天津市静海县大邱庄镇中学九年级英语上册 Module 9《Cartoon stories》课件 外研版

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天津市静海县大邱庄镇中学九年级英语上册 Module 9《Cartoon stories》课件 外研版_第1页
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1、Module 9 Cartoon storiesUnit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin Task 1 Skim and answer Look through Activity 3 and find out the answer:1.How many cartoons characters are talked in this passage?2.Who are they?There are fiveThey are Nemo, shrek, Monkey ,

2、 Tintin and Snoopy. Task 2 Read and answerRead Activity 3 carefully and answer these questons1.How old is monkey King?2.Which country does Tintin come from? 3. When was Tintin invented?4.How old is Snoopy ? Who is his owner?5. When do people use “Havoc in heaven”?He is 40 years old.He comes from Bel

3、gium. He was invented in 1929.He is 50 years old. His owner is Charlie Brown.When they see a mess.TASK 3 LISTEN AND CHOOSETASK 4 DISCUSS AND FIND OUT THE LANGUAGE POINTS 1.win the heart of3. be translated into translate intotranslationtranslator4. finally at the end ofin the endgo bake to 2. return

4、to Task 5 Read and find Read Activity3 again and find the sentences1、但是,有些人们喜爱的卡通则历史相对久远。2、它讲述的是一只猴子带领群猴在天庭对抗玉皇大帝的统治的故事3、另外一个在中国刚刚过完重要生日的受欢迎的卡通形象,是一只 长红 头发,带着 一 只小白狗的记者4、在中国也有几个爱好者俱乐部为丁丁举办了生日庆祝会,他们分 布在北京、上海、广州 南京和武汉。5、最后,生活在梦幻世界中的查理,布朗的爱犬史努比,也在中国 由其爱2000年为他庆祝了“50岁的生日”6、有生活经历的成年人理解的会更好。 定语从句:定语从句:But

5、 there are some cartoon favourites which are older. 先行词:先行词:关系代词关系代词: 成分成分先行词先行词 关系代词关系代词主语主语宾语宾语人人物物关系词只能用关系词只能用that that 的几种情况的几种情况 that ,which that ,which 的省略的省略定语从句(Attributive Clause) that, whothat, who, whomthat, whichthat, whichExerciseFill in the blanksFill in the blanks: 1、我学的第一课将永远不会被忘记。我学

6、的第一课将永远不会被忘记。 The first lesson I learnt will never be forgotten.2、这个卡通片赢得了很多孩子的心。这个卡通片赢得了很多孩子的心。 This cartoon has many children.3、他是唯一一个通过考试的人。他是唯一一个通过考试的人。 He is the only person has passed the exam.4、请把这本书翻译成英文。请把这本书翻译成英文。 Please this book English. that won the hearts ofthattranslate intoPOST-TASK(

7、LEARNING AIMS AND DEMANDS)1. Vocabulary and phrases. 2. Something about cartoons.3. Attributive clause.DISCUSSIONDiscuss in groups to talk about your favourite cartoons. You should use the thing we have learnt in this lesson.HOMEWORK1. Practise reading the passage.2. Do Exx. 2, 5 in Workbook. 3. Write down the result of your discussion.



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