外研版(一起)上Unit 1 Chinese people invented paperppt课件3

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外研版(一起)上Unit 1 Chinese people invented paperppt课件3_第1页
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《外研版(一起)上Unit 1 Chinese people invented paperppt课件3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版(一起)上Unit 1 Chinese people invented paperppt课件3(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 动词过去式的规则变化动词过去式的规则变化play-clean-phone-listen-stay-watch-finish-wash-dance-paint-point-print-invent-want-playedcleanedphonedlistenedstayedwatchedfinishedwasheddancedpaintedpointedprintedinventedwanteddtid轻对轻轻对轻浊对浊浊对浊以以”t”结尾读结尾读/id/Module 4 Unit 1Chinese people invented paper.Listen and answer:What di

2、d Chinese people invent ?invent 发明inventedGuess :Which was invented by Chinese people? No Thomas Edison and lamp(电灯电灯) Yes No Bell and telephone (电话电话) Yes paper 纸纸 printing 印刷术印刷术 Inventorsimportant 重要的重要的Chinese people invented important things.Listen to the tape again. Pay attention to their pron

3、unciation. Then I will ask some of you to act it.Read the text again and do the true or false exercise.1 Chinese people didnt invent important things.2 English people invented paper.3 Chinese people invented printing.4 Because of printing , we can print books and newspapers today. invented ChineseTT

4、printeddidnt printwalkeddidnt walkplayeddidnt playcleaneddidnt clean paper printing important invent clever printprinting paper invent clever important printMagic eyesRead the flashing words loudly and say out the Chinese meaning of them.gunpowder compass Discussion: 1 Chinese people have invented s

5、uch great things, are you proud of being a Chinese?2 Do you want to be an inventor like Cai lun and Bi sheng?3 What do you want to invent?ChineseChineseChineseChineseChinese?They are waiting for you to invent.Homework1.Write the new words2.Try to recite the passage 3.Talk to your friends.Chinese people inventedChinese people didnt invent



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