2012新课标同步导学英语[外研·全国卷I]必修5课件:3-3 Cultural Corner

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1、No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引Section Vocabulary and Listening,Speaking,Function,Writing,Everyday English & Cultural Corner No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引

2、No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引Step One:Fast readingRead the text (P29) and decide whether the following is True (T) or False (F)1The writers often live similar lives to those of the characters they create.()2“Watermark two” was

3、 a call used to direct the shipmates to shallow water.()3The Mississippi flows from the south of the US down to the Gulf of Mexico.()No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引4 Mark Twains life didnt resemble the life of the characters he

4、created.()5Mark Twain led an adventurous life when he was young.( )6Mark Twain was good at describing the life on the river.()答案:答案:1.T2.F3.F4.T5.T6.FNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引Step Two:Detail readingRead the text (P29) care

5、fully and fill in the blanks.The Life of Mark TwainNamePen name:Mark Twain,which means “watermark two” Real name:Samuel ClemensAdventurous lifeAfter leaving school early,he determined to make his 1._in South America. He planned to take a(n)2._to the Amazon,where he thought he could3._quickly.He arri

6、ved in New Orleans without a(n)4._only to find that there were no boats for South America.He had to change his plans and worked for several years as a(n)5._ on a steamboat,taking passengers up and down the Mississippi.Later he became a(n)6._and began writing7._about life on the river.No.1 交流平台交流平台No

7、.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引答答案案:1.fortune2.boat3.get rich4.penny5.pilot6.journalist7.stories8.amusing descriptionsReputationHe still enjoys the reputation as one of Americas greatest writers for his vivid and8._of life on the river.No.1 交流

8、平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引disturb v打扰,扰乱;搅乱;使焦虑打扰,扰乱;搅乱;使焦虑Who is it disturbing me at this time of night?(教材教材P25)到底是谁这么晚了来打扰我啊?到底是谁这么晚了来打扰我啊?I am sorry to disturb you,but can I talk to you for a moment?很抱歉打扰你,我能跟你谈一会儿吗?很抱歉打扰你,我能跟

9、你谈一会儿吗?No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引The letter shocked and disturbed me.这封信让我感到震惊和不安。这封信让我感到震惊和不安。Dont disturb the papers on my desk.不要把我桌子上的文件弄乱了。不要把我桌子上的文件弄乱了。disturbing adj.引起烦恼的,令人不安的引起烦恼的,令人不安的No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No

10、.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引1They took the phone off the hook so no calls would _them.AupsetBinterruptCdisturb Dtrouble解解析析:句句意意为为:他他们们摘摘下下电电话话听听筒筒,以以免免电电话话打打扰扰他他们们。upset使使心心烦烦意意乱乱,interrupt打打断断,trouble使使麻麻烦烦,使使烦烦恼恼,disturb打扰,打搅,故选打扰,打搅,故选C。答案:答案:CNo.1

11、交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引2However,at times the balance in nature is_,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.Atroubled BinterruptedCdisturbed Dpuzzled解解析析:句句意意为为:“然然而而,有有时时候候这这种种自自然然界界的的平平衡衡被被打打乱乱了了,带带来来了了许许多多很很有有可

12、可能能没没有有被被预预见见到到的的后后果果。”此此处处侧侧重重于于“乱乱”;trouble使使感感到到麻麻烦烦;puzzle使使迷迷惑惑不不解解;interrupt中断。中断。答案:答案:CNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引resemble vt.看起来像;相似;像看起来像;相似;像resemble.in.在在方面像方面像Often the lives of writers resemble the lives of the

13、 characters they create.(教材教材P29)作家的生活往往和他们创造的人物的生活很相似。作家的生活往往和他们创造的人物的生活很相似。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引My brother resembles me in looks but not in character.我弟弟和我长得很像,但性格不同。我弟弟和我长得很像,但性格不同。She resembles her mother in the wa

14、y she moves her hands when she talks.她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引3完成句子完成句子它们的形状相似,但颜色不同。它们的形状相似,但颜色不同。They_each other_but not in color.答案:答案:resemble;in shapeNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下

15、作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引warn vt.警告;提醒警告;提醒(1)warn sb.about/of sth.警告某人某事警告某人某事I shouted to him to warn him of/about the danger.我对他呼喊,警告他有危险。我对他呼喊,警告他有危险。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引(3

16、)warn sb.that.提醒提醒/警告某人警告某人“Mark Twain”,which means “watermark two”,was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water.(教材教材P29)“马马克克吐吐温温”,意意为为“水水位位标标志志为为2”,是是密密西西西西比比河河上上的的水手们用来警告同伴即将进入浅水区的一种喊声。水手们用来警告同伴即将进入浅水区的一种喊声。They warned him that if he di

17、d it again he would be sent to prison.他们警告他说他再这么做就把他送进监狱。他们警告他说他再这么做就把他送进监狱。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引4I _ him of the opposite ideas he would meet.Awarned BthreatenedCtreated Dthreaded解解析析:句句意意为为:我我提提醒醒他他会会遇遇到到反反对对意意见见。thre

18、aten恐恐吓吓;treat对对待待;thread穿穿针针;warn sb.of sth.警警告告某某人人提提防防,故故选选A。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引5Mrs Smith warned her son_after drinking.Anever to drive Bto never driveCnever driving Dnever drvie解解析析:warn sb.not to do sth.

19、否否定定副副词词never放放在在to之之前前,所所以以排排除除B、D。warn sb.against doing,C项项never应应改改为为against,故选,故选A。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引determined adj.有决心的;有决心的;(意志意志)坚决的坚决的be determined to do sth.决心做某事决心做某事No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课

20、下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引He left school early,and as an adolescent,determined to make his fortune in South America,set off from his home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans.(教材教材P29)他他很很早早就就离离开开了了学学校校,还还是是青青少少年年时时就就下下决决心心要要去去南南美美洲洲碰碰运运气气,于于是是他他离离开开家家乡乡密

21、密苏苏里里州州的的汉汉尼尼拔拔,动动身身去去了了新新奥奥尔尔良。良。We are determined to get the work done before Monday.我们决定周一前完成这项工作。我们决定周一前完成这项工作。There was a determined look on his face.他脸上有坚定的表情。他脸上有坚定的表情。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引determine v决定,确定决定,确定d

22、etermine to do决心做某事决心做某事determination n决定,决心决定,决心No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引They have determined where the new school will be built.他们已确定这所新的学校将建造在什么地方。他们已确定这所新的学校将建造在什么地方。No matter what happens,she has determined to tell th

23、e truth.无论发生什么事,她都决定把真相说出来。无论发生什么事,她都决定把真相说出来。His encouragement determined me to carry on with the work.他的鼓励使我决心把这项工作继续下去。他的鼓励使我决心把这项工作继续下去。We have the determination to win honour for our motherland.我们有为祖国争光的决心。我们有为祖国争光的决心。 No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Litera

24、ture and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引6He left home at the age of ten,_to make his own living.Adetermined BdeterminingCbeing determined Dhaving determined解解析析:句句意意为为:“他他十十岁岁那那年年离离开开了了家家,下下定定决决心心要要自自己己谋谋生生。”当当他他离离开开家家时时,他他“已已经经”下下定定了了决决心心,因因此此要要用用be determined to do。此此句句可可改改写写为为When he left home at the age of t

25、en,he was determined to make his own living.答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引force强迫强迫force sb.to do sth.force sb.into doing sth.强迫某人做某事强迫某人做某事force sth.on/upon sb.把把强加于某人强加于某人No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工

26、具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引They forced him to sign the paper.They forced him into signing the paper.他们强迫他在文件上签字。他们强迫他在文件上签字。Although he was in great pain,he forced a smile.他虽然很痛苦,仍强作欢笑。他虽然很痛苦,仍强作欢笑。Your ideas may be wonderful,but dont force them on me.你的想法也许很好,但不要强迫我接受。你

27、的想法也许很好,但不要强迫我接受。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引7完成句子完成句子糟糕的健康状况使她被迫放弃了学业。糟糕的健康状况使她被迫放弃了学业。Bad health _ her studies.答案:答案:forced her to give upNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and

28、the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引play a trick on sb.拿某人开玩笑,捉弄某人;欺骗某人拿某人开玩笑,捉弄某人;欺骗某人He particularly enjoyed playing a trick on the three men.(教材教材P24)他特别喜欢和那三个人开玩笑。他特别喜欢和那三个人开玩笑。Dont play tricks on meI want to know the truth.不要欺骗我不要欺骗我我想知道事情的真相。我想知道事情的真相。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adv

29、enture in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引play jokes/a joke on sb.和某人开玩笑;捉弄某人和某人开玩笑;捉弄某人make fun of sb.嘲笑某人;取笑某人嘲笑某人;取笑某人They played a joke on the boy for his strange accent.他们因这个男孩奇怪的口音而取笑他。他们因这个男孩奇怪的口音而取笑他。Dont make fun of the persons who made mistakes in their work.不要嘲笑那些在工作中犯了错误的人。不要嘲笑那些在工作中犯了错

30、误的人。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引8完成句子完成句子4月月1号那天要小心,因为你可能被朋友捉弄。号那天要小心,因为你可能被朋友捉弄。Be careful on April 1st, because your friends may _.答案:答案:play tricks on youNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure i

31、n Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引9They hid her bike_on her.Ato play trick Bto play a trickCplaying a trick Dto play the tricks解解析析:play a trick/tricks on sb.捉捉弄弄某某人人,在在此此题题中中用用不不定式表目的。定式表目的。答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目

32、导引make up(1)编造编造I decided to go to the next village and make up a story about the steamboat.(教材教材P25)我决定去下一个村子,并且编造一个关于这艘汽船的故事。我决定去下一个村子,并且编造一个关于这艘汽船的故事。Dont make up any excuses any more for your coming late.不要再为迟到编借口了。不要再为迟到编借口了。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in

33、Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引(2)组成,构成,凑足组成,构成,凑足Twelve players make up the football team.12个球员组成这支足球队。个球员组成这支足球队。The medical team is made up of 10 doctors and 6 nurses.医疗队有医疗队有10名医生,名医生,6名护士组成。名护士组成。(3)和解,言归于好和解,言归于好They quarrelled but soon made up.他们吵了一架,但很快就言归于好了。他们吵了一架,但很快就言归于好了。No.1 交流平台交流平台

34、No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引(4)化妆,打扮化妆,打扮She took over 30 minutes to make up.她花了她花了30分钟化妆。分钟化妆。(5)弥补弥补I must make up the loss somehow.我必须设法弥补损失。我必须设法弥补损失。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and

35、 the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引10American Indians_about five percent of the US population.Afill up Bbring upCmake up Dset up解解析析:句句意意为为:美美国国印印第第安安人人大大约约占占美美国国人人口口总总数数的的5%。fill up装装满满,填填满满;bring up教教育育,培培养养;提提出出,呕呕吐吐;make up组组成成,构构成成;编编造造,虚虚构构,化化妆妆,补补足足;set up竖竖立立起起来来,建建立立,成立。成立。答案:答案:CNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地

36、No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引Which film doesnt Billy feel in the mood for?比利没有心情看哪部电影?比利没有心情看哪部电影?(教材教材P26)Im just not in the mood for a party tonight.我今晚就是没有心情参加聚会。我今晚就是没有心情参加聚会。He is not in the mood to disagree with you.他没有心思跟你争论。他没有心思跟你争论。She is ver

37、y tired,and in no mood for dancing.她很累,没有心情跳舞。她很累,没有心情跳舞。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引in a bad/good mood情绪不好情绪不好/很好很好The teacher is in a bad mood today.老师今天情绪不佳。老师今天情绪不佳。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3

38、 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引11She knows that as a secretary she must be pleasant and helpful no matter how busy she is or what kind of_she may be in.Amood BmindCfrom Dthough解析:解析:be in a.mood意为意为“有有心情心情”,为固定搭配。,为固定搭配。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3

39、Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引set.in设置设置背景背景be set in以以为背景为背景The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is set in the USA in the mid19th century.(教材教材P28)哈克贝里哈克贝里芬历险记芬历险记是以是以19世纪中期的美国为背景的。世纪中期的美国为背景的。The film is set in the USA in the 19th century.这部电影是以这部电影是以19世纪的美国为背景的。世纪的美国为背景的。The writer

40、set the play in the 17thcentury Spain.作作者者把把这部戏剧的背景设置在这部戏剧的背景设置在17世纪的西班牙。世纪的西班牙。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引12Indeed all his stories have the special Poe flavour.Many of them are_strange places.Aset in Bsetting onCbeing set i

41、n Dto set on解解析析:set in“以以为为背背景景”,为为固固定定搭搭配配,此此处处为为其其被被动形式。动形式。答案:答案:ANo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引set off (1)出发,动身出发,动身He left school early,and as an adolescent,determined to make his fortune in South America,set off from his

42、 home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans.(教教材材P29)他他很很早早辍辍学学,青青少少年年时时,怀怀着着到到南南美美去去发发财财致致富富的的决决心心,从从密密苏苏里里州州的的汉汉尼尼堡出发去新奥尔良。堡出发去新奥尔良。We set off for London just after ten.刚过十点,我们就动身去伦敦了。刚过十点,我们就动身去伦敦了。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏

43、目导引(2)引爆;使爆炸引爆;使爆炸The child set the fireworks off.那个小孩引爆了爆竹。那个小孩引爆了爆竹。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引set out to do sth.开始做某事开始做某事set about doing sth.开始开始/着手做某事着手做某事set sth.aside把某物放在一边;省出;留出把某物放在一边;省出;留出set up建立;设立;创立建立;设立;创立She

44、 tries to set aside some money every month.她每个月都尽量存点钱。她每个月都尽量存点钱。He set about doing his homework right after supper.晚餐后他开始做家庭作业。晚餐后他开始做家庭作业。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引13He is unwilling to work for others,so he plans to _his

45、own business next year.Aset out Bset inCset up Dset off解解析析:句句意意为为:他他不不愿愿意意为为别别人人打打工工,因因此此打打算算明明年年开开办办自自己己的的公公司司。set up开开办办,建建立立;set out/off动动身身,启启程程;set in(天气、感染天气、感染)开始,到来。开始,到来。答案:答案:CNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引He arrived

46、 in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America. (教教材材P29)他他身身无无分分文文地地来来到到新新奥奥尔尔良良时时,却却发发现现那那里里没没有有开开往往南南美美洲的船了。洲的船了。在在本本句句中中only to find that是是不不定定式式作作句句子子的的结结果果状状语语,含含有有“出出人人意意料料的的结结果果”之之意意,前前面面常常有有only或或never之之类类的的词词语语;而而v.ing形形式式作作结结果果状状语语常常用

47、用来来表表达达一一种种“自自然然结结果果或或预预料料之之中中的结果的结果”。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引He picked up a stone,only to have it dropped on his own foot.他搬起石头却砸了自己的脚。他搬起石头却砸了自己的脚。They hurried to the station,only to find the train had left.他们匆匆忙忙去车站,结果

48、发现火车已开走了。他们匆匆忙忙去车站,结果发现火车已开走了。The heavy rain lasted 3 days,causing floods in this area.大雨连下三天,导致了这个地区的洪水。大雨连下三天,导致了这个地区的洪水。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引14The reporters hurried to the airport,only _ that the film stars had just

49、 left by air.Atelling Bbeing toldCto tell Dto be told解解析析:only to do sth.在在句句中中作作结结果果状状语语,它它所所表表示示的的事事件件是是紧紧接接在在前前面面的的事事件件之之后后发发生生的的,往往往往表表示示意意外外或或不不幸幸的的结结果。又因为是果。又因为是“被告诉被告诉”,因此用不定式的被动结构。,因此用不定式的被动结构。答案:答案:DNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cin

50、ema栏目导引栏目导引15He was busy writing a story,only_once in a while to smoke a cigarette.Ato stop BstoppingCto have stopped Dhaving stopped解解析析:句句意意为为:他他忙忙着着编编写写故故事事,偶偶尔尔停停下下来来吸吸颗颗烟烟。此此题题易易错错选选A。但但only to do表表结结果果状状语语,而而根根据据题题意意可可知知,此此处处表表伴伴随随状状语语且且stop几几乎乎与与was busy同同时时发发生生,故故用用B,而而having stopped表此动作先于主句

51、谓语动词动作,与题意明显不符。表此动作先于主句谓语动词动作,与题意明显不符。答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引Forced to change his plans,he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat,taking passengers up and down the Mississippi. (教材教材P29)迫迫不不得得已已他他只只好好改

52、改变变了了计计划划,在在一一艘艘汽汽船船上上当当了了好好几几年年领领航员,带着乘客往返于密西西比河航员,带着乘客往返于密西西比河此此句句是是一一主主从从复复合合句句,Forced to.为为过过去去分分词词短短语语作作状状语语;taking为为现现在在分分词词作作伴伴随随状状语语;which引引导导限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰river。分分词词作作状状语语时时,分分词词的的逻逻辑辑主主语语必必须须与与句句子子的的主主语语保保持持一一致致;分分词词和和主主语语含含有有逻逻辑辑上上的的动动宾宾关关系系。分分词词短短语语作作状状语语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随等。

53、时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随等。No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引The teacher came into the lab,followed by some students.老师走进实验室,后面跟着一些学生。老师走进实验室,后面跟着一些学生。(表伴随表伴随)Told many times,he still repeated the same mistake.尽管被告知多次,他仍犯同样的错误。尽管被

54、告知多次,他仍犯同样的错误。(表让步表让步)Hearing the news,they immediately set off for Shanghai.听到这个消息,他们立即出发到上海去了。听到这个消息,他们立即出发到上海去了。(表时间表时间)No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引16_twice,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our

55、dog.ABeing bitten BBittenCHaving bitten DTo be bitten解解析析: 本本句句中中过过去去分分词词作作原原因因状状语语。主主句句主主语语the postman和和bite之之间间为为被被动动关关系系,排排除除C;D项项表表将将来来,A项项表表进进行。行。答案:答案:BNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业

56、 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引.单词拼写单词拼写1They were charged with_(扰乱扰乱) the public peace.答案:答案:disturbing2She is very tired,and in no_(情绪情绪) for dancing.答案:答案:mood3She_(像像) her sister in appearance but not in character.答案:答案:resemblesNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作

57、业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引4There is an_(例外例外) to this grammatical rule.答案:答案:exception5Shakespeare_(塑造塑造) many tragedy characters.答案:答案:created6We w_them against skating on such thin ice.答案:答案:warned7She is d_to go abroad and no one can change her.答案:答案:det

58、ermined8The Last Samurai is a history adventure,which has a good r_in the film guide.答案:答案:reviewNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引.重点短语重点短语1make_编造;组成编造;组成2be_the mood_sth. 有有意意做做某某事事,有有做做某某事事的心情的心情3be set_ 设置设置(小说,戏剧小说,戏剧)的背景的背景4

59、set_ 出发,启程出发,启程5_of breath 上气不接下气上气不接下气6play a trick_sb. 捉弄某人,对某人搞恶作剧捉弄某人,对某人搞恶作剧7_ones fortune 发财发财8be_to do sth. 下决心做某事下决心做某事No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引9_the reputation 树立声誉树立声誉10_on a minute 稍等片刻稍等片刻11_a move on 赶快赶快12_a

60、bite to eat 吃快餐,很快吃完饭吃快餐,很快吃完饭答答案案: 1.up 2.in;for 3.in 4.off 5.out 6.on7.make 8determined9.establish10.hang11.get12.grabNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引.完成句子完成句子1 The kids are always_(捉捉 弄弄 ) their teacher.答案:答案:playing tricks on

61、2He_(编造编造) an excuse for his being late.答案:答案:made up3That is a play_(以以为为背背景景) the Cultural Revolution in China.答案:答案:set inNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引4Many people went to cities to_(发财发财)答案:答案:make their fortune5I wanted t

62、o_(出出发发) early in order to avoid the traffic.答案:答案:set off6I opened the door_(结结果果却却发发现现) the room empty.答案:答案:only to findNo.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引练考题、验能力、轻巧夺冠No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全No.1 交流平台交流平台No.2 创新天地创新天地No.3 课下作业课下作业 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema栏目导引栏目导引同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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