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1、1.disability. ndisable.vtdisabled.adj disability既有可数又有不可数既有可数又有不可数.表示表示“残残疾疾”用作用作可数可数,表示,表示“无能,劳动能力无能,劳动能力丧失丧失”用作用作不可数不可数;disable表示表示“使残疾,使使残疾,使能力丧失能力丧失”;disabled表示表示“残疾的,伤残的残疾的,伤残的”,常用,常用于于thedisabled表表“残疾人残疾人”选词填空选词填空:disability,disable,disabled,disablement1)HegetsmoneyfromtheGovernmentbecauseofhi

2、s_.2)The_aretoreceivemoremoney.3)Anaccident_himfromplayingfootball.4)Manysoldierswere_inthewar.disabilitiesdisableddisableddisabled2. What have they done to try to overcome these difficulties? 他们做了哪些努力来克服这些困难?他们做了哪些努力来克服这些困难? try to do sth.与与try doing sth. try doing sth. 意为试着做某事意为试着做某事, 而而try to do

3、sth. 意为努力做某事意为努力做某事2.ambitionn.野心野心;雄心雄心ambitiousadj.有雄心的有雄心的;野心勃勃的野心勃勃的beambitiousforsth/todosth对对(做做)某事怀有雄心某事怀有雄心/热切的希望热切的希望ambitiouslyadv.野心勃勃地野心勃勃地Eg:Aboywhoisambitious/filledwithambitionusuallyworkshard.完成句子完成句子:1)Mothersareoftenhighly_(怀有热切的期望怀有热切的期望)theirchildren.2)Iam_(热切希望热切希望能成功能成功)inlife.

4、3)His_(要做首相的雄心要做首相的雄心)islikelytoberealized.ambitiousforambitioustosucceedambitiontobecomeprimeministerSuitable 1.be suitable to do sth He is suitable to do the job.2.Sb be suitable for sth Sth be suitable to sb.某人适合干某事He is suitable for the job.The job is suitable to him.3. She is proud to have take

5、n part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps this year. 今年她参加了多次比赛,而且打破今年她参加了多次比赛,而且打破了两圈了两圈 (800米米) 赛跑的纪录。赛跑的纪录。1) proud be proud of sth. be proud to do be proud that Your achievements are something to be proud of. I feel very proud to be a singer. He is proud that he is a

6、n excellent teacher.2) to have done 是不定式的完成形式,是不定式的完成形式,这种形式表示不定式的动作发生在谓这种形式表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前。语动词之前。She said she was sorry to have missed you. 她说她是很遗憾没有见到你。她说她是很遗憾没有见到你。He doesnt seem to have told a lie.他不像是说过谎的样子。他不像是说过谎的样子。She seems to have been a nurse.她好像当过护士。她好像当过护士。3.beneficialadj有益的有益的;受益的受益的

7、bebeneficialto对什么有益对什么有益benefitn.利益利益,好处好处vt.有益于有益于,有助于有助于vi.受益受益AbenefitB有益于有益于.Bbenefitsfrom/byA受益于受益于beofbenefitto对对有益有益forthebenefitof为了为了的利益的利益阳光对植物有益阳光对植物有益.Sunshine_plants.Sunshine_plants.Sunshine_plants.Plants_sunshine.isbeneficialtoisofbenefittobenefitsbenefitfrom4. In other words, there ar

8、e not many people like me. 换句话说换句话说, 像我这样的人并不多。像我这样的人并不多。 in other words 意为意为 “换句话说换句话说” in word 在口头上在口头上 in words 用言语来表达用言语来表达 in a/one word 简言之简言之, 总之总之Bear them in your mind! 考例 Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard _, you failed. (NMET 1999)A. in the end B. after

9、 all C. in other words D. at the same time 点拨 根据句中的“didnt reach the required standard”和“you failed”,可知是“换句话说”,故选C。in the end最终,最后;after all毕竟, 终究;at the same time同时。 4.clumsy(1)笨拙的笨拙的,不灵巧的不灵巧的You,clumsyguy!Youveknockedovermycoffee!瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡!瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡!(2)不机灵的不机灵的,不圆滑的不圆滑的Sheisaclumsygirl.她不


11、playisadapted_anovel.2)Thisbookisadapted_beginners.3)Whenyougotoanewcountry,youmustadaptyourself_newcustoms.4)Novelsareoftenadapted_thestage,televisionandradio.fromfortoforadapt: 指修改或改变以适应新条件指修改或改变以适应新条件adjust: 多指多指 “调整调整, 调节调节”使之适应使之适应fit: 多指多指“大小适合大小适合”,引申为,引申为“吻吻合合”suit: 多指多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、合乎要求、口味、性

12、格、情况情况”match: 指指“大小、色调、形状、性大小、色调、形状、性质质”等相配或相称等相配或相称辨析辨析:adapt,adjust,fit,suit,match1).Youcantseethroughthetelescopeuntilitis_toyoureyes.2).Theshoes_mewell.3).Aredjacketdoesnt_greentrousers.4).Nodish_alltastes.5).Youshould_yourselftothenewenvironment.adjustedfitmatchsuitsadaptExerciseMy motto is: li

13、ve one day at a time.(P2)我的座右铭是:活一天算一天。atatimeattimesatonetimeatthesametimeatanytimeallthetimeintimeontimeinnotimefromtimetotimeaheadoftimehaveagoodtime一次,依次一次,依次, ,每次每次有时有时( (过去)有个时期,一度,曾经过去)有个时期,一度,曾经同时同时随时随时一直一直及时及时准时准时立刻立刻时不时地时不时地提前提前玩得很开心玩得很开心 Joan and I were good friends. She was a kind girl a

14、nd I could go to her for help I had any difficulty because I knew she would always solve the problem . Joan was clever, and she was diligent. She liked to finish her homework and then she could have time to practise writing.Joan also liked walking. _ we would take a walk along the river bank after s

15、upper.Joan had a good memory.One day she recited more than twenty long poems _ when we were walking along the river. At one timeat any timein timeat the same timeahead of timeFrom time to timeat a time7. Until I was ten years old I was the same as everyone else. 一直到我大约十岁时一直到我大约十岁时, 我都和其他我都和其他人一样。人一样

16、。until 直到直到.为止为止conj. 后接时间状语从句后接时间状语从句, 也可用语强也可用语强调结构。调结构。People dont know the value of health until they lost it.8. I used to climb trees, swim and play football. 我过去常常爬树、游泳和踢足球。我过去常常爬树、游泳和踢足球。 used to表示过去经常的或持续的行为表示过去经常的或持续的行为,现在已经不再发生。常用助动词现在已经不再发生。常用助动词did帮助帮助构成否定句和疑问句。也可用构成否定句和疑问句。也可用usednt构构成否

17、定成否定。You used to smoke, usednt you?/didnt you?used to与与wouldused to指过去的状况指过去的状况,也可指习惯也可指习惯,现在并现在并非如此,而非如此,而would多指过去动作的反复多指过去动作的反复, 与与现在无关。现在无关。He would go to the park as soon as he was free. He used to be a naughty boy.used to do, be used to sth./doing sth.和be used to doused to表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,但现在

18、已不再发生或存在。be used to sth./ doing sth. 表示“习惯于”be used to sth. 意为“被用来做某事”cut out 删(省/切)掉;戒掉(不好的习惯等)Lets cut out the unimportant details.我们来把不重要的细节删掉。Youd better cut out smoking. 你最好把烟戒掉。 cut down cut up cut across cut through cut off砍倒,削减 ;切碎;抄近路穿过;剪断、(抄近路)穿过;切断(联系),中止(供应)1. He was _ from his fellows.

19、2. He _ the fields so as not to be late. 3. You can _ on other evening activities like watching TV and get more sleep. 4. If you want to keep it, you can _the picture with the scissors. cut outcut downcut across( through)cut off6.breathn.呼吸呼吸;气息气息outofbreath上气不接下气上气不接下气holdonesbreath不出声不出声;屏息屏息geton


21、rEvansreadtheexamresults.A.tookadeepbreathB.outofbreathC.gotourbreathbackD.heldourbreath every time 可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。类似词有: the first /last ime , the moment , the minute , the day , the year 译一译:1. Every time I turn to him for help , he is always generous. 2. I was really scared the first time I saw a

22、snake.3. I got started the moment I received your letter. 4. I sent you the news the instant I heard it.5. His son was brought into the world the day he went abroad. 7.absencen.缺席缺席;不在不在(某处某处)absenceofmind心不在焉心不在焉;神不守舍神不守舍absentadj.缺席的缺席的;不在的不在的vt.使缺席使缺席;使离开使离开beabsentfrom缺席缺席;不在不在完成句子完成句子:1)MrGreen




26、erallallinall Idonthavetimetositaroundfeelingsorryformyself. 我没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。我没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。 tositaround在句中作定语,修饰在句中作定语,修饰time,意思有,意思有“无所无所事事事事; ;闲坐闲坐 ;围成一圈而坐围成一圈而坐 ;坐着不干,袖手旁观” Somepeoplearesittingaroundwhileothersaredoingallthework. 有些人坐着无所事事有些人坐着无所事事, , 而另一些人却在干所有而另一些人却在干所有的工作。的工作。 feeling sorry for my

27、self是一个现在分词短语是一个现在分词短语,在句在句中作状语中作状语,表示伴随的情况。表示伴随的情况。 He sat there in silence, doing nothing. As well as going to the movies and football matches, 此句中,此句中,as well as 相当于相当于in addition to,除了除了 当当A as well as B的短语为主语时,谓语动的短语为主语时,谓语动词与词与A 保持一致。保持一致。 1. His wife as well as his children _ invited to the p

28、arty. 2. His children as well as his wife _ invited to the party.waswere 与与 as well比较:比较: as well 也,还,同样也,还,同样 常放在句末作状语,前面不用逗号分开常放在句末作状语,前面不用逗号分开 I can see how English is used in everyday life as well. 有时也放在句首,常用逗号隔开有时也放在句首,常用逗号隔开 As well, I can see how English is used in everyday life .worth 作表语不作定

29、语作表语不作定语 worthy做表语及定语做表语及定语worthwhile作表语及定语作表语及定语worth的用法的用法: 1. be worth (钱)值钱)值钱钱2. be worth +n. 值得值得3. be worth doing (不用被动不用被动,主动表被动),主动表被动) =be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done例句:例句:1. The book is worth 50 yuan.2. The book is worth our attention.3. The book is worth reading.4. The bo

30、ok is worth of being read / to be read. worthy的用法的用法a worthy + 名词名词be worthy of +名词名词be worthy of + doing (being done) / to do (to be done)例句例句1. a worthy cause 崇高的事业崇高的事业2. The book is worthy of our attention.3. The book is worthy of being read / to be read.worthwhile 可以做表语及定语可以做表语及定语a worthwhile+名

31、词名词It is worthwhile to do / doing sth例句:例句:a worthwhile cause崇高的事业崇高的事业It is worthwhile to read the book/ reading the book.嘲笑嘲笑,取笑取笑laughatsb.10.makefunofItisnotpolitetothedisabled.makefunofmakefunofsb.makefoolsofsb.laughatsb.playajokeonsb.teasesbaboutsth.11.conductn.行为行为;品行品行vt.指挥指挥;管理管理conductones

32、elf为人为人;表现表现conductorn.管理人管理人;指挥指挥;售票员售票员完成句子完成句子:1)Theguide_(带带领游客参观了领游客参观了)themuseum.2)Imgladtosee_(你你在校的行为在校的行为)hasimproved.3)Thereporterwascriticizedfor_(不专业行为不专业行为).conductedthevisitorsroundyourconductatschoolunprofessionalconduct12.resign.vt, vi.resignfrom从从辞职辞职resignas辞去作为辞去作为的职务的职务eg:Sheresi

33、gnedassecretaryafterthreeyears.Heresignedfromajob.(常与(常与to连用)听从,顺从,甘心于连用)听从,顺从,甘心于短语短语:resignoneselfto使使(自己自己)听任听任,顺顺从从翻译翻译:他只好听天由命了他只好听天由命了.Heresignedhimselftohisfate.当当 A as well as B的短语为主语时的短语为主语时,谓语动词与谓语动词与A保持保持一致一致.如如:His wife as well as his children was invited to the party.He as well as I wan

34、ts to go boating. Air, as well as water, is needed to make plants grow. 空气和水都是植物生长所必需的。空气和水都是植物生长所必需的。 13.As well as going to as well 也也,还还,同样同样常放句末作状语常放句末作状语,前面不用逗号分开前面不用逗号分开; 有时也放于有时也放于句首句首,后面常用逗号分开后面常用逗号分开. 如如: I can see how English is used in everyday life as well.As well, I can see how English

35、is used in everyday life.14.assistance (n) (v) (n助手助手) . Our government often offers economic(经济上的经济上的) to poor families. Its very kind of her to me in doing my homework.assist v. assist sb. in doing sth. assist sb. with sth. assist sb. to do sth.assistassistantassistanceassist 15.courage (n) 勇气勇气 (

36、v 鼓励鼓励) (n 鼓励)鼓励) (adj 令人鼓舞的令人鼓舞的) (adj 受鼓舞的)受鼓舞的)encourageencouragementencouragingencouragedI didnt dare to speak English in class due to my lack of , so I failed in my English test. My father always me to try speaking English loudly in front of him. Thanks to his , I was not afraid of speaking Eng

37、lish in public. So when we got the news that I passed the final English exam, we were all .courageencouragedencouragementencouragingencouraged16.congratulate sb on sth/doing sth祝贺某人祝贺某人The teacher called to him to him winning the first prize.congratulateonCongratulations(常用(常用复数复数形式)形式) 表示表示“恭喜,祝贺;贺

38、词恭喜,祝贺;贺词。”如如-Ive just passed my driving test! 我刚通过驾驶执照考试。我刚通过驾驶执照考试。 -Congratulations! 恭喜你!恭喜你!17.graduation (n) (v) 毕业毕业graduate. After , Paul found a job in a bank. . She was 23 when she from Sun Yat-sen University.graduationgraduated 18.accessn.(接近或进入某地的)方法;通路(接近或进入某地的)方法;通路(常与介词(常与介词to连用)连用)The

39、onlyaccesstothefarmhouseisacrossthefields.到那所农舍去的唯一通路就是穿过这片田地。到那所农舍去的唯一通路就是穿过这片田地。Studentsmusthave/getaccesstogoodresources.学生必须有机会使用好的资源。学生必须有机会使用好的资源。get/haveaccessto得以接近;得以会见;得以进入;得以使用得以接近;得以会见;得以进入;得以使用giveaccessto接见;准许使用接见;准许使用beeasy/hardofaccess容易容易/难以接近难以接近单项填空单项填空Thepresidentisnoteasy_ ofasheisengagedinstateaffairsallthetime.A.accessB.accessibleC.accessedD.accessing【解析】选【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。句意为:因为总统整天忙。考查固定搭配。句意为:因为总统整天忙于国事,要见到他是不容易的。于国事,要见到他是不容易的。beeasyofaccess容易接容易接近。故选近。故选A。



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