module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》Grammar课件2(14张PPT)(外研版必修2)

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1、Reading + Grammar 1 豁达者长寿。豁达者长寿。 健康胜过财富。健康胜过财富。 有目标的人才能有真正的健康。有目标的人才能有真正的健康。 没有健康,人类就没有乐趣。没有健康,人类就没有乐趣。 健康失去时,始知其价值。健康失去时,始知其价值。A light heart lives long.Health is better than wealth.A man needs a purpose for real health. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man.Health is never valued until si

2、ckness comes. 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 病从口入。病从口入。 疾病是可以感觉到的,但健康则完全不觉得。疾病是可以感觉到的,但健康则完全不觉得。 快乐首先在于有健康的身体。快乐首先在于有健康的身体。 预防胜于治疗。预防胜于治疗。 Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. A close mouth catches no flies.Sickness is felt, but health not at all.Happiness lies, first of all, in health.Prevent

3、ion is better than cure.Read Zhou Kai (1). Answer the questions. 1. Why is Zhou Kais mother anxious? 2. What does she think will happen? 3. What does she ask him to do?Becauseheisgoingouttoplayfootballintherain.ShethinksZhouKaiwillcatchabadcold.Sheaskshimtoatleastwearhisjacket.Tell the story happene

4、d between Zhou Kai and his mother with the key words as follows:anxiousplayintheraincatchacolddoasoneistold Read Zhou Kai (2). And finish activity 4. 1. a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b becrazyaboutnormalanxiouscaptainrarelyusual/oppositeofcrazybeenthusiasticaboutworried/eagerteamleadernotveryoftenMatch the words

5、and their definitions:Understanding:1.Idonthaveasweettooth.a)Thereisnothingwrongwithmyteeth.b)Idontliketoeatsweetthings.2.TwoyearsagoIbrokemyarmplaying football.a)TwoyearsagoIbrokemyarmbutIstilllikeplayingfootball.b)TwoyearsagoIbrokemyarmwhen I was playing football.3.Imcaptainoftheclassteam.a)Iamasp

6、ecialplayeroftheclassteam.b)Iamtheleaderoftheclassteam.4.Imnottooheavy,soIneverhavetodiet.a)Imnottooheavy,soIcaneatasmuchasIlike.b)Imnottooheay,soIneverhavetoeat.Read Zhou Kai (1) and Zhou Kai (2), and discuss the following questions: 1. Does Zhou Kai have a healthy lifestyle? Write three or four se

7、ntences saying why or why not. 2. How to live a healthy life as a student?Nouns used as verbsComplete the following sentences:1.Did you _(预定)(预定)a seat on a plane yesterday?2. Please _ (递)(递)me the book.3. They _ (取名取名)their dog Bob.4. She _(护理;照顾)(护理;照顾)her aged mother every day.bookhandnamednurses

8、Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Change the form if necessary.1.Could you _ me the newspaper?2.The child is old enough to _ himself.3.We have to _ the difficulty.4.She took out some paper to _ the windows.5.You must _ the desk and chair twice a day.6.We didnt have any excuse for that, b

9、ut the old lady _ us.face, hand, paper, excuse, dust, dress face, hand, paper, excuse, dust, dress handhanddressdressfacefacepaperpaperdustdustexcusedexcusedTranslating:1. 我们把谷物运往非洲。我们把谷物运往非洲。 2. 这些桌椅落上了灰尘。这些桌椅落上了灰尘。 3. 我们一起吃了午餐。我们一起吃了午餐。 WeshipgraintoAfrica. Thesedesksandchairsarecoatedwithdust. We

10、lunchedtogether. Research WorkLearn and discuss the following points in groups of four.1. diet n.v.2. fit v. / adj.sth. be fit for sb. to do be fit to do sth. It is (not) fit for sb. to do sth. 3.injure vt.injured adj.injury (U) / (C)4. see sb. doing sthsee sb. do sthsee sth. done6.feed sb./ animalfeed sb./ animal sth.feed sb./ animal on / with sth.feed on5.Thats becauseThats whyThe reason is that1.Read Zhou Kai (1) and (2) fluently.2.Finish Activity 4 on page 68.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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