七年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks Section A (1a-2d)课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks. Section A (1a-2d) . 将活将活动与与图片匹配片匹配A. call upB. put up signsC. hand out noticesD. clean up the city parksE. visit sick children in the hospital答案答案: 15. DEBCA. 句型展示句型展示1. 我希望在外面工作。我希望在外面工作。I hope outside. 你可以帮着清你可以帮着清洁城市公园。城市公园。Youhelp the ci

2、ty parks.答案答案: : to work; could; to clean up 2. 这个女孩可以看望生病住院的孩子个女孩可以看望生病住院的孩子们使他使他们高高兴起来。起来。The girl_ _the sick kids in the hospital _ _ _ _. 3. 我我们需要需要为城市公园清城市公园清洁日活日活动制制订出一个出一个计划。划。We need _ _ _ _ a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day. 答案答案: : 2. could visit; to cheer them up3. to come up with4. 我

3、正在制我正在制订一些今年夏天在一个老人之家工作的一些今年夏天在一个老人之家工作的计划。划。Im making some plans _ _ in an old peoples home this summer. 5. 他他们要求你帮助做什么要求你帮助做什么? What did they ask you _ _ _ with? 答案答案: : 4. to work5. to help out1. I hope to work outside. 我希望在外面工作。我希望在外面工作。【自主自主领悟悟】hope意意为“希望希望; 期望期望”, 后常接后常接动词不定式不定式, 构构成短成短语“hope

4、_sth. ”意意为“希望做某事希望做某事”。例如。例如: I hope to see my pen pal, Lucy. 我希望我希望见到我的笔友露西。到我的笔友露西。to do【用法辨析用法辨析】hope与与wish“希望希望”不同不同 hopehope _sth. “希望做某事希望做某事”hope+ (that)从句从句“希望希望”, 常表示可以常表示可以实现的愿望的愿望wishwish sb. sth. “希望某人希望某人”, 表示祝愿表示祝愿wish to do sth. “希望做某事希望做某事”wish sb. to do sth. “希望某人做某事希望某人做某事”wish + _

5、“希望希望”, 常表示不可能常表示不可能实现或或实现的可能性的可能性较小的愿望小的愿望hope和和wish都可作名都可作名词, 但但hope意意为“希望希望”; wish意意为“愿望愿望; 心愿心愿; 祝愿祝愿”。to do(that)从句从句【误区警示区警示】 hope后后可可接接不不定定式式作作宾语, 但但不不能能接接复复合合宾语。即即我我们可可以以表表达达为: hope to do sth. , 但但不不可可以以表表达达为hope sb. to do sth. 。【活学活用活学活用】 The volunteers hopesomething for the poor children i

6、n the Western areas. A. to do B. doing C. did D. doIyou to find a good job soon. A. hope B. wish C. hopes D. wishes2. You could help to clean up the city parks. 你可以帮着清你可以帮着清洁城市公园。城市公园。【自主自主领悟悟】(1)could是情是情态动词, 无人称和数的无人称和数的变化化, 后接后接_。句中。句中could用于提出建用于提出建议, 比比can语气更气更为委婉。委婉。此外此外, could还常用于有礼貌地向常用于有礼貌地

7、向对方提出要求或方提出要求或请求。求。(2)句中句中help作作动词, 意意为“帮助帮助”, 后跟后跟_作作宾语。动词原形原形不定式不定式【归纳拓展拓展】help的不同的不同词性性(1)作作及及物物动词, 意意为“帮帮助助; 援援助助; 促促进; 对有有帮帮助助”, 其其常常见用法如下用法如下: 后常跟名后常跟名词、代、代词作作宾语Let me help you. 让我来帮你。我来帮你。后常跟后常跟动词不定式不定式作作宾语或或宾语补足足语, 不定式符号不定式符号_可可省略省略Schools need volunteers to help children (to) read. 学校需要学校需要

8、义务工作者帮助儿童工作者帮助儿童阅读。用于某些固定用于某些固定结构构中中help sb. _ sth. “帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事”; help _ to. . . “自用自用, 自取自取(食物、食物、饮料等料等)”; cant help _ sth. “忍不住忍不住; 情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事”towithoneselfdoing(2)作名作名词, 意意为“帮助帮助; 帮忙帮忙”, 常用作常用作_, 其常用短其常用短语为with the help of. . . “在在的帮助下的帮助下”。不可数名不可数名词【活学活用活学活用】 有人能帮我有人能帮我吗? Is there anybod

9、y who can ? 你能帮忙打开窗子你能帮忙打开窗子吗? Could you the window? 谢谢你帮助我学英你帮助我学英语。Thank you for my English. 答案答案: help mehelp to openhelping me with3. We cant put off making a plan. 我我们不能推不能推迟制制订计划。划。【自主自主领悟悟】put off意意为“推推迟; 拖延拖延”, 是由是由“动词+副副词”构构成的短成的短语动词, 其后可接名其后可接名词、代、代词或或_作作宾语。例如例如: We cant put off having the

10、 meeting. 我我们不能推不能推迟召开召开这次会次会议。动词-ing形式形式【归纳拓展拓展】常常见put构成的短构成的短语 【活学活用活学活用】 因因为大雨他大雨他们不得不推不得不推迟举行运行运动会。会。They had to the sports meeting because of the heavy rain. 咱咱们把把这幅画幅画贴在在墙上吧。上吧。Lets the picture on the wall. 答案答案: put off havingput upIts a good habit toyour things in correct places. A. put away

11、B. put outC. put intoD. put on. 从方框中从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空并用其适当形式填空give out, volunteer, make, teach, care for 1. I hopekids in an after-school care center at the local primary school. 2. She couldfood to help the hungry people. 3. He couldin an old peoples home. 答案答案: 1. to teach2. give out3. volunteer4. T

12、hey cant put off _ the plan for the party. 5. As young adults, we should listen to the old people and_ them.答案答案: 4. making 5. care for . 单项选择1. Bob, you needyour bedroom. Its so dirty. Sorry, mom. Ill do it right away. A. clean up B. to clean upC. cleaned up D. cleaning up2. We are sure that wellan

13、 idea to solve the difficult problem soon. A. put up B. give upC. give out D. come up with3. We can ask our parents _us finish the work. A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help4. Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow? Im afraid not. Dont _ what you can do today till tomorrow. A. put away B. put outC. put off D. put up5. Betty failed in the exam. She must be very sad. Lets go and. A. wake her up B. give her upC. cheer up her D. cheer her up励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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