Unit 3《Science versus nature》-word power课件1(29张PPT)(牛津译林版module5)

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1、Unit3 Science versus natureWord power Prefixes and suffixesOrgans of the bodyPrefixes and suffixesappear, novel, regular, respectWe are going to have some questions. Please use these words to help you, but you need to add some letters to the words first.1)You cannot find your new pen. What happened

2、to your pen?It disappeared2) Many people respect Mr. Li and think he is a good man. He helps people out and is a good citizen and friend. So can you find a word to describe Mr. Li?Respectable3) Miss Wang has published several books. She loves her job writing novels. So what is Miss Wangs occupation(

3、职业职业)?She is a novelist4) You cannot find the order of the numbers in a group of members. So can you find a word to describe the order of the numbers? irregularindependenceindependenceprefix(前缀前缀)root (词根词根)suffix(后缀后缀)Prefix: a group of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its

4、 meaning.Suffix: a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to make a different word. Attention !Usually a prefix will change the meaning of word, while a suffix will change the part of speech of a word.Sometimes you can guess what a word means by looking at its prefix or suffix. Look

5、 at the examples and work out the meanings.Prefix Example Meaning anti-anti-cloning, anticancer against, opposed todis-un-disappear, disagreeunfair, unwillingnot, apposed ofin-il-im-ir-incorrect, incomparableillegal, illogicalimmoral, immodestirresponsible, irregularnot, withoutpre-preview, preserve

6、early, beforepro-pro-cloningin favour of, supportingre-recreate, repeat, renewagainSome other commonly used prefixesPrefix ExampleMeaning de-mal-non-notdecompose, declassifymaltreatment, malnutritionnon-smoker, non-alcoholic, non-profitapart, frombadly, illinter-international, interaction, interrupt

7、betweentele-telescope, telegram, telecommunicationfar offtrans-transport, translate, transnationalacrossmis-misunderstand, mislead, misdeedwrongsub-subtitle, subway, submarineunderover-overeat, overwork, overacttoo muchtri-triangle, tricycle, tricolor threeauto-autobiography, autoalarm, automobilese

8、lfSuffix Example Meaning -ablecomfortable, noticeable worthy of, able to be-fulcheerful, thoughtfulfull of, characterized by-istscientist, novelistsomeone who does something-lesshopeless, aimlesswithout-mentagreement, treatmentindicate a state or condition-nessdryness, madnessindicate a quality, sta

9、te or characterSome other commonly used suffixes-alcultural, national, originalof or concerning-ioninvitation, competition, protectionaction or condition ofstate of being, skill-shiphardship, scholarship, relationship-domfreedom, kingdom, condition or state ofof the nature of-ishchildish, selfish-pr

10、oof waterproof, fireproof, soundproof protect against-enwiden, sharpen, shortenmake or become-wardeastward, homeward, backward in the direction of-likewomanlike, childlikesimilar toDo you think we should protect nature? Complete what an environmentalist is saying below. Use the words from the box.di

11、srespect, hopeless, illegal, uncertain, understandableI think cutting down trees should be made(1)_ and tighter laws should be introduced. So many people are showing their(2)_ for nature; they dont seem to care that they are destroying the environment. Sometimes I think we are fighting a(3)_ battle

12、against people who just wont listen. I know scientists have worked hard to achieve scientific breakthrough but its(4)_ whether theyll succeed totally.Although its(5)_ that they want to advance technology, I think some things are best left the way they are.illegaldisrespecthopelessuncertainunderstand

13、ableOrgans of the bodylungsliverheartstomachkidneysKey to Exercise B(1) Brain (2) heart (3) liver (4) lungs (5) stomach (6) kidneysHomework1.Complete Part C on page 47 in pairs or groups.2.Read the article in Part A on page 113 and do Par B on the same page.Word power1.Work out the meaningwork out1)

14、 计算出计算出,制定出制定出,结果为结果为我们准备制订一个新计划我们准备制订一个新计划谁能解答出这道物理题谁能解答出这道物理题?We are going to work out a new plan.Who can work out this physical problem?2) : exercise 锻炼锻炼,运动运动work on 从事某项工作从事某项工作,继续工作继续工作work at 学习学习,研究研究,致力于致力于; 在在.下功夫下功夫他正在撰写一本新词典他正在撰写一本新词典.我正在努力学习我正在努力学习He is working on a new dictionary.Im wo

15、rking at my study.2.opposed toopposed adj. 反对的,对抗的,对立的反对的,对抗的,对立的opposed to 反对反对; 与与相对立相对立我们坚决反对在国与国之间实行强权政治我们坚决反对在国与国之间实行强权政治. .We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.真理是谬误之对真理是谬误之对. .Truth is opposed to falsehood.opposed to = in opposition to3. opposite ofopposite

16、n.对立面,对立物对立面,对立物Whats the opposite of tall?opposite1) adj. 对面的,相对的对面的,相对的on the opposite side of the street2) adj. 相反的,对立的相反的,对立的go in the opposite direction朝相反的方向去朝相反的方向去3) prep. 在在的对面的对面live opposite the post office住在邮局对面住在邮局对面4) adv.在对面在对面He stood opposite.4. in favor ofin favor of1) 赞同赞同,支持,支持be

17、 in favor of sbs suggestion2) 有利于有利于The score was 2 to 1 in favor of the guest team.比分为二比一,客队获胜比分为二比一,客队获胜. .:agree with, supportfavor1) n. 好感,欢心好感,欢心win sbs favor 赢得某人的欢心赢得某人的欢心2) n. 恩惠恩惠do sb. a favor= do a favor for sb.帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙May I ask a favor of you?请您帮个忙行吗请您帮个忙行吗? ?favorable adj. 赞成的,有利的赞成

18、的,有利的He is favorable to our plan.a favorable situation他赞成我们的计划他赞成我们的计划有利的形势有利的形势5. worthy ofbe worthdoing sth.sth.be worthyof being doneto be doneof sth.*be worth后可跟表示价值的名词后可跟表示价值的名词,而而be worthy后后不可不可以以The city is worth visiting.The city is worth a visit.The city is worthy of being visited.The city

19、is worthy to be visited.The city is worthy of a visit.The book is worth five yuan.The book is worthy of five yuan.X6. characterizecharacterize vt.表示表示的特性,成为的特性,成为的特性的特性be characterized as a man of principle.被描绘成一个有原则的人被描绘成一个有原则的人characteristic n.特性,特征特性,特征the characteristics of the present situation

20、目前形势的特点目前形势的特点7. carecare1) vt. 介意介意I dont care how far Ill have to go.无论走多远,我都不在乎无论走多远,我都不在乎. .2) vi. 关心,担心,计较关心,担心,计较 (for/about)care for sbs safety 为某人的安全担心为某人的安全担心He doesnt care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着他不讲究衣着I dont much care about going. 我不太想去我不太想去.3) vi. 喜欢,愿意喜欢,愿意 (for/ to do)Would you care fo

21、r a game of table-tennis?I dont care to go there.我不愿到那儿去我不愿到那儿去. .8. achieveachieve vt.赢得,取得,实现赢得,取得,实现We have achieved success in developing the product.achievement1) cn. 业绩业绩,成就成就,成绩成绩Winning three gold medals is a remarkable achievement.2) un. 完成完成,达到达到,成功成功celebrate the achievement of ones goals

22、.achievable adj.能达到的能达到的9. They want to advance technology.advance1) 推进,促进推进,促进advance the movement to a new stage把运动推到一个新阶段把运动推到一个新阶段advance the growth of wheat促进小麦生长促进小麦生长2) :put forward 提出提出(建议等建议等)He advanced his point of view in the meeting.3) 提前提前The date of the meeting has been advanced from

23、Friday to Wednesday.advanced adj. 高级的,先进的高级的,先进的10. be made up ofbe made up ofbe made ofbe made frombe made intobe made in由由组成组成由由制成制成(看得出原材料看得出原材料)由由制成制成(看不出原材料看不出原材料)被制成被制成在在制造制造make 短语短语make yourself at homemake the best of:make up formake fun of请不要客气请不要客气make full use of弥补,补偿弥补,补偿取笑取笑11. The bod

24、y can run well.run1) vi. (机器等机器等)运转运转;(工作等工作等)进行进行The engine runs well.2) vt. 开办,经营开办,经营run a night school/ a factory 开办夜校开办夜校/ /工厂工厂1) run across2) run after3) run away with4) run into5) run out of用完用完撞到撞到,陷入,陷入携携(某物某物)潜逃潜逃追求,跟踪追求,跟踪偶遇偶遇12. be similar tobe similar to 与与相似相似A is similar to B in man

25、ways.similarity n. 类似点,类似物类似点,类似物Are there any similarities between the two?13. newlynewly-builtnewly-marriednewly-bornnewly-published新建的新建的新婚的新婚的新生的新生的新出版的新出版的14.think ofasthink oflike看作,认为看作,认为是是think of oneself as/like a common solider把自己看成普通战士把自己看成普通战士相关结构:相关结构:think twicethink much ofthink litt

26、le ofthink aloudthink over重新考虑重新考虑认为认为很不错很不错认为认为没什么了不起没什么了不起自言自语自言自语15. majormajor1) 主要的主要的,重要的重要的,一流的一流的major industriesa major problema major painter 2) (数量,程度,价值数量,程度,价值)较大的较大的 不与不与than连用连用a major earthquake a major operation3) 主修的主修的Physic was his major subject in the university.4) n. 主修科目,主修学生主修科目,主修学生He is an English major.5. v. 主修主修(in)He majors in physics.16. robberyrobbery n. 抢劫,盗取抢劫,盗取robber n. 强盗,盗贼强盗,盗贼rob vt. 抢劫,盗取抢劫,盗取rob sb. of sth.steal sth. from sb.抢抢/ /剥夺某人某物剥夺某人某物偷某人的东西偷某人的东西同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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