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1、 Unit 4 Weather1 WeatherStudy aims the new words 1. the sentences patterns about weather.2.give some suggestions based on the weather.3.感叹句 be + doingwordssentencegrammar2Revise the new words cool 凉的,凉快的 rain 下雨cloudy 多云的 skate 滑冰comfortable 舒适的 ski 滑雪degree 度 snow 下雪degree centigrade 摄氏度 state 州eno

2、ugh 足够的 snowball 雪球foggy 有雾的 sunny 晴朗的forecast 预报 temperature 温度heavy 重的 the Spring Festival 春节move 移动 umbrella 雨伞otherwise 否则 weather 天气 windy 有风的3CheckTranslate and spell some new words4Look and saysunnycloudywindyrainysnowy12563 foggy45 Weather snowrain fogwind cloud suncloudyrainysnowywindysunny

3、foggyBrainstorm6Sentence patterns1.询问天气 Whats the weather like today? Hows the weather today? Its.2. 询问温度 Whats the temperature? Its 15 (15 degrees centigrade)7Can you read?-7 25 8minus seven degrees centigrade to two degrees centigrade five to eight degrees centigrade8Speak in pairs18-2712-1810-161

4、5-219Phrases1.待在家里2.去滑雪3.带把雨伞4.去野餐5.遛狗6.放风筝7.做饭8穿上9.下降10.既不.也不.10AdviceLets stay at home . Youd better come here in autumn. 你最好你最好秋季来这里。秋季来这里。What / How about going skiing?Why not take an umbrella ?Shall we go for a picnic ?我们我们呆在家里呆在家里吧吧去去滑雪滑雪滑雪滑雪怎么样?怎么样?为什么不为什么不带把雨伞带把雨伞呢呢?我们我们去野餐去野餐好吗?好吗?11 Why no

5、t do sth.?= What/How about +doing/ n. 表建议去做某事Sb. 表示询问某人的看法Why dont you do sth.?Lets have a rest, _?Let us have a rest, _ ?had better do sth. 否定式:had better not do sth.shall wewill you12stay at homeA: How cold it is ! _B: Sure.Lets stay at home .13take an umbrellaA: It is raining. _B: All right.Why n

6、ot take an umbrella ?14go skiingA: Its snowing._B: Good idea.What / How about going skiing?15picnicA: The sun is shining._B: Ok. Lets go.Shall we go for a picnic ?16感叹句感叹句是表达喜、怒、哀、乐以及惊奇、惊讶等强烈感情的句子。感叹句通常由what 或 how 引导。一 . 由what 引导的感叹句,其句子结构可分为以下三种:1. What + What + a/ana/an +adj.+ +adj.+可数名词单数可数名词单数+

7、+主语主语.+ +谓语谓语! What a nice present it is!2. What +adj.+What +adj.+可数名词复数可数名词复数+ +主语主语+ +谓语谓语! What beautiful flowers they are!3. What +adj.+What +adj.+不可数名词不可数名词+ +主语主语+ +谓语谓语! What important news it is!171. How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语! How fast he runs! How careful she is!2. How +形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数+主语+谓语! How

8、 handsome a boy he is! 3. How +主语+谓语! How time flies! 光阴似箭! 注意注意:由 what 引导的感叹句与由 how 引导的感叹句有时可以转换,但句中部分单词的顺序要有所变化。如: How beautiful a girl she is! How beautiful a girl she is! = What a beautiful girl she is!= What a beautiful girl she is!三三 . 有时感叹句也可以由一个单词、词组、祈使句、陈述句有时感叹句也可以由一个单词、词组、祈使句、陈述句等构成。等构成。如:

9、 Good ideaGood idea!Wonderful! Wonderful! 二 . 由 how 引导的感叹句,也分为三种:18Have a try分别用What和How引导感叹句. 1.她是多么漂亮的一位女孩啊!她是多么漂亮的一位女孩啊! What a beautiful girl she is! How beautiful the girl is! How beautiful a girl she is!2. 多么漂亮的女孩子们啊!多么漂亮的女孩子们啊! What beautiful girls they are! How beautiful the girls are!3. 多好的

10、天气啊多好的天气啊! What good weather it is! How good the weather is! 19Grammar: The Present Continus Tense 1. 用法 (1)正在发生的事情 He is watching TV. (2)现阶段正在发生的动作 I am writing a book.2. 构成: be + v-ing am/is/are20- What is he doing?- What is she doing?- He is playing football.- She is writing. Grammar in use 21- What are you doing?Ask and answer- I am sleeping.22现在进行时现在进行时 正在做某事正在做某事好伙伴,好伙伴,am, is ,are呼唤动词呼唤动词ing少你少我都不行少你少我都不行I 用用 am You 用用 are单数单数 is 复数复数 are现在进行时用法小结现在进行时用法小结23Thank you for your listening! 24



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