高二英语 新人教版选修7 unit 2《Robots》 Warming up and Pre-reading 教学课件

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高二英语 新人教版选修7 unit 2《Robots》 Warming up and Pre-reading 教学课件_第1页
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《高二英语 新人教版选修7 unit 2《Robots》 Warming up and Pre-reading 教学课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语 新人教版选修7 unit 2《Robots》 Warming up and Pre-reading 教学课件(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a robot?a computera fiction charactera movie stara machine a helperWarming upWho is she?Who are dancing?What do robots look like?They may take various shapes to serve different functions.What do you think a robot can do?talkcookplay

2、a musical instrumentswim lead the wayRobot! driving The robot can do rescue work in the snow. The robot can fight in the war.carry thingsexplore汽车焊接机器人汽车焊接机器人消防灭火机器人消防灭火机器人 play sportsWhats a robot? A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. How does a robot work?

3、A robot is programmed and controlled by a computer.Do you know any story or novel or film whose hero (heroine) is a robot? If you do, can you say something about them?Discussion终结者终结者(阿诺阿诺.施瓦辛格施瓦辛格) T800终结者终结者T1000“ I, ROBOT”变形金刚擎天柱变形金刚擎天柱机器战警机器战警Murpy机器人历险记机器人历险记Today there are different kinds of r

4、obots, including industrial robots, household robots, and entertainment robots. Pre-readingLook at the pictures of robots. In groups, discuss the following questions.Where would you find each robot?What does each one do?Can you think of any other type of robot?Pre-readingWhere would you find each ro

5、bot?We would find the robot in the first photo in a factory. It is an industrial robot that picks up, carries and moves loads.Pre-readingWhere would you find each robot?The second robot is a robot dog. The robot dog is a toy that would be found in peoples home.Pre-readingWhere would you find each ro

6、bot?The third robot would be used as a surveillance toolthat can travel over open terrain. It has a camera on its top at the front to feed back to the operators of the robot what lies in its path. There are many of types of robots: industrial robots used in manufacturing; domestic robots such as vac

7、uum cleaners and lawn mowers; entertainment robots such as toys and those in theme parks; robots used in toxic waste cleanup and in underwater and space exploration; surgical robots; bomb disposal robots and those that can detect landmines; airborne robots used to search for people.Can you think of

8、any other types of robots?Do you think it is possible for a robot to:think for itself?have feelings?have its own needs and desires?look and feel like a human being?1.Collect more knowledge about Robots and science fiction.2.Preview the reading passage on page 11-12.Homework同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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