高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels 3 Clean Machines课件 北师大版必修3

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1、一二三四一、将下列单词填入相应的句子中chapterimpressionessayappreciateoperatorreliable1.Things that are can be trusted to work well.2.A(n) is one of the parts that a book is divided into.Each chapter has a number,and sometimes a title.3.If you something,you like it because you recognize its good quality.4.A(n) is a sh

2、ort piece of writing on one particular subject written by a student.5.Your of a person or thing is what you think they are like,usually after having seen or heard them.6.A(n) is a person who connects telephone calls at a telephone exchange.reliable chapter appreciate essay impression operator 一二三四二、

3、阅读课文,选择正确答案1.Which of the following is TRUE about Marie Logan?A.She is from Australia.B.She got interested in solar cars when in kindergarten.C.She began taking part in car races when she was at university.D.She was always the winner in the car races she took part in.2.The race crossing the whole of

4、 Australia .A.can be done within a weekB.is longer than the Changjiang RiverC.is Marie Logans favourite because she was once the winner in itD.travels around the countryA A 一二三四3.Marie Logan writes the book about solar cars .A.to make a livingB.to tell people how to design a carC.to get people to kn

5、ow more about solar carsD.to persuade people to buy solar cars4.From the conversation,we can infer(推断).A.Marie Logans book will be popularB.solar cars will be popularC.solar cars can run faster than a usual carD.weather can influence a solar cars speedC D 一二三四三、阅读课文,填写下面的表格 use solar energy 80 40 cl

6、ean safe pollution slow reliable 一二三四四、指出下列句子所表达的是既定事实还是持续行为,注意各自的谓语形式1.Weve looked at the figures and they are not good.2.You havent been studying very hard recently.3.Have you told everyone yet?4.She has revised a lot.5.Weve been looking for a new house since June.6.Shes been revising for her exam

7、s for weeks.7.Ive finished half my report.8.Ive been working on it all morning.9.They have been redecorating for ages.10.They have redecorated the sitting room.答案:既定事实:1;3;4;7;10持续行为:2;5;6;8;9123451.Ive designed five or six different cars so far.到目前为止,我已经设计了五六款不同的汽车。考点so far 迄今为止So far it has been r

8、aining for a week.迄今为止,雨已经下了一个星期了。He said he would telephone but we havent heard from him so far.他说要打电话来,但我们到现在还没有收到他的音讯。 归纳:so far在句中用作时间状语,表示从过去某时到“现在”(即说话时)的一段时间,相当于until now,因此常与现在完成时连用。它在句中的位置较为灵活,既可位于句首,也可位于句末。12345考点延伸习惯用语:So far so good.迄今为止,一切顺利。Weve reached the semi-finals.So far so good.我

9、们已经进入了半决赛。迄今为止,一切顺利。How are you getting along with your new classmates?你与你的新同学相处得怎么样?So far so good.迄今为止,一切顺利。活学活用语法填空(1)Progress (be) so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.(2)So far we (do) a lot to build a low-carbon economy,but it is far from ideal.We have to wor

10、k still harder.has been have done 123452.I want people to have a good impression of solar cars.我想让人们对太阳能汽车有个好印象。考点impression n. 印象,感觉【高考典句】A good first impression increases sales.良好的第一印象增加销售额。You never get a second chance to leave a first impression!你不会有第二次机会给人留下第一印象!Every scene on the screen keeps

11、me up-to-date and some of them will leave an enduring impression on my life.屏幕上的每个画面都让我拥有最新的信息,有些将在我的生活中留下不可磨灭的印象。12345We were left with the impression that we were determined to win.我们留下了这样一种印象我们志在必得。Im under the impression that he once asked me the question.我以为他曾经问过我这个问题。归纳:impression与不同介词的搭配leave

12、 an impression on sb.给某人留下印象leave sb.with the impression that.给某人留下的印象(be)under the impression that.认为,(通常指)误以为12345考点延伸(1)同根词:impress vt. 给留下深刻印象Our volunteers will surely impress our guests.我们的志愿者们肯定会给我们的客人留下深刻的印象。My father impressed me with the importance of hard work.我父亲使我明白了努力工作的重要性。Professor S

13、mith impressed all his students with his great knowledge of history.史密斯教授用他渊博的历史知识给他的所有学生留下了深刻的印象。Im very impressed with the scenery here.这里的景色给我留下了深刻的印象。The scenery here is strongly impressed on my mind.这里的景色深深地印在我脑海中。12345归纳:impress的常用搭配impress sb.with.用/因给某人留下深刻印象sb.be impressed with sth./sth.be

14、impressed on sb.某物给某人留下深刻印象(2)阅读下面的句子,体会impressive的含义。The view from the other side is even more impressive.从另一侧看到的风景更令人印象深刻。含义:给人留下深刻印象的12345活学活用完成句子(1)Everybody that she was a good match for the young man.大家都觉得她和那个年轻人是天造地设的一对。had an impression 语法填空(2)She seemed to be the impression that more guests

15、 were coming,but nobody else ever came.(3)His words were strongly impressed my memory.(4)The girl impressed us her skillful hands.under on with 123453.But a lot of people think that solar cars are too slow or not very reliable.但是许多人认为太阳能汽车太慢了,或者不太可靠。考点reliable adj. 可靠的【高考典句】That young man is honest,

16、cooperative,always there when you need his help. In short,hes reliable.那个年轻人做人诚实、善于合作、总是乐于助人。总之,他靠得住。He wants to find a reliable person to help him with his work.他想找一个可靠的人帮他工作上的忙。I have been convinced that the print media are usually more accurate and more reliable than television.我一直认为,纸质媒体通常比电视更精确

17、,也更可靠。12345考点延伸反义词:unreliable adj. 不可靠的,靠不住的Dont ask Janeshes too unreliable.别问简她太不可靠了。The cars unreliable in wet weather.这辆车在这种潮湿的天气里不可靠。12345活学活用完成句子(1)John if he promises to do something hell do it.约翰很可靠如果他答应做某事,他就一定会做好。选词填空:reliable和unreliable(2)Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a f

18、airly method of losing weight.(3)She was totally ,so she was fired.is very reliable reliable unreliable 123454.Shell appreciate it.她会喜欢的。考点appreciate vt. 欣赏,鉴赏【高考典句】She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.她学会了欣赏难以读懂的书籍里的部分内容。Im not an expert,but I appreciate fine works of art.我不是

19、专家,但我对好的艺术作品有鉴赏力。归纳:appreciate的本义为“评价”,因而作“欣赏”讲时是指对事物有深入的了解并能鉴赏。12345考点延伸 (1)appreciate还常表示“感谢,感激”I appreciate the help you have given me.我对你所给予的帮助表示感谢。I would appreciate your keeping it a secret.=I would appreciate it if you keep it a secret.要是你能保守秘密,我将感激不尽。If you could give me directions,I would a

20、ppreciate it.如果你告诉我怎么走,我会非常感激。归纳:表示“对表示感谢”时,appreciate后通常接名词或动词-ing,动词-ing前可用物主代词表示其逻辑主语;不接动词不定式或从句,但可以接it if/when.句型。12345(2)派生词:appreciation n. 欣赏,感激She shows little appreciation of good music.她对好音乐几乎没有欣赏的能力。Please accept this gift in appreciation of all youve done for us.承蒙鼎力相助,不胜感激。谨备薄礼,敬请笑纳。123

21、45活学活用语法填空(1)I really appreciate (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.(2)I would appreciate ,to be frank,if goods could be delivered as soon as possible.完成句子(3) our music.任何人都能欣赏我们的音乐。(4) the novel,one must be able to enter the spirit of the work.要想欣赏这部小说,你必须领悟这部作品的精神。having it Anyone c

22、an appreciate In order to appreciate 123455.语法:现在完成进行时与现在完成时的比较考点一两种时态偶尔可互换使用,含义基本相同。例如:I have been working here for five years.=I have worked here for five years.我在这里已经工作5年了。They have been living in this city for ten years.=They have lived in this city for ten years.他们在这个城市已经住了10年了。 12345考点二多数情况下两种

23、时态不可换用。在表示“从过去开始一直持续到现在”这个概念时,现在完成进行时多用于口语。如果侧重动作的结果,多用现在完成时;如果侧重动作的延续性或者动作仍然继续下去时,由于现在完成进行时还带有进行时的持续性、暂时性和未完成性,这时宜采用现在完成进行时。例如:I have read this book.我读过这本书。(动作已经完成)Ive been reading this book.我一直在读这本书。(动作还将继续下去)12345考点三表示状态的动词(如love,like,hate,know等)不能用于现在完成进行时。我认识他已经好几年了。I have known him for years.(

24、正)I have been knowing him for years.(误)12345活学活用对比练习:用现在完成时或现在完成进行时完成下列句子(1)a.I (cut)up all the meat.What shall I do now?b.She (cut)up magazines in her room all morning.(2)a.He (wait)in your office since he arrived.b.Im pleased hes got his promotion.He (wait)a long time for it.(3)a.He hasnt got much

25、 hair.He (lose)it since he was only thirty.b.She (lose)her keys.She cant find them anywhere.have cut has been cutting has been waiting has waited has been losing has lost 12345(4)a.He (smoke)since he was only ten.b.I (never smoke)a cigar.(5)a.They (never learn)to swim.b.They (learn)to drive for a co

26、uple of months.has been smoking have never smoked have never learnt have been learning 语法填空(6)Since the time humankind started gardening,we (try)to make our environment more beautiful.(7)Tony,why are your eyes red?I (cut)up peppers for the last five minutes.(8)We wont start the work until all the preparations (make).have been trying have been cutting have been made



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