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1、Book 1Unit1写出下列写出下列必考单词必考单词1.习惯;习性习惯;习性(n.)2.编辑编辑(n.)3.忠告;建议忠告;建议(n.)4.情形;境遇情形;境遇; (建筑物等建筑物等5. 的)位置的)位置(n.)6.5. 交际;沟通交际;沟通, 传达传达(v.)7.6. 目的;意图目的;意图(n.)8.7. 能力;力量能力;力量(n.)9.8. 分享;均分分享;均分;份额份额(n. &v.)10.9. 骗子;欺骗骗子;欺骗;作弊作弊(n.&v.)11.10. 涉及;关心涉及;关心(n. &v.)12.11. 十几岁的青少年十几岁的青少年(n.)13.12.调查;测验调查;测验(n.)13.平

2、静的;镇静的平静的;镇静的; (使使)平静平静/镇静镇静(adj.&v.)14. 不理睬;忽视不理睬;忽视(v.)15. 自然;自然界自然;自然界(n.)16. 使不安;使心烦使不安;使心烦;心心 烦意乱的烦意乱的(v.&adj.)17. 松的;松散的松的;松散的(adj.)18. 理由;原因理由;原因; 推理,推断推理,推断(n. &v.)19. 信任;信赖信任;信赖(n.&v.)20. 在户外在户外;在野外在野外(adv.)21. 遭受;忍受遭受;忍受;经历经历(v.)22. 疯狂的疯狂的, 狂热的狂热的(adj.)写出下列写出下列必背短语必背短语13. in order to 14. f

3、ace to face 15. keep a diary16. according to17. get along with18. fall in love with sb.19. join in20. communicate with21. give sb. some advice22. pay attention to23. do /make/carry out a survey24. As far as Im concerned1.add up2. feel upset3. calm down4. be concerned about5. cheat in the exam6. shar

4、e in7. go through8. hide away9. set down10. a series of11. grow / be crazy about12. on purpose13. 相处,进展相处,进展14. 按照,根据按照,根据所说所说15故意故意16. 面对面的面对面的17. 平静下来,镇定下来平静下来,镇定下来18为了为了19. 关心,挂念关心,挂念20与与分享分享21. 躲藏躲藏22. 经历,经受经历,经受23. 就我个人而言就我个人而言24. 考试作弊考试作弊 1. 参加,加入参加,加入2. 一连串的,一系列一连串的,一系列3. 与与沟通沟通4爱上,喜欢上爱上,喜欢上5

5、. 注意注意6. 给某人给某人 提建议提建议7. 记日记记日记8. 对对狂热狂热9. 写下,记下,登记写下,记下,登记10. 将将合计起来合计起来11. 调查调查12. 感到不安感到不安掌握下列掌握下列重点句型重点句型1.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. (P2) 我不知道这是不是因为我我不知道这是不是因为我太太久无法出门的缘故,久无法出门的缘故, 以至于以至于我变得对一

6、切与大自然有关的事物都无比我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比 狂热。狂热。 so that 太太以至于以至于 e.g. 他太矮了以至于不能参军。他太矮了以至于不能参军。 He is so short that he cant join the army.2. I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut. (P2) 我我一直一直等等到到非关窗不可的时候非关窗不可的时候才才下楼。下楼。e.g. 他直到他直到12点才离开我家。点才离开我家。He didnt leave my home until twelve oclock.3. It

7、 was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. (P2) 这是这是我一年半来我一年半来第一次第一次目睹夜晚。目睹夜晚。It / This / That is / was the first / second time that 某人第一某人第一 / 第二次做某事第二次做某事e.g. 这是我第一次来到长城。这是我第一次来到长城。This is the first time that Ive been to the Great Wall.1.Tom didnt stop crying unt

8、il his mother promised to buy him a computer. 2. He didnt finish his homework until midnight.3. This is the third time that Ive seen such a fantastic scene.4. That was the second time that this thief had been caught stealing money on the bus.1.汤姆汤姆直到直到妈妈答应给他买电脑妈妈答应给他买电脑才才停止哭泣。停止哭泣。2. 他他直到直到半夜半夜才才做完作

9、业。做完作业。3. 这已经是这已经是我我第三次第三次看到这种奇妙的看到这种奇妙的(fantastic) 景观。景观。4. 那是那是这个贼这个贼第二次第二次在公共汽车上偷钱被抓住了。在公共汽车上偷钱被抓住了。5. 那男孩那男孩太太聪明了聪明了以至于以至于能回答各种各样的问题。能回答各种各样的问题。语法填空语法填空A best friend is someone 1 _ you can tell everythingto, even your most 2 _ (person) feelings andthoughts. Anne Frank treated her diary 3 _ her b

10、est friend. The German Nazis were in search of Anne and herfamily. The family had to hide 4 _ from the chase. They didnt dare go out even in the evenings. They had to stay indoors day and 5 _ . Not being able to go out for such a long time, Anne missed the beauty of nature 6 _ much that she grew cra

11、zy about everything to do with it. She stayed up 7 _ eleven Thirty one evening on purpose just to see the moonlight. She said: “This is the first time that I 8 _ (see) the moonlight since I was here.” 9 _ (fortunate), the family 10 _(discover) at last and taken away from the hiding place. whopersona

12、lasawaynightsountilhave seenUnfortunatelywere discoveredWriting: 用本单元所学用本单元所学词组、词组、句型翻句型翻译下列短文译下列短文 曾有曾有一段时间我和小明相处得很好。我们互相一段时间我和小明相处得很好。我们互相关心。当一个人不安时,另一个人想方设法安慰关心。当一个人不安时,另一个人想方设法安慰他。我们同甘共苦。但之后他爱上了一个女孩,他。我们同甘共苦。但之后他爱上了一个女孩,这占了他如此多的时间以至他的成绩越来越差。这占了他如此多的时间以至他的成绩越来越差。于是在一次考试中他要抄我的答案。我拒绝了他于是在一次考试中他要抄我的

13、答案。我拒绝了他并告诉他考试作弊是不诚实的行为。那是我第一并告诉他考试作弊是不诚实的行为。那是我第一次无视他的请求,他如此生气以至于自此之后他次无视他的请求,他如此生气以至于自此之后他总是有意刁难我。我不知道是否是因为爱,他变总是有意刁难我。我不知道是否是因为爱,他变化如此大,我们本可以是好朋友的。化如此大,我们本可以是好朋友的。 There was a time when I was getting along well with Xiaoming. We were concerned about each other. When one felt upset, the other woul

14、d try to calm him down. We shared in troubles and joys. But then he felt in love with a girl, which took him so much time that he was worse and worse at study. Then in one exam, he wanted to copy my answer, I refused and told him it was dishonest to cheat in the exam. It was the first time that I had ignored his request. So angry did he get that he hasalways put me to a lot of trouble on purpose since then. I wonder if it was because of love that he changed so much. We could have been friends.



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