广东省中山市高中英语 Unit 5 First aid language points课件 新人教版必修5

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1、UNIT 5 FIRST AID FOR BURNS Language points1. First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. given to someone 是过去分词做后置定语,修饰help ,give与help 在逻辑上是被动关系。aid (v)帮助,援助 (n)U帮助,援助 ;C助手,辅助用品例句:A dictionary is an invaluable aid in lea

2、rning a new language.字典是学习一门外语的宝贵的辅助工具. He aids me in business.他在生意上帮助我. perform first aid (to the injured) 对伤患者进行急救give/ offer first aid 给予急救 come/go to sb.s aid 前来/去帮助某人 with the aid of 借助于 in aid of 为了帮助 aid sb in/ with 为某事帮助某人 aid sb. to do sth. 帮某人做某事2) temporary: adj. 临时的,短暂的 3) fall ill fall

3、在此为连系动词,意为在此为连系动词,意为“变得变得 ,进入某种状,进入某种状态态”,后接,后接n./adj.,如,如 fall asleep睡着睡着 fall silent安静下来安静下来 fall lame 变跛变跛 fall behind 落后。落后。fall ill 为短暂性动词,不可表示一段持续时间为短暂性动词,不可表示一段持续时间常见的系动词是常见的系动词是be,除了,除了 be 动词之外还有一些,动词之外还有一些,他们大致可分为四类:他们大致可分为四类: 1). 表示表示“似乎似乎”,如:,如:appear, seem 2). 表示表示“感觉感觉” ” 如:如:look, soun

4、d, feel, taste, smell 3). 表示表示 “变化变化 ” ”如:如:become, come, get, grow, turn, fall, go4). 表示其他含义表示其他含义 如:如:keep, remain, stay, stand , lie, prove, turn out 4)get injured get 是连系动词,后接分词形式的是连系动词,后接分词形式的形容词,意为形容词,意为“变得变得 ,进入某种状态,进入某种状态”,get是是个瞬间动词。个瞬间动词。类似结构:类似结构:get hurt_ get married_ get changed_ get lo

5、st_ get paid_ get dressed_ get drunk_ get infected_ get separated_ get bored_ get burned_Suggested Answers: 受伤;结婚;改变;迷路;受伤;结婚;改变;迷路;发工资;穿衣服;喝醉;受感染;被分开;变得发工资;穿衣服;喝醉;受感染;被分开;变得沉闷;燃烧。沉闷;燃烧。 injured (adj.)“受伤的受伤的”; injure (vt.)使受伤,损害,)使受伤,损害,伤害伤害; injury (n)伤口,伤害)伤口,伤害injure 指由于意外或事故而受伤指由于意外或事故而受伤,也可指无形

6、的伤害也可指无形的伤害.hurt 多指精神上或肉体上受到的伤害多指精神上或肉体上受到的伤害,含有较强烈的疼痛意含有较强烈的疼痛意味味.wound指外界暴力引起的皮肉伤指外界暴力引起的皮肉伤,是出血的严重的伤是出血的严重的伤,尤指尤指战场中的伤害战场中的伤害. harm指精神或肉体上的损害指精神或肉体上的损害,但不表示伤痛但不表示伤痛.可指对抽象事可指对抽象事物物.damage主要指对事物主要指对事物(价值价值/用途用途/外观等外观等)造成的损害造成的损害,损损失失. 1) Youll _ her feelings if you forget her birthday.2) The soldie

7、r was _ in the arm.3) He was badly _ in the accident.4) Last night a terrible storm hit the area and many people were _.5) My stomach _ because I have eaten too many apples.Suggested Answers: 1) hurt 2) wounded 3) injured 4) injured 5) hurts2. bleed:(:(vi/vt)放血,流血)放血,流血 bled (过过去式去式)- bled (过过去分去分词词

8、) blood n. 血液,血血液,血统统 bloody adj. 血染的,出血的,残血染的,出血的,残暴的暴的 bleed to death_ blood bank _ blood type _ blood test _ blood pressure _ blood transfusion _ Blood is thicker than water._Suggested Answers: 失血失血过过多致死;血多致死;血库库;血型;血型;验验血;血;血血压压;输输血;血血;血浓浓于水于水句意理解句意理解:1)The ages of most of the people in our comp

9、any are more than we need new blood here. 2)The murderer killed the little girl in cold blood because he was afraid of her accusation. 3)John come home with a bloody nose. 4)The way he treated these people really make my blood boil. 5)She sweated blood over her career. 新生力量新生力量蓄意地,有预谋地,残酷无情地蓄意

10、地,有预谋地,残酷无情地受挫折受挫折使某人火冒三丈使某人火冒三丈拼命工作,累死累活地干拼命工作,累死累活地干选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空1) The wound _ for a long time. No wonder there was so much _ on the ground.2) Seeing his sons _ nose, the young mother wondered what to do.3) They are of the same _.Suggested Answers: 1) had bled; blood 2) bloody/bl

11、eeding 3) blood 3.Choke vt 使窒息,使呼吸困使窒息,使呼吸困难难;堵塞堵塞例句例句:He almost _(噎死噎死) on a fish bone.The chimney was choked up with soot.那个烟囱被烟灰堵住了那个烟囱被烟灰堵住了.辨析:辨析:choke指阻塞人的呼吸道或指阻塞人的呼吸道或管道,水流等管道,水流等;block指阻塞道路,使人,物,指阻塞道路,使人,物,车车等等无法无法顺顺利通利通过过。4.barrier (cn)屏障,)屏障,栅栏栅栏等障碍物,等障碍物,障碍障碍(+to)language barrier_barrier

12、to success_barrier against disease _barrier between the two countries _Suggested Answers: 语语言障碍;成言障碍;成功的障碍;防止疾病的屏障;两国之功的障碍;防止疾病的屏障;两国之间间的屏障的屏障5. act as当作;充当;担任当作;充当;担任的的角色角色e.g. A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person. 一条经一条经过训练的狗可以给盲人当向导。过训练的狗可以给盲人当向导。 6.poison (n) U/C 毒毒药药,毒害,毒害 ;有害的有害的

13、事物(事物(vt)投毒,使中毒,)投毒,使中毒,污污染,毒害染,毒害(思想(思想)poisonous (adj)有毒的)有毒的,很糟糕的很糟糕的 例句:例句:These foods contain a deadly poison.这些这些食物含有剧毒食物含有剧毒。Hatred is a poison that will destroy your life.憎恨是会憎恨是会毁毁掉一个人生活的有害掉一个人生活的有害的的东东西西。Television violence is poisoning the minds of young people.暴力暴力电视电视正毒正毒害年害年轻轻人的思想人的思想。

14、7. It keeps you warm or cool; It prevents your body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.1)keep+宾语宾语+宾补(形容词宾补(形容词/现在分词现在分词/过去分词过去分词/介词介词/方位副词)方位副词)“使继续处于某种状态使继续处于某种状态” 使自己保持健康使自己保持健康 _ 使自己保持清使自己保持清醒醒 _ 使工人整天工作使工人整天工作 _Suggested Answ

15、ers: keep oneself healthy; keep oneself clear-headed; keep the workers working all day 2)stop sb/sth (from) ; keep sb/sth from; prevent sb/sth (from) “阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事” Protect sb/sth from/ against 保护某人保护某人/某物免受某物免受的损的损害害No one can prevent the plan from _(阻止这个计划的实施)(阻止这个计划的实施).The sudden rain prevente

16、d _(阻止我阻止我们动身们动身)A line of first was built along the border to _ the country against attack.A. prevent B.protect C.stop D.keep Suggested Answers: being carried out us setting off protect3) sense:n. 感觉;鉴别力,判断力;意义感觉;鉴别力,判断力;意义a/the sense of touch/sight/hearing/taste/smell a sense of humour/beauty/dire

17、ction/security/ guilty have the sense to do_ common sense_ in a sense _make sense of _ make sense_ make no sense_There is no sense in(doing )sth _Suggested Answers: 触觉触觉/视觉视觉/听觉听觉/味觉味觉/嗅嗅觉;幽默感觉;幽默感/美感美感/方向感方向感/安全感安全感/罪恶感;有良好罪恶感;有良好的判断;常识;从某种意义上说;懂得;讲得通,的判断;常识;从某种意义上说;懂得;讲得通,有道理;没道理,讲不通;没有理由做某事有道理;没道

18、理,讲不通;没有理由做某事 8. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.该句是一个主从复合句,主句为:该句是一个主从复合句,主句为:if your skin gets burned it can be very serious;从句为;从句为as you can imagine。As引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面的内容,有引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面的内容,有“正如正如”或或“就像就像”的意思;它所引导的从句位置较灵活,的意思;它所引导的从句位置较灵活,可以位于句首、句中或句末。可以位于句

19、首、句中或句末。例句:例句:The work is not so difficult as you imagine. 9. variety: sing/pl(+of)各种(事物);各种(事物);C动植物等的种类;动植物等的种类;C多样化,变体多样化,变体例句例句: The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of/varieties of colors. 1)A variety of toys _(be)on show in the shop.2)The varieties of the books he has _(be)astonishing.

20、3)There _(be)a new variety of apple.Suggested Answers: 1) was(variety指指“多样多样”时,时,为单数)为单数) 2) are 3) is/was 10. electric/electricalelectric通常指使用或通常指使用或产产生生电电力的力的,常修常修饰饰具体的具体的词词:electric light/ guitar/drill/chair/shockelectrical与更概括的与更概括的词词如如equipment(电电器器设备设备)和)和wring(传电线传电线路)以及与路)以及与电电有关有关或有关或有关电电的研

21、究内容的。的研究内容的。electrical fault /engineer 电电力故力故障障/电电器工程器工程师师11.swell vt/vi(- swelled ptswollen pp):vi/vt肿肿,使膨,使膨胀胀;swollen(adj)肿胀肿胀的,的,涨满涨满水的水的例句:例句:The heavy rain swelled the river. 大雨使河水上大雨使河水上涨涨。His injured wrist began to swell up. 他受他受伤伤的手腕开始的手腕开始肿肿起来起来。His heart was swollen with pride at his achi

22、evement. 他有了成他有了成绩绩而沾沾自喜而沾沾自喜。12. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.1) unless 除非;如果不 = if not例句:He will not leave unless he receives the order from his boss. = He will not leave if he doesnt receive the order from his boss.2) stick : vt/vi(- stuck pt stuck pp

23、), 粘在上;粘在上;刺入,戳刺入,戳搭配:搭配:get stuck in陷入,卡住陷入,卡住 stick sth in sth 陷陷在在里或刺入里或刺入 stick sth on (sth)/stick sth 把把(某物某物)贴在某物上贴在某物上 stick to +n/pron./doing: 把把(某物某物)贴在某物上贴在某物上;坚持,坚守坚持,坚守(真理(真理/原则原则/决定决定/理论理论/计划计划/诺言诺言/愿望愿望/理想等);忠于理想等);忠于; 坚持正在做的事情。坚持正在做的事情。 1) Glue was _(粘到他的手指上了)。(粘到他的手指上了)。2) If

24、you_(坚持真理)(坚持真理), you have nothing to fear. 3) He is a man who _.(忠于他的朋友)。(忠于他的朋友)。Suggested Answers: 1) stuck to his fingers 2) stick to the truth 3) sticks to his friends 辨析:辨析:stick to/insist on/persist instick to 指坚持指坚持“原则,计划,诺言,决定原则,计划,诺言,决定”等。等。stick to+doing 表示表示 坚持正在做的事情坚持正在做的事情insist on 坚持坚

25、持 “ “意见,主张意见,主张” ” 等或坚持某种看法。等或坚持某种看法。insist on doing坚持要求要做某事。坚持要求要做某事。persist in坚持行动,有时表示固执己见或坚持不放。坚持行动,有时表示固执己见或坚持不放。(1)He always _ his promise.(2)He _ leaving that day.(3) She _ studying in her spare time.Suggested Answers: 1) sticks to 2) insisted on 3) persists in 扩扩展:介展:介词词to与与动词动词的搭配(高中部的搭配(高中

26、部分分):):be used to习惯习惯于于 object to反反对对 lead to导导致致 look up to尊敬尊敬 get down to着手做着手做 devote oneself to献身于献身于 turn to求助于求助于 refer to 提及,提及,参考参考 take to变变得喜得喜欢欢、开始、开始经经常常 contribute to 有助于,有助于,为为捐献,捐献,为为作作贡贡献献devoteto把把献献给给look forward to盼望盼望13. Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.take o

27、ff 脱下,脱掉;休假;起脱下,脱掉;休假;起飞飞例句:例句:At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. Id like to take next Monday off to visit my sister in hospital. The plane is taking off.14. Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water.第一个第一个cool是是动词动词,表,表“使凉爽,使凉爽,使冷却使冷却”;第二个;第二个cool是形容是形容词词,表表“凉爽的凉爽的”例句

28、:例句:In summer people go out to cool themselves at night. Its really a cool day today.15. Its best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.1) Its best to do=Youd better do例句:例句:Its best to tell him the truth. Its best not to waster time arguing with him.16.squeeze vt/vi 从中榨取从中榨

29、取水分,果汁等;勒索;水分,果汁等;勒索;挤进挤进,塞入,塞入I squeezed out my wet clothes.(拧拧干干)Those blackmailers(勒索者勒索者) intended to squeeze more money out of /from him.(从(从向榨取向榨取)Is the car full or can I squeeze in ?(挤进挤进,塞入,塞入)17.over and over again:重复地,再三重复地,再三地地=many times/repeatedly/again and again / time and again / tim

30、e and time again / over and over over again =once more /once again1) I ve told you _(再三再三)not to do that.2) I didnt quite get it. Would you please read it_(再次再次)?Suggested Answers: 1) over and over again 2) over again place:在适当的(或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置;在适当的(或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置;适当的适当的; 1). Everything in th

31、e room was _ (井井有条井井有条) when the guests arrived.2). Young as he was, his words and deeds were _ (非常得体非常得体) at the party.Suggested Answers: 1) in place 2) in placeplace n.地点,地方;名次;位置;社会地位,身份地点,地方;名次;位置;社会地位,身份 v放置放置例句:例句:This is the best place I have ever been to.Mary won first place in the singing c

32、ontest.扩展:扩展:out of place不适合,不恰当不适合,不恰当 take the place of sb/sth代替的位置代替的位置 take place发生发生take ones place代替某人的位置;就职,就位代替某人的位置;就职,就位in place of=(in sbs/sths place) 代替代替 in the first placefirst of all 首先,第一首先,第一As soon as all the chairs are _, we can let people in.Great changes _in my home town in rece

33、nt years. Her dress was _at the meeting, which made her quite upset.John will _ Sam as leader in the team._, we should calm down the people. Second, we should hold a meeting at onceSuggested Answers: 1) in place; 2) have taken place; 3) out of place; 4) take the place of/ be in place of; 5) In the f

34、irst place 19. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.翻译:翻译:if possible是省略句,相当于是省略句,相当于 if it is possible,意思是,意思是“如果可能的话如果可能的话”为了表达方为了表达方便,英语中会出现很多口语话的省略形式。便,英语中会出现很多口语话的省略形式。If possible(=If it is possible,如果可能的话,如果可能的话) , discuss what kind of first aid you should

35、 give in these situations.(Warming-up, Unit 5)Remove clothing using scissors if necessary(=If it is necessary ,如果必要的话,如果必要的话) unless it is stuck to the burn.(P34,L36) Did you or someone else give help in any of them? If _ (=If it is true,如果是这样的话,如果是这样的话), what kind of help?Would you like to go shopp

36、ing with me tomorrow? If_, Ill do some shopping alone.How about putting some pictures into the airport? -Why not? (为什么不?当然,好啊为什么不?当然,好啊) A picture is worth a thousand words.Hurry up! Well be late. -So what? (那又怎样呢那又怎样呢) Do you really want to attend that boring lecture?Id like to take a weeks holiday

37、. -Forget it (忘掉吧,算忘掉吧,算了吧了吧), were too busy.状语从句的省略:是一个非常重要的考点。状语从句的省略:是一个非常重要的考点。在时间,条件,让步,原因等状语从句中,在时间,条件,让步,原因等状语从句中,如果状语从句中的主语和主句相同或者从如果状语从句中的主语和主句相同或者从句的主语是句的主语是it,从句谓语动词又含有,从句谓语动词又含有be的的某种形式时,可以省略从句中的某种形式时,可以省略从句中的_和和_。构成。构成“从属连词从属连词+形容词形容词/现现在分词在分词/过去分词过去分词/名词名词/副词副词/介词短语介词短语/不定式不定式”的结构。这种句子

38、更简练,流畅。的结构。这种句子更简练,流畅。Be careful_(过马路时过马路时).Dont speak _(直到被要求直到被要求).She wont come _(除非受邀请除非受邀请). He was fond of drawing _ (当他还是一个小当他还是一个小孩子时孩子时).His opinion, _ (无论对与错无论对与错), should be considered.She opened her lips _(好像要说什么好像要说什么)No matter how frequently _(perform), the works of Beethoven still att

39、ract people all over the world.When first _ (introduce) to the market, these products enjoyed great success.10) 比较:比较:When _(compare) their work, youll find hers is much better.When _(compare) with his work, her work is much better. 20. Its vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.I

40、ts vital to do sth. 至关重要至关重要= Its very important to do sth.例句:例句:Its vital for the human beings to solve the environmental problems.VerbNounAdjective injury swollen bleed sprain poisonous Complete the table with the correct nouns, verbs or adjectives.1injureinjuredswellswellingblood/bleedingblood/bl

41、eedingsprainsprainedpoisonpoisonVerbNounAdjective variety organic choke water infectComplete the table with the correct nouns, verbs or adjectives.1various varyorganizeorganchokechokedwaterwateryinfectioninfected/infectiousComplete the sentences with new words or phrases from the unit.1. When do you

42、 need to use your knowledge about_ _? When someone suddenly _or has an accident.2. What is the _? It is an organ which acts as a _ against disease, poisons and the suns harmful _.3. What are the functions of the skin described as _ ? It keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too m

43、uch water and provides you with your _ of touch.2 first aid skincomplex sense falls ill barrier rays5 .What is it _ to do if you have third degree burns? Go to the hospital.6. What are the _ of first degree burns? They are dry, red, and mildly _. symptoms swollen4. What can hurt the _ of the skin? Hot _ from pans on the stove, electric shocks, radiation, fire and the sun. tissue liquid vital



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