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1、实用大学英语实用大学英语3Unit Unit TwoTwoSection A Listening and Speaking 掌握In the Hospital的相关表达Section B Reading 阅读两篇有关Culture的文章 阅读一篇有关Letter of Reply的应用文Section C Trying Your Hand 了解动词不定式的用法 学习Letter of Acceptance or Declination的写法 sore throat 嗓子疼 case history 病历 what to do with it (medicine) 怎样吃药 a packet 一

2、小包 symptoms of flu 流感的症状 have a runny nose 流鼻涕 my nose is stuffed up 我鼻塞 burning sensation 灼痛感Dialogue 1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. Listen to the dialogue again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). . Role PlayDialogue 2. Listen to th

3、e dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following statements with the information youve heard. . Oral PracticePassage 1. Now youll hear a passage. Listen to it and complete the table. Then listen to it again and check yo

4、ur answers.Passage 2. Now youll hear a passage, which is followed by four questions. Listen to it and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Then listen to it again and check your answers. . Role Play 看病礼仪看病礼仪 遵遵守守秩秩序序,文文明明候候诊诊 (Keep the order and wait to see a doctor politely) 如

5、实陈述病情如实陈述病情(Tell the state of illness honestly) 尊重和信赖医生 (Respect and trust the doctor) 保持修养 (Maintain polite) Pre-class Work: Two-minute Presentation read the text by yourself before class try to answer the questions below with the given expressions organize your ideas into a short passage give a tw

6、o-minute presentation in class Questions: 1. Whats the function and importance of families for a society? 2. Whats the American family like? 3. How is the Chinese family different from the American one? 4. Which family style do you prefer, American or Chinese?And why? 5. What is the ideal family lik

7、e in your mind? Useful Expressions: on the contrary 相反 I prefer我喜欢 in my opinion 在我看来,我认为 in other words 换句话说 play an important role 起着重要作用 A is different from B in some aspects. A和B在某些方面有些不同。 American FamilyBackground Tips 丁克家庭丁克家庭 丁克即丁克即DINK(Double Income No Kids),就是我们所说的,就是我们所说的“双收双收入,无子女入,无子女”。2

8、0世纪六七十年代,丁克家庭在欧美等地流行起来。世纪六七十年代,丁克家庭在欧美等地流行起来。80年代,它悄悄打开了中国的大门。随着时代的发展,这种家庭模年代,它悄悄打开了中国的大门。随着时代的发展,这种家庭模式式(family style)逐渐被大家接受。选择丁克家庭的人群有三个特点:逐渐被大家接受。选择丁克家庭的人群有三个特点:年轻化年轻化(youngization)、高学历、高学历(high diploma)和高收入和高收入(high salary)。这种家庭模式有助于夫妻双方专心于自己的事业,但是也。这种家庭模式有助于夫妻双方专心于自己的事业,但是也带来一些问题:丁克家庭的大量出现使离婚带

9、来一些问题:丁克家庭的大量出现使离婚(divorce)变得容易,带变得容易,带来潜在的不稳定因素;丁克家庭失去了生育和抚养后代来潜在的不稳定因素;丁克家庭失去了生育和抚养后代(offspring descendant)的职能,因而会对人们的生理健康(的职能,因而会对人们的生理健康(physiological health)产生影响,同时带来人情的冷漠产生影响,同时带来人情的冷漠(indifference);另一方面;另一方面,教育水平较高的阶层不愿生育,而文化素质,教育水平较高的阶层不愿生育,而文化素质(culture quality)不高不高的却超生滥生,会导致人口质量的却超生滥生,会导致人

10、口质量(population quality)的下降,影响的下降,影响社会的进步。社会的进步。StructurePara1Nuclear family” is the traditional family style in America.Para2Democracy is adopted in American families.Para3Divorce is a serious problem that American families are facing.Para4American people are trying to strengthen their families.Para

11、5The author provides some suggestions on how to strengthen families.New Words Phrases and Expressions Notes: nuclear family 核心家庭(家庭里有父母和孩子) extended family 大家庭 (家庭有祖父母,父母和孩子) single/two-parent home 单/双亲家庭 International Year of the Family国际家庭年。1989年12月8日,第44届联合国大会通过一项决议,宣布1994年为“国际家庭年”,并确定其主题为“家庭:变化世

12、界中的动力与责任”。此后又确定以屋顶盖心的图案作为“国际家庭年”的标志。1993年2月,联合国社会发展委员会又作出决定,从1994年起,每年5月15日为“国际家庭日”(International Day for Families)。设立“国际家庭日”旨在改善家庭的地位和条件,加强在保护和援助家庭方面的国际合作。 Thanksgiving Day感恩节,西方的一个重要节日,一般在每年十一月的第四个周四庆祝。 ExercisesTask 1 Trying to Remember It Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text

13、. Then check your answers. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory. Task 2 Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. Explain the following sentences.Task 3 Vocabulary & Structure. Crossword . Fill in the

14、blanks with the proper forms of the words or phrases given below (Please notice that not every one will be used). Fill in the blanks with proper infinitive.Task 4 Translation. Translate the following sentences,using the words in the brackets. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.TimeAbout

15、the Theme 美美国国人人视视时时间间为为一一项项重重要要而而有有限限的的资资源源,这这也也许许就就是是他他们们为为什什么么认认为为时时间间就就是是金金钱钱的的原原因因。因因此此,他他们们试试着着去去爱爱惜时间惜时间,并且合理地利用时间。并且合理地利用时间。New Words Phrases and Expressions Exercises. Choose the best answer according to the passage you have read. Discuss the following questions with your partners.Notes: po

16、cket planners 袖珍型笔记本/记事本 squeeze more life out of their time 在有限的时间里挤出更多的时间 Benjamin Franklin 美国物理学家、发明家、政治家、社会活动家。他是第一个在纯科学领域中享有国际声誉的美国科学家,是美国电学研究的先驱 。 New Words Phrases and Expressions Exercises Read the letter of reply above, and answer the following questions. 非谓语动词(一)动词不定式非谓语动词(一)动词不定式 不定式在句中可以

17、作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、宾语补足语、主语补不定式在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、宾语补足语、主语补足语和独立成分。足语和独立成分。1. 作主语作主语 不定式作主语时,往往放在谓语动词后面,而用引导词不定式作主语时,往往放在谓语动词后面,而用引导词it 作形式主语。作形式主语。2. 作表语作表语3. 作宾语作宾语 注意:一些动词后面必须跟不定式作宾语,它们是:注意:一些动词后面必须跟不定式作宾语,它们是:want, wish, hate, manage, try, offer, promise, pretend, intend, decide, learn, desire, a

18、gree, care, choose, expect, refuse, plan等。等。4. 作定语作定语 注意:不定式作定语要放在被修饰词之后。注意:不定式作定语要放在被修饰词之后。5. 作状语作状语 (表目的、结果、原因、条件等)(表目的、结果、原因、条件等)6. 作宾语补足语作宾语补足语 有些及物动词的宾语后常有不定式作宾补,构成复合宾语。这些及物动有些及物动词的宾语后常有不定式作宾补,构成复合宾语。这些及物动词有:词有:ask, tell, invite, force, get, allow, wish, want, like, hate, help, leave, expect, p

19、refer, encourage, advise, persuade, permit, remind, request, order, warn, mean, cause等。等。7. 作主语补足语作主语补足语 上述带有宾语补足语结构的动词,变为被动语态时,原宾语变为主语,上述带有宾语补足语结构的动词,变为被动语态时,原宾语变为主语,原宾补变为主补。原宾补变为主补。8. 作独立成分作独立成分Exercise. Underline the infinitives in the following sentences and state what grammatical functions they

20、 play. Fill in the blanks with the infinitive forms of the verbs in the brackets. . Translate the following sentences,with the underlined parts being put into infinitives. . Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.回函回函 回函一般分为接受函和拒绝函两种。如果可以提供回函一般分为接受函和拒绝函两种。如果可以提供对方在询问函中要求的产品、服务等,就用

21、接受函;反对方在询问函中要求的产品、服务等,就用接受函;反之,如果无法满足对方的相关要求,就用拒绝函。之,如果无法满足对方的相关要求,就用拒绝函。 一、常用语一、常用语1. We welcome your inquiry of April 5th and thank you for your interest in our products. 谢谢贵公司谢谢贵公司4月月5日来函询问,谨表谢意。日来函询问,谨表谢意。2. I encloseas requested in your letter of May 18th. 应您应您5月月18日来信中的要求,我们附上日来信中的要求,我们附上3. Th

22、ank you for your letter of March 1st enquiring about 谢谢您谢谢您3月月1日询问我们有关日询问我们有关的来信。的来信。4. We are obliged for your enquiry of June 10th and are pleased to enclose 我们很高兴收到您我们很高兴收到您6月月10日的询问信,并且很乐意附上日的询问信,并且很乐意附上5. We should be glad to show the product to you if you call on us. 如果您来访的话,我们乐意向您展示我们的产品。如果您来

23、访的话,我们乐意向您展示我们的产品。6. We look forward to your order. 我们盼望贵方早日做出订货决定。我们盼望贵方早日做出订货决定。7. Thank you for your kind consideration, and we expect we shall hear from you in the very near future. 谢谢您能给予考虑,并愿早日收到您的回信。谢谢您能给予考虑,并愿早日收到您的回信。8. We advise you to place your order with us at once. 我们建议您最好马上下订单。我们建议您最好

24、马上下订单。 二、范例二、范例 三、基本格式和注意事项回函通常要包含以下内容:1. 感谢对方的询问;2. 根据询问内容回复对方,比如产品的规格、价格等;3. 期望对方早日做出订货决定等(期望下次能跟对方合作)。【注】第三部分的内容有时可以省去。Exercises. Complete the letter of reply according to the Chinese information. . Complete the letter of reply according to the Chinese version . . Translate the following sentences.



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