人教版高中英语必修一:Unit 4 Earthquake Reading课件【优课教资】

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1、Unit 4EarthquakeReading1谷风课件#1. Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take?Pre-reading2谷风课件#3谷风课件#personal washing thingsa bottle of water moneytorchmobile phonefood and sweets blanketmedicineYou will take:4谷风课件#2. Wha

2、t strange things would happen before an earthquake? 5谷风课件#Bright lights flash in the skyBright lights flash in the sky6谷风课件#Animals are too nervous to sleep, such as cats, dogs, chickens, horses, ducks and rabbits, etc.7谷风课件#What do you think may happen before an earthquake? The water in the wells_a

3、nd_. And some deep _could be seen in the well walls. A _gas came out the cracks.rosefellcrackssmelly8谷风课件#What do you think may happen before an earthquake?Mice ran out of the fields_places to hide.Fish _out of bows and ponds.looking forjumped9谷风课件#What do you think may happen before an earthquake?

4、The chickens and even pigs were_nervous _eat. The dog was _loudly again and again.tootobarking10谷风课件#What do you think may happen before an earthquake?People could see _ lights in the sky.bright11谷风课件#A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEPReading12谷风课件#Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Look at the each part a

5、nd write down its main idea.Part 1Part 2Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one took any notice of them.The earthquake destroyed the city of Tang Shan and shocked the people very much.13谷风课件#Paragraph 4Part 3The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life.14

6、谷风课件#Join the correct parts of the sentences.2 The people didnt worry because 1 The chickens didnt eat because C they were nervous. E they didnt know what the strange events meant.15谷风课件#3 Such a great number of people died because4 Water was needed because5 The people did not lose hope becauseD dam

7、s and wells were useless.B the quake happened while they were sleeping.A the army came to help them. 16谷风课件#Make a timelineTimeEventFor three daysAt 3:42 am Later that afternoonSoon after the quakes17谷风课件# For three days smelly gascame out offish: jumpwell water rose and fallcracks chickens, pigs:to

8、o nervous to eatmice: run out to hideIn the wellIn the farmyard18谷风课件#At about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976the sound of planes could be heardwater pipes: cracked and burstbright lightwere in the skyIn the skyIn the city19谷风课件#House, roads and canalsSteamHills of rockThe large cityhad a huge crackburst f

9、rom hole in the ground.became rivers of dirtlay in ruinsAt 3:42 am Later that afternoon20谷风课件#Explain the title “ A night the earth didnt sleep”. Then suggest another title for the text.The title means at that night, the earth didnt fall asleep as usual, but became active. It is a poetic way of sayi

10、ng that an earthquake happened.Sample: “The waking earth and the sleeping city”“Tangshans great challenge”Group work21谷风课件#At 3:42 am, everything began to s_. It seemed that the world was a_ _ _. O_(1/3) of the nation f_ it. A h_ crack cut across the city. The city lay i_ _. Two-thirds of the people

11、 d_ or were i_. Then later that afternoon, another big quake s_ Tang Shan, which t_ many r_workers and doctors. People began to wonder how long the d_ would l_. hakene-thirdeltugen ruinsiednjuredhookrappedescueisasterastt an endFill in the blanks. 22谷风课件#Soon after the quakesThe army:Workers:-sent s

12、oldiers to Tangshan. organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.-built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.Result:The city began to breathe again.23谷风课件#True ( T ) or false ( F )?1. Two-thirds of the nation felt the earthquake. ( )2. All the people in Ta

13、ngshan were dead or injured during the earthquake. ( )3. All of the citys hospitals, factories, buildings and homes were damaged in the earthquake. ( )FFFOne-thirdTwo-thirds75%90%75%24谷风课件#4. Later that afternoon, a terrible earthquake shook Tangshan again. ( )5. People slept outdoors after the eart

14、hquake. ( )TT25谷风课件# 6. Not only the people but also the animals were shocked greatly.7. Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.TT26谷风课件#1. What is the passage mainly about?An earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976.Read the text carefully and answer these

15、 questions.27谷风课件#3. What did people hear?2. What did people in Tangshan see in the sky before the earthquake?They saw bright lights in the sky.They heard the sound of planes outside Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky.28谷风课件#4. What did people notice in the wells?5. Did people pay any atte

16、ntion to these abnormal phenomena?People noticed the well walls had deep cracks, and a smelly gas came out of the cracks.No. They went to the bed as usual that night.29谷风课件#6. When did the earthquake begin?7. How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake?8. Could the injured people go to

17、hospital?More than 400, 000 people.At 3:42 in the morning of July 28.No, they couldnt because all of the citys hospitals were gone in the quake. 30谷风课件#1. How do you understand the real meaning of the idiom “It is always calm before a storm”?A. It is unusually quiet before a thunderstorm or hurrican

18、e hit.B. One should not trust situations that seem peaceful since bad things may happen. C. The weather is fine before a storm comes.D. You should stay calm before a storm.Choose the best answer.A31谷风课件#2. What can be inferred from the passage?A. If the pigs were too nervous to eat, there must be an

19、 earthquake.B. If some natural signs had not been ignored, all the people in Tangshan city might have had a chance to survive.C. There wouldnt have been such a great quake if people had paid enough attention to some natural signs.D. If some natural signs had not been ignored, people might have had a

20、 chance to survive.D32谷风课件#3. Which of the following is the main reason for the heavy loss of life in the quake?A. The earthquake happened in the deep night when people were sleeping deeply. B. There werent enough rescue workers.C. The building were poorly constructed and most of them were destroyed

21、 in the quake.D. People were not careful enough to notice some natural signs before the earthquake.A33谷风课件#1. _ of the nation felt the earthquake.2. A huge crack that was _ kilometres long and _ meters wide cut across houses, roads and canals.3. In _ terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 1/383

22、015Read the text again and fill in the blanks with words or numbers.34谷风课件#4. _ of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.5. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than _.6. All of the citys hospitals, _ of its factories and buildings and _ of its homes were gone

23、.2/3400,00075%90%35谷风课件#Tang Shans new look36谷风课件#How can we protect ourselves (自我保护自我保护) in an earthquake? 37谷风课件#AHide under the hard furniture ( 家具家具 ).Put out the fire and turn off the gas. B38谷风课件#Never try to use the lift.CUse something hard (硬的硬的) to protect your head. D39谷风课件#Life is so beau

24、tiful.We must love our lives.In an earthquake SPEED IS LIFE.40谷风课件#1. Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away.1) shake : vi /vt (shook, shaken) cause to move to and fro shake hands with sb shake ones head over /at sthe.g. The whole house shook during the explosion. The exp

25、losion shook the house.Language Points41谷风课件#2) right away : at once ; in no time ; immediatelye.g. He is ill; you should send him to the doctor right away.right now : at this very momentMake up your mind _.Ill return the book _.right nowright away42谷风课件#2. For three days the water in the village we

26、lls rose and fell, rose and fell. rise (rose, risen) vi go up; get higher; (of the sun, moon, stars, etc.) come above the horizon; stand up , get out of bed The flood has risen two feet. She usually rises early in the morning.43谷风课件#rise: 升起升起; 上升上升; 上涨上涨 (不能用于被动语态不能用于被动语态)raise: 举起举起; 使升起使升起; 提高提高

27、(可用于被动语态可用于被动语态)He _from his chair when the doorbell rang.Her job is _ chickens.Her temperature is still _.He _ in rank recently.roseraisingrisinghas risen44谷风课件#3. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. smelly adj. 发臭的发臭的 smell + y = adj. wind-windy dream-dreamy ice-icy health - healthy wealth - weal

28、thy wind - windy smell n./v (smelt/smelled) They were all hungry and the food _ good. I can _something burning in the kitchen. Please throw the _ fish away.smeltsmellsmelly45谷风课件#4. the water pipes in some buildings cracked and _.burstburst : to come open or fly apart suddenlyThe balloon suddenly bu

29、rst.burst into + n. Some robbers burst into that house.burst outburst out + doing They burst out laughing.46谷风课件#He burst into laughter.= He burst out laughing.He burst into tears.= He burst out crying.burst into+ n.burst out + doing47谷风课件#5. event 名词名词, 意为意为“(重要的、不同寻常重要的、不同寻常 的的)事件事件”。如。如: Leaving

30、home was a major event in his life. This is one of the most important events in the history of mankind. event 意思还有意思还有“(事先安排好的事先安排好的)演出演出, 赛事赛事, 聚会聚会”, “(体育比赛的体育比赛的)运动项目运动项目”等。如:等。如: The meeting was an important social event. The 800 metres is not his best event.48谷风课件#event构成的常用短语有:构成的常用短语有: in any

31、/either event = at all events不管怎样不管怎样, 无论如何;无论如何;in the event 结果结果, 到头来;到头来;in the event of sth/in the event that 万一万一, 假如发生假如发生的情况;的情况;field event 田赛项目田赛项目track event 径赛项目径赛项目three-day event 三日马术赛。如:三日马术赛。如:49谷风课件#In any event, the worst that she can do is to say “NO”.In the event of rain, the part

32、y will be held indoors.Lily didnt like Tom, but in the event she married him.He leaves a letter for me to read in the event that he will die.50谷风课件#6. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 1) as if as if 在表语从句中相当于在表语从句中相当于that: It seemed as if the meeting would never end. 看起来会议没完没了。看起来会议没完没了。It s

33、eemed as if the world was at an end!= It seemed that the world was at an end!51谷风课件# as if 似乎似乎, 好像好像 = as though She spoke to me as if she knew me. 她和我说话的神情她和我说话的神情, 好像她早就好像她早就 认识我似的。认识我似的。52谷风课件# as if 后还可跟名词、形容词、不定式后还可跟名词、形容词、不定式 等。如等。如: He acts as if (he was) a fool. She left the room hurriedly

34、as if (she was) angry. Tom raised his hands as if (he was going) to say something.53谷风课件#用动词的适当形式填空。用动词的适当形式填空。It looks as if it _ (be) going to rain.He talks as if he _ (know) where she is.The girl listened as if she _ (turn) to stone. is/wereknowshad been turned54谷风课件#2) at an end 意为意为“结束结束”。如。如:T

35、he war was at an end.I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end.end用作名词构成的短语用作名词构成的短语:at the end (of) 在在末尾末尾by the end of 到到为止为止in the end 最后最后, 终于终于come to an end 完结完结55谷风课件#at the end of 用于表示具体事物或场所用于表示具体事物或场所的场合的场合, 它也可以用来表示比喻意它也可以用来表示比喻意; by the end of 用于表示时间的场合到用于表示时间的场合到结束的时候结束的时候, 用

36、于过去完成时态用于过去完成时态; in the end 意思意思“最后、终于最后、终于”。 56谷风课件#用用end构成的短语填空。构成的短语填空。The cold weather at last stopped_ March.Our hunt for a cheaper but largerhouse is at last _.If you go on with work, youll succeed _.How many English words had you learned _ last term?at the end ofat an endin the endby the end

37、of57谷风课件#7. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. ruin 在此为名词在此为名词, 意为意为“废墟废墟”, 常和介词常和介词in搭配搭配, in ruins意为意为“成废成废 墟墟, 垮掉垮掉, 毁灭毁灭”。如。如: This earthquake left the whole town in ruins. His future is / lies in ruins.58谷风课件#ruin用作名词用作名词, 构成的常见短语有:构成的常见短语有: be on the road to ruin 正在走向毁灭、正在走

38、向毁灭、be the ruin of 使使破产、身体垮掉、破产、身体垮掉、 名誉扫地名誉扫地be/lie in ruins 变成废墟变成废墟go to ruin = fall into ruin 衰落衰落, 败落败落 如如:The company cannot pay its bills and is on the road to ruin.Drinking was the ruin of him.He had let the farm go to ruin.59谷风课件#ruin还可作动词还可作动词, 意为意为“毁坏毁坏, 毁掉毁掉”,ruined作形容词时作形容词时, 只用在名词前,只用在

39、名词前,意为意为“毁坏的毁坏的, 破败不堪的破败不堪的”。如:。如:This illness has ruined his life.The rain ruined my painting.When we got there, we saw a ruined castle.60谷风课件#damage指部分指部分“损坏损坏”、“损害损害”、“破坏破坏”或指使用价值有所降低。它可以用作动词或指使用价值有所降低。它可以用作动词, 也可以用作名词也可以用作名词, 用作名词时常与用作名词时常与to something 连用。如连用。如:The accident did a lot of damage t

40、o his car. destroy 只能用作动词,指彻底破坏只能用作动词,指彻底破坏, 以致以致不可能修复,常作不可能修复,常作“破坏破坏”、“毁灭毁灭”解,也可以解,也可以指希望、计划等打破。指希望、计划等打破。The earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. 辨析辨析: damage, ruin, destroy61谷风课件# ruin则表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但则表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物,而是强那样毁灭某物,而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题。用作动调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题

41、。用作动词时,它作词时,它作 “使毁灭使毁灭”、 “使崩溃使崩溃”、 “弄糟弄糟”解;用作名词时,它表示解;用作名词时,它表示 “毁灭毁灭”、 “瓦解瓦解”、 “废墟废墟”等抽象概念。等抽象概念。ruin也有借喻的用法。也有借喻的用法。The fire ruined the castle. The house has fallen into ruin. The company is facing ruin. 62谷风课件#The village _ in ruins after the war.These machines have _ idle since the factory close

42、d.An earthquake left the whole town_.His career is _.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was _. He _ his girl friends prospects.Soft wood _ easily.laylainin ruinsin ruinsdestroyedruineddamages63谷风课件#8. Two-thirds of the people died or were _ during the earthquake.injuredMore than 61% of the sur

43、face of the earth _covered by water.Seventy percent of the workers in this factory _ young.isareinjure: to hurt oneself/sb./sth. physically64谷风课件#n. injury adj. injuredthe injured 伤者伤者, 伤员伤员an injured look/expression 委屈的样子委屈的样子/表情表情injured pride/feelings 受到伤害的自尊、受到伤害的自尊、情感情感 如如:He suffered serious i

44、njuries to the arms and legs.Many of the injured are still in a serious condition.65谷风课件#Their criticisms _ him deeply.Smoking will _ his health.He was slightly _ in the car accident.He got _ in the fighting.What you said _ my feelings.have hurtinjureinjuredwoundedhurtCompare: injure; hurt; wound 66

45、谷风课件#9. People were shocked. shock: n. 打击打击; 震惊震惊, 震动震动 vt. 使震惊使震惊, 使惊愕使惊愕 shocking: adj. 使人震惊的使人震惊的The news of his wifes death was a terrible shock to him.You will get a shock if you touch the live wire.I was shocked by his rudeness.His failure in the exam was shocking to his parents.67谷风课件#10. Suc

46、h a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping. a number of 几个几个, 若干若干a great/good number of 许多许多, 大量大量 如如:A number of students are planting trees on the hillA great number of volunteers are helping those people living in the earthquake-hit area.68谷风课件#a number o

47、f 修饰可数名词的复数修饰可数名词的复数, number 前可用前可用large, small, good, certain, great等修饰词。当它修饰等修饰词。当它修饰主语时主语时, 谓语动词用复数。注意谓语动词用复数。注意:the number of 意为意为“的数量的数量, 数目数目”, 当它与后面的名词连用时当它与后面的名词连用时, 中心词是中心词是the number, 做主语时谓语用单数。做主语时谓语用单数。69谷风课件#用用a number of 和和the number of 填空。填空。_ students are watching the games on the pl

48、ayground._ trees planted in our village is never under 200 every year.The number ofA number of70谷风课件#辨析辨析: a (great) number of; a great deal of; a lot of; plenty ofa (great) number of 修饰可数名词修饰可数名词, 跟复数形式跟复数形式; a great deal of 修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词; a lot of 后面既可以加可数名词后面既可以加可数名词, 也可以也可以加不可数名词加不可数名词; plenty

49、of 后面既可以加可数名词后面既可以加可数名词, 也可以也可以加不可数名词。加不可数名词。71谷风课件#11. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.trap 1) 做动词做动词 困住困住, 使陷于困境使陷于困境 如如:Dozens of people were trapped in the building when the fire broke out.Theres no way out! Were trapped!Julia felt trapped in her role of wife

50、and mother. 诱骗诱骗, 诱使诱使 (trap sb into doing sth)”; 夹住夹住, 压扁压扁; 把把储存储存 如如: 72谷风课件#I was trapped into telling a lie.Take care not to trap your fingers in the door.How can you trap the suns heat?2) trap还可作名词还可作名词, 意为意为“圈套圈套; 陷阱;陷阱;计谋计谋”, 构成的常见短语有:构成的常见短语有:set a trap 设置陷阱设置陷阱fall/walk into a trap 落入圈套落入圈

51、套73谷风课件#lay a trap for 为为设下圈套设下圈套fall into the trap of doing sth 做某事不明智做某事不明智keep your trap shut不把不把说出去说出去, 不泄密不泄密 如如:She felt that marriage was a trap.The police set a trap to catch the thief.Dont fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place.Just keep your trap shut, and we wont get

52、into trouble.74谷风课件#12. People began to _ how long the disaster would last.wonder : v. 1) to have a feeling of surprise.2) to be filled with curiosity or doubt.n. one that arouses astonishment, surprise; admirationIt is no wonder (that)= No wonder (that)wonder75谷风课件#-Tom often works deep into the ni

53、ght every day.-No wonder he always gets first in the examinations.76谷风课件#13. All hope was not lost.allnot = not all; some but not all Not all the children are left. (= Only some of them left early.)Not all the children are noisy.(= Some of the children are not noisy.) none of . None of us were allow

54、ed to go there.None of these reports is very helpful.77谷风课件#14. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.dig out 挖掘挖掘; 发现发现bury : A. to place in the ground B. to occupy (oneself) with deep concentration; absorb78谷风课件#The dog buried the bone in the ground.I buried myself in my studies.bury oneself in= be buried in devote oneself to= be devoted to79谷风课件# 1. Finish Exercise 1-4 on page 28. 2. Underline the important phrases and sentences in the text.Homework80谷风课件#



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