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1、八下英语随堂反馈练习八下英语随堂反馈练习一、单词拼写 根据以下句子所给的汉语及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一个词。1. Mum and Dad often ask me to be _ (老实).2. Eddie is not generous. He isn t _ (愿意) to share his food with Hobo.3. My brother is a very _( 有帮助的) to me. He often tells me how to do it next.4. He often gives _(座位) to people in need on

2、the bus.5. Elephants have poor_(视力), but good hearing and smell.6. I never feel _(无聊) when I read books in the library.7. He always likes making friends with the man who has a good sense of _ ( 幽默).8.He likes to play _(玩笑) on others.9. Max will travel around the world when he _(长大) up.10. We all thi

3、nk playing football and climbing are healthy_(活动).二、句子翻译将以下句子译成英语。1这条红色的裙子一点都不适合我。_2这张旧照片使我想起了我的朋友。_3确保你在周五之前能完成工作。_4大卫说游泳不如滑雪有趣。_5桑迪不知道该如何与她的同学交谈。_牛津英语随堂练习8AUnit 2一、单词拼写 根据以下句子所给的汉语及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一个词。1. Does your school have a _(网球) court?2. How many _(科目) do you study this term?3. Many

4、young people think Jaychow is one of the most popular _( 偶像).4. What useful _(语言) they are!5. He was the singer that I _(钦佩) a lot before .6. My rule is the same _(长度)as yours.7. They spend a lot of time _(练习) softball.8. Its good for our _(健康) to have some vegetables every day.9. Im afraid not. The

5、 shop is _(关闭的) at this time of a day.10. Nancy always has a good time _(聊天) with her parents after supper.二、句子翻译将以下句子译成英语。1. 他花了两小时完成作业。_2. 现在到了孩子们该睡觉的时候了。_3. 乘地铁比骑自行车快。_4. 米莉比基帝的花多,但钱比基帝少。_5. 马路的一边有一家超市,另一边有一所学校。_牛津英语随堂练习8AUnit 3一、单词拼写 根据以下句子所给的汉语及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一个词。1. She showed great _

6、兴趣in geography at the age of eight.2. Was he _真的sorry about what he said?3.They will never forget these _ 令人神奇的animals they saw yesterday.4. They have taught _他们自己Japanese for about three years.5. When autumn comes, _树叶become from green to yellow and then falldown.6. The _美丽of the attracts many tour

7、ists every year.7. Have you _ 决定where to meet your old classmates next Saturday?8. Recently these students are busy _准备for the coming final exam.9. Have you _收到a letter from your friend recently?10. Ann did _差in the exam than Millie last week.二、句子翻译将以下句子译成英语。1. 这些金字塔看上去就像埃及的真金字塔。_2. 我希望你能加入我们一起做游戏。_

8、3. 他们全家乘飞机外出旅行,每人的费用是五千元。_4. 幸亏那男子在交通事故中受伤不严重。_5. 在这学期初,所有的同学去参观了自然博物馆。_牛津英语随堂练习8AUnit 4一、单词拼写 根据以下句子所给的汉语及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一个词。1. One of the _猎人 caught a rabbit and took it home.2. If we go on cutting down the trees , the pandas will have _没有地方 to live .3. It s not _安全for children to cross

9、the road by themselves .4. When XI Wang was born, she _ 重just 100 grams .5. If a bear is in _危险, it attacks people .6. Our teacher often _鼓励 us to work hard and get good grades .7. If elephants are _渴, they walk till they find a river .8. All the wild animals should be _保护 in the world .9. Most _狼 e

10、at them when people attack .10. It is difficult for giant pandas to _活下来in the wild.二、句子翻译将以下句子译成英语。1. 在学校人人都叫我 Millie_2. 他叫他们采取以下措施来解决这个问题。_3. 人们猎取老虎获取他们的皮毛,以挣得很多钱。_4. 八个月后,她就长成健康的小熊猫。_5. 如果我们砍伐树木、森林,野生动物就没有家和食物。_牛津英语随堂练习8AUnit 5一、单词拼写 根据以下句子所给的汉语及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一个词。1. The Great Wall is i

11、n the _(北方的) part of China.2. A great number of _(旅游者) come to Suzhou every year.3. Everybody must know the _(重要) of wetlands.4. A baby giant panda weighs only 100grams at _(出生).5.The number of red-crown cranes is becoming _(少).6. This cinema has three _( 入口).7.Tommy is very lazy. He always finishes

12、 his homework _(粗心地).8. Zhalong Nature Reserve is the _(理想) home for many plants, fish andbirds.9. Where is your father? He is _(喂养) the pigs.10. Father walked into my bedroom _(轻轻地) and put a present on mydesk.二、句子翻译将以下句子译成英语。1. 学校给学生提供了一个很大的阅览室。_2. 我们应该为这些濒临灭绝的动物让出更多的空间。_3. 如果我们不保护湿地,将来就不可能看见这些鸟了。

13、_4. 我们的飞机在今晚十点出发。_5. 你愿意和我们一起去骑马吗?当然愿意。_牛津英语随堂练习8AUnit 6一、单词拼写 根据以下句子所给的汉语及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一个词。1. Bad weather sometimes cause _(自然的) disaster.2. The sandstorm sounds_(可怕的)!It came at 6:20 this morning.3. My brother always_(尖叫) when he sees a snake.4. There were more than 500 traffic_(事故) in

14、 that city last year.5. Didnt you hear any shouts from the_(激动的) people?6. It will be colder tomorrow. The radio says the _( 温度) will drop to -2 0C.7. Pieces of glass and bricks fell down and we looked at each other in _( 恐惧).8. There was an_(地震) in Taiwan in 1999.9. Dont worry. Theres nothing_(严重的) with you.10. The forest prevents the flood_(冲洗) the village away.二、句子翻译将以下句子译成英语。1. 莉莉的自行车坏了,今天早晨她不得不步行去校。_2. 不要四处乱跑,我们应该保持镇定。_3. 昨晚我爸妈看报时,我在看电视。_4. 在上学的路上,我看见一位老奶奶站在公路的另一边。_5. 瞧!积雪覆盖了整个马路,几个工人正在尽力清除积雪。_



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