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1、小作文(图表作文/流程/地图)Agenda小作文的基本要求小作文完成步骤审题5要素开头段:基本句式、替换词主体部分:必备句式、补充词汇图表作文(线/条/表/饼)-动态图/静态图流程图地图Writing Task 1 基本要求summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.总结信息 (概括特征概括特征,数据支持)选择和汇报主要的特点如果合适的话,进行比较2014年小作文题型分布20142014年小作文题型分布年小作文题型分布Time

2、sTimes柱状图柱状图1313表格表格1010曲线图曲线图8 8饼图饼图2 23 3、流程图流程图6 64 4、地图地图7 7混合图混合图2 2柱状图27%饼图4%流程图12%地图15%曲线图17%表格21%混合图4%2014年小作文题型分布1、动态图、动态图2、静态图、静态图小作文完成步骤-图表(线/柱/表/饼图)第一步:审题第二步:开头段(改写题目)第三步:完成主体部分第四步:结尾段第1步:审题首先,确定图形类别首先,确定图形类别动态图(时间段)动态图(时间段) 静态图(时间点)静态图(时间点) 然后,确定描述对象然后,确定描述对象动态图:有几根线动态图:有几根线静态图:几个对象静态图:

3、几个对象其次,确定时态第四,确定图中重要的信息第五,确定文章结构(分段)区别动态图和静态图动态图:强调变化趋势静态图:强调对比时间时间动态图动态图静态图静态图时间段时间段时间点时间点/无无练习:判断动态图还是静态图 动态图练习:判断动态图还是静态图 动态图25%20%15%10%5%练习:判断动态图还是静态图 动态图US population by race and ethnicity练习:判断动态图还是静态图 静态图练习:判断动态图还是静态图 动态图The pie charts compare the sources of pollutants in a particular area of

4、 muter railheavy raillight railbusDemand response练习:判断动态图还是静态图 静态图练习:判断动态图还是静态图 静态图第1步:审题首先,确定图形类别首先,确定图形类别动态图(时间段)动态图(时间段) 静态图(时间点)静态图(时间点) 然后,确定描述对象然后,确定描述对象动态图:有几根线动态图:有几根线静态图:几个对象静态图:几个对象其次,确定时态其次,确定时态第四,确定图中重要的信息第五,确定文章结构(分段)练习:确定描述对象4根线练习:确定描述对象4根线25%20%15%10%5%练习:确定描述对象10根线US population by ra

5、ce and ethnicity练习:确定描述对象7根线The pie charts compare the sources of pollutants in a particular area of ocean.练习:确定描述对象5个对象第1步:审题首先,确定图形类别动态图(时间段)静态图(时间点)然后,确定描述对象动态图:有几根线静态图:几个对象其次,确定时态:其次,确定时态:第四,确定图中重要的信息第五,确定文章结构(分段)通过给定的时间确定通过给定的时间确定练习:确定时态 过去时练习:确定时态 25%20%15%10%5%过去时将来时第1步:审题首先,确定图形类别动态图(时间段)静态图

6、(时间点)然后,确定描述对象动态图:有几根线静态图:几个对象其次,确定时态第四,确定图中重要的信息确定图中重要的信息 (最高值最高值、第二高值、起始结束值、反转的数据、总体趋势)、第二高值、起始结束值、反转的数据、总体趋势)第五,确定文章结构(分段)动态图什么数值比较重要一般来说:(针对一条线来说)1、最高值2、最后一年的数据3、第一年的数据4、中间的数据练习:确定重要信息 最高值:road第二高值:water最低值:pipeline总体趋势:road,water,pipeline上升,rail 平稳第1步:审题1.确定图形类别:2.确定描述对象:3.确定时态:4.确定重要信息5.分段:动态图

7、(动态图(1974-2002)有有4根线根线分两段分两段过去时最高值:road货运量最大最低值:pipeline货运量最少趋势:road,water,pipeline货运量上升,rail 货运量平稳小作文完成步骤-图表(线/柱/表/饼图)第一步:审题第二步:开头段(改写题目)第三步:完成主体部分第四步:结尾段第2步:开头段基本句式1.informatione.g.Thechart/graphprovides/presentstheinformation/pare+名词e.g.Thechartcompares.3.show/illustrate+名词e.g.Thechartshowsthecha

8、ngesin.4.how+宾语从句e.g.Thechart/graphshows/illustrateshow.changed/varied.(How引导的名词性从句后面一定要加完整的句子)5.that+宾语从句:粗略的描述总体趋势e.g.Thechart/graphshows/reveals/indicates/suggeststhat.开头段简单换词graph (图表、曲线图)chart (图表) =diagram = shows (v.) = information = the number of =the proportion of =poeple in the USA=how to

9、produce=in three countries=表达(一段时间表达(一段时间) 例如:从例如:从1999到到2009年年=line graphbar chart,pie chart,flow chartFrom 1999 to 2009 = between 1999 and 2009 = over a period of 10 years=over the period from 1999 to 2009 = during the period between 1999 and 2009in the UK, France and Spainthe process of producing

10、Americansthe percentage of = the figure forthe figure fordata illustrates figure (流程图)= flow chart练习: 开头段改写练习: 开头段改写The graph provides the information about the amounts of goods transported in the United Kindom by four means of transport over the period from 1974 to 2000. The line graph compares the

11、 quantities of goods transported in the United Kindom by four types of transport from 1974 to 2000. The graph illustrates the quantities of goods transported in the United Kingdom by four means of transport from 1974 to 2002. The graph illustrates (how the quantities of goods transported by four mea

12、ns of transport had changed) in the United Kingdom over a period of nearly 30 years. 注意注意: 从句的完整性从句的完整性练习: 开头段改写The following table presents some information about consumer spending on three items in five different countries in 2002.The table shows percentages of consumer expenditure for three categ

13、ories of products and services in five countries in 2002. 练习: 开头段改写The bar chart compares different age groups in terms of internet usage between 2003 and 2006.USA 40%Others 20%UK 10%Japan 30%Above 50 years old50%Below 30 years old15%40-49 years old20%练习: 开头段改写法一:The two pie charts demonstrate the s

14、ituation of overseas travel by Indians in terms of four destinations and age groups respectively. 法二:The first pie chart depicts the information about the number of Indians travelling to different countries, and the second one illustrates the figure for India travellers by different age groups. 练习:

15、开头段改写-流程图The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry.brick manufacturingdiggerbrickswire cuttersand + watermetal gridrollerclaydeliverypackagingcooling chamberkilndrying ovenmould法二:法二:The diagram shows how the bricks are produced in seven steps for

16、 the building purposes. 法一:法一:The diagram shows the process of brick manufacturing in seven steps for the building purposes. Chorleywood is a village near London whose population has increased steadily since the middle of the nineteenth century. The map below shows the development of the village. 18

17、68 18831883 19221922 19701970 1994built 1970built 1909练习: 开头段改写-地图方法一:方法一:The map shows the changes and development of Chorleywood village in Great Britain over a period of 126 years from 1868 to 1994.方法二:方法二:The map illustrates the changes in an area called Chorleywood during the period from 1868 t

18、o 1994. 小作文完成步骤-图表(线/柱/表/饼图)第一步:审题第二步:开头段(改写题目)第三步:完成主体部分第四步:结尾段第3步 主体部分动态图必备8个句型1. The figure of . increased/decreased.2. There be 句型3. see/witness4. 分词结构5. 用after which, during which time, by which time,when, where引导的定语从句6. 用用while/whereas/although 引导的状语从句,或者引导的状语从句,或者but引导的并列句引导的并列句7. 倍数倍数8. 比较级和

19、最高级比较级和最高级(图表类)必备句式基本句型基本句型1:The figure of . increased rapidly from to during the period from to .主语(.的数值)描述趋势的V.描述变化幅度的adv.描述变化幅度的prep.时间范围The figure of.The amount of.The quantity of.The number of.The percentage of.The proportion of.上升下降大幅度地显著地稳定地平稳地小幅度地微弱地by .to .from.toduring/over the period from

20、.to.;in the following.years;in the early/late period between.and.increase;increase;rise;rise;grow;grow;climb;climb;soar;soar;rocket;rocket;surge;surge;ascend;ascend;go up;go up;decrease;decline;drop;deminish;descend;plunge;plummet;wind down;fall;go down;markedly;remarkably;significantly;considerably

21、;dramatically;sharply;rapidly;substantially;drastically;exponentially;stably;steadily;constantly;gradually;continuously;moderately;gently;slightly;modestly;marginally;slowly;fractionally;insignificantly;注意:注意:表示表示上升上升和和下降下降的单词一般都是的单词一般都是不及物动词,没有被动语态。不及物动词,没有被动语态。M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015mi

22、llionyear基本句型基本句型1:The number of population increased considerably to 15 million during the period between 2000 to 2010.(图表类)必备句式基本句型基本句型2:There be句型句型S.+V.冠词描述变化幅度的adj.描述趋势的n.时间范围There is .; There emerges .;The period from .to.witnesses.; The early/late/subsequent/following.years see.;This is follo

23、wed by.; It undergoes/experiences.;aan大幅度的明显的稳定的平稳的小幅度的微弱的上升下降in betweenandfrom to.marked;rapid;sharp;significant;dramatic;drastic;considerable;substantial;exponential;stable;steady;constant;gradual;continuous;moderate;gentle;slow;slight;modest;fractional;insignificant;increase;rise;growth;leap;soar

24、;boom;surge;decrease;fall;decline;slide;plunge;M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015millionyear基本句型基本句型2: There was a marked increase in the population from 2000 to 2010.There was a downward/an opposite trend in the population in the following five years. (图表类)必备句式基本句型基本句型3:see/witnessS.+V.冠词描述变化幅度的ad

25、j.描述趋势的n.时间范围There is .; There emerges .;The period from .to.witnesses.; The early/late/subsequent/following.years see.;This is followed by.; It undergoes/experiences.;aan大幅度的明显的稳定的平稳的小幅度的微弱的上升下降in betweenandfrom to.marked;rapid;sharp;significant;dramatic;drastic;considerable;substantial;exponential

26、;stable;steady;constant;gradual;continuous;moderate;gentle;slow;slight;modest;fractional;insignificant;increase;rise;growth;leap;soar;boom;surge;decrease;fall;decline;slide;plunge;M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015millionyear基本句型基本句型3:In terms of the population of M-city, the period from 2000 to 20

27、10 witnessed/saw a significant increase with the figure rising from 5 million at the very start to 15 eventually.补充知识-see的使用21世纪初中国房价大幅上升。China: China saw a dramtic increase in house prices in the 2000s.The 2000s The 2000s saw a dramatic increase in house prices in China.The real estate industry of

28、China The real estate industry of China saw house prices increase dramtically in the 2000s. (图表类)必备句式基本句型基本句型基本句型基本句型4 4:分词结构:分词结构:分词结构:分词结构e.g. The number of population nearly doubled, rising from two million to four million in 2010. 注意注意:double 不及物不及物V,无被动,无被动 was doubled; 5 million/billion/thousa

29、nd/hundred, 不加不加Se.g. The population rose to four million in 2010, before declining to three million in 2012.=The population rose to four million in 2010, after which it declined to three million in 2012.注意注意:rise不及物不及物V,无被动;,无被动;M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015millionyear基本句型基本句型4:The number of

30、population nearly tripled, rising from five million to fifteen million in 2010. The population rose to fifteen million in 2010, before declining to ten million in 2015.(图表类)必备句式- 定语从句基本句型5:afterwhich,duringwhichtime,bywhichtime,when,where引导定语从句 e.g. The population rose to four million in 20102010, a

31、fter which it declined to three million in 2012. e.g. The volume of fruit sales remained constant until 20102010, when the figure rose markedly. 水果销售额一致保持到2010。在那一年那一年,销售额急速上升。M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015millionyear基本句型基本句型5:The population rose to fifteen million in 2010, after which it decli

32、ned to ten million in 2015.(图表类)必备句式- 状语从句基本句型6:whereas/while/although引导状语从句e.g. The volume of fruit sales amounted to the peak in August whereas it hit the trough in November.水果的销量在8月份达到高峰,然而在11月触到最低值。注意:用while和whereas时,注意两个单句的结构一致。e.g. Although men outnumbered women in science, this number was dec

33、lined.虽然读科学的男生比女生多,(但是)这个数字在下降M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015millionyear基本句型基本句型6:The number of population amounted to the peak in 2010 whereas it declined to 10million in 2015. (图表类)必备句式- 倍数基本句型基本句型7:times twice/xx times as much as .; twice/ xx times the figure for ; twice/xx times higher than

34、; e.g. 2010年,娱乐的花费是书的花费的三倍。The spending on entertainment was three times as much as that on books in 2010.The spending on entertainment was 5000 dollars, three times the figure for books. The spending on entertainment was three times higher than that on books.注意注意比较对象要一致比较对象要一致folde.g. 芬兰老龄化人口增长了近三倍

35、。基本句型1The number of aging population of Finland increased nearly three fold. 基本句型3The number of aging population of Finland saw a three-fold increase. M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015millionyear基本句型基本句型7:The number of population in 2010 was three times as much as the figure in 2000. The number of

36、 population of M-city increased nearly three fold in 2010. (图表类)必备句式 - 比较级、最高级基本句型8:比较级、最高级e.g.同芬兰的老龄化人口相比,日本的老龄化人口数量高出很多。 Compared with the number of aging population of Finland, that of Japan was considerably higher.e.g.日本的老龄化人口数量是最多的。 The number of aging population of Japan was highest. 注意:比较级易犯错

37、误是“比较对象不一致”错误句子:The volume of fruit sales was approaching five tonnes in 2014, much higher than 2013.正确句子:The volume of fruit sales was approaching five tonnes in 2014, much higher than the figure in 2013.M-city 人口变化图20002005201020155201015millionyear基本句型基本句型8:The number of population of M-city in 2

38、010 was highest. 图表类小作文最常见错误例:The unemployment rate in the UK rose by 2% between 2008 and 2009, whereas Canada decreased by about 1%. The USA was the highest, at just over 4%.错误1:Canada decreased错误2:The USA was the highest改正:The unemployment rate in the UK rose by 2% between 2008 and 2009, whereas i

39、n Canada it decreased by about 1%. The USA saw the highest rise in employment, with an increase of just over 4%.静态图注重对比注意句式的变换:基本句式基本句式6:while引导的状语从句,有时候也可以用引导的状语从句,有时候也可以用but并列连词连接并列连词连接基本句式基本句式7:倍数的表达:倍数的表达基本句式基本句式8:比较级、最高级的使用:比较级、最高级的使用其它:使用in comparison with, compared with/to补充词汇保持不变保持不变波动、变化波动、

40、变化达到达到v.超过超过v.占据占据v.反弹反弹n.高峰高峰n.达到最高点达到最高点v.低谷低谷n.remain constant; maintain stable; level off; stabilise at; reach a plateau; plateau; (在底部保持不变在底部保持不变: bottom out)v. fluctuate;vary;change;n. fluctuation; variation; changereach;hit;amount to;arrive at;stand at;exceed;overtake;outnumber;top;(in excess

41、 of)represent;account for;comprise;take up;make up;occupy;form;consititutereturn;recovery;bouncebackthe highest point;top;peakpeak at/amount tothe lowest point;bottom;trough补充副词说明数值大小范围说明数值大小范围:1. 大约:2. 接近:3. 超过:4. “低于”:5. “仅仅”:6. 多达:说明时间连接、相似、对比关系副词说明时间连接、相似、对比关系副词:1. 明显地:2. 令人惊讶地、意外地:3. 同样地:4. 不同地

42、:5. 然而:6. 然后:7. 分别地:approximately/around/about/roughly/some/or so/an estimated+数值nearly/approaching/almost/close to+数值more than/higher than/above/over+数值less than/lower than/below/under+数值only/a mere/no more thanup to/as much asobviously/apparently/clearlysurprisingly/strikingly/interestinglysimilar

43、ly/also/likewiseby contrast/in stark contrasthowever/on the other hand/while/whereasthen/subsequentlythen/subsequently/after thatrespectively注意注意:小作文不要用furthermore,meanwhile,in addition小作文完成步骤-图表(线/柱/表/饼图)第一步:审题第二步:开头段(改写题目)第三步:完成主体部分第四步:结尾段第4步 结尾段注意事项:结尾段总结趋势,很有可能用到while这个词选择重要信息(一般是2-3个)结尾段总结最高值勿表达个人观点;不要出现数据。不要用inconclusion,可以用tosummarise,insummary,overall



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