英语 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Listening and Spenking1(29张PPT)外研版必修4课件

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《英语 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Listening and Spenking1(29张PPT)外研版必修4课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Listening and Spenking1(29张PPT)外研版必修4课件(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Period 2Module 4 A Trip Along the Three Gorges Listening and Speaking Listening & Speaking-1.Speaking (5ms) Describe the pictures on page 45. Picture 1: They are having a lecture.Picture 2: A boy is flying the kite on the seaside.Picture 3: They are dancing.Picture 4: He is smoking w

2、hile eating.Picture 5: A person is swimming in the river.Picture 6: She is taking photos.Listening & Speaking -2.Listening (4ms) Listen to the conversation and decide where the speakers are.A:onaboatB:inatravelagencyC:onatelevisionprogrammeD:atpassportcontrolinanairportListening & Speaking -3. Answe

3、ring (5ms) Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.What is the listening passage mainly about?What are the on-board activities?Its mainly about what you can do and what you cant do on a classic Three Gorges cruise.They are welcome party, lectures on history and culture, disco, Ta

4、i Chi and kite flying.Listening & Speaking -4.Extra-listening(6m) Listen to the tape,and fill in the blanks.TO:Iminterestedinbookinga_ThreeGorges_.Canyoutellmesome-thingabouttheboats?TA:Yes,certainly.Theyrebigmodernboats,andtheyallhave_English-speaking_.YoucanchoosebetweenwesternandChinesecuisine.TO

5、:Right.Whatabout_?TA:Well,firstofalltheresthewelcomeparty.Thecaptainlets_forthat.classiccruiseprofessionaldirectorson-board activitiespassengers use hiscabinTO:Thatsoundsfun.TA:Thenthereare_everyevening_-youdonthavetogotothem,ofcourse.TO:Good,Imgladtheyrenotcompulsory.Whataboutother_?TA:Well,theresa

6、non-boarddiscoeverynight.TO:Great.Andarethereany_Chineseactivities.TA:Yes,thereare.Youcando_,andyoucanevenlearnsomeChinese.on history and culturelecturesentertainmenttraditionalTai Chi andkite flyingTO:WhataboutswimmingintheYangtzeRiver?TA:No,swimmingfromtheboatis_.Itstoo_.TO:Oh,Isee.Arethereanyothe

7、rrulesIshouldknow?TA:Therearentalotofrules.Buttheboatsare_-soyourenotallowedtosmokeanywhere_inyourcabinandinthesmoking_.TO:Isee.forbiddendangerousnonsmokingexceptloungeTA: Andpassengers_taketheirpassportswiththemeverytimethey_.TO:Yes,ofcourse.And_takephotosofthe_?TA:Ohyes,_aboutthat.are required tog

8、o on shorewere allowed todamtheres no problemHomework Write a Travel Guide for the visitors who are going to the classic Three Gorges cruise. Period 3Module 4 A Trip Along the Three Gorges GrammarFunction Speaking Function - 1. Exercises (5ms) Finish the exercises on Activity 1 , on page 45.1.Thecap

9、tainletspassengersusehiscabin.2.Therearelecturesbutyoudont have togotothem.3.Swimmingfromtheboatis forbidden.4.Yourenot allowed tosmoke.5.Passengersare required totaketheirpassportswiththem.BBCAC Function -2.Filling(3ms) Use the correct expressions to fill in the chart.ObligationObligationPermission

10、PermissionProhibitionProhibitionYoumust/havetoYourerequiredtoItisnecessarytoYoudonthaveto/arentrequiredtoItsnotnecessarytoYoureallowedtoYoucan/mayYouarentallowed/cant/shouldntYoucant/mustntYoureforbiddentoItsagainstrulestoaffirmative(肯定)negative(否定)Speaking 1 . Speaking (5ms) Look at the signs and e

11、xplain their meanings. NON-EUCITIZENSPeoplewhodonotliveintheEuropeanUnion haveto gothisway.FLIGHTAZ457PARISCHECKINDESK12PeoplewhowanttogetonflightAZ457toParisshouldcheckinDesk12 Smokingisforbidden.Nosmoking.Theuseofmobilephonesisforbidden.Dontleaveyourluggageunattended!Dontleaveyourluggageonitsownan

12、ywhere.MAXWEIGHTFORTHISFLIGHT:20kgYouarenotallowedtotakeacasewhichweighsmorethan20kgontothisflight.Grammar-1.Filling (3ms)1.They _ go anywhere they wished.2.You _ go on those ships.3.There _ be any other foreigners.4.We just _ show our passports.5.We _ see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.cou

13、ldshouldntwonthad tocouldIndicateIndicatean ability to do somethingan ability to do somethinguse to give adviceuse to give advicemake a prediction about the futuremake a prediction about the futurethe past form of mustthe past form of mustthe permission to do somethingthe permission to do somethingc

14、ould(1)shouldntwonthad tocould(5)ModalVerbGrammar-2. Correction (5ms) Correct the mistakes and say why.John shoulds go to school on time.At that time we thought we musted hand in our paper.You must to finish your homework in time.We dont can be there tomorrow.They should may do that.shouldmustcantsh

15、ould / mayGrammar-3. Observation(3ms) Two eyes can see more than one.I am so strong that I can lift this stone.He said that Jack couldnt finish his work in such a short time.Could you follow my step?He is only four, but he is able to read.She was able to do it without my help.Will you be able to com

16、e to my party tomorrow?表能力can couldbe able to有时态变化Grammar-4. Observation(3ms) You can go now.I wont let you down.Could I say it in Chinese?May I know your name?Would you mind closing the door?Shall we dance?Might I have a word with you?语气强 弱表许可表许可, ,征询意征询意见见can,willcould/may/would/shall/mightGrammar

17、-5. Observation(3ms) There must be a mistake.You may walk ten miles without seeing a house.He might get there on time.It can be true.In those days few workers could support their families.表可能性表可能性( (猜测猜测) )mustmay,might,can,could肯定句语气强 弱Grammar-6. Observation(3ms) 语气强 弱She cant be serious.We couldnt

18、 have done better.People may not pick flowers in this garden.She was afraid they might not like the idea.表不可能表不可能( (猜测猜测) )cant,couldntmaynot,mightnot否定句Grammar-7. Observation(2ms) mustnt,shouldnthadbetternotWe mustnt waste our time.They shouldnt left so soon.Youd better not disturb him.表禁止表禁止Gramma

19、r-8. Observation(2ms) You should do what your parents tell you.If you cant finish the book by then, you must come and renew it.This is a lovely party, but we have to go because of the baby-sister. The bridge was not wide enough so that somebody had to give way.should,musthaveto表义务表义务( (应该应该) )有时态变化G

20、rammar-9. Conclusion (2ms) 词义词义词义词义Modals Modals can,could,beabletocan,will,may,could,would,shall,mightmust,may,might,can,couldmustnt,shouldnt,hadbetternotshould,must,haveto能力,能够许可,征询意见猜测,可能性禁止义务,应该Grammar-6. Practice 历年高考题 1.-Mum,IvebeenstudyingEnglishsince8oclock._IgooutandplaywithTomforawhile?-No


22、ngforanhour.A.mustnotB.wontC.cantD.maynot5.Youmightjustwelltellthemanufacturerthatmalecustomers_notlikethedesignofthefurniture.A.mustB.shallC.mayD.need6.Aleft-luggageofficeisaplacewherebags_beleftforashorttime,especiallyatarailwaystation.A.should B.canC.mustD.will7.-Excuseme,butIwanttouseyourcompute

23、rtotypeareport.-You_havemycomputerifyoudonttakecareofit.A.shantB.mightnotC.needntD.shouldnt8.Hundredsofjobs_ifthefactorycloses.A.loseB.willbelostC.arelostD.willlose9.Rainforests_andburnedatsuchaspeedthattheywilldisappearfromtheearthinthenearfuture.A.cutB.arecutC.arebeingcutD.hadbeencut10.Thefirstuseofatomicweaponswasin1945,andtheirpower_increasedenormouslyeversince.A.isB.wasC.hasbeenD.hadbeenHomework 1.FinishtherelatedexercisesonWB.2.Reviewthegrammarofthisperiod.



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