八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Computers Reading 2课件

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1、Chapter 3 Reading 22.be dependent on = depend on/rely on 依赖于依赖于中学生不应该太依赖父母。中学生不应该太依赖父母。Middle school students shouldnt be dependent on their parents too much.=Middle school students shouldnt depend on/rely on their parents too much.好的健康依赖于好的食物。好的健康依赖于好的食物。Good health is dependent on / depend on/rely

2、 on good food. 3.use for doing sth.意为意为“用用来做某来做某事事”,相当于,相当于use to do sth.。如:。如:We use wood for making paper and furniture. 我们用木头造纸、做家具。我们用木头造纸、做家具。=We use wood to make paper and furniture. 另外,我们也可以用另外,我们也可以用use for sth.这样的这样的结构。如:结构。如:She decided to use it for a gift. 她决定用它做礼物。她决定用它做礼物。3.Use sth. fo

3、r doing sth./ use sth. to do sth用用来做某事来做某事 很多人用电脑获取信息。很多人用电脑获取信息。Most people use computers to get information.我们用键盘来输入信息。我们用键盘来输入信息。 We use the keyboard for typing in information. 【跟踪练习跟踪练习】同义句转换。每空一词。同义句转换。每空一词。We use animal fur to make leather. We use animal fur _ _ leather. for making4.In additio

4、n, computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships. 此外,计算机还能做像操控铁路系统、此外,计算机还能做像操控铁路系统、驾驶飞机和宇宙飞船这样的重要工作。驾驶飞机和宇宙飞船这样的重要工作。另外,另外,in addition to是介词短语,后是介词短语,后面跟名词或代词等作宾语,也意面跟名词或代词等作宾语,也意“除除之外(还)之外(还)”。如:。如:In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign

5、language. 除英语外,他还得学一门第二外语。除英语外,他还得学一门第二外语。【跟踪练习跟踪练习】单项选择。单项选择。Millie is their youngest child. _, they have a son and a daughter.A. Instead B. In addition C. At last D. However5.be better atthan 是是be good at的的比较级形式比较级形式,意即,意即“比比更擅长更擅长”的意思。如:的意思。如:苏珊比朱迪踢足球踢得好。苏珊比朱迪踢足球踢得好。 Susan is better at football t

6、han Judy。be fast at doing sth. 意为意为“做做很快很快”,at 为介词为介词,后接动词时须用其后接动词时须用其动名词形式动名词形式。如:。如:她很快完成作业。她很快完成作业。 She is fast at finishing her homework.电脑运算速度很快电脑运算速度很快。Computer is fast at calculating. 6.“make sb./sth. +形容词形容词”意为意为“使某使某人人/某物某物”。与。与make相关的常用结相关的常用结构还有构还有make sb. do sth.,意为,意为“使某人使某人做某事做某事”。如:。如

7、:The nice food makes me hungry. 这么好的食物使我饿了。这么好的食物使我饿了。We must make him work harder. 我们必须使他更加努力工作。我们必须使他更加努力工作。【跟踪练习跟踪练习】 根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子。根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子。 书是我们的朋友,它们能使我们快乐。书是我们的朋友,它们能使我们快乐。 Books are our friends and they can _. make us happy. 选择填空选择填空1. There are many tiny computers in our homes, b

8、ut we are unaware of them. A. old B. new C. very small D. very big2. A terrible traffic accident happened on Shennan Avenue last Sunday. A. took place B. put down C. got off D. looked up3. Children shouldnt always depend on their parents. A. be angry with B. ask for help C. play with D. need help fr

9、om4. I dont like this coat. In addition, it costs too much. A. Besides B. However C. Then D. Instead5. We use pens for writing. A. take to read B. use to write with C. take read D. use write with6. Do you prefer elephants to horses? Why? Yes. Because _ elephant is bigger than _ horse. A. the; / B. a

10、n; a C. a; an D. /; the 7. My mother works _ a doctor in the hospital. I think she must like helping _. A. to; the other B. as; others C. for; another D. on; other8. _ can I do for you, sir? Id like to buy two _. A. How; mice B. What; mouse C. How; mouses D. What; mouses9. What can you use computers

11、 to _? We can use them for _, calculating, operating railways and so on. A. do; typing B. doing; type C. doing; typing D. do; type10. _, my grandparents seldom used phones. You cant _ your life with theirs. A. In 1980s; change B. In the 1980; plan C. In the 1980s; compare D. On the 1980s; look11. Wh

12、at do you do _ the Internet? I read news and download films. _, I chat with my friends online. A. for; Instead B. at; However C. with; In addition D. on; As well12. Li Lei is _ at Science. But I think I can do _ than him. A. good; better B. better; best C. best; good D. good; the best13. Why dont yo

13、u choose this book? It is _ that book, but its _ than that one. A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more expensive C. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult; the most expensive14.You neednt worry about them. They can depend _themselves. A. with B. of C.on D. about15. _,

14、 there was no underground in this city.A. In the 1950 B. In 1950s C. In 1950s D. In the 1950s16.The boy is better _playing computer games than the other boys in our school.A.at B. with C.for D. in17. Tom is stronger than any other_in his class. So he is _ boy in his class. A. boys; strongest B. boy;

15、 the strongest C. boys; the stronger D. boy; strong18. Do you like spring best? No. When spring comes, the days get _ and the nights get _. A. short; long B. long; short C. longer; shorter D. shorter; longer19. _ is the larger country, China or Japan? Of course China. Its _ country in Asia. A. What;

16、 the largest B. Which; the largest C. How; largest D. Who; largest20. Your English is _ good. _ A. also; No, my English is still poor. B. too; I hope so. C. very; Do you really think so? D. quite; Thank you. 根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子,每根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子,每空一词。(缩略词可算一空)空一词。(缩略词可算一空)1. 现在,世界上的许多地方缺水。现在,世界上的许多地方缺水。

17、Many places in the world _ _ _ water now. 2. 我认为手机比相机要有用得多。我认为手机比相机要有用得多。 I think a mobile phone is _ _ _ _ a camera. are short of much more useful than3. 我跑着追那辆公共汽车,可是没能追上。我跑着追那辆公共汽车,可是没能追上。I ran after the bus, but I _ _ _ catch it.4. 那个杯子由塑料制成。那个杯子由塑料制成。That cup _ _ _ plastic. 5. 你日常生活中常常对手机依赖吗?你日常生活中常常对手机依赖吗?Do you _ _ your mobile phone a lot _ _ _ _? wasnt able to is made of depend onin your daily life四 1.typing2.more expensive3.unaware4.sold5. companies6.inches7. speaker五CFEAD六 完型填空 1-5 ADBCB 6-10 ACDCB



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