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1、gkxx精品课件Unit 23 ConflictWar Memoriesgkxx精品课件War Memoriesgkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件A QuizWork in pairs and do the quiz on page 103gkxx精品课件Decide if the War Facts below refer to:a) World War I(1914-18)b) World War II(1939-45)c) The Vietnam War (1954-75)gkxx精品课件World War I (19141918 )World War II (193945 )gkxx精品

2、课件Reading under pressure1.Decide how long you need to spend on each task.2.Read the questions and decide what strategies you need to answer them.3.If you have difficulty with a question, dont spend too long on it. Move on to the nest one-you can always go back to it later.4. Dont leave a question un

3、answered-guess the answer!gkxx精品课件A Brave PatientDeath of a VillageA happy ending TrappedNo More FightingABCDMatch these titles with the extracts. (pay attention to one extra title)Readinggkxx精品课件 Complete the gaps in Text B with these sentences. (one extra sentence)A) Just before midnight we all de

4、cided not to start firing before they did.B) We told him he wasnt the only one who was fed up with it.C) The enemy had stuck up a similar one.D) The noise of the guns was terrible.E) Then we all got out of the trench.Answers:1.c 2.e 3.b 4.agkxx精品课件Choose the best alternative to complete each sentenc

5、e, a, b, c or d1. The Vietnamese villagers were calm at first because_. a)they knew the American soldiersb)this was a normal procedurec)they had identification papersd)they didnt understand Englishgkxx精品课件2. The troops got together on Christmas Day because _. a)they had planned it in advanceb)they g

6、ot along with each otherc)they were tired of the ward)the officers declared peacegkxx精品课件3.The nurse wasnt enthusiastic about the award ceremony from the start because _. a)she had to clean up the wardb)she didnt like the bosss attitude to the VIPsc)the patient had been badly woundedd)the patient st

7、arted to cry gkxx精品课件4. The soldiers did not go near the plane because _.a)there was danger of an explosionb)it had full tanksc)it had bombs on boardd)they had no permissiongkxx精品课件Speaking : Discuss the following statement in groups. Then answer the question that follow.“Wars are fought for many di

8、fferent reasons. Some are fought for the good of mankind. Others are the result of mans greed and prejudices.”gkxx精品课件Questions :1 For what reasons could wars be fought for the good of mankind?2 Can you list some wars in history which fought for the justice of mankind ?3 Can you think of any wars th

9、at were fought for reasons of greed or prejudices ?gkxx精品课件1. 竖起竖起2. 厌烦厌烦3. 几个几个4. 达成共识达成共识5. 在午夜在午夜6. 确信确信7. 清理清理8. 被炸毁的被炸毁的9. 对对厌倦厌倦10. 为为而战而战stick up be fed up with a couple ofcome to an understanding at midnightmake sure clear upbe blown offbe tired of fight forUseful phrasesgkxx精品课件plaza: open

10、square or market-placesquat: sit on ones heels or on the ground with the knees drawn up under or close to the body e.g The old man squatted by the fire.flee: run or hurry away; escapee.g During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.spare: refrain from hurting, harming or destroyinge.g P

11、lease spare me.stick up: be upright.stick sth up: threaten the people with a gun in order to rob it.e.g stick up a bank. stick up for sb.sth: support or defend sb.sth. e.g We should learn how to stick up for our rights.Language pointsgkxx精品课件stroll: walk in a slow leisurely way. Stroller: 闲逛者,散步者闲逛者

12、,散步者e.g. The old man is strolling in the park.muck in: share tasks or accommodation equally.e.g. Lets all muck in together, and well soon finish the job.be fed up with: be tired or bored;unhappy or depressed.e.g. He is fed up with his life.turn sb.off: cause sb. to be bored or disgusted by sth.e.g.

13、What he said turned me off.head for: move towards (a place)e.g. They are heading for Shanghai.gkxx精品课件Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given phrases: be fed up with, stick up, a couple of, fight for, come to an understanding, clean up 1.The nurse has _ the ward.2.Yesterday he bought _

14、new books.3.The Black are _freedom.4.The students _a board with “Happy New Year” on it.cleaned upa couple offighting forstuck upExercisesgkxx精品课件be fed up with, stick up, a couple of, fight for, come to an understanding, clear up 5. To tell you the truth, I have _ what he said.6. Have you _ that you

15、 would do something to prevent the rivers from being polluted?been fed up withcome to an understandinggkxx精品课件 1. Review the new words and phrases we have learnt in this class.2. Describe the war and its sufferings according to the text.Summarygkxx精品课件Heal the world gkxx精品课件1. Recite the useful phrases and new words 2. Finish P66-67Homeworkgkxx精品课件Good bye !同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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