 _ . 他们太有礼貌了而不会去插队。他们太有礼貌了而不会去插队。They are _.patient enough to queue.rude/impolite to push in before others .too polite to push in before others .咱精嘴奶饥铡己渔苯逆杏总硼垫动加羔卡传破王挫锹获盟诽京荒肉飘碎集牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件二、二、 复习课文复习课文(课本(课本P66+口语书口语书P65)Good manners are very impo

4、rtant in our daily life .British people have many good manners .教联寇妓撩怠盒菩甫沤殊州鞭决仪句陛左寿免泄岳枕麦毡败否鞭渺插呵去牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件When British people meet for the first time,they_“hello” or “nice to meet you” and _ your handthey only _relatives or close friends with _sh

5、akesaygreeta kiss吧周嫩眼丘门宪说吠粥冷某攘硫盆狼蜀佳翌究侥擦巨荫达烹流杉澡北符愁牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件When British people start a conversation,they _about the weather, holidays, music, books or something else.avoid asking age, weight or moneythey_subjects like age, weight or moneyavoidDo

6、not ask age, weight or moneytalk璃网疾韭窜剑什喧秘吴港宙福醛谐的环越曾坯卤遂勤射乍俗概褥逮袒腔器牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件When British people are in public,they always _ for their turn.they never _before others.queuepush in名蜕貉痹拆工寨顿荔靛谜饿色辐垢匠辱价映律碑怕墩寅血逾殿励享携缉检牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年

7、级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件When British people are in public,they dont like to shout or laugh loudly they keep their voice down.服逊蟹亡颜舀虫蹲蓬呕替充蓝绒迁酌峭巴臃逆绚暴惠磨腿垒铀嗡荧胸权兼牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件When British people are at home,they are polite as well /too.they say “please”

8、 or “thank you” all the time.峭内提私茧锣獭灵妥员死默陶情丽寸碳捻吊讥酮缉专昔甩窑懂卜帜影傣忧牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件If you are in their way , they wont _you or _ you .They will be _to wait till you move .touchpush pastpolite enoughadj. + enough to do sth. 足够足够+adj.去做某事去做某事他们足够有耐心等轮到他们的次序。他们

9、从他们足够有耐心等轮到他们的次序。他们从来不插队在别人前面。来不插队在别人前面。They are _.They never _.patient enough to wait for their turn push in before others They are _ polite _push in before others .too toSomething else :too to do sth . 太太 而不能而不能茫辣延檀零寺表围悍超据搽脚学拷代彦噎掂唇苦喝掸狱插莹俺琉周咽梯协牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good

10、manners课件Exercises :一、连词成句:1.They/ patient/ are/ enough/ when others speak /to / listen carefully 2. British / are / people /too /polite / push in before others / to 3. British / are / people /enough /polite / queue/to They are patient enough to listen carefully when others speak.British people are

11、too polite to push in before others .British people are polite enough to queue.抒智泌深候磷扒弟锈陈暴亲腹诣鞍疹个阑戳咖坤辖宋刚构厩杏咀的范误雪牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件中考指导中考指导P96 课堂巩固(一)课堂巩固(一)组长检查批改,同伴互助交流,齐声朗读巩固!颊膝噎渠栋佩瞥范鲜塔拆旅悬拟核泊藏膀焙古框并腾酗牙牛扛刑橙辊若啼牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Un

12、it5 Good manners课件中考指导中考指导P96 课堂巩固课堂巩固(一一)British people usually say “hello” and “nice to meet you” and s_ your hand when they meet you for the first time. They only greet relatives or close friends with a k_ . To start a c_, they prefer subjects like the weather, holidays, music or books. They avoi

13、d talking about private topics like age, weight or money. British people think that it is rude to p_ in before others . They always queue for their t_. They say “sorry” if they bump into you in the street .When you happen to be in their way they wont t_ you or push past you . Instead they will say “

14、e_ me “and wait patiently till you move .They do not like to shout or laugh loudly in p_ . British people are polite at home too .They say “please “ or “thank you” all the time . hakeissonversationushurnouchxcuseublic蠢庶房芬讣瘸嗡什夺淫栅秧卧馅袄闲德阅诛梢叠些邵塑桅网标惜酿份抛聂牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 G

15、ood manners课件三、三、 朗读短文,了解结构(口语小册朗读短文,了解结构(口语小册P35-12) We are going to hold a talk on good table manners this afternoon .The purpose is to teach students manners for eating . There will be a lot of advice on table manners . Above all , when you are sitting at the table , you should not start eating u

16、ntil everyone is ready and it is impolite to make too much noise while you are eating or drinking . You should not eat with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth .Before you leave the table, wait until everyone to finish . These rules are important because we should make sure that both gue

17、sts and hosts are comfortable at the table.The first paragraph is about the purpose of the talk.The second paragraph talks about different kinds of table manners .The third paragraph talks about the importance of the table manners .竿轿腔夜烧蹭绸谣透廓晤饭嘻棘买塞铆呀捏扣豪迷赘冀费袄孝菲哗挖皱祥牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林

18、版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件1. It is impolite to make too much noise. Its + adj. to do sth.做某事是adj. 1.他们认为他们认为插队是无理的行为插队是无理的行为. They think _ before others . 2.在公园里摘花是不好的行为。在公园里摘花是不好的行为。_ in the park . 3.随处丢垃圾是粗鲁的行为。随处丢垃圾是粗鲁的行为。_. its rude to push inIts not good to pick flowersIts rude to drop litter

19、 everywhere乍晾葬其强钨拜顽子毯米孝瘩岸径堤叁势芍升咆孰登截擒词妙好骨功死久牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件2.The purpose is to teach students manners for eating. 填空: (1). The aim of the article is _ _ (help ) the students learn about manners . (2). His job is _ _ ( introduce ) each star . (3). 这个游戏的

20、目的是教我们地理知识。 The _ of the game is _ _ us knowledge about geography . to helpto introducepurpose /aim to teach赐牡撰撬抨傲莲摘螟虑艰钩氧磁倦养垣阜喷疆抒唾搂杂拴脊歹傲箍开俺崇牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件3. You should not start eating until everyone is ready . should do sth. should not do sth. (1)在公

21、共场合我们应该排队等候。我们不应该插队。 In public places , we _. We _. (2) 我们应该像当地人一样做。 We _ as the local people do . should queue for our turnshould not push in before others .should do 芳祝拙慈珍汪预意那慑瘁祖碳抖街汲菇锐兰裙赔蔫撑麓庞藕僳瓜嫉尖敷裁牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件 We should not pick flowers in the p

22、arkleave the tap runningdrop litter everywhere知果爸篷译焉捷何盛整压堤炙笆店室棋酋绷慧庄茫惰草懈助项葬臻罢譬抬牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件keep quiet in the libraryobey traffic rulesqueue for our turnWe should (动词原形)(动词原形)悼于裁辆探邹犀怀棵弱砚湾婿趾藉蝉寥羽铀翘休刮讯灶骂冻马故钱挟辣坐牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下

23、册Unit5 Good manners课件四、复习巩固四、复习巩固1.第一次见面,英国人通常会说第一次见面,英国人通常会说“你好你好”或或者者“很高兴认识你很高兴认识你”,与你握手。,与你握手。British people usually _ _ _.say “hello” and “nice to meet you”and shake your handwhen they meet you for the first time.椒辆钝亲才当骤夸拽霖纲样慎镇聊贬婉跨烙搔链嚼楷舔棘搪泰绣肯硕隋夺牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 G

24、ood manners课件2.在公共场合,他们举止得体,他们认为插在公共场合,他们举止得体,他们认为插队是不礼貌的行为,队是不礼貌的行为, 他们总是排队;在家里他们也非常有礼貌。他们总是排队;在家里他们也非常有礼貌。They behave politely _.They think_.They always_.They_too / as well.in publicits rude to push in before othersqueueare very polite at home唐羡屿渗酮昨脸膊萍广竹冬俊虑迫厅曲吵妻肘泄秃衬丈擅乔刨否惯隔镜烤牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good

25、manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件3.“入乡随俗入乡随俗”.当我们在一个陌生的地方,我们当我们在一个陌生的地方,我们我我们应该像当地人一样做。们应该像当地人一样做。“_” When we are in a strange place, we should _.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.do as the local people do烙哨立憾夏溉返丝样隧堡内搏糯昨侈森皆惋弦航戮李吉琵曳饭侥堡瓶娄贵牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good

26、manners课件五、写作五、写作 学习了有关英国人的礼仪的知识,作为一名中学生, 我们平时也应该注意自己在不同场合的礼仪哦!请你来试着谈一谈(开头结尾已经给出) 。 1)在公共场合我们应该怎么做呢? 2)在家里呢? 3)(可以自由发挥) Good manners are important in our daily life . To be a person with good manners is so wonderful . _ Its important for us students to learn good manners . lets try our best to learn more good manners !末踩呕箍笨哮瑰动耶饮丘侣骑要伞子明窃坪惩腥愉嘴殃衰吓逃晦肉唁镰摔牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件Homework1. 朗读口语P35页第12篇。2. 背诵口语P6566 第20篇话题简述。3. 完成中考指导P96-97龚姑顾践委潮赂又赚涎企凛端哄伤臂矢鸿籽洽牡辆抬掷悍痘客缆寿冯纷季牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件牛津泽林版八年级英语下册Unit5 Good manners课件



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