2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:4-1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary

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1、No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引Step One:Fast readingRead the text (

2、P3233) quickly and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.(1)Para 1 AThe origin and meaning of Carnival(2)Para 2 BThe problems Carnival caused when people in VeniceNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引(3)Para 3 CThe features of Carnival in Venice today(4)Para 4

3、DThe revival of Carnival(5)Para 5 EPeoples general impression of Carnival(6)Para 6 FThe laws about the use of masks答案:答案:(1)E;(2)A;(3)B;(4)F;(5)D;(6)CNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引Step Two:Careful reading.Read the text (P32 33) carefully and choose the best

4、 answers.1How long did carnival last when it began in Venice?AForty days BOne dayCSeveral weeks DTwo days答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引2Why did the government limit the wearing of masks?ATo make people know each other.BTo prevent crimes from happenin

5、g.CTo stop people carrying firearms.DTo put them into prison.答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引3The writer in the text mainly tells us_.Athe history of masks Bthe history of CarnivalCthe magic of the mask Dthe Carnival in the world.答案:答案:CNo.1 交流平台交流平台No

6、.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引4What can we infer from the text?AThe key feature of carnival in Rio is different from that in Venice.BIn future,the tradition of wearing masks will disappear.CMasks in Venice were banned for more than 300 years.DIn the late 1970s,students re

7、alised that carnival did good to business.答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引5We can learn from the last paragraph that_.Ait is easy to guess what a person is according to his maskBnowadays carnival in Venice lasts for four daysCthe key to carnival in Rio

8、 is music and the maskDcarnival in Venice is very popular in Europe答案:答案:DNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引.Read the text again and tell the following statements true (T) or false (F)1The most famous carnival in Europe was in London.()2 In Venice carnival last

9、ed for only one day at the beginning.()3With a mask,ordinary people could dress up as the rich,but rich people couldnt do as they liked.()No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引4The first law used to limit the use of masks began at the fifteenth century.()5 Masks we

10、re banned completely at the end of the eighteenth century.()6American carnivals are a bit different from Venice carnivals in the spirit.()答案:答案:1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T6.TNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引Step Three:SummaryThe Magic of the MaskThink of carnival,and you

11、1._of crowds,costumes,and confusion. “Carnival” comes from two Latin words,2._“no more meat”People saw Carnival as a last 3._to have fun at the end of the winter season.No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice.For weeks

12、 on end,people 4._masks did what they wanted without being recognised,so that many crimes went 5._.The government realised this problem and made 6._ _to solve it. Masks were banned completely.But in the late 1970s the tradition was 7._by students.No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Modul

13、e 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引Today,carnival in Venice is 8._for five days in February. As you 9._through the streets,you see thousands of masks. However,nobody takes them off.If the masks come off,the 10._is lost.答答 案案 : 1.think 2.meaning 3.chance 4.wearing5.unpunished 6.laws 7.revived 8.celebrated 9.wander1

14、0.magicNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引hide vt.隐藏,把隐藏,把藏起来;隐瞒,掩盖藏起来;隐瞒,掩盖If you wear this,it hides your face and your feelings.(教材教材P32)如果你戴上了它,它会掩藏你的脸和你的感受。如果你戴上了它,它会掩藏你的脸和你的感受。A fox cannot hide its tail.狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。I kept my private paper hidden beh

15、ind a pile of books.我把我的私人文件藏在了一堆书后面。我把我的私人文件藏在了一堆书后面。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引hide sth.from sb.隐藏隐藏不让某人发现;对某人隐瞒某事不让某人发现;对某人隐瞒某事Dont try to hide anything from me.什么也别想瞒过我。什么也别想瞒过我。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导

16、引1完成句子完成句子(1)他极力掩饰他的失望。他极力掩饰他的失望。He struggle to_ _ _.答案:答案:hide his disappointment(2)你最好什么也别瞒我。你最好什么也别瞒我。Youd better not_ _ _ _.答案:答案:hide anything from meNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引extend vt.延长延长As time passed, however, the carnival period was extended,

17、so that it began just after Christmas.(教教材材P32)然然而而,随着时间的流逝,狂欢节的时间延长了,圣诞节刚过就开始了。随着时间的流逝,狂欢节的时间延长了,圣诞节刚过就开始了。Cant you extend your visit for a few days?你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗?你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗?The forest extends in all directions as far as the eye can see.森林向四面伸展,一望无际。森林向四面伸展,一望无际。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3

18、课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引2Im afraid we cant complete the project on time.Shall we try to get the deadline_till the end of this month?AextendedBlastedCspreading DProlonging解解析析:根根据据语语境境“因因不不能能按按时时完完成成任任务务,要要将将最最后后的的期期限限延延长长到到本本月月底底”可可知知A项项正正确确。extend指指时时间间上上的的延延长长或或延延伸伸;spread指指向向四四面

19、面八八方方扩扩大大范范围围;last指指时时间间的的持持续续;prolong指指把把时时间间过过程程延延长长到到超超过过通通常常或或正正常常的的限限度度。又又因因get sth.done使使(被被)完成。完成。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引pretend vi.假装假装pretend to ben./adj.假装是假装是pretend to do假装做假装做pretend to be doing假装正在做假装正在做pretend to have done假装已做过某

20、事假装已做过某事pretendthatclause假装假装No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引He pretended to be friendly to us.他假装对我们友善。他假装对我们友善。She pretended not to know the facts.她佯装不知实情。她佯装不知实情。He pretended to be reading an important paper when the boss entered.老板进来时他假装正在看一份重要的文件。老板进来时他假

21、装正在看一份重要的文件。She pretended that she was not at home when we rang the bell.我们按门铃时,她假装不在家。我们按门铃时,她假装不在家。The thief pretended not to have met us before.小偷装作以前从来没见过我们。小偷装作以前从来没见过我们。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引3 When the boss came in, the workers pretended _ har

22、d at their machines.Ato work Bto be workingCto have worked Dworking解解析析:pretended to be working假假装装正正在在工工作作。pretend to work假假装装工工作作,没没有有进进行行的的意意义义,故故不不对对。全全句句意意为为:“当当老老板进来时,工人们假装正在他们的机器旁边努力地工作。板进来时,工人们假装正在他们的机器旁边努力地工作。”答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引b

23、ook vt.预订,预约预订,预约Hotels are fully booked and the narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes.(教材教材P33)旅馆被预订一空,而且窄窄的街道上挤满了盛装打扮的人。旅馆被预订一空,而且窄窄的街道上挤满了盛装打扮的人。Id like to book a table for six for tonight.我想订一张今晚六人的餐桌。我想订一张今晚六人的餐桌。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引

24、栏目导引辨析:辨析:book与与orderHe ordered a new suit for himself.他为自己订购一套新西装。他为自己订购一套新西装。book预订预订(房间、票等房间、票等),常指口头预订,常指口头预订order订购,尤指书面下订单,较正式订购,尤指书面下订单,较正式No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引4_a ticket ahead of time,_you wont have a chance to see the famous film.ABook;and

25、 BBook;orCOrder;and DOrder;or解解析析:本本题题意意在在考考查查“祈祈使使句句or将将来来时时态态”的的用用法法。book为为“订订票票”,而而order意意为为“点点菜菜”,根根据据逻逻辑辑关关系系,第第二二空应选空应选or,表,表“否则否则”。答案:答案:B No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引wander v.(1)漫游,闲逛;迷路漫游,闲逛;迷路As you wander through the streets,you see thousands o

26、f maskselegant or frightening,sad or amusing,traditional or modernbut you have no idea what the faces behind them look like.(教教材材P33)当当你你在在街街道道上上漫漫步步,你你会会看看到到成成千千上上万万的的面面具具优优雅雅的的或或恐恐怖怖的的,悲悲伤伤的的或或欢欢乐乐的的,传传统统的的或或现现代代的的但但那那些面具的后面究竟是一张什么样的面孔,你却一无所知。些面具的后面究竟是一张什么样的面孔,你却一无所知。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3

27、 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引The child was found wandering on the streets alone.那孩子被发现独自在大街上瞎转。那孩子被发现独自在大街上瞎转。I was wandering in the street when I saw her.我正在街上漫步,这时我遇到了她。我正在街上漫步,这时我遇到了她。(2)心不在焉,走神心不在焉,走神Dont let your mind wander when you listen to the lecture.听课时不要走神。听课时不要走神。The boy w

28、andered off and got lost.那孩子迷失了方向,走丢了。那孩子迷失了方向,走丢了。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引5I beg your pardon?Your mind must have been_when I was speaking,wasnt it?Awondering BwanderingCwalking Dspeaking解析:解析:wander在此表示在此表示“心不在焉心不在焉”。答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地

29、No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引come to an end完结完结The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years age.(教材教材P32)最初的威尼斯狂欢节在最初的威尼斯狂欢节在200年前完结了。年前完结了。The meeting came to an end at midnight.那次会议进行至深夜才结束。那次会议进行至深夜才结束。All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的宴席。天下没有不散的宴席。No.1 交流平台交流

30、平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引put an end to结束,终止结束,终止bring.to an end使使结束结束in the end终于;最后终于;最后No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引They should put an end to that ridiculous war.他们应该终止那场荒谬的战争了。他们应该终止那场荒谬的战争了。I wonder how I can bring

31、their argument to an end.我不知如何才能使他们停止争论。我不知如何才能使他们停止争论。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引6We had to wait until the discussion between them _.Amade an end Bcame to an endCput an end Dbrought to an end解析:解析:come to an end结束,完成。结束,完成。答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创

32、新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引date back to追溯到,开始于追溯到,开始于Their use was limited by laws,the first of which dates back to the fourteenth century.(教教材材P33)面面具具的的使使用用受受到到法法律律的的限制,最早的法律可以追溯到限制,最早的法律可以追溯到14世纪。世纪。This custom dates back to the 16th century.这个风俗起源于这个风俗起源于16世纪。世纪。It is said

33、 that their friendship can date from ten years ago.据说他们的友谊要追溯到据说他们的友谊要追溯到10年前。年前。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引date back todate from,常常用用于于一一般般现现在在时时态态,没没有有被被动动语态语态This is the famous Great Canal,dating back to the Sui Dynasty.这就是著名的大运河,始建于隋朝。这就是著名的大运河,始建于隋朝

34、。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引7The Dragon Boat Festival,which_back to two thousand years ago,is one of the Chinese traditional festivals.Adates Bwas datedCdated Dhas dated解析:解析:date back to常用于一般现在时,无被动语态。常用于一般现在时,无被动语态。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3

35、 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引dress up装扮;打扮装扮;打扮.and they were not allowed to dress up as women.(教材教材P33)而且不允许他们装扮成妇女。而且不允许他们装扮成妇女。The children dressed themselves up as soldiers.孩子们扮成士兵。孩子们扮成士兵。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引(1)dress up as.装扮成装扮

36、成dress up (for.)(为为而而)穿上盛装,穿上盛装,(为为而而)打扮打扮dress up in.穿上穿上色的衣服色的衣服(2)dress well穿着得体穿着得体dress sb.(oneself)给某人穿衣给某人穿衣be dressed in.穿着穿着No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引We dressed up for the party.我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。The little girl is old enough to dress h

37、erself.这个小女孩已经能够给自己穿衣服了。这个小女孩已经能够给自己穿衣服了。The lady was dressed in white at the party.那女士在晚会上穿着一件白色衣服。那女士在晚会上穿着一件白色衣服。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引8_in her best clothes,the girl tried to make herself _at the party.ADressed;noticed BDressing;to be noticedCGet

38、 dressed;noticed DDressing;noticing解解析析:dress与与句句子子主主语语the girl之之间间是是被被动动关关系系,用用过过去去分词形式作状语,分词形式作状语,make oneself noticed意为意为“使自己被注意使自己被注意”。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引Think of carnival,and you think of crowds,costums,and confusion.(教材教材P32)想想到到狂狂欢欢

39、节节,你你就就会会想想到到人人群群,各各种种种种样样的的服服装装以以及及热热闹闹非凡的场面。非凡的场面。此此句句是是“祈祈使使句句and陈陈述述句句”结结构构,第第一一句句话话相相当当于于一一个个条条件件句句,第第二二句句是是在在第第一一句句基基础础上上出出现现的的结结果果。本本句句等等于于:If you think of carnival,you think of crowds,costumes,and confusion.No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引此结构中陈述句的时态用一

40、般现在时或一般将来时。此结构中陈述句的时态用一般现在时或一般将来时。此此种种结结构构还还有有一一种种用用法法:祈祈使使句句or陈陈述述句句if.not.,主句。主句。Come early,and you will catch the first bus.早点来,你就能赶上第一班公共汽车。早点来,你就能赶上第一班公共汽车。Work hard and you will succeed.努力学习你就会成功。努力学习你就会成功。Hurry up,or we will be late.(If we dont hurry up,we will be late.)快点,否则我们就迟到了。快点,否则我们就迟到

41、了。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引9Follow your doctors advice,_your cough will get worse.Aor BandCthen Dso解解析析:本本题题考考查查“祈祈使使句句or陈陈述述句句”句句型型。句句意意为为:遵照医生的建议,否则你的咳嗽会更加严重。遵照医生的建议,否则你的咳嗽会更加严重。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival

42、栏目导引栏目导引As time passed, however, the carnival period was extended,so that it began just after Christmas.(教教材材P32)然然而而,随随着着时时间间的的推推移移,狂狂欢欢节节的的时时间间延延长长了了,圣圣诞节刚过,狂欢节就开始了。诞节刚过,狂欢节就开始了。as引引导导了了一一个个时时间间状状语语从从句句,意意为为“随随着着”,so that引引导导了了一一个个结结果果状状语语从从句句。本本句句主主句句为为.the carnival period was extended.。No.1 交流平台

43、交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引As he grew older,he became stronger than before.随着年龄的增长,他比以前更强壮了。随着年龄的增长,他比以前更强壮了。I was caught in a shower so that all my clothes got wet.我被雨淋了,所以衣服全都湿透了。我被雨淋了,所以衣服全都湿透了。The snow was heavy,so that we had to walk.雪很大,因此我们不得不步行。雪很大,因此我们不得

44、不步行。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引10_,we know each other well.AAs time going on BWith time goes onCWith time to go on DAs time goes on解解析析:句句意意为为:随随着着时时间间的的发发展展,我我们们彼彼此此更更加加了了解解。B项项应应为为:with time going on;C项项with结结构构中中,动动词词不不定定式式表表将将来。来。答案:答案:DNo.1 交流平台交流平台

45、No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引11You should return home on time_your mother will not be angry.Aso that BbecauseCbefore Dor解解析析:句句意意为为:为为了了你你母母亲亲不不生生气气,你你应应该该准准时时回回家家。so that引导目的状语从句,含义为引导目的状语从句,含义为“为了为了”。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Car

46、nival栏目导引栏目导引No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引.单词拼写单词拼写1Her_(优优雅雅的的) manners impressed all the people present at the party.答案:答案:elegant2You may use the_(日日历历) to count how many days the Entrance Examinations are away.答案:答案:calendarNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No

47、.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引3Why do you make yourself in such_(混乱混乱)?答案:答案:confusion4Cant you_(延长延长) your visit for a few days?答案:答案:extend5She fainted but the brandy soon_(苏苏醒醒,复复活活) her.答案:答案:revivedNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引6The boy

48、has a good m_,and he can memorize 50 words in only 10 minutes.答案:答案:memory7Id like to b_three seats for tonights concert.答案:答案:book8The route has been m_so that it is easy to follow.答案:答案:markedNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引9She was w_aimlessly up and down

49、the road.答案:答案:wandering10 People wear wonderful c_to celebrate the special festival.答案:答案:costumesNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引.选词填空选词填空dress up;on end;be good for;in secret;date back to1It is well known that watching too much TV_ _children.答案:答案:is not g

50、ood for2He_as a ghost and frightened some girls at the party.答案:答案:dressed upNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引3Last night we had a meeting_.答案:答案:in secret4_the 14th century,the castle is still in good condition.答案:答案:Dating back to5The play ran for 460 nights

51、_,and it was one of the successes of the season.答案:答案:on endNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引.佳句必背佳句必背1人人们们把把狂狂欢欢节节看看作作是是冬冬季季结结束束时时可可以以尽尽情情玩玩乐乐的的一一个个最最后的机会。尽情玩乐就意味着吃、喝、盛装打扮。后的机会。尽情玩乐就意味着吃、喝、盛装打扮。People _Carnival_ _ _ _ _ _ _at the end of the winter season. Hav

52、ing fun meant eating, drinking and _ _.答案:答案:saw;as a last chance to have fun;dressing upNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引2然然而而随随着着时时间间的的推推移移,狂狂欢欢节节延延长长了了时时间间,圣圣诞诞节节刚刚过过就开始了。就开始了。_ _ _, however, the carnival period_ _,so that it began just after Christmas.答案:答

53、案:As time passed;was extendedNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引3普普通通人人可可以以装装扮扮成成阔阔佬佬和和要要人人,而而名名人人也也可可以以偷偷偷偷地地体体验浪漫奇遇,很多罪行逃脱了惩处。验浪漫奇遇,很多罪行逃脱了惩处。Ordinary people could _ _ _ _and important, while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.Many crimes _

54、 _.答案:答案:pretend to be rich;went unpunishedNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引练考题、验能力、轻巧夺冠No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 4 Carnival栏目导引栏目导引同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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