Unit 4 Astronomythe science of the stars:课件十三(28张PPT)(人教版必修3)

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Unit 4 Astronomythe science of the stars:课件十三(28张PPT)(人教版必修3)_第1页
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Unit 4 Astronomythe science of the stars:课件十三(28张PPT)(人教版必修3)_第3页
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Unit 4 Astronomythe science of the stars:课件十三(28张PPT)(人教版必修3)_第4页
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1、Unit 4 Astronomy : the science of the stars Warmingup1.Weusuallythinkofsciencesubjectsasphysics,chemistry,biologyandmathematics.Butsomestudiescombinetwoormoreofthesesubjects.Discussinpairswhichsciencesubjectsarepartofmedicine,biochemistry,geophysicsorastronomy.astronomy, biochemistry, geophysics, me

2、dicine1) the scientific study of treatment of diseases and injuries. _2) the study of the chemistry of living things. _ 3) the scientific study of the earths atmosphere(大气层), oceans and climate(气候). _ 4) the scientific study of objects in space, such as planets, stars, comets(彗星) and “black holes”._

3、medicinebiochemistrygeophysicsastronomy2. What do we mean when we say we are studying a subject scientifically?Try to be objectiveSet out your idea to be testedDesign an experiment to test the ideaAnalyze the resultsDraw a conclusion3.What are the most important skills we need to be real scientists?

4、 accuracy a logical approach thorough writing of the experiment intellectual courage intellectual honestyPre-reading1.Pangu separates the sky from the earth2.Nuwa makes men3.The scientific ideaReading 1.Listen to the tape with books closed and choose the best answers.1)Why was the earth different fr

5、om other planets?A.It produced a lot of heat.B.The water remained.C.Water disappeared.D.It was the oldest planet.B2.Why was life able to develop on the earth but not on other plants?A.The earth had a solid shape.B.The earth did not have harmful gases in its atmosphere.C.The water stayed on the earth

6、 but not on other plants.D.The earth was not too hot and not too cold.C3.Why was it necessary for plants to grow before animals?A.Animals needed plants to protect them from the sun.B.Plants provided oxygen for animals to breathe.C.Animals could hide from hunters in forests.D.It was easier for plants

7、 to grow.B4. What problem is caused by human beings?A.They exist everywhere on the earth.B.They cause global warming.C.They find new methods of growing crops.D.They enjoy hunting and fishing.BRead para.1 and answer the following questions.1.How did water come into being on the earth?2.Whats the sign

8、ificance of the presence of water on the earth?The explosion of the earth produced water vapour, which turned into water when the earth cooled down.It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into oceans and seas.small plants in watershellfish and all sorts of fishgreen plants on landinsects (on

9、land)forests reptiles (on land)dinosaurs (on land)mammals (on land)amphibian (on land and in water)Read para.2¶.3, filling in the chart.Read the text again and try to put the order of development of life into a time line.(A) insects and amphibians appear(B) a solid ball(C) reptiles appear(D) a c

10、loud of dust(E) shellfish and other fish appear(F) dinosaurs appear(G) small plants grow on the water(H) plants begin to grow on dry land(I) presence of water(J) mammals (including humans) appear D-B-I-G-E-H-A-C-F-J1.Why is the presence of plants important for the development of life ?2. What is the

11、 green house effect ? What we should do and what not ?DiscussionLanguage points1.in time : sooner or later; eventuallyeg. Ill see him in time. Youll learn how to do it in time. in time ( for sth/ to do sth) : not lateeg. She will be back I time to prepare dinner. The doctor came just in time.2. to b

12、e to do : will definitely happen, or it must happeneg. They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again. As a young man he didnt know he was to win the world fame later on.3. allow to doeg. Her parents wont allow her to stay out later than 11:00 in the evening. allow doingeg. The

13、y shouldnt allow parking in this street. Its too narrow.4.encourage to do stheg. He encouraged me to learn dancing.5. Prevent (from) doing stheg. Nothing can prevent their plans (from) being carried out.6. depend oneg. Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not. - Will you go fishing

14、this afternoon? - Well, it all depends on the weather.Discovering useful structures主语从句主语从句1定义:用作主语的从句叫做主语从句。2构成:关联词+简单句3引导主语从句的关联词有三类:(1)从属连词that。如:Thattheywereintruthsisterswasclearfromthefacialresemblancebetweenthem.很明显,她们确是亲姐妹,她们的脸型很相似。that 引导主语从句时只起引导作用,本身无实际引导主语从句时只起引导作用,本身无实际意义,在主语从句中也不充当任何成分

15、,但不能意义,在主语从句中也不充当任何成分,但不能省略。省略。(2)从属连词whether。如:Whetherhellcomehereisntclear.他是否会来这里还不清楚。3)连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which, whoever,whatever,whichever连接副词where,when,how,why 。如: Whatshedidisnotyetknown.她干了什么尚不清楚。Howthishappenedisnotcleartoanyone.这事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。Whoevercomesiswelcome.不论谁来都欢迎。Whereveryouar





20、从句后置。如:Howstrangeitisthatthechildrenaresoquiet!孩子们这么安静真奇怪!注意连接代词whoever,whatever,whichever等引导主语从句的含义Whoevercomeswillbewelcome.(whoever=thepersonwho)来的人将受到欢迎。Whateverhedidwasright.(whatever=thethingthat)他所做的事情是正确的。Whicheverofyoucomesinwillreceiveaprize.(whichever=anyoneofyouwho)你们当中不论哪个进来将会得到奖励。 1.It

21、 worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.A.While B. if C. that D. for2._ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A.If B. Whether C. That D. Where3. Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A.this B. that C. he D. it C B D4. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.A

22、.The matter B. What C. The fact D. That5. _ the emperor saw was quite different from_ the old minister told him.A.What, that B. That, what B.C. Which, that D. All, all6. It is pretty well understood _ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.A. that B. when C. what D. how BD C7. _ breaks his promise will not be trusted by his friends.A. Which B. Who C. Whoever D. Anyone8. I read about it in some book or other. Does it matter _ it was?A. where B. what C. how D. whichCD同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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