跨文化交际Chapter 2 Kluchhohn27sfive dimentions

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1、Chapter 3 Kluchhohns dimension sTwo American anthropologist s Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck made a very important study of values. They studied the five communities which were within fifty miles of each other. (first in 1936 then in 1951) They identified five orientations, five categories o

2、f beliefs and behaviours that are universal. This means that all cultures have to work out solutions to these issues. 2021/6/161five dimensions1. human nature orientation, 2. human-nature orientation, 3. time-orientation, 4. activity orientation, and 5. relational orientation.The Figure 2021/6/162Hu

3、man natureThe first: evil but perfectible. The second: mixture of good and evil. And the third: good but corruptible. Shame culture and guilt culture 2021/6/163 human nature The first: evil but perfectible. The traditional Western belief about human nature is that humans are basically evil. We see t

4、his in the Bible story of Adam and Eve. God throws them out of the Garden of Eden because they ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Since then, according to Christian teaching, all human beings have have been born with original sin. That means they do evil as part of their nature and can only b

5、e saved from evil by God. (Perfect human nature by keeping doing good things.) (more)2021/6/164As a result of the rise of humanism in the West, the basic belief has changed to one of seeing humans as a mixture of good and evil. The traditional view has also been incorporated into Western institution

6、s in various ways. The distrust of human nature can be seen in American political institutions with their checks and balances. This view also shows up in modern theories that seem to have nothing to do with religious beliefs. The psychological theories of Sigmund Freud include the idea that infants

7、are controlled by primitive desires (evil) and learn to control them (become good) as their personality develops. We find dichotomy here. (return)2021/6/165The third: good but corruptible. This is what we Chinese believe. Children are believed to be pure and innocent but may become corrupt as they g

8、row older and have more contact with society. We are all familiar with the story of Mencius mother moving three times in order to be close to a good neighborhood. (Originally good, but if not careful about what people surrounding, then you might really become corrupted. Think of what Hanfeitze said

9、about this.) Shame culture and guilt culture 2021/6/166Hanfeitze A philosopher of the “legalist school”, lived about three centuries after Confucius.He maintains that we should not expect people to be good, but we should make it impossible for them to be bad. 2021/6/167Shame culture and guilt cultur

10、e (human nature) In guilt cultures, the person is expected to feel guilty if he/she does or even thinks something wrong, whether or not anyone knows about it. In shame cultures, the good is an ideal everyone hopes to realize but may not be possible to achieve in every situation. What is important is

11、 that you meet your obligation to be a model of virtue for a particular group of people to whom you have such a responsibility. In Confucian cultures people are encouraged to be good and are likely to feel shamed if they fail to live up to others expectations that they be virtuous. If China has what

12、 some experts call a shame culture, then the West is dominated by guilt cultures. How is it related with time orientation (past or future) ?基督教的原罪说让人忏悔,不断地忏悔,造就了西方人灵动的心灵。人处于神与魔、灵与肉的基督教的原罪说让人忏悔,不断地忏悔,造就了西方人灵动的心灵。人处于神与魔、灵与肉的冲突中,不能安静;人又必须超越现世,驰奔向天国,也不能安于现状。另外,既人类始祖犯冲突中,不能安静;人又必须超越现世,驰奔向天国,也不能安于现状。另外,既人

13、类始祖犯了了“原罪原罪”,人就不能向后退,对祖先也不可能有好感。,人就不能向后退,对祖先也不可能有好感。儒家的性本善则让人儒家的性本善则让人“反身而诚反身而诚”,安于现状,安分守己,故中国人有静态的心灵。同时性本,安于现状,安分守己,故中国人有静态的心灵。同时性本善也导致祖宗崇拜。善也导致祖宗崇拜。罪感文化罪感文化 vs 耻感文化耻感文化 / 乐感文化乐感文化 / 善感文化善感文化2021/6/168Relationship to natureFirst: subjugation to nature. Second: harmony with nature. Third: Mastery ov

14、er nature. Extension of the value “human-nature” to human relationships 2021/6/169 First: subjugation to nature. If you have this type of orientation, you believe that basically human beings are powerless. Human beings are at the mercy of nature. Native Americans basically adopt this kind of orienta

15、tion. 2021/6/1610Second: harmony with nature.We Chinese believe that man should be in harmony with nature.Examples: Chinese medicine, houses, proverbs, etc. Chinese gardens and houses reveal Chinese social attitudes towards the relationship between humans and nature. Pavilion s, paved pathways, and

16、other structures are integrated with natural features of water, trees and rock. There is no sharp distinction between being inside a building and being outside in nature. you go inside to enjoy the building. In the West, buildings tend to dominate their surroundings and interiors and exteriors are d

17、istinct spaces. Nature is outside of human society. (skyscrapers, monuments, etc. look from afar)2021/6/1611Third: Mastery over nature. In industrialized societies, people tend to believe that nature should be made to serve mankind. You can take whatever you like from nature. Bible story: Adam and E

18、ve This view (man being separated from nature) can be seen from the Bible story of creation. Adam is given dominance over all of Gods creation. Adam and his human descendents stand apart from and above nature and are told to use the natural world to meet human needs. This used to be the prevalent vi

19、ew in western societies. But today more and more people come to believe that this is not the right attitude. We should protect the environment instead of exploiting nature. (eg. Green organizations) 2021/6/1612Extension of this value to human engineeringIf your culture teaches integration with natur

20、e, harmony and balance, then ?you are likely to seek harmony and balance in social relationships as well. If you are in awe of nature and feel helpless in face of its power, then ?you might also feel powerless in other areas of your life. If you think you are separate from nature and can control it,

21、 then ? you probably think you are separate from others and can use scientific methods to control people and events. 2021/6/1613human engineeringThis is true in the West where technology extends to the human world in the form of human engineering. The scientific study of human motivation and the inv

22、ention of technology to control it are the basis of professional practice in fields such as advertising, psychology, education, sociology, public relations and management. 2021/6/1614time orientation past-oriented present-orientedfuture-orientedLinear time and cyclical time2021/6/1615past-oriented T

23、hose who are past-oriented tend to believe tradition is important. To them, the cultural memory is rich and deep. They like to look back to a period when their culture was at the height of its power and glory and may quote respected philosophers and leaders from the past as a guide for action in the

24、 present. And they may feel more secure when something new is defined as similar to something that occurred in the past. For instance, if a new policy is introduced, it may be given the authority of the past by comparing it to a historical event or by supporting it with a quotation from a respected

25、leader of the past. 2021/6/1616Present-oriented. People with this orientation enjoy what they have. Hispanics are believed to be people who are present-oriented. They should enjoy whatever they have while they live. This is what we say in Chinese: 及及时行乐时行乐. 2021/6/1617Future-oriented If you tend to

26、look to the future and make plans for the future, youre future-oriented. In those cultures overcoming the limitations of the past or surpassing the accomplishments of the past are good reasons for doing something new. People there often have a strong belief in progress. But people may have negative

27、expectations for the future and their efforts may be directed at preparing for or preventing bad times ahead.2021/6/1618(Back) Whatever the future is seen as probably good or bad, time is seen as a straight line that leads from the past and is swiftly moving into the future. (linear time) It moves i

28、n only one direction, from the past to the future. In present and past-oriented societies people are more likely to experience time as a cycle, as repeating itself according to some pattern. Maybe the Chinese used to be past-oriented. (look back, quote) But today, maybe more and more Chinese are fut

29、ure-oriented. They have great plans for the future. Still there are scholars who dont agree. 2021/6/1619activity orientationDifferent cultures have different activity orientations. Look at the following questions:1. What do you do? Who are you?2. What does your father do? being-orientedbeing-in-beco

30、ming-orienteddoing-oriented2021/6/1620being-oriented In this type of culture, people are satisfied with what they have, and family background is more important than what they accomplish. Their actions express who they are. For that reason people behave in ways appropriate to their positions (status,

31、 social roles, and character) in life.2021/6/1621 being-in-becoming. Its a spiritual goal of inner harmony and peace. Its somewhere in between being and doing. The stress is the development of the self, whatever the self is understood to be in a particular culture. In India the social attitude is wi

32、dely accepted that there are different ways of life and different virtues for people at various stages of life. (before marriage, certain virtues. When married, worldly success, family obligations. After middle life, detached from worldly life and become more spiritual. ) In South Asia, this orienta

33、tion exists side by side with doing and being ones, and to a lesser extent in other cultures. 2021/6/1622doing orientation This activity leads to external accomplishments. The goal is to achieve as much as possible (more dynamic). It means you want to do things and to achieve success. So you tend to

34、 be more active. Because the stress is on action in doing culture, the goals toward which action is directed are also emphasized. And there is often a sense of urgency about getting things done. Deadlines are important, as is the schedule. To have a full schedule indicates that you are accomplishing

35、 things. (example)Doing culture people often talk a lot and may not be especially physically active. Why? They may tell you when they are talking, they are planning, problem-solving, gathering information or making decisions. These are important concepts for them because these are the mental activit

36、ies that lead to action or are the equivalent of action. 2021/6/1623Martha, an American high school student, went to Indonesia as part of a student exchange program. She was excited. The first few days were filled with meeting her new Indonesian exchange family, trying new foods, walking around the

37、neighborhood, and getting to know her Indonesian exchange sister, Ketty. Exciting. But about her second week, Martha began to feel as if something was wrong.One morning, she asked Ketty, So, what are the plans for today? What are we going to do?Ketty replied, Oh, I didnt really make any plans. My mo

38、ther might want us to go shopping with her later. Then well see what we feel like doing. Maybe we could go downtown.2021/6/1624What time is your mom going shopping?Oh, whenever shes ready. Are you getting bored? Maybe we should sign up for one of those guided tours of the city. Oh, no, I dont want t

39、o be a tourist. I want to do just what you do. I guess Im just used to being busy all the time. Its hard for me to get used to not having plans, Doesnt it bother you to rush around so much? asked Ketty.No, I love it when Im busy. Sitting around wasting time makes me nervous. Lets go do something, Ke

40、tty. Im only here for two months, after all. I dont want to leave Indonesia feeling that I havent experienced as much as I can. Martha looked down at her watch again and said, Goodness, its almost 11 and all weve done is sit around talking! 2021/6/1625Social relationshipsHierarchy(authoritarianism)

41、Group (collectivism) Individual 2021/6/1626HierarchyThe society as a whole consists of a series of hierarchies. A person who is at the top of one hierarchy may be at the bottom of another hierarchy that is above it. These people are aware of their positions (clearly defined privileges and obligation

42、s) in relation to others.Hierarchical societies differ from one another depending on the criteria used to assign a person a place in the hierarchy. some groups are permanently on the bottom and others permanently on the top.(The criteria may be based on race, ethnic group, or inheritance from ones p

43、arents)2021/6/1627Group In societies where relationships are based on groups, each persons social identity comes from their group memberships. People feel dependent on the group, safe within it, proud, and competitive with other groups. (in-groupsyour family, relatives, friends and out-groupsstrange

44、rs) Loyalty is important in group-oriented cultures. In this pattern the group act out of concern for all its members and make decisions by consensus, and members are loyal to the group. 2021/6/1628Individual In individualistic societies, social relations are based on the autonomy of each person. Th

45、ere are many hierarchies in individualist cultures (the US and others), but people are uncomfortable with them and try to reduces their impact. (use of first names; high-ranking people send messages that they are just like everyone else.)People tend to be less aware of others feelings and may talk m

46、ore than people from group-oriented cultures. Self-reliance and independence are important and it is considered weak to be dependent on others. (care of elderly parents) Personal initiative is highly valued. People learn to express their individual desires and make individual choices when very young

47、.2021/6/1629Send elderly parents to a nursing home.Linell Davis:Americans do care for the elderly parents as well as Chinese do, but they have to do it in a way that does not interfere with the autonomy and independence of the older person.2021/6/1630Collateral relationship, collateral means connect

48、ed. You tend to think about your group, in-groups. (your relatives, your friends, people that you know) This is group-oriented. And then lineal relationship. This is thinking in terms of time. That is, you have a historical time. And finally the third type is individualistic relationship. This stres

49、ses individual goals. Self is more important than the group. In other words, it is individualism.2021/6/1631Comparing values across culturesOrientationsBasic ValuesHuman NatureBasically evilExpectto find evil and fightagainstit;Punishbadbehavior;Save people from theirevilnatureMixture of good and ev

50、il Separate goodfromevil;Reward the good inpeople and punish thebadBasically goodProtectpeoplesvirtue;Rewardgoodbehavior;Find the most virtuouspeopleRelationship to NatureNature over humansAcceptyourfate;Lifeisoutsidetheindividualscontrol;BehumbleHarmony with nature Live according to ththythmsofnatu

51、re;BebalancedHumans over the nature Make lifecomfortableandconvenient;Problems can be solvedonceweknowthefacts;BeobjectiveSense of TimePast Tadition is thebestteacher;What happened in thepastidimportanttoday;Theoldarewise;PresentPayattentiontowhatisgoingonhereandthereFuture Control thefuturebyplanni

52、ngforit;Whatispastispastandnotimportant;2021/6/1632ActivityBeing WhoyouarePayattentiontopeopleGrowingBecomingPayattentiontopossibilitiesDoingWhatyouaredoing;PayattentiontoactionsSocial relationshipsHierarchyObeyauthority;Knowyourplace;Treat others accordingtotheirposition;Looktoleadingfiguresto know what to thinkanddoGroup Respond towhat others think andfeel;Beloyal;Look to others in yourgrouptoknow what tothinkanddoIndividual Expressyour own feelings andideas;Be as independent andself-reliantaspossible;Makeyourowndecisionsandchoices2021/6/1633 结束语结束语若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!



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