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1、gkxx精品课件Unit 24 SocietyLesson 2 Utopiagkxx精品课件Utopiagkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件As far as you know, what kind of countryis Utopia like?1. Look at the picture of the ideal society of Utopia. gkxx精品课件Ex 2 Listen to Sir Thomas Mores story about Utopia. Answer the following questions.1 Are t

2、here any differences between rich and poor people?2 What leisure activities are there?3 How fair is the society?4 What punishment are there?nonegoing to lectures or playing interesting games like chessyour own answersbe made into slavesgkxx精品课件Ex 3. Listen to the story again and answer the questions

3、.1 What is Utopia like? Give some examples.2 How do people in Utopia usually spend their time?People only have to work six hours a day. When they are not working, they go the lectures or play clever games.Its the most civilized country in the world. For example. all the towns are the same and all th

4、e buildings are laid out in an ordered way.gkxx精品课件3 How are the Utopian society and families organized?4 Are there any divorce in Utopia? What if some married people have affairs?Utopian society and families are well organized. There is a head of each family. There is a leader in each area of the t

5、own and each town has an elected leader. Each town has three representatives sent to the government.Divorces is possible only when both the husband and wife want it. There are severe punishments for married people if they have affairs. They can be made slaves.gkxx精品课件5 Does Utopia ever trade with ot

6、her counties? Why/why not?6 Are there any war in their country? why?Utopia never trades with other counties because there is nothing that it needs.There is no war in Utopia, because the people there hate war.gkxx精品课件 civilized: highly developed identical:exactly alike and equal show off: 炫耀;卖弄炫耀;卖弄

7、authority: power have authority over representative: 代表代表 parliament:国会国会 remark: comment make remarks about sth.adopt: take or follow 采用,采纳采用,采纳 Key Wordsgkxx精品课件1) What kind of country is Utopia like? Give some examples.It is the most civilized country in the world. For example, all the towns are

8、identical and all the buildings are laid out in an ordered way.Questionsgkxx精品课件2) How do the people in Utopia usually spend their time?People only have to work six hours a day. When they are not working, they go to lectures or play interesting games.gkxx精品课件3) How are the Utopian society and famili

9、es organized?Utopian society and families are well organized. There is a head of each family. There is a leader in each area of the town and each town has a mayor. Each town has three parliamentary representatives.gkxx精品课件4) Are there any divorces in Utopia? What if some married people have affairs?

10、 Divorce is possible only when both the husband and wife want it. There are severe punishments if married people have affairs.gkxx精品课件5) Does Utopia ever trade with other countries? Why / Why not?6) Are there any wars in their country? Why?Utopia never trades with other country because there is noth

11、ing that it needs.There is no war in Utopia, because they hate war. They fight only in self-defense.gkxx精品课件Ex 4. Listen to the story again and complete the table. Things you like Things you hategkxx精品课件Would you like to live in Mores Utopia? Why/why not?gkxx精品课件Ex 7 Listen again and complete the Fu

12、nction File with these words and phrases.2 Itd be a good idea if 3 There could be4 What about5 Its about time1 I wish theyd gkxx精品课件6 I think they should7 what would be really great is if8 What we need9 Id charge10 Why dont theygkxx精品课件11 I think itd be good if they13 Its time12 They ought to14 Lets

13、 gkxx精品课件DiscussionWould you like to live in Mores Utopia?Why/why not?Backgkxx精品课件 1. Its about time they improved the bus service. 2. Whatd be great is they built a new sport center.STEx. 8. Listen to the eight more suggestions. Which of them sound tentative (T) and which sound stronger (S)? Then l

14、isten again and repeat the suggestions.gkxx精品课件 3. There could be an Olympic swimming pool. 4. They really ought to clean up the lake! 5. What they need is a new bridge. 6. What about building a new airport? 7. Its time they did up the town hall! 8. Id set up a cultural centre.SSSTTTgkxx精品课件Ex 8 Lis

15、ten to eight more suggestions. Which of them sound tentative (T) and which sound stronger (S)? Then listen again and repeat the suggestions.12345678TSgkxx精品课件 Work in pairs. Use the rolecards to make suggestions about how to improve a town. Use suggestions from the Function File (!=strong;?=tentativ

16、e)Speaking Example A: Its about time they cleaned up the river!B: Thats true. And itd be a good idea ifgkxx精品课件Student A lclean up the river(!)lmake public transport free(?)lmake pedestrian streets(!)lcharge more for parking(?)ldo up the main square(?)lbuild a sports centre(!)lcreate a venue for con

17、certs(?)gkxx精品课件Student B lmake more parks(?)lincrease the number of buses(!)lbuild more car parks(!)ldo up the old houses in the centre (?)lbuild a new hospital (!)lset up an Internet caf (?)lstart a new library(?)gkxx精品课件Work in pairs. Discuss your suggestions with you partner.11A: Its about time

18、we started to look after the historic buildings in our city.B: Thats true but I think itd be better to spend money onExample gkxx精品课件Tell the class about some of your ideas.Both of us think itd be a good thing to build a new outdoor swimming pool.Example gkxx精品课件 Ex. 12. Complete the sentences with

19、these verbs in their correct form.Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbsgo, turn, set, brighten, make, give, dress, pick, hold, take, clean, dogkxx精品课件1 Why dont they _up the river and _up that old house next to the bridge? Its nearly falling down.cleandogkxx精品课件2 It would be a good idea to _up a theater group.

20、It would _ things up a bit in this town. I love _up and Id like to _ up acting.setlightendressingtakegkxx精品课件3 I was _up for twenty minutes in a traffic jam and _up late for class. But the teacher thought I _ up an excuse.heldturnedwas makinggkxx精品课件4 The cost of tickets keeps _up, so I _up taking the bus and started walking to college. Though sometimes my neighbour _me up in the morning and takes me there in her car.goinghave givenpicks同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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