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1、Self-assessment: dictationcruelastonishconvinceparticularfortunateoutstandingmountainouswhisperfailureSelf-assessment: associationup to nowfeel content withbadly offin particularpick outhumourperformentertaindirectamusefortunateSelf-assessment: associationhumourperformentertainDirectamusefortunatehu

2、mourous humourously (sense of humour)performer performanceentertainment entertaining (entertain sb.to sth)director direction (in the direction of/ under the direction of)amusement amusingfortune fortunately unfortunatelySelf-assessment: associationup to nowfeel content withbadly offin particularpick

3、 outup till now so farbe satisfied /pleased with sth be content to do sth =be willing to do sth/be ready to do sth content oneself with sthbe well off /be worse off /be better offparticularly be particular aboutpick up My mother is very picky. When she goes shopping in the food market, she always _

4、_ the best fruits one by one and _ _ the yellow leaves if she buys vegetables, otherwise she thinks the yellow leaves would cost her extra money. Very often she likes to buy lots of food at one go, so I have to _ her _ after she finishes shopping. picks outpicks offpick up用与用与pick相关的短语填空。相关的短语填空。She

5、 _ Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.(2006 福建福建)picked uppick out, run out, leave out, put out, bring out, come out, figure out, work out1. You have _ an “e” in the word “believe”.2. Fortunately the fire was _ soon after the arrival of firefighters.3. Only a challenging sit

6、uation can _ ones qualities.4. His novel, which has been finished recently, will _ soon.5. No one can _ how the accident happened.6. It is easy to _ Yao in the crowd due to his considerable height.7. Things have _ quite well for us.8. What can human beings use for power if oil _?left output outbring

7、 outcome outfigure outpick outworked outruns outlikely, possible or probable1.Hes very _ to be late for class.2.It is _ for you to catch the flight if you can get to the airport within an hour.3.Its _ , though not _ , that he will come tomorrow.4.Could you _ help me look after my house?5.It is _ tha

8、t an earthquake may hit the country.likelypossibleprobablepossiblepossiblypossiblelikelyprobabletreating it as if it were the finest meal.The customer froze there as if _ (陷入沉思陷入沉思).The dying patient opened his mouth as if _ (说些什么说些什么).He settled himself down on the beach as if _ (在回忆过去在回忆过去).He wal

9、ked up and down as if _ (在找着什么在找着什么).lost in thoughtto say somethingthinking about the pastin search of somethingConvince sb. of sth./sb is convinced of sth.Convince sb. that/sb is convinced thatConvince sb. to do sth你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。摆事实、讲道理,才能让人服气。摆事实、讲道理,才能让人服气。Your argument is too we

10、ak to convince me.Only by presenting facts and reasoning things out can we convince people.content表示表示“甘心的甘心的,甘愿的甘愿的”。Many men are content with a routine life. 很多人满足这种有规律的生活。很多人满足这种有规律的生活。contented指安于现状已无他求指安于现状已无他求,有有“知足知足”的意味。的意味。Tom was a lazy boy. He just passed the exam and was contented with t

11、he marks he got. 汤姆汤姆是个懒家伙是个懒家伙,他只满足于考试的分数刚好通过。他只满足于考试的分数刚好通过。satisfied表示某事完全满足了个人的心愿、欲望、表示某事完全满足了个人的心愿、欲望、需要或要求需要或要求,有积极愉快的意味在内。有积极愉快的意味在内。The teacher was quite satisfied with his answer. 老师对他的回答很满意。老师对他的回答很满意。react vi. react again/ react to /react withIf a teacher can make his classes lively and i

12、nteresting, children will _ well.A. reflect B. react C. remain D. infect如果将来有类似的事情发生,你会如何面对?如果将来有类似的事情发生,你会如何面对?If something similar happened in the future, how would you react?overcome vt.He succeeded in overcoming his weakness.Many people in the crowd were overcome by heat.The humour of one countr

13、y is difficult to convey to others because it is culturally based.What one society finds funny is not at all amusing to another.However, we can never really understand another culture until we understand their sense of humour.1.1.一个国家的幽默很难传递给别国因为这是以文化为基础一个国家的幽默很难传递给别国因为这是以文化为基础的。的。2.2.一个社会所发现的滑稽的东西对

14、另一个社会一点也不好一个社会所发现的滑稽的东西对另一个社会一点也不好笑。笑。3.3.但是,直到我们明白了他们的幽默感我们才能真正理解但是,直到我们明白了他们的幽默感我们才能真正理解另一种文化。另一种文化。卓别林很幽默,所有的观众都忍不住大笑不管你生活在哪里,你看了卓别林的早起电影很难不发笑我们觉得一则笑话是否好笑,很大程度上决定于我们是在哪儿长大幽默感与民族有着神秘的联系尽管民族不同,有些幽默能吸引全世界的人近来一种新式幽默流行起来了,这种幽默主要来自美国。我觉得这种幽默低级庸俗卓别林很幽默,所有的观众都忍不住大笑Chaplins humor was such that all the aud

15、ience burst into laughter不管你生活在哪里,你看了卓别林的早起电影很难不发笑No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at Chaplins early films我们觉得一则笑话是否好笑,很大程度上决定于我们是在哪儿长大Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.幽默感与民族有着神秘的联系The sense of humour is mysterious

16、ly bound up with national characteristic.尽管民族不同,有些幽默能吸引全世界的人In spite of national differences, some humor has a universal appeal.近来一种新式幽默流行起来了,这种幽默主要来自美国。A new type of humor, which stems largely from the U.S, has recently come into fashion.我觉得这种幽默低级庸俗I find this sort of joke distasteful.Language writ

17、ing: 这个故事是这个故事是以以19291929年大萧条年大萧条为背景为背景的。当时,美的。当时,美国的经济全面国的经济全面瘫痪瘫痪,格林夫妇和许许多多的人一样都,格林夫妇和许许多多的人一样都失业失业了,他们因此比以前了,他们因此比以前更潦倒更潦倒。似乎每个人都在找。似乎每个人都在找工作。格林先生好不容易得到一个面试机会。在去面工作。格林先生好不容易得到一个面试机会。在去面试的途中他虽然试的途中他虽然遭遇遭遇了大雨,他还是了大雨,他还是设法设法及时赶到了及时赶到了面试场地。当公司经理看到浑身湿透的格林先生时,面试场地。当公司经理看到浑身湿透的格林先生时,当即给他一个工作。格林先生是当即给他一

18、个工作。格林先生是如此如此高兴,高兴,以致以致没有没有认出经理就是他的老同学。认出经理就是他的老同学。The story is set in the Great Depression in 1929. The economy in the United States broke down completely at that time and the Greens, like many other Americans, were out of work. Therefore they were even worse off than ever. It seemed that everybody

19、 was searching for jobs. With great difficulty, Mr. Green seized a chance for an interview. Although he was caught in a heavy rain on his way to the interview, he did manage to get the spot on time. The manager offered him a job immediately when he saw Mr. green was all wet. Mr. Green was so glad that he didnt recognize the manager, who was his former classmate.



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