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1、1沐风教资Warm-upvA big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 2沐风教资Everyday EnglishvNeed a hand? v需要帮忙吗?需要帮忙吗?vDont mention it!v不客气。不客气。vYou are so kind! v你人真好!你人真好!3沐风教资The early bird catches the worm.4沐风教资5沐风教资关键句型:简单陈述句的语序陈述句用来叙述一件事情。凡是叙述一件事情的陈述句都是简单陈述句。陈述句的语序很重要。观察下面

2、两个句子:The policeman arrested the thief. 警察逮捕了小偷。The thief arrested the policeman. 小偷逮捕了警察。关键句型:简单陈述句的语序6沐风教资When? Who? Action Who? How? Where? When? Which? Which? What? What?练习题 1. a tree in the corner of the garden he planted2. we at home stay on Sundays3. the match at four oclock ended4. before lun

3、ch the letter in his office quickly he read5. this morning a book I from the library borrowed7沐风教资1 基本句型一:主基本句型一:主+谓谓S + V(vi)2 基本句型二:主基本句型二:主+谓谓+宾宾S + V(vt) + DO3 基本句型三:主基本句型三:主+系系+表表S + V(vi) + P4 基本句型四:主基本句型四:主+谓谓+间宾间宾+直宾直宾S + V(vt) + IO + DO5 基本句型五:主基本句型五:主+谓谓+宾宾+补补S + V(vt) + DO + OC补充:英语的五种基本句

4、型补充:英语的五种基本句型主语主语:执行句执行句子的行为或动子的行为或动作的主体,是作的主体,是动词的发起者;动词的发起者;谓语谓语:对主语对主语动作或状态的动作或状态的说明,指出说明,指出“是什么是什么”、“做什么做什么”、“怎么样怎么样”。宾语宾语:句子中句子中动词的接受者;动词的接受者;8沐风教资1S+V(vi)2S+V(vt)+DO1 她她 到达了。到达了。2 这些鸟这些鸟 会飞。会飞。She arrived.The birds can fly.1 我们我们 参观了参观了 自然保护区。自然保护区。2 我们我们 应该保护应该保护 野生生物。野生生物。We visited Nature R

5、eserve.We should protect wildlife.基本句型二基本句型二基本句型一基本句型一9沐风教资Slinking verbs(系动词)P(表表语语)PredicativeVbebecomegetlook smelltaste soundfeel It is an eagle.It looks strong.noun phraseadjective phrase基本句型三基本句型三10沐风教资3S+V(vi)+Pbebecome get look smelltaste soundfeel Filling in the blanks.1 It was _ today. (su

6、n)2 Those birds looked _. (beauty)sunnybeautiful基本句型三基本句型三11沐风教资 We mustnt give the bird any food.He tells me some rules.SVDO(直接宾语)(直接宾语)Direct ObjectIO(间接宾语间接宾语) Indirect ObjectIOVSDOshow buy pass send bring teach tell ask sb. sth.During the tripIO(间接宾语间接宾语)DO(直接宾语)(直接宾语)基本句型四基本句型四12沐风教资4S+V(vt)+IO

7、+DOV sb sth (= V sth to / for sb)show buy pass send bring teach tell ask 他给我们讲了一个故事。(他给我们讲了一个故事。(2种)种)He told us a story. = He told a story to us.基本句型四基本句型四13沐风教资We call the man zookeeper.an angry zookeeperSV DO OC(宾语补足语宾语补足语) Object ComplementSVDOOCSVDOOCI make him angry.He tells us to protect the

8、birdsDuring the trip补充说明宾语,与补充说明宾语,与之有逻辑关系之有逻辑关系基本句型五基本句型五14沐风教资5S+V(vt)+DO+OCn/adj/adv/prep.phrase/to do/ doing 我我 看见看见 许多鸟许多鸟 在湿地里。在湿地里。 他他 叫叫 我们我们 不要猎捕鸟。不要猎捕鸟。 我我 发现发现 这次旅行这次旅行 有趣。有趣。keep/make/findsee/watchask/tell/want/teachHe asked us not to hunt birds. I saw many birds in the wetland. I found

9、the trip interesting.基本句型五基本句型五15沐风教资Many boys are running.I feel excited.He gave Tom a present.I find it interesting.The music sounds beautiful.I am a student.She bought me a pen .I saw them dance.They are watching TV.eg:3. S + V + P2. S + V + DO1. S + V4. S + V + IO + DO5. S + V + DO + OC3. S + V

10、+ P3. S + V + P4. S + V + IO + DO 5. S + V + DO + OCTEAMWORK1 S + V(vi)2 S + V(vt) + DO3 S + V(vi) + P4 S + V(vt) + IO + DO5 S + V(vt) + DO + OC16沐风教资BreakfastorlunchLesson 217沐风教资1.Do you like day or night?2.What do you usually do in the daytime and in the night?3.Do you get up early every day?4.Wh

11、en do you usually get up / have breakfast?5.Do you find it easy or difficult to get up?6. What do you usually have for breakfast?18沐风教资19沐风教资Rememberinyourheart请记住哦请记住哦!Breakfastisthemostimportantinthethreemeals.The early bird catches the worm.20沐风教资Listen to the tapeWhy was the writers aunt surpris

12、ed?21沐风教资1 What day was it? 2. When did you get up last Sunday? 3. What was it like outside? 4. Did you think it was a nice day? 5. What happened just then?6. Who was on the phone? Listen and read the text to find out the answers to the following questions22沐风教资1. What day was it? It was Sunday.2. W

13、hen did you get up last Sunday? I got up very late. 3. What was it like outside? It was dark outside.4. Did you think it was a nice day? No, I didnt . 5. What happened just then? The telephone rang.6. Who was on the phone? It was my aunt Lucy.23沐风教资翻开超级情景背诵图翻开超级情景背诵图Page 4 Page 4 课文全景图课文全景图24沐风教资【Ne

14、wwords】12adv. 外面外面3v. (铃、电话等)响(铃、电话等)响4v. 重复重复5n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母姑,姨,婶,舅母prep. 直到直到25沐风教资untilprep.直到直到until 用用于表示动于表示动作、状态作、状态等的持续,等的持续,译为译为“直直到到.为止为止”或或“在在以前以前”。Shesanguntilshewas60.她一直唱到她一直唱到6060岁。岁。Hedidhomeworkuntil10oclock.他做作业一直做到他做作业一直做到1010点。点。TomwatchedTVuntilhisfathercamebackhome.父亲回来之前,汤姆一直在看电视

15、。父亲回来之前,汤姆一直在看电视。26沐风教资在否定句中,它通常与描述短暂动作的动词连用,表示“到为止”、“直到才”:Hedidnotcomehomeuntilelevenoclock.他到十一点才回家。Itdidnotstopraininguntilnoon.直到中午雨才停止。27沐风教资Ididnotlearnituntilyesterday.到昨天我才知道。Hedidnotshowhimselfinhistruecolorsuntilhegainedpower.直到他掌权之后,他才露出自己的真面目。28沐风教资2. outside adv. 在外面在外面(作状语作状语) n. 外面外面,

16、外表外表,外界外界 adj. 外面的外面的,外表的外表的,外界的外界的 prep. 在在. .外外a coat with fur on the outside the outside wallan outside broadcastto wait just outside the dooroutside of .outside and in 423329沐风教资3. ring (rang, rung) 动词动词鸣鸣,响响(铃铃,电话等电话等)eg. Every moring the clock ring at 6. The telephone is ringing.打电话给打电话给 ring

17、sb.eg. Tomorrow Ill ring you. 包围包围,套住套住,成环形成环形,按铃按铃eg. Police rang the building. She rang service for a drink.30沐风教资ring名词(打打)电话电话give sb. a ring/calleg. Remember to give me a ring. =Remember to ring me.戒指戒指 a diamond ring31沐风教资auntn.姑,姨,婶,舅妈(所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼)与此相同,男性则是uncle:叔叔他们的孩子:cousin:堂兄妹(不分男女)cou

18、sin的孩子:nephew:外甥,niece:外甥女32沐风教资auntunclecousin33沐风教资repeat repeat v. v. 重复重复Willyourepeatthelastword?你能你能重复重复最后一句话吗?最后一句话吗?Theyarerepeatingthatwonderfulplay.他们正在他们正在重演重演那部精彩的话剧。那部精彩的话剧。Pleaserepeatafterme.请请跟着跟着我我说说。Historywillnotrepeatitself.历史不会历史不会重演重演.34沐风教资Letsenjoythestory!35沐风教资Whywasthewrit


20、t,Isaid.Whatareyoudoing?sheasked.Imhavingbreakfast,Irepeated.Dearme,shesaid.Doyoualwaysgetupsolate?Itsoneoclock!【Text】36沐风教资ItwasSunday.那是个星期天那是个星期天今天挺热的。今天挺热的。Itishottoday.现在现在12点。点。Itis12oclocknow.是我。是我。Itisme.ItIt被称为虚虚主主语语itit指时间、天气、温度或距离,也可以指指时间、天气、温度或距离,也可以指一件东西、一件事件或用来指是什么人一件东西、一件事件或用来指是什么人 。3

21、7沐风教资InevergetupearlyonSundayson介词介词on一般用于表示某一天的时间短语中一般用于表示某一天的时间短语中onthatday在那天在那天onMondaymorning在星期一上午在星期一上午onSeptember11,201038沐风教资 所有的星期天所有的星期天, ,每逢星期天每逢星期天 与一般现在时连用,表示经常性的行为与一般现在时连用,表示经常性的行为 IoftengoshoppingonSundays.HesometimesswimsonSundays.Sundays39沐风教资现在该睡觉了。Itstimeforbednow.你必须再卧床两天。Youmus

22、tstayinbedforanothertwodays. Isometimesstayinbeduntillunchtime.有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候在表达生病卧床时,在表达生病卧床时,bedbed前不需前不需加冠词加冠词bed40沐风教资Whataday!鬼天气!what引导的感叹句:多漂亮的女孩啊!Whataprettygirl(sheis)!多机灵的男孩啊!Whatasmartboy(heis)!多精彩的电影啊!Whatawonderfulmovie(itis)!What +a/an (+adj.) +n.(+主语主语+谓语谓语)!41沐风教资有时形容词被省略:Whatathingt

23、osay!多么难听的话啊!Whataday!鬼天气!这种情况常表示批评或不好的意思,往往需要上下文和一定的语境来确定其意义。42沐风教资Ivejustarrivedbytrain.by直接直接加交通工具加交通工具 43沐风教资如果是特指的交通工具,则要加冠词或其他限定词:我阿姨坐9:15的火车离开的。Myauntleftbythe9:15train.44沐风教资Imcomingtoseeyou.我将要来看你.进行时态becoming,表示将来,表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。Imleaving.Hisfatherisdying.Tomisgoingtoschool.同样用法同样用法的动词有:

24、的动词有:go,come,leave,arrive,land,meet,die,start,return,join 45沐风教资Fillintheblanks!46沐风教资never early Sundays very late looked window dark outside raining just then rang Aunt Lucy arrived train coming to see still breakfast very surprised dear me one oclock47沐风教资Keystructures48沐风教资 一般现在时一般现在时 (1)表现在的事实、

25、状态或动作)表现在的事实、状态或动作(2)表习惯性动作或职业,常与时)表习惯性动作或职业,常与时间副词连用间副词连用(3)表客观真理,格言警句或事实)表客观真理,格言警句或事实(4)表将来)表将来49沐风教资表将来表将来在由在由when,after, before,as,as soon as,although,because,if,even if,in case,till,until,unless,so long as,where,whatever,wherever 等引导的等引导的状语从句状语从句中中用一般用一般现在时表将来发生的动作。现在时表将来发生的动作。eg. Ill tell her

26、 when she comes tomorrow. Even if it rains this afternoon, Ill meet you. Whatever happens, you should keep cool-headed. .50沐风教资按时间表示将要发生的动作或事件,用一般现在时表达将来时概念。eg.Theplaybeginsat6:30thisevening.Whendoestheplanetakeoff?51沐风教资现在进行时现在进行时:is / am / are + 现在分词现在分词表示表示现在正在在正在进行的行的动作。作。eg. The workers are bui

27、lding a new bridge across the river. 表表现阶段正段正进行的行的动作。作。eg. We are preparing for our final examination this week. 52沐风教资u go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, start, return, join等用于进行时态时表示即将开始的动作(现在进行时表将来)。 eg. Look! The bus is coming. The old man is seriously ill, and he is dying. Alice is leav

28、ing for Beijing with her mother.u 53沐风教资u与always,forever,continually,constantly等副词连用,表示说话人带有感情色彩:赞赏或厌恶。eg.Heisalwaysthinkingofothers.Theboyiscontinuallymakingnoises.54沐风教资表述频度的副词never、sometimes、often、always、still、seldom55沐风教资频率副词往往放在句子中的实义动词前Myfriendsnevercometovisitme.我朋友从来不来看我。Irarelylistentothera

29、dio.我很少听收音机。Ialwaysfeelcold.我总感觉冷。56沐风教资Specialdifficulties!57沐风教资Cold!58沐风教资What beautiful flowers they are ! How beautiful the flowers are !59沐风教资2. _ _ busy man he is ! _ _ the man is ! 3. _ _ happy baby it is ! _ _ the baby is !What aHowbusyWhataHowhappy60沐风教资4. What a high mountain _ _ ! How hi

30、gh the _ _ !5. What a hungry boy _ _ ! How hungry the _ _ !itismountainisheisboyis61沐风教资感叹句!What+a(an/不加)+adj+n+(主+谓)!How+adj+(主+谓)!62沐风教资1.What a wonderful garden (this is)!2. What a surprise (this is)!3. What a lot of trouble he is causing!4. What wonderful actors (they are)!5. What a hard-working woman (she is)!6. What a tall building (it is)!7. What a terrible film (it is)!8. What a clever boy you are!9. What a pretty girl (she is)!10. What a strange guy (he is)!63沐风教资1.c 2. d 3.c 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. b 8.a 9. d 10. c 11. d 12. b64沐风教资65沐风教资



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