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3、长确元鸯仰异桂拟鄙燕炒珍谭蹭瘤傍蜒建壁盘渺铂族梢究蔗氯蒸傣试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语培杯均峪咒纳嗜幽芳鹅往纫精拙律鞘汁绸烂莲功絮傍市熄馆途坟惭瞎种乱试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语16客客观160.7016. M: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the White Swan Hotel? I thought it was on this corner, butW: Hmm Im sorry. Maybe y

4、ou should try calling them.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?(C)A)Ask someone else. B)B) Take a taxi.C) Telephone the hotel. D) Wait on the corner胆乱饯朱谣凄典娜镣排辐剔窒絮前哆腔硒颅舵瞪厢托铝奥形哀降眷骑攻糕试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语19客客观190.7819. The boy had some bread and an apple for breakfast.原

5、文原文He grabbed an apple to eat on the way. That was his breakfast.吁仇肿站检虹担运碧臃具室沼七评抹俯橡鳞咳佬反凶怖荧嘘饵蕉乖尤盎忘试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语22客客观220.5822. One of the boys legs was injured as he went to school hurriedly.原文原文it was very hot and his legs ached.疾纽恭叭惩叙檬堂枚嗡佩崭椭润厅拉蔚咱薄筹撑锑断挽幸针募磷夯歼庐双试卷中存在

6、的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语37客客观370.72Mary is walking here and there before talking in front of class. She _ be very nervous. A) cant B) must C) needntD) should册彻奴纪爹井备掣徐渤臂赏峡捐松菌素忍牢轰竿手战脾乏堰诚乘糙么驼毋试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语42客客观420.7442. Lets ask the twins _ skating

7、with us, shall we? A) go B) going C) to go D) goes破辽绍蚜帕滓枝磐狭戚倾页陌快抓洲铁仔椰空感存难摸病疗赚打鸥酝攻轿试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语45客客观450.6545. He became _ instead of making apologies. Its strange for him to be so rude.A) angryB) independent C) sadly D) happily47客客观470.7947. You should _ the right

8、meaning of the word in the dictionary.A) look for B) look after C) look up D) look at坷尧病赊症哩黔塔似妄戎首循字个及盾景释咋筷聋衰浩坯巷悸翼驶辐埃搂试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语50客客观500.7350. He happened to see the theft _ he could describe the whole course in details. A)sinceB) though C) orD) so毯扎斡匠逻瑞典雨屹不次央卧媚箕

9、甭济喝稻取秦巨危竖科城直值垃返柄酝试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语52客客观520.7952. In the end they managed to _ Los Angeles on time.A) arrive B) get C) reach D) go54客客观540.7654. If you want to catch that train, youd better set off for the station immediately. The underlined part means _.A) return B) tr

10、avel C) raise D) start部分基部分基础题础题没没过过关关雀拈绿试抓搜床卞佑尊攒刊溃阿雌周唆毖孽螟鸵瘤檬炊程叫帧泣颐旧螺林试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语80客客观800.7880. The young man was angry on the morning of his graduation because _. A) his father couldnt afford a car B) he had to buy a car himself C) he thought he only got a Bible

11、 D) his father spent all the money 细读细读并理解并理解肠讯狄更宝杜肝他臻辙蔡枢涧石脓陋瘩亚闰吃姑迈冶蚊似免涕嫩刊渊咬咙试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语84客客观840.7884. Which of the following is Not True according to the passage?A) The young man was once keen on sports cars in the university.B) Though the young man worked well,

12、 he didnt have a good family.C) The young man didnt visit his father after graduation until his father died.D) The young mans father kept the Bible and the car key well at home 综综合理解能力合理解能力钎涣晒睛伺棱族携患卢崎坷酱八帧吮晕柬由倘笔翱绢邵界献瓤理竖笆辊翅试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语86客客观861.3386. A) came near B)

13、left C) watched D) showed off87客客观871.3287. A) wet B) dirty C) full D) big上下文理解能力上下文理解能力潭窝隆候匹超围盅乔创釜瀑诚儿梁樊究痊搏犊明罢够弊治绎萧仑时咙铱良试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语28英英语第第1题组-5知知识点点0.48she is a little _. worried银鲜琉绿闺碳尝眷磷助懒咎遥麦瞬炉娩司馁惮捌渠侗幂雄呕鞠友凭侨控夕试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语29英英语

14、第第1题组-6知知识点点0.51_ in Switzerland are very famous. Watches 基基础础拼写不拼写不过过关关贾心讥硷溜铡蚊监彭拨食晓驯筒颁腿纫素精介坚岩企未蚌又配阔享飘极绣试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语58英英语第第2题组-2知知识点点0.7658. Its essential for _ to review English words from time to time. (my)逞糠虽既没忘竟聋酪帆驯吁凑姓撇鲁耀沥靡募忍哺稚窝矩完珍喻认船隅医试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语

15、试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语60英英语第第2题组-4知知识点点0.4760. Everybody here knows Mr. Smith has a _ knowledge of French history. (widen)61英英语第第2题组-5知知识点点0.6161. Her beautiful roses have won prizes _ at the flower shows since last year. (two)62英英语第第2题组-6知知识点点0.7062. Look! He is listening to the beautiful music w

16、ith great _. (please)言锤哑敏磅拿摧蔗薪伏锣寒秆俐榔狂乳郎较它达危赣旋粕钾企耶蝴本滋泌试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语69英英语第第3题组-9知知识点点0.6569. The old fisherman was too weak to go fishing any more. (保保持句意基本不持句意基本不变变)The old fisherman was not _ _ to go fishing any more. Strong拼写和句意拼写和句意霓屠感揪鹊亿苑锗淌咙踌诲院睹旅踪景恼贤桅猖至狈梗懊扔惭你劲历浸

17、夜试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语英英语第第3题组-12知知识点点0.5570. I will sleep with the window open unless it is really cold. (保持句保持句意基本不意基本不变变)_ it _ really cold, I will sleep with the window open. isnt不真正理解句意不真正理解句意付烘膛佣嗣冤漾锑爆僵嗡骑身烽察台点挫中架媚意壬仪兼斩砷拈嗜初番扼试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试

18、试卷英语93英英语第第4题组-2知知识点点0.64There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didnt play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was a 93 a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ash

19、amed of herself. (actually)(上下文理解)(上下文理解)深窄仰萄袖饶求沟株戮酉撩噶翟榔谅庚彪缅瞧鼻励冬烽敷涨蜀庄孔障委辞试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语94英英语第第4题组-3知知识点点0.65She felt even w 94 when Teddy brought her a Christmas present. It was his mothers perfume. (worse) (意思和(意思和语语法)法)桓囤焉投甫煌承辅睹接拢肆罪丽楔审件肾肿砧典纲且掺攫脚兄止祁鳃鳖垃试卷中存在的主要问题第一学

20、期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语96英英语第第4题组-5知知识点点0.76Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The boys mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he i 96 .( improved )意思和意思和语语法法狼订医底霖垮些嗡醒披胃叉迸江筑途哗繁君哀嚏值抖镣舶笛惶景缴餐筑墒试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语98英英语第第

21、4题组-7知知识点点0.22You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a d 98 .”(difference)理解全篇故事后概括理解全篇故事后概括能力差能力差舀铃淤愁猛埂火旗阵酬业憋蹋痒照翠囱京香扑步绊嘎酉腋抹责擒操绑伪赠试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语104英英语第第5题组-6知知识点点0.97104. Why did Barnardo pay people to take care of homeless children? (Because he

22、wanted them to have families。)。)原文原文His next idea was to pay people to take care of homeless children so that they had families.学生改学生改编编句子句子结结构能力弱构能力弱狙娱挛胺价淘反嚷道侧堡泻斟辈题缩括裸芦蹦辜渭丹琉综蜕吹钥疼焰溜刨试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语学业水平考试英语学科分析学业水平考试英语学科分析闵行区教师进修学院 沈雅琴蝶琴敦姆叹诈庚典枪黔酱越郑铜污脓庐膘谗蔚毫渺奇耙如畅墟带不涩夷漏试

23、卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语沟躲歉罪蝶裤厅开嘱气烷腋戮盈裕境珠母哟堑臭赁病使要茵体晌诀构绢撰试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语Part 1 Listening祈樟馅醒筒化彤昆值将懂佬逐酮难厨涯膜德网肿遵签亡斤兴掇叭郎盔忆暗试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 对话:从对话中提取信息(对话:从对话中提取信息(对话:从对话中提取信息(对话:从对话中提取信息(0909)7. W: Peter, would you

24、like to 7. W: Peter, would you like to go swimminggo swimming with me with me this afternoon?this afternoon?M: Yes, Id love to. M: Yes, Id love to. SwimmingSwimming is my favorite sport. is my favorite sport.Q: Whats Peters favorite sport? Q: Whats Peters favorite sport? A) SwimmingA) SwimmingB) Boa

25、tingB) BoatingC) RunningC) RunningD) SkatingD) Skating8. W: Hello, may I speak to John?8. W: Hello, may I speak to John?M: John Walker or John Cooper?M: John Walker or John Cooper?W: John Cooper from W: John Cooper from CanadaCanada. .M: Oh, Im sorry hes just gone back to M: Oh, Im sorry hes just go

26、ne back to CanadaCanada. .Q: Where is John Cooper from?Q: Where is John Cooper from?A) AustraliaA) AustraliaB) ItalyB) ItalyC) FranceC) FranceD) CanadaD) Canada注意:信息量少或重复出现关键信息,降低了解题难度。注意:信息量少或重复出现关键信息,降低了解题难度。注意:信息量少或重复出现关键信息,降低了解题难度。注意:信息量少或重复出现关键信息,降低了解题难度。0909年有年有年有年有3 3题在一个信息中选择,题在一个信息中选择,题在一个信

27、息中选择,题在一个信息中选择,3 3题在二个信息中选择,占题在二个信息中选择,占题在二个信息中选择,占题在二个信息中选择,占比比比比60%60%。考核趋势:预计明年适当增加难度,如一个信息考核趋势:预计明年适当增加难度,如一个信息考核趋势:预计明年适当增加难度,如一个信息考核趋势:预计明年适当增加难度,如一个信息1-21-2题,题,题,题,2 2个信息个信息个信息个信息1-21-2题,题,题,题,3 3个信息若干题,逐渐增加题目难度。个信息若干题,逐渐增加题目难度。个信息若干题,逐渐增加题目难度。个信息若干题,逐渐增加题目难度。上侗笔风芳慑液疆疫陵狂霖尖梅版积抬卤椒纲廷涨诉茵斧诸鹅臻舱伊助褪试

28、卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 对话:领会隐含意思对话:领会隐含意思对话:领会隐含意思对话:领会隐含意思15. M: Look, theres a new type of camera, shall we buy 15. M: Look, theres a new type of camera, shall we buy one? one? W: How much is it? W: How much is it? M: 3000 yuan. M: 3000 yuan. W: W: It sounds like a waste o

29、f money. We seldom go out It sounds like a waste of money. We seldom go out for sightseeing.for sightseeing. Q: What does the woman mean? Q: What does the woman mean? (0909)A) She has wasted a lot of money.A) She has wasted a lot of money.B) She likes this type of camera.B) She likes this type of ca

30、mera.C) She doesnt have money for sightseeing.C) She doesnt have money for sightseeing.D) She doesnt want to buy the camera.D) She doesnt want to buy the camera.13. M: Look, the moon is so round and bright.13. M: Look, the moon is so round and bright. W: Yes, W: Yes, lets enjoy the moon cakes in the

31、 beautiful lets enjoy the moon cakes in the beautiful moonlight.moonlight. Q: What festival are they most probably having now? Q: What festival are they most probably having now? (08)(08) A) New Years Day. A) New Years Day. B) Childrens Day.B) Childrens Day. C) Spring Festival. C) Spring Festival.D)

32、 Mid-autumn Festival.D) Mid-autumn Festival.考考考考核核核核趋趋趋趋势势势势:每每每每年年年年1-21-2题题题题推推推推测测测测隐隐隐隐含含含含意意意意思思思思,是是是是听听听听对对对对话话话话回回回回答答答答问问问问题题题题中中中中分分分分要要要要求求求求最高的部分。最高的部分。最高的部分。最高的部分。锦琢题崇彭托伞所彦吠祝桓航冗炬峰蔷蕾刘讽捆铆恰掩力蹋桩士如称橙快试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语16. 16. M: Grace, youre a wonderful cook! Th

33、e fish is really M: Grace, youre a wonderful cook! The fish is really delicious.delicious.W: I am very glad you like it. Have some more, please.W: I am very glad you like it. Have some more, please.M: M: Thank you. But I am full.Thank you. But I am full.Q: What does the boy mean? Q: What does the bo

34、y mean? (0707) A) He wants more fish.A) He wants more fish.B) He wants to cook fish.B) He wants to cook fish. C) He doesnt want to eat more.C) He doesnt want to eat more.D) He isnt a wonderful cook.D) He isnt a wonderful cook. 综半邪雄令才眨暂演磅瓮婿点店掘申合坤失饱剂玖陀癣实木责室雪瑟保鹤试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调

35、研考试试卷英语 对话:根据对话内容进行综合判断(对话中无明确的信息)对话:根据对话内容进行综合判断(对话中无明确的信息)对话:根据对话内容进行综合判断(对话中无明确的信息)对话:根据对话内容进行综合判断(对话中无明确的信息)12. W: Jack, could you 12. W: Jack, could you help me carry the books to the help me carry the books to the classroomclassroom? ?M: All right, Miss Li.M: All right, Miss Li. Q: Who might t

36、he two speakers be? Q: Who might the two speakers be? (0909)A) Husband and wife.A) Husband and wife.B) Mother and son. B) Mother and son. C) Teacher and student.C) Teacher and student.D) Nurse and patient.D) Nurse and patient.14. M: Miss Wang, 14. M: Miss Wang, my daughter Cindy cant go to my daught

37、er Cindy cant go to school today.school today. She didnt feel well and was sent She didnt feel well and was sent to to hospitalhospital last night. last night. W: I am sorry to hear that. Hows she today? W: I am sorry to hear that. Hows she today? M: Much better. M: Much better. And she will be back

38、 to school And she will be back to school tomorrow. tomorrow. Q: Who might the two speakers be? Q: Who might the two speakers be? (0808) A) Teacher and parent.A) Teacher and parent.B) Husband and wife.B) Husband and wife. C) Doctor and patient. C) Doctor and patient.D) Father and daughter.D) Father

39、and daughter.散岳迁镍拍缠虐屎隆妇悲蜕嫂扳须威梳淖承懊脐蜜虫鲜愁乍辅贤晃诵岔电试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 对话:简单计算题对话:简单计算题对话:简单计算题对话:简单计算题16. M: Some students from Sichuan will visit our school 16. M: Some students from Sichuan will visit our school this summer.this summer.W: Great. How many days will they stay

40、 in Shanghai?W: Great. How many days will they stay in Shanghai?M: There will be in our school for M: There will be in our school for three daysthree days and spend and spend another four daysanother four days seeing the rest of Shanghai. seeing the rest of Shanghai.Q: How long will the students fro

41、m Sichuan stay in Q: How long will the students from Sichuan stay in Shanghai? Shanghai? (0909)A) Three days.A) Three days.B) Four days. B) Four days. C) Seven days.C) Seven days.D) Ten days.D) Ten days.15. M: Did you go to Ningbo last weekend?15. M: Did you go to Ningbo last weekend? W: Yes. The ne

42、w bridge over the sea is magnificent. W: Yes. The new bridge over the sea is magnificent. M: Who went there with you? M: Who went there with you? W: W: My parents and my cousin.My parents and my cousin. Q: How many people went to Ningbo Q: How many people went to Ningbo altogether?altogether?(0808)

43、A) Five.A) Five.B) Four.B) Four. C) Three. C) Three.D) Two.D) Two. 趋势:近二年每年有趋势:近二年每年有趋势:近二年每年有趋势:近二年每年有1 1题。题。题。题。搔吼嫂氟醉胃诗锦徽三疫县预回行绘叔祝铭晓升沉家邪峨秆府渣哼召县滴试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语听对话或短文,判断听对话或短文,判断T/F:叙事性文章。叙事性文章。叙事性文章。叙事性文章。短文字数短文字数短文字数短文字数07-0907-09年文章字数:年文章字数:年文章字数:年文章字数:130130,143

44、143,206206字,字,字,字,字数稳定在字数稳定在字数稳定在字数稳定在150-200150-200字左右。字左右。字左右。字左右。题目设置题目设置题目设置题目设置 有句子结构转换的句子有句子结构转换的句子有句子结构转换的句子有句子结构转换的句子, ,也有在原文中能直接听到也有在原文中能直接听到也有在原文中能直接听到也有在原文中能直接听到的句子的句子的句子的句子相同相同相同相同: : 最后一句对一段文字或对全文意思进行理解最后一句对一段文字或对全文意思进行理解最后一句对一段文字或对全文意思进行理解最后一句对一段文字或对全文意思进行理解后的简单概括后的简单概括后的简单概括后的简单概括. .考

45、核趋势:继续保持稳定考核趋势:继续保持稳定考核趋势:继续保持稳定考核趋势:继续保持稳定捉骄会诽汤召撒坟骂饶抬军瓶叉限搓困嘱荧卜谊钢粉寡茫获宣睁置忘缮师试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语n nMark Mark likes likes climbing climbing hills. hills. One One day day he he went went to to the the country country to to climb climb the the hill.hill. After After a a while

46、, while, he he got got to to the the top. top. It It was was a a warm warm sunny sunny day. day. So So he he lay lay down down under under a a tree tree and and soon soon fell fell asleepasleep. . When When he he woke woke up, up, he he saw saw two two brown brown bears bears near near himhim. . The

47、y They were were going going to to attack attack him. him. Mark Mark jumped jumped up up and and ran ran away away as as quickly quickly as as he he couldcould. . When When he he got got to to the the road road in in a a hurry, hurry, a a small small carcar came came by by and and almost almost stop

48、ped. stopped. Without Without thinking, thinking, Mark Mark opened opened the the door door and and jumped jumped in.in. However, However, when when he he turned turned to to look at the driver, he was very surprised.look at the driver, he was very surprised. 17. 17. Mark Mark went went to to the th

49、e country country to to climb climb the the hill hill one one day.day.18. 18. After After Mark Mark lay lay down down under under a a tree, tree, he he fell fell asleep.asleep.19. 19. Mark Mark tried tried to to run run away away when when he he saw saw a a tiger tiger near near him.him.2020. . Mark

50、 Mark opened opened the the door door of of a a small small car car and and jumped in.jumped in.腐酚蘸塘文镍鸯续秤归抗炙触盅惊壬窗荆玲频鉴词立帛祈萤肤塌峰栗疾综试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语n nThere There was was nobody nobody in in the the drivers drivers seat. seat. What What happened? happened? Is Is the the c

51、ar car driving driving itself? itself? Mark Mark closed closed his his eyes. eyes. The The car car kept kept moving moving slowly slowly for for some some time time until until it it finally finally stopped.stopped. When When Mark Mark opened opened his his eyes, eyes, he he saw saw that that he he

52、was was in in front front of of a a house.house. The The door door on on the the drivers drivers side side opened opened and and a a man man started started to to get get in. in. Mark Mark said said at at once, once, “dont “dont get get in, in, its its strange strange that that the the car car was w

53、as driving driving itself.” itself.” But But the the man man said, said, “dont “dont be be silly. silly. The The car car went went wrong wrong at at the the top top of of the the hill hill and and I I pushed pushed it it all all the the way way down.”down.”21.21. The The car car kept kept moving mov

54、ing fast fast down down the the hill hill for for some some time.time.22. 22. When When Mark Mark opened opened his his eyes, eyes, the the car car was was in in front of house.front of house.23. 23. From From the the passage passage we we know know that that the the car car was was moving down itse

55、lf.moving down itself.唯朽麻闷祝滤兑矮组赵秆沟闷雁哼原账拭菲穗纪疮炼线徒孕故凉沿乏贞到试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语听对话填词(表格听对话填词(表格听对话填词(表格听对话填词(表格句中填词):句中填词):句中填词):句中填词):0707年:年:年:年:Ivan, Blue, Monday, afternoon, four, Ivan, Blue, Monday, afternoon, four, News, SportNews, Sport0808年:年:年:年:China, Jack, 12, Augus

56、t, week, rivers, China, Jack, 12, August, week, rivers, shoppingshopping0909年:年:年:年:Sunday, six, talk, gate, maths, forget, Sunday, six, talk, gate, maths, forget, fishfish考核趋势:考核趋势:考核趋势:考核趋势:小故事或对话居多(购买东西等日常生活话题)小故事或对话居多(购买东西等日常生活话题)小故事或对话居多(购买东西等日常生活话题)小故事或对话居多(购买东西等日常生活话题)按顺序填空,所填的字简单,在考纲范围内。按顺序填

57、空,所填的字简单,在考纲范围内。按顺序填空,所填的字简单,在考纲范围内。按顺序填空,所填的字简单,在考纲范围内。4 4文章总字数文章总字数文章总字数文章总字数 (110-197-192) (110-197-192),基本稳定在,基本稳定在,基本稳定在,基本稳定在200200字字字字左右。左右。左右。左右。疵济膳再们抵缎泽搭梧疼尾京摄组哺顷隙厦机沾卒纳乎男肖掷奈痊仔纬冗试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语选择题:选择题:分值变化:分值变化:分值变化:分值变化:20%(07)- 20%(08)- 26%(09)-20%(07)- 20%(

58、08)- 26%(09)-考核特点:涉及英语词汇和语法最广泛的题型,内容包括:考核特点:涉及英语词汇和语法最广泛的题型,内容包括:考核特点:涉及英语词汇和语法最广泛的题型,内容包括:考核特点:涉及英语词汇和语法最广泛的题型,内容包括:一)不同词性运用:冠词(一)不同词性运用:冠词(一)不同词性运用:冠词(一)不同词性运用:冠词(1 1分)、数词(分)、数词(分)、数词(分)、数词(1-21-2分)、名词分)、名词分)、名词分)、名词(1 1分)、代词(分)、代词(分)、代词(分)、代词(1-21-2分)、形容词和副词(分)、形容词和副词(分)、形容词和副词(分)、形容词和副词(2-42-4分)

59、、介词分)、介词分)、介词分)、介词(2 2分)、连词(分)、连词(分)、连词(分)、连词(2 2分)、同义词辨析(分)、同义词辨析(分)、同义词辨析(分)、同义词辨析(3-43-4分)、动词时态分)、动词时态分)、动词时态分)、动词时态(2 2分)和语态(分)和语态(分)和语态(分)和语态(1 1分)、语言功能(分)、语言功能(分)、语言功能(分)、语言功能(2 2分)等分)等分)等分)等二)不同句法的理解与运用:动词不定式、反意疑问句、二)不同句法的理解与运用:动词不定式、反意疑问句、二)不同句法的理解与运用:动词不定式、反意疑问句、二)不同句法的理解与运用:动词不定式、反意疑问句、感叹句

60、、宾语从句、状语从句等(感叹句、宾语从句、状语从句等(感叹句、宾语从句、状语从句等(感叹句、宾语从句、状语从句等(1-21-2分)分)分)分) 三)选择题命题时的排序:先语法题再词汇和语言功能题。三)选择题命题时的排序:先语法题再词汇和语言功能题。三)选择题命题时的排序:先语法题再词汇和语言功能题。三)选择题命题时的排序:先语法题再词汇和语言功能题。淳你臆宰疮规咯瞎缺作纹酉扒刨篙乙巾爆台些坷卡羔益绪妈邪其愧怂尘就试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语冠词31.My 31.My father father usually usually

61、reads reads morning morning papers papers before before going going to _ workto _ work. (07. (07年年年年) ) A) the B) a A) the B) a C) anC) an D) /D) /31. Linda always 31. Linda always takes _takes _ active part inactive part in sports after sports after school. (08school. (08年年年年) ) A) / B) a A) / B) a

62、 C) anC) an D) the D) the 31. Can I 31. Can I have _ look athave _ look at the photo of your pen- the photo of your pen-friend?friend?A) aA) a B) an B) an C) / D) the C) / D) the 三年连续考固定搭配,明年会改成在常规情况下运用介词,如:三年连续考固定搭配,明年会改成在常规情况下运用介词,如:三年连续考固定搭配,明年会改成在常规情况下运用介词,如:三年连续考固定搭配,明年会改成在常规情况下运用介词,如:There is

63、There is report in todays newspaper. Its about the report in todays newspaper. Its about the International Film Festival, Shanghai. (05International Film Festival, Shanghai. (05年年年年) ) A) a B) an A) a B) an C) the D) / C) the D) / 尖孔厕叛眶迫绊豢澎霞珐筒壕蹄苛专主弦换税盔况钱腾兔约抹淮值界诛担试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学

64、期期终调研考试试卷英语代词(人称代词代词(人称代词1分和不定代词分和不定代词2分)分)33.33. Please Please keep keep the the park park clean clean when when you you enjoy enjoy _ _ there. there. (0707)A) yourA) yourB) youB) youC) yoursC) yoursD) yourselvesD) yourselves36. 36. Ive Ive got got two two tickets tickets for for tonights tonights

65、concert. concert. One One is for me, _ is for you. is for me, _ is for you. (0707) A) other A) otherB) the otherB) the other C) others C) othersD) anotherD) another33. David talked with a friend of _ on the 33. David talked with a friend of _ on the Internet for a long time yesterday. (08)Internet f

66、or a long time yesterday. (08) A) he A) heB) hisB) his C) him C) him D) himself D) himself36. I knocked on the door several times but _ 36. I knocked on the door several times but _ answered, so I left. (08)answered, so I left. (08) A) somebody A) somebody B) nobodyB) nobody C) anybody C) anybody D)

67、 everybody D) everybody酉陋辩惫篡怨添谦泉郑菱企勺僻著冈下蔼粟驱嫁鄂发茂鹊雕要浅罩滤耕疾试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语34.34. engineers engineers and and workers workers are are helping helping to to rebuild the damaged city. (08)rebuild the damaged city. (08) A) ManyA) Many B) Much B) Much C) A little C) A little

68、D) A lot D) A lot33. 33. The The foreign foreign visitors visitors asked asked _ _ lots lots of of questions questions about Chinese culture during the tour.(09)about Chinese culture during the tour.(09) A) I A) IB) myB) myC) meC) meD) mineD) mine34. 34. _ _ of of these these two two hats hats looks

69、 looks good good on on my my daughter. Do you have another one? (09)daughter. Do you have another one? (09) A) Both A) BothB) All B) All C) NeitherC) NeitherD) NoneD) None36. 36. The The American American student student could could speak speak only only _ _ Chinese, Chinese, but but he he managed m

70、anaged to to communicate communicate with with us.us.(0909) A) few A) fewB) littleB) littleC) a fewC) a fewD) a littleD) a little缆侣舷窿狞剃霓誊称伶下蒜雾东冬下烬妙女经袭紧快撕翌快闹喀书屈骄哑试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语情态动词情态动词情态动词情态动词44.Students 44.Students _ _ be be careful careful when when they they do do

71、 chemical chemical experiments in the lab. (07 )experiments in the lab. (07 ) A) can A) canB) mustB) mustC) needC) needD) mayD) may45.- Must I return the magazine to you 45.- Must I return the magazine to you right now, Sandy? right now, Sandy? - - -No, you _. You may keep it until next -No, you _.

72、You may keep it until next Wednesday. (08)Wednesday. (08) A) neednt A) needntB) cantB) cantC) mustC) mustD) mayD) may43. To everyones surprise, Alex _ play chess 43. To everyones surprise, Alex _ play chess very well when he was only four.(09)very well when he was only four.(09)A) mightA) might B) s

73、houldB) shouldC) wouldC) wouldD) couldD) could基本上每年基本上每年基本上每年基本上每年1 1题。题。题。题。 妨劣敷厨笨洲半畸掉估妄殃侨蛾颇贤圾衰经楚褪纬如斌论咽惭实霓骤探哭试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语介词介词介词介词32. Its getting warmer and warmer _ spring, and plants start growing. (06) A) to B) in C) of D) for37.Teenagers are very fond _ cartoo

74、ns. (06)37.Teenagers are very fond _ cartoons. (06) A) in A) in B) among C) with B) among C) withD) ofD) of32.The train to Beijing leaves _ eight 32.The train to Beijing leaves _ eight oclock. Lets hurry. oclock. Lets hurry. (0707) A) in B) on A) in B) on C) atC) at D) fromD) from35. The farmers are

75、 satisfied _ their 35. The farmers are satisfied _ their harvest through a years hard work. harvest through a years hard work. (0707) A) withA) with B) to B) toC) ofC) of D) for D) for耐京掣恰瞎墙篙讹炕鉴帕狸晃配妨菏搏十窥隙鳖熟月最毛渴兹幢沧汹舔惺试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语32.Betty, lets make a cake _ some fl

76、our, sugar, 32.Betty, lets make a cake _ some flour, sugar, butter and milk. (08)butter and milk. (08) A) at A) at B) of B) of C) inC) in D) withD) with35.Steven and William are keen _ playing 35.Steven and William are keen _ playing computer games. (08)computer games. (08) A) to A) toB) withB) with

77、C) onC) onD) at D) at 32. The teacher often takes his students to visit the 32. The teacher often takes his students to visit the Science Museum _ Saturdays. (09)Science Museum _ Saturdays. (09) A) in A) inB) byB) byC) atC) atD) onD) on考核趋势:每年考核趋势:每年考核趋势:每年考核趋势:每年2 2题,除了题,除了题,除了题,除了0909年年年年1 1题。题。题。

78、题。桩躬症辽猫愉速吟眠抚诛鳞靶稠当陌暗验歹晕竖嘱破锰挑搐淑卯疼刺哲痪试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语连词连词连词连词 ( (并列连词和从属连词各并列连词和从属连词各并列连词和从属连词各并列连词和从属连词各1 1分分分分) )39.39.Which Which would would you you like like to to buy, buy, a a DVD DVD player player _ an MP3 player? (07)_ an MP3 player? (07) A) so A) soB) orB) or C

79、) butC) but D) andD) and40.40. Peter Peter was was late late for for the the meeting meeting _ _ he he missed missed the ferry. (07)the ferry. (07) A) though A) though B) becauseB) because C) whileC) while D) ifD) if39.We 39.We should should leave leave early early tomorrow tomorrow morning, morning

80、, _we wont get there on time. (08_we wont get there on time. (08) A) so A) so B) orB) orC) butC) butD) andD) and40.Bill 40.Bill wont wont make make any any progress progress _ _ he he studies studies harder than before. harder than before. (0808) A) if A) if B) when B) whenC) because C) because D) u

81、nless D) unless 其掏烯胸捂愧佑操摆撤参墓袜蚕纤扭瘦斤恕僳秤击酵罕葡量钮龚杆酮苯暇试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语46._ 46._ John John failed failed to to climb climb to to the the top top of of the the mountain mountain several times, he didnt give up.(09)several times, he didnt give up.(09) A) AlthoughA) AlthoughB)

82、Because C) Whether D) UnlessB) Because C) Whether D) Unless47. 47. Keep Keep an an English English diary, diary, _ _ your your English English will will improve.improve.(0909)A) orA) orB) sinceB) sinceC) whenC) whenD) andD) and纺痉范寓胀兑肛怨吏占暗内亢煞贺顷望厅矗拙侨喀愉亿畔睡鞠键益痒轻瘟试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调

83、研考试试卷英语形容词形容词形容词形容词 / / 副词(副词(副词(副词(3 3分分分分-3-3分分分分-2-2分)分)分)分)33. 33. Taiwan Taiwan is is _ _ island island of of China. China. I I hope hope to to visit visit it it soon. (06)soon. (06) A) big A) big B) bigger B) bigger C) biggest C) biggest D)the biggestD)the biggest42. The lake looks _ in the mo

84、onlight. I often42. The lake looks _ in the moonlight. I often take a walk around it. (06) take a walk around it. (06) A) wonderfully A) wonderfully B) famous B) famous C) beautiful C) beautiful D) well D) well44. 44. The The Russian Russian President President paid paid his his first first visit vi

85、sit to to Shaolin Shaolin Temple last March. He had _ been Temple last March. He had _ been there there before.before.(06) (06) A) neverA) never B) often B) oftenC) usuallyC) usually D) always D) always37.37. Jane Jane can can speak speak English English _. _. She She wants wants to to work for the

86、Special Olympic Games.work for the Special Olympic Games.(0707) A) correct A) correct B) niceB) niceC) sweetC) sweet D) wellD) well幽戏淫蹬在套咽锑愧涕允婪淑衬阀王圣堆折拓炯圭襄瞪北淖座潦终乾诣革试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语38. This motorcycle is not as _ as that one, and it 38. This motorcycle is not as _ as th

87、at one, and it uses less gas. (07)uses less gas. (07) A) expensive A) expensiveB) less expensiveB) less expensive C) more expensive C) more expensiveD) the most expensiveD) the most expensive41.Mr. Smith said to Billy, “Your idea sounds _.” (07)41.Mr. Smith said to Billy, “Your idea sounds _.” (07)

88、A) clearly A) clearlyB) fluentlyB) fluently C) good C) goodD) loudD) loud38.The snow storm which hit this area last night was _ 38.The snow storm which hit this area last night was _ in recent years. in recent years. (0808) A) heavy A) heavy B) heavier B) heavier C) heaviest C) heaviest D) the heavi

89、estD) the heaviest41.George was frightened to see a snake in the grass. His 41.George was frightened to see a snake in the grass. His face turned _. face turned _. (0808) A) pale A) pale B) clean B) clean C) sadly C) sadly D) happily D) happily宇躁撼烷猾蕾愤馒冗浸暖脏儒颇臂拓城寅忻额伶或秋菇齿牟赖讳愿酚陕瓦试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语

90、试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语37. Thanks to the new inventions, our lives are much 37. Thanks to the new inventions, our lives are much _ than before. (09)_ than before. (09) A) convenient A) convenientB) more convenientB) more convenient C) most convenient C) most convenientD) the most convenientD) the m

91、ost convenient38. The home-made ice-cream in this restaurant 38. The home-made ice-cream in this restaurant tastes _. Would you like some? (09)tastes _. Would you like some? (09) A) softly A) softlyB) greatlyB) greatlyC) niceC) niceD) wellD) well考核点:形容词副词比较级和最高级、系动词后跟形容词、考核点:形容词副词比较级和最高级、系动词后跟形容词、考核

92、点:形容词副词比较级和最高级、系动词后跟形容词、考核点:形容词副词比较级和最高级、系动词后跟形容词、意思辨析等意思辨析等意思辨析等意思辨析等款年闲刀醚旗谣宠酶黄吃夫疮闭奋法败苗继呢募唆饰荫度迸忱祁蛇受抡彬试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语动词动词动词动词( (一般情况下时态一般情况下时态一般情况下时态一般情况下时态2-32-3分,语态分,语态分,语态分,语态1 1分,分,分,分,0909增加现在完成时被增加现在完成时被增加现在完成时被增加现在完成时被动):动):动):动):42.42. Nancy _ lots of charity

93、 work in her free time Nancy _ lots of charity work in her free time since she entered college. (07)since she entered college. (07) A) has doneA) has doneB) will doB) will do C) was doing C) was doingD) is doingD) is doing43.Tara 43.Tara is is interested interested in in Chinese Chinese culture. cul

94、ture. She She _ _ Chinese at Fudan University next year. (07)Chinese at Fudan University next year. (07) A) studies A) studiesB) studiedB) studied C) will studyC) will studyD) had studiedD) had studied46.46.That That building building is is part part of of Shanghais Shanghais history. history. It It

95、 _ many years ago. _ many years ago. (0707) A) built A) builtB) buildsB) builds C) is built C) is built D) was builtD) was built43.Look! 43.Look! Janes Janes grandmother grandmother _ _ with with some some aged aged people in the park. people in the park. (0808) A) dances A) dances B) danced B) danc

96、ed C) is dancing C) is dancing D) was dancing D) was dancing轿系评立外屿壹篙徊黎庆纵策崔畜蝶诡票溯柬祝赡妈致垄胶痘灰锚遏闺格试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语44. 44. Kevin Kevin _ _ to to work work in in his his hometown hometown after after he he graduated from university. (08)graduated from university. (08)A) goesA

97、) goes B) wentB) wentC) will goC) will goD) had goneD) had gone39. When summer _, some children will go to the 39. When summer _, some children will go to the seaside for fun. (09)seaside for fun. (09)A) comes A) comes B) cameB) cameC) will comeC) will come D) would comeD) would come40. I _ you alre

98、ady that washing hands often will 40. I _ you already that washing hands often will help prevent the A-H1N1 flue. (09)help prevent the A-H1N1 flue. (09)A) TellA) TellB) told B) told C) have told C) have told D) am tellingD) am telling41. He was still working on his project while other 41. He was sti

99、ll working on his project while other people _ a rest. (09)people _ a rest. (09) A) were havingA) were havingB) are having B) are having C) will have C) will have D) haveD) have42. Many houses _ in the big fire a few days 42. Many houses _ in the big fire a few days ago. What a shame! (09)ago. What

100、a shame! (09)A) were damagedA) were damagedB) damageB) damageC) were damagingC) were damagingD) damagedD) damaged足撑蝇广匈川颖买敞王列邯逃知适噬故凌池柳阳须湘勿闲撅裹挛谬事董泵试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式(1(1分):分):分):分):45.45. Wed Wed better better _ _ off off our our mobile mobile phones.

101、phones. The The meeting will start in a minute. meeting will start in a minute. (0707) A) to turn A) to turn B) turningB) turning C) turn C) turnD) turned D) turned 46.Our 46.Our headmaster headmaster asked asked us us _ _ a a report report on on how how to to protect wild animals. (08)protect wild

102、animals. (08)A) writeA) write B) writing B) writingC) to writeC) to write D) wroteD) wrote44. The woman feels that she should let her son _ 44. The woman feels that she should let her son _ his own decision this time. (09)his own decision this time. (09)A) makesA) makesB) makeB) makeC) to makeC) to

103、make D) makingD) making动名词:动名词:动名词:动名词:3. Tom likes cars. He 3. Tom likes cars. He enjoysenjoys _ _ model cars of all model cars of all kinds. (05)kinds. (05)A) collects A) collects B) collectingB) collecting C) to collect D) collected C) to collect D) collected45. Susan finally became a popular sin

104、ger after she 45. Susan finally became a popular singer after she practisedpractised _ for years.(09) _ for years.(09) A) sing A) singB) to singB) to singC) singingC) singingD) sangD) sangenjoy (finish, keep, suggest, go, practise, hate) doing sth.enjoy (finish, keep, suggest, go, practise, hate) do

105、ing sth.器皮停蛰淤显钝咕髓冯篷喧牛素们遣须杏辐壬层空面掘茵诽乔笺蹿拟铰低试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语宾语从句(宾语从句(宾语从句(宾语从句(1 1分分分分) ):49.49. Do you know _? (08)Do you know _? (08)A) when will the Beijing Olympic Games endA) when will the Beijing Olympic Games endB) when the Beijing Olympic Games will endB) when th

106、e Beijing Olympic Games will endC) when would the Beijing Olympic Games endC) when would the Beijing Olympic Games endD) when the Beijing Olympic Games would endD) when the Beijing Olympic Games would end48. Could you please tell us _ in Shanghai?48. Could you please tell us _ in Shanghai?A) when wi

107、ll you visit the World ExpoA) when will you visit the World ExpoB) when you will visit the World ExpoB) when you will visit the World ExpoC) when the World Expo will you visit C) when the World Expo will you visit D) when the World Expo you will visit D) when the World Expo you will visit 考核趋势:难度降低,

108、只考一个知识点。考核趋势:难度降低,只考一个知识点。考核趋势:难度降低,只考一个知识点。考核趋势:难度降低,只考一个知识点。锗疑豌闲身灿颂箭潍籍筹犯做哗炸吾咽椰永川恬飞曾息酸钎絮哗觅灵菱浦试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语词汇辨析词汇辨析词汇辨析词汇辨析(07-09(07-09年分值年分值年分值年分值3-3-43-3-4分,逐年递增分,逐年递增分,逐年递增分,逐年递增) ):47.It_several 47.It_several years years to to build build Qinghai-Tibet Qinghai-

109、Tibet Railway, the highest railway in the world. Railway, the highest railway in the world. (0707)A) spentA) spentB) tookB) tookC) costC) costD) paidD) paid48.48. John John _ _ his his passport passport everywhere, everywhere, but but he he still still couldnt find it. couldnt find it. (0707)A) look

110、ed likeA) looked likeB) looked upB) looked up C) looked forC) looked forD) looked atD) looked at49.My teachers have helped me a lot and Im _ 49.My teachers have helped me a lot and Im _ them. them. (0707) A) worried about A) worried aboutB) surprised atB) surprised at C) afraid of C) afraid ofD) tha

111、nkful toD) thankful to47.The 47.The plane plane from from Shanghai Shanghai to to Paris Paris will will _ _ in in an an hour. (08)hour. (08) A) take up A) take up B) take away B) take away C) take out C) take out D) take offD) take off42.After 42.After a a long long journey, journey, the the eight e

112、ight pandas pandas from from Wolong safely _ in Beijing. Wolong safely _ in Beijing. (0808) A) arrived A) arrived B) reached B) reachedC) gotC) got D) came D) came 百兔镶撮佃皖赂码曙剔脯乔芦雷厉炽砌鹏啊脖倘斤讼柜朵毙上乎熬俞河敬试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语48.Our 48.Our monitor monitor has has won won the the fi

113、rst first prize prize in in the the competition. Were very _ him. (08)competition. Were very _ him. (08) A) busy with A) busy with B) famous for B) famous for C) good at C) good at D) proud ofD) proud of49. The room is very dark. I cant _ anything 49. The room is very dark. I cant _ anything clearly

114、 without a light. (09)clearly without a light. (09) A) watch A) watchB) lookB) lookC) seeC) seeD) noticeD) notice50. Its _ to read the map before you travel to 50. Its _ to read the map before you travel to a new place. (09)a new place. (09) A) helpfulA) helpfulB) harmfulB) harmfulC) powerfulC) powe

115、rful D) awfulD) awful51. Once a year, people take part in “_ Lights” 51. Once a year, people take part in “_ Lights” activity to help save energy. (09)activity to help save energy. (09) A) Show off A) Show offB) Turn offB) Turn off C) Take off C) Take offD) Put offD) Put off52. Our headmaster invite

116、d Christine to _ the 52. Our headmaster invited Christine to _ the English Festival last term.(09)English Festival last term.(09) A) be late for A) be late forB) be angry withB) be angry withC) be familiar with C) be familiar with D) be responsible forD) be responsible for剩赫讨屋斡侦翔厅诱菱淤钵瘦逾茨圆铂哆惯蹲制瞳铺锤区袖催

117、涧殖驭帅拍试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语常见易混词:常见易混词:常见易混词:常见易混词: enter for, take part in, attend, join; enter for, take part in, attend, join;dress, put on, wear, have;dress, put on, wear, have;look for, find, find out, discover;look for, find, find out, discover;see, watch, look at see

118、;see, watch, look at see;bring, take, fetch, carry;bring, take, fetch, carry;say, speak, tell, talk;say, speak, tell, talk;also, too, either;also, too, either;cost, spendon (in) doing, take, pay (for);cost, spendon (in) doing, take, pay (for);excuse, reason, cause, make;excuse, reason, cause, make;b

119、orrow, lend, keepborrow, lend, keep,have;have; arrive at (in), get to, reach; arrive at (in), get to, reach; get off, get on, get up, get in; get off, get on, get up, get in; 始苏纤赚弊悉丛弊吠牌寝矛痈柔赖镰纳捏矢匹断遥渠贷科烘筛阿姓艘呀皖试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语go on, go out, go over, go up;go on, go out,

120、go over, go up;in no time, at present, for the time being, in no time, at present, for the time being, later on;later on;keepfrom, keep off, keep doing, keep in keepfrom, keep off, keep doing, keep in touch withtouch withlook after, look at, look for, look forward to, look after, look at, look for,

121、look forward to, look like, look out of, look up;look like, look out of, look up;put off, put on, put out, put up;put off, put on, put out, put up;take away, take care of, take charge of, take away, take care of, take charge of, take hold of, take in, take off, take out, take hold of, take in, take

122、off, take out, take part in, take place, take the place of, take part in, take place, take the place of, take up;take up;turn down, turn into, turn off, turn on, turn turn down, turn into, turn off, turn on, turn out, turn over;out, turn over;弟泥鞍扎晕供纤朋缔肌肘暮佬博皮格韦愈檬盏镁挟傍嘎膘勘揍邮蹈貉搭矿试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试

123、卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语反意疑问句反意疑问句反意疑问句反意疑问句/ /感叹句感叹句感叹句感叹句/ /状语从句状语从句状语从句状语从句/ /祈使句等祈使句等祈使句等祈使句等37. Plastic bags have caused serious37. Plastic bags have caused serious environmental pollution, _? (08) environmental pollution, _? (08) A) havent they A) havent theyB) have theyB) have they C) dont the

124、y C) dont they D) do they D) do they社瓦铅偷鲤臀寅某袍床遣财烯摔惟芋衣庙淌视坟脊责涪虽魔至惺世有俱驴试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 语言功能(语言功能(语言功能(语言功能(1-1-21-1-2分):分):分):分): 50.50. Have a good day, Frank ! Have a good day, Frank ! _ The same to you! (07) _ The same to you! (07) A) Thank you.A) Thank you.B) B) Tha

125、ts Thats all all right.right. C) Not at all.C) Not at all.D) Youre welcome.D) Youre welcome.50.- 50.- Would Would you you like like me me to to bring bring you you a a cup cup of of coffee? - _ (08)coffee? - _ (08) A) Yes, Id like to. B) Its a pleasure. A) Yes, Id like to. B) Its a pleasure. C) Yes,

126、 please.C) Yes, please. D) It doesnt matter. D) It doesnt matter.55. How about rasing some money for the charity?55. How about rasing some money for the charity? - _ (09) - _ (09)A) Enjoy yourself.A) Enjoy yourself. B) Good idea.B) Good idea.C) Yourre welcome. D) Never mind.C) Yourre welcome. D) Nev

127、er mind.56.- Youve done a great jog, Grace.56.- Youve done a great jog, Grace. - _ (09) - _ (09)A) Im afraid not.A) Im afraid not. B) Thanks a lot.B) Thanks a lot. C) I agree with you. D) Its hard to say. C) I agree with you. D) Its hard to say.竹刃箩陋种剥禹鸣余饯祈匝皮蹬漂段谍鸡广拧谷雌巾乞淫柔救萎摘稚浓澎试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英

128、语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语数词数词5. Now children, turn to page and look at the picture in Lesson Two(03) A) twentiethone B) twentyone C) twentiethfirst D) twentyfirst37.During the seven-day May Day holiday,_ families went sightseeing(04) A) thousand B) thousands C )thousands and thousands D) thousands o

129、f43. During World War II , a Jewish(犹犹太太的的)lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her . (05) A) fifties B) fifty C) fiftieth D) the fiftieth考考核核趋趋势势:05年年以以后后没没在在选选择择题题中中出出现现过过,改改在在词词性性转转换换中中出出现。现。姥姻娜瘫悼袭桃舵没袍盼翠拱船同掳咏钻蛰旧故皮融寥盏展碰忽喇死甲痢试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语名词名词名词名词35.

130、 Ive read 35. Ive read sports news about the F1 race sports news about the F1 race today. today.(0505) A) two B) pieces C) two pieces A) two B) pieces C) two pieces D) two pieces ofD) two pieces of 34.We havent got much _ for our picnic. 34.We havent got much _ for our picnic. Will you go and get so

131、me? Will you go and get some? (0707) A) apple B) tomato A) apple B) tomato C) breadC) bread D) biscuit D) biscuit 逸骨帕巷垣开炸弛外芬返三报漓郑崔霸俘荆迂廓缴谋拙钵勤旷休肮舅轧音试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语同义词(09年新增):53. Many sports palyers became well-known after they joined in the Beijing Olympic Games. The i

132、underlined part means _.A) richB) strongC) luckyD) famous54. Be careful! Theres some broken glass on the ground. The underlined part means _. A) Look out!B) Go ahead! C) Get ready!D) Keep quiet!蹦斯遣成椎蓝设溅豆栏娩淫堕苫永剩慧恳挂老前藏忙落号劝豢晨溺愁彭胚试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语词形转换词形转换 (09)moviemoviemov

133、ies movies 复数复数复数复数her her herself herself 反身代词反身代词反身代词反身代词three three third third 序数词序数词序数词序数词easy easy easily easily 副词副词副词副词nsualnsualunusualunusual反义词反义词反义词反义词fun fun funny funny 形容词形容词形容词形容词write write writerwriter名词名词名词名词suggestion suggestion suggest suggest 动词动词动词动词怪苟站逼碍企崔避焉劣披爷奖粮邑掸嫉栖谱震蕴称疵多份启思

134、苹泰娱娱徘试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语57. Many historical 57. Many historical will be shown on National will be shown on National Day. (movie) Day. (movie) 58. With the help of Yellow Pages, we found the 58. With the help of Yellow Pages, we found the address of the theatre address of

135、 the theatre . (easy) . (easy) 59. Eric, the 59. Eric, the son of the family, has a special son of the family, has a special interest in physics. (three) interest in physics. (three) 60. Its 60. Its for him to be so active today as he for him to be so active today as he is always a man of few words.

136、 (usual) is always a man of few words. (usual) 61. 61. Who Who is is the the of of the the book book War War and and Peace? Peace? (write)(write)62. 62. The The short short play play was was very very . . I I laughed laughed from from beginning to end. (fun)beginning to end. (fun)63. 63. Its Its rai

137、ning raining heavily. heavily. Id Id you you call call a a taxi taxi home now. (suggestion)home now. (suggestion)64. 64. I I think think the the girl girl is is old old enough enough to to tie tie up up her her shoes shoes by by . (her). (her)瞧铡宽休仰士驶陋鉴跋拖旺纽拔霖珠扰皑此绞弃寄淑识弧内膝诈数驴侠腹试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试

138、卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语句型转换(句型转换(07)1. Alan often does housework after school. 1. Alan often does housework after school. (一般疑问(一般疑问(一般疑问(一般疑问句)句)句)句) _ Alan often _ housework after school? _ Alan often _ housework after school?2. It is convenient to travel by underground.2. It is convenient to trav

139、el by underground.(感叹句)(感叹句)(感叹句)(感叹句) (07)(07)_ _ it is to travel by underground!_ _ it is to travel by underground!3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have already been to China 3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have already been to China twicetwice. .(划线提问)(划线提问)(划线提问)(划线提问) _ _ times have Mr. and Mrs. Brown been to _ _ t

140、imes have Mr. and Mrs. Brown been to China?China?4. Will Bob join the swimming club? Please tell me.4. Will Bob join the swimming club? Please tell me.(改(改(改(改成宾语从句)成宾语从句)成宾语从句)成宾语从句) Please tell me _ Bob _ join the swimming club. Please tell me _ Bob _ join the swimming club.拄毯慌醉亲贞访浑侩干擦子脉镰住啥挺狸迸瞩稗暗疮

141、约肃铡店汾原忻竹迂试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语句型转换(句型转换(08)67. Tell Harry the news when you see him, please. (67. Tell Harry the news when you see him, please. (改为否定句改为否定句改为否定句改为否定句) ) _ _ Harry the news when you see him, please. _ _ Harry the news when you see him, please.68. Mr Smith ha

142、s taught in our school 68. Mr Smith has taught in our school for three yearsfor three years. (. (对划线对划线对划线对划线部分提问部分提问部分提问部分提问) ) _ _ has Mr Smith taught in our school? _ _ has Mr Smith taught in our school?69. Yao Ming is an excellent Chinese basketball player. (69. Yao Ming is an excellent Chinese

143、basketball player. (改为感改为感改为感改为感叹句叹句叹句叹句) ) _ _ excellent Chinese basketball player Yao Ming _ _ excellent Chinese basketball player Yao Ming is!is!70. Junior 3 students began to learn chemistry a year ago. (70. Junior 3 students began to learn chemistry a year ago. (保保保保持原句意思持原句意思持原句意思持原句意思) ) Juni

144、or 3 students _ learned chemistry _ a year. Junior 3 students _ learned chemistry _ a year.71. The terrible earthquake destroyed thousands of houses in 71. The terrible earthquake destroyed thousands of houses in that area. (that area. (改为被动语态改为被动语态改为被动语态改为被动语态) ) Thousands of houses in that area _

145、_ by the Thousands of houses in that area _ _ by the terrible earthquake.terrible earthquake.淄契雌埠觅扫宜秉拌驳肮劲珊酝税之遭磊瞎顷墙开氏栏宾潍丝夸凑猴秘强试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语句型转换(句型转换(09)65. They work on the farm with their parents every weekend. 65. They work on the farm with their parents every wee

146、kend. (改为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句) they they on the farm with their parents every on the farm with their parents every weekend? weekend? 66. Lets take a picture in front of the fountain.66. Lets take a picture in front of the fountain.(改为反意疑问(改为反意疑问(改为反意疑问(改为反意疑问句)句)句)句)Lets take a picture i

147、n front of the fountain, Lets take a picture in front of the fountain, ? ?67. The Shanghai International Arts Festival is held 67. The Shanghai International Arts Festival is held once a once a yearyear. . (对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) is the Shanghai International Arts Festival held is the S

148、hanghai International Arts Festival held68. He was very nervous. He couldnt go on with the job 68. He was very nervous. He couldnt go on with the job interview. interview. (合并为一句)(合并为一句)(合并为一句)(合并为一句)He was He was nervous nervous go on with the job interview. go on with the job interview.69. I have

149、no idea how I can operate the new machine. 69. I have no idea how I can operate the new machine. (改为(改为(改为(改为简单句)简单句)简单句)简单句)I have no idea I have no idea operate the new machine. operate the new machine.70. Im going to make an early start in order not to miss the 70. Im going to make an early start

150、 in order not to miss the train. train. (保持句意基本不变)(保持句意基本不变)(保持句意基本不变)(保持句意基本不变) Im going to make an early start Im going to make an early start I wont miss I wont miss the train.the train.这爆招汀呀廊借戮篆辆齿锄异姻秦瞻仙蝗措匠征讹胯化讼卷琳幕权寒娠粮试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语划线提问疑问词:划线提问疑问词:1. how long, ho

151、w often, how soon (fast), how many 1. how long, how often, how soon (fast), how many (times), (times), how far, whenhow far, when2. how2. how many, how muchmany, how much3. how, what, which, whose3. how, what, which, whose靖甚陇烦隙堪霉谦腻龚腑偷浴肖糯譬明铆磁宿急俺读辛卯撒嚷倍纳资赴守试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷

152、英语同义句转换同义句转换tooto tooto sothatnot sothatnotsothat sothat enough to do enough to doso that so that in order to / so as to in order to / so as topreferto preferto likebetter than likebetter thannot, not,either not, not,either neithernorneithernor, , too , , too bothand bothandthe most difficult the mo

153、st difficult more difficult than more difficult thanpay for pay for cost cost spendon / (in) doing sth. spendon / (in) doing sth.spendon (in) doing sth. spendon (in) doing sth. It takes sb. some time It takes sb. some time to do sth.to do sth.If, will If, will , and you will, and you willIfnot Ifnot

154、 unless/ , or unless/ , or浩艰曝泪泰能用何汇查丧窑端卸飞崔争亿忍仙裤脉阜歧祖蛊污苟呕全伟幕试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语Part 3Reading and writing考核要求考核要求考核要求考核要求能阅读含有生词的不同题材和体裁的文章,能阅读含有生词的不同题材和体裁的文章,能阅读含有生词的不同题材和体裁的文章,能阅读含有生词的不同题材和体裁的文章,重点考核学生整体理解文章的能力、概括和推理重点考核学生整体理解文章的能力、概括和推理重点考核学生整体理解文章的能力、概括和推理重点考核学生整体理解文章的能


156、文章、说明文、电子邮件、投诉、电话留言、信件等明文、电子邮件、投诉、电话留言、信件等明文、电子邮件、投诉、电话留言、信件等明文、电子邮件、投诉、电话留言、信件等分值:分值:74分分脾区到懒乌津鞘荒弓立婚判选雾安袱沿辖镇梆掘唾肖匡空巨冬冯篓串炮阶试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语是非判断题是非判断题(08年年)262个单词,难度一般,是非题一目了然。nMichelle was flying from Houston to London, and during the flight, she began talking to John,

157、 the man in the seat next to her. She found out that he was president of a famous jeans company based in Texas; in fact, she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company! But that wasnt the most surprising thing. He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school, and it turned out that h

158、e knew Michelles best friend, who also grew up in San Francisco! They continued talking. And by the end of the flight, they felt that they had known each other for much longer than eight hours.78. Michelle and John were on the same flight from Houston to London one day.79. Michelle was wearing a pai

159、r of blue jeans made by Johns company.80. During their talk, they found they used to be schoolmates in San Francisco.拷薄庶聊簇缮冰天洒浪姓愉魁疡误婚疟沸茁度逮耪描我拷嫩肤勿揽揉底榷试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语nBut back in Houston, Michelle almost forgot about the attractive man she had met on the plane. One eve

160、ning, she was walking her dog when a much larger dog came running toward them, growling. The owner was running after it, shouting. He managed to catch the dog just as it was going to attack Michelles dog. Michelle was very angry. “Why dont you keep your dog on a leash (拴狗带)?” she shouted. Then sudde

161、nly, she looked at him and stopped shouting. “John?” “Michelle?” they said at the same time. Michelle said, “Do you live around here? I live on the next street.” “I dont believe it,” John said. “In a city of two million people, you live three blocks from me!” And in the end, as had to happen, Michel

162、le and John began going out together all because of seats on an airplane and their dogs.81. Michelles dog attacked Johns when the two owners happened to see each other.82. From the story we know that Michelle and John met again in San Francisco.83. In the end, Michelle and John decided they would ne

163、ver see each other again.惑玉痛戏巍斤袄管附锰距禽缆赤挝辉烤嘿姻媳募冶器穴除嘛朝亿桓僚船潞试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语短文四选一短文四选一Have you ever had an embarrassing (尴尬) experience? Last week we asked readers to tell us about embarrassing experiences. We received thousands of letters! Here is a selection.醉跳霓宇攒均曲仰缨蛊

164、蜂咏梯簿亦识繁粤袍豪悠矛杭韶骡广垣彻智格侵锥试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语Tony:My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university. I had just started teaching in a Liverpool secondary school. One morning my alarm clock didnt ring. I woke up at half past eight and school began at ni

165、ne. I quickly washed, dressed, jumped into my car and rushed to school. When I arrived, the students had already gone into class. I didnt go to the office, but went straight into class. After two or three minutes the students began laughing, and I couldnt understand why! Suddenly I looked down and u

166、nderstood. I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe!78. Tony arrived at school late that morning because _.A) he couldnt find his shoes B) his alarm clock didnt ringC) he washed and dressed slowly D) his car went wrong on the way79. The students began laughing when they saw Tony _. A) wearing

167、a wrong shoe B) carrying an alarm clockC) looking down suddenlyD) rushing into the classroom剃零槽尉慕支星诚泞请笔炼凛稼闷才沿麻卢疤府诫缝恤儿要培够降喝籍勋试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语Henry: The most embarrassing experience Ive ever had, happened two years ago. After seeing a film, my wife and I had lunch in ou

168、r favorite restaurant in town. Then we decided to take a walk along the street. The street was very busy and we started looking at some watches in the new window. After a minute or two I reached for my wifes hand. There was a loud scream, and a woman slapped my face. I hadnt taken my wifes hand. Id

169、taken the hand of a complete stranger!80. Henry and his wife held hands _.A) at the cinema B) in the shop C) at the restaurantD) along the street81. Henry was embarrassed because he _.A) slapped the woman in the face B) took the hand of a complete strangerC) heard his wife screaming in the street D)

170、 knocked over some watches in the shop汁颓蔽抗婿碾归踩滋爷蔓绩侈楷琅慰练冬欧泣见英燃辈眷药填稀堰济彻胰试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语James: My wife and I had decided to buy a new house, and Id made an appointment to see our bank manager. Id never met him before and I was a bit nervous. I went into town in my car a

171、nd I was lucky enough to find a parking space outside the bank. Id just started reversing (倒车) into the space when another car made its way into it. I was irritatedirritated! I opened my window and shouted at the man in the car. He ignored me and walked away. It took me twenty minutes to find anothe

172、r space. As soon as I had parked the car, I rushed back to the bank. I was ten minutes late for my appointment. I went to the managers office, knocked and walked in. The manager was sitting behind his desk. He was the man who had taken my parking space!82. James went into town to _.A) put money in t

173、he bank B) look for a job C) meet the bank manager D) buy a new car83. The underlined word “irritated” probably means “_”. A) angryB) nervousC) worriedD) embarrassed84. The best picture for each story is _. 恫峻萨诣蒸严布藐沙钨胚荣庐惑圆应刺胰眨迫摘俄谆找酚王酶酉畦磐绳焰试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语08年385个单词, 选材

174、很好,有一定难度。可能失分在86题,缺乏对部分句子的理解。In America in 1940, the twin boys went to live with two different families almost as soon as they were born. The two brothers never saw each other again until 1979, when they met by chance at a party. When they starting to each other, they discovered some amazing similar

175、itiessimilarities (相似处相似处相似处相似处). 84.The twin brothers didnt meet each other until _. A) 1940 B) 1979 C) 1994 D) 1996喧兽辛丁陈吕脸京尉传创犁羚输靠嘻剿冉弃萨梨讶固掺知梯夸百器抚耸辱试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 First, they found out that they both enjoyed making things out of wood. Later on, they discovered that

176、 they had both married women called Linda, and that they both had one son whose first and middle names were James and Alan. Besides, both brothers had called their dogs by the same name Toy. As if that wasnt enough, they also found out that they both took their family holiday at the same place very

177、year.85.The twin brothers _. A) grew up in two different families B) didnt have any similarities at all C) had two sons named James and Alan D) didnt like making things out of wood刃褒铅蓬瘫四君狞惕突谦勤立蛙驮裹旦袖搂荐契沾拜拐栏绝死断掌胖减钞试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 In 1996, a Filipino woman called Mrs Ji

178、mena told other In 1996, a Filipino woman called Mrs Jimena told other people that her three children could breathe underwater people that her three children could breathe underwater like fish. Mrs Jimena said that like fish. Mrs Jimena said that her children had three small her children had three s

179、mall holes on the sides of their necks below each ear, and that holes on the sides of their necks below each ear, and that these were like the these were like the gillsgills ( (鱼鳃鱼鳃鱼鳃鱼鳃) on fish) on fish. Mrs Jimena said . Mrs Jimena said that she didnt know how to swim and that her children that sh

180、e didnt know how to swim and that her children were just starting to learn. Her family lives in a mountain were just starting to learn. Her family lives in a mountain village far from the sea. According to Mrs Jimena, the holes village far from the sea. According to Mrs Jimena, the holes in her chil

181、drens necks become larger when they are in her childrens necks become larger when they are underwater, allowing them to stay underwater for up to six underwater, allowing them to stay underwater for up to six minutes.minutes.86.86.Mrs Jimenas children could stay underwaterMrs Jimenas children could

182、stay underwater for up to 6 minutes because _. for up to 6 minutes because _. A) their mother was the best swimmer A) their mother was the best swimmer B) their village was close to the sea B) their village was close to the sea C) they had holes like gills below ears C) they had holes like gills bel

183、ow ears D) they had gills like fish in their necks D) they had gills like fish in their necks珍夯峨能溜题睹请喜肝肪魂钥膝逆冗须唤葵口湾灭商街需犀速舟撂攫疤淬试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 On 11th October, 1994, a 10-year-old English girl called Vicky Willmore told her mother that she had a headache. Soon afterwar

184、ds, Vicky began writing in mirror image (镜镜像像). She wrote letter and numbers either upside-down or back-to-front. Although she could read what she wrote, no one else could. She was examined by different doctors, but none of them could find out what was wrong with her. Vicky became very upset, and so

185、on stopped reading and writing altogether. Instead she started watching TV all the time. 工幽臣李馅翁咽短椎归治壮堰吟仍裙汝荣弃醚军涧严淆剪议沽午编湃牢父试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语On 27th, September 1995, Vicky was watching her favourite football team, Manchester United, play on television. When the team score

186、d a goal, she became so excited that she jumped out of her seat and fell backwards, hitting her head on a coffee table. The next day, Vicky could read and write properly again.87. The 10-year-old English girl changed her proper writing habit _. A) soon after she had a headache one day B) while she w

187、as watching a football match C) when she hit her head on a coffee table D) as soon as she stopped reading and writing淄靴性鹰弯例恩玖音茹孙焙彬启捆丑唯怖涉惰办毙臻黔汲朴倚瓢伦胞座舍试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 88. From the third story we know that _. A) Vicky wrote backwards for nearly three years B) doctors di

188、dnt know what was wrong with Vicky C) hitting ones head can make him write backwards D) watching football on television can cause trouble 89. This passage consists of three _ stories. A) traditional B) historical C. frightening D) amazingBD捎恭绚爽甜挑幸焦喝堑谜案碰姚檀巍妨优乓缓纳校线均硅俗狼阀琵砒盾姥试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存

189、在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语短文回答问题短文回答问题 08年286个单词,有一道开放性题目,需要整体理解。 可以简单回答。 09年364个,3-4题在原文中找到信息,1-2题适当改变句子结构,1个开放题。明年基本保持此难易度。炽烫声替稻抬忘买气喧牟情俄以琢打奔诈瞩唤冰俩爽颊培痉兴磅殆硷潮伍试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语Kyra Komac, 28 years old, now has 25 furniture stores all over the country. The new store, in Londons

190、 Camden High Street, takes her back to where it all started. She tells us about how the business began.When I was little, my mother began selling flowers in Camden Market. She couldnt leave me at home on my own, so I had to go to the market with her.To begin with, I didnt have to do anything. I just

191、 sat there, and my mum told me jokes and stories so I didnt get bored. When I got older, I gave my mum a hand and I really enjoyed it.99. How many furniture stores does Kyra Komac have now? _100. Where did Kyras mother sell flowers? _葛彼甭赞裳灾拖常眉熬最沧护注翘蛤粪语瞅谋毋冉派囤液届端侠咸二爵脖试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题

192、第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语nThen, one year, my grandma gave me a book for Christmas. It was all about making candles and I loved it. I was 14, and I didnt have to go to the market any more because mum could leave me at home on my own. I spent my free time making candles of all shapes and sizes. I made hundreds o

193、f them.nOne day, my mother was ill so I had to go to the market on my own. I decided to take some candles with me and see if I could sell them. They were sold out in twenty minutes! The next week, my mum gave some money to buy some wax (蜡) to make more candles. They sold out really quickly, too.101.

194、 What did Kyra do in her free time when she was fourteen? _102. Did the candles sell well on the first day in the market? _激咖确折勿呕虹彬幽毒辞替釉避桃畜缮淄暴鬃戒苯孕播良逮嚏蝉驾锭妇苑试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语nNine months later, we decided to stop selling flowers. My mum and I couldnt make enough candles

195、during the week, so some of my school friends started to help us. I paid them one pound for every candle, and we used to sell them for three or four times that. It was fun and my friends worked with me in the market.nAt the age of 22, my uncle lent me some money and I opened my first shop in Portobe

196、llo Road. Since then, Ive never looked back, even in difficulties. In the first store, we only sold candles, but now we sell everything from designer furniture to paintings. Oh, and candles, of course.103. Who helped Kyra and her mum when they couldnt make enough candles during the week? _104. How d

197、id Kyras uncle help her to open her first shop?He helped her _105. What do you think of this story? I think _边娠斡须吭啄壳雅摸盖理鄂京菲曾愧嘘悍曳霍每缺无啮须谴聪讯逆逻厩宜试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语完形填空完形填空 (A) 考核要求:考核要求:通过阅读,理解文章主旨和大意,考通过阅读,理解文章主旨和大意,考查学生运用阅读策略捕获信息的能力。查学生运用阅读策略捕获信息的能力。要求学生根据对短文的理解及上下文要求学生根据

198、对短文的理解及上下文脉络的逻辑关系进行甄别、推理和判断,脉络的逻辑关系进行甄别、推理和判断,补全文章缺失的信息。考查学生的综合补全文章缺失的信息。考查学生的综合分析、推理能力分析、推理能力 瘸旺颅哥剂疡匠诽邵浑缎枚担狱掷夜跃瘪哄绣荧琶雨蛋屉儒疟知绦猩狗宵试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语09年完形填空四选一年完形填空四选一(占14%) 324个单词个单词, 讲在家如何尊敬体谅父母,难讲在家如何尊敬体谅父母,难度一般,得分率不高度一般,得分率不高,平均分平均分10.9分分(总分总分14分分)。 动词动词1个,动词短语个,动词短语2个,

199、名词个,名词1个,形容词个,形容词2个,介词短语个,介词短语1个。个。瓣抠力屹嚷松撵券歌四咙丘泼野锚硒喝谐岳抄谁滑翘足蹬呼煌唬赣报丰匆试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语A) friendlyA) friendly Sometimes you may not understand your parents. Sometimes you may not understand your parents. One minute theyre friendly, the next minute One minute theyre friend

200、ly, the next minute theyre shouting and screaming loudly enough for theyre shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear. So what makes them so the whole street to hear. So what makes them so 1 1 ? You, probably!? You, probably!B) lonelyB) lonelyC) changeableC) changeableD) comfo

201、tableD) comfotable擎法叭跪收司怂韩揩暴阳砷店琢饥政扮棚祸豌灯告淆界瑚栓剩题辞值馏妻试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语A) hang them upA) hang them up Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the floor? You may find it hard enough to keep one floor? You may find it hard

202、enough to keep one room tidy. So imagine what its like for your mum room tidy. So imagine what its like for your mum and dad trying to keep a whole house in order.and dad trying to keep a whole house in order.When you take your clothes off, remember to When you take your clothes off, remember to 2 2

203、 ? Get into the habit of taking glasses and plates ? Get into the habit of taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. Before long youll be doing it down to the kitchen. Before long youll be doing it without thinking.without thinking.B) leave them aloneB) leave them aloneC) put them onC) put them

204、 onD) throw them awayD) throw them away肉基陨淹究丈缩桩练衬简烬拆腆忠还颜川伺扬扯汤澈暗漓铣喜借揪缨铁酿试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语A) interestingA) interestingn nEven though you may not realize it, your parents Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes. But theyre not have bo

205、ught you many clothes. But theyre not buying themselves new things every week, are buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are more they? The simple truth is that there are more 3 3 things to spend money on, like the electricity bill things to spend money on

206、, like the electricity bill and food.and food.B) difficultB) difficultC) importantC) importantD) surprisingD) surprising贬谦霄娄抗哗丁躁行炉唯螺噶兔瞄串舔黄述列戒幸痈攘阔勾寐雏耕由藩欺试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语4. A) agree4. A) agreen nYou may hate missing a party to visit some boring old You may hate missing

207、a party to visit some boring old relatives. They may go on and on about what a sweet relatives. They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were. You have no choice but to listen. Even if baby you were. You have no choice but to listen. Even if you you 4 4 , , your parents wont change their mi

208、nds. your parents wont change their minds. Parents like to show off their family. The best thing Parents like to show off their family. The best thing you can do is to help entertain your relatives. Your you can do is to help entertain your relatives. Your parents will be so pleased with you afterwa

209、rds that parents will be so pleased with you afterwards that theyll probably allow you to go to the next two theyll probably allow you to go to the next two 5 .5 .C) listenC) listen5. A) concerts5. A) concertsD) classesD) classesB) complainB) complainD) winD) winB) meetingsB) meetingsD) partiesD) pa

210、rties弹净绦戴雏肖机忘湍帜坯事峡蜂剥级当跨涌甚翱狄纽斯各遂挡车谩呐脚渊试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语6. A) In addition6. A) In additionYou may not want to eat, but think of it from tha parents You may not want to eat, but think of it from tha parents point of view. If you cook two meals a day, it means 730 point of

211、 view. If you cook two meals a day, it means 730 meals a year. Can you imagine how boring this can get? meals a year. Can you imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how you parents feel when you say youre not Imagine how you parents feel when you say youre not really hungry. really hungry. 6 6 , y

212、our parents are probably worried that , your parents are probably worried that you arent eating enough.you arent eating enough.Eat fewer snacks and leave room for your meals. Finally, Eat fewer snacks and leave room for your meals. Finally, offer to offer to 7 7 after the meal. Your offer may not be

213、 after the meal. Your offer may not be accepted, but your parents will be pleased.accepted, but your parents will be pleased.C) At mostC) At most7. A) do the cooking7. A) do the cookingD) buy some snacksD) buy some snacksB) In returnB) In returnD) At lastD) At lastB) lay the tableB) lay the tableD)

214、wash the dishesD) wash the dishes韶营掐橙挺境檄唁慎茅佳雏嘲后蟹期昆御蹲潭押波絮撩逢颓禹檄螟捌痛妊试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语考核趋势:考核趋势:考核趋势:考核趋势: 08 08年该题平均年该题平均年该题平均年该题平均10.110.1分(总分(总分(总分(总1212分),分),分),分), 09 09年该题平年该题平年该题平年该题平均均均均10.910.9分(总分(总分(总分(总1414分),预计分),预计分),预计分),预计0909年考核要求与难年考核要求与难年考核要求与难年考核要求与难度与以

215、往基本一致度与以往基本一致度与以往基本一致度与以往基本一致 。表卡狡洞柄痔评蟹陛梆娟肥瓤谁牵枫猎耘衙棺泞抚宾泪否壶茂拦声摸踏取试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语Cloze test: ()考核要求:考核要求: 把握文章整体意思,从把握文章整体意思,从阅读理解等分析中阅读理解等分析中,从文中语义、从文中语义、词汇、词汇、语法、逻辑和搭配上语法、逻辑和搭配上的需要来推测所填的词。的需要来推测所填的词。主要考核学生语主要考核学生语言综合能力,根据上下文理解意思并熟练言综合能力,根据上下文理解意思并熟练运用词语的运用词语的 能力。阅读中难度

216、最高的大题。能力。阅读中难度最高的大题。米眨独拂兄豫撰矫愉喊汰湾均电阅眠荚泳勋芭氢喳祸促妒乓棕郝掖蚀肥笆试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语题目设置特点题目设置特点1. 词性多样,词形多变。词性多样,词形多变。 既有对文章理解能力的考核,又有对语法要既有对文章理解能力的考核,又有对语法要求的考核。注意根据文章进行适当的词形求的考核。注意根据文章进行适当的词形变化:动词要注意时态,名词要注意单复变化:动词要注意时态,名词要注意单复数,形容词或副词则要注意比较级和最高数,形容词或副词则要注意比较级和最高级等。级等。2.全文字数全文字数25

217、0-300之间。之间。泳庇祥谜僵绊草辰幽贪吁唬廖庚谱背咙尖滇介干见复林走构啊峻啊辰菩伴试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语08年首字母填空年首字母填空 393个单词(偏长,不够合理,文章是有关个单词(偏长,不够合理,文章是有关两个人谈城市和乡村生活的看法。两个人谈城市和乡村生活的看法。 数词数词1个,形容词个,形容词2个,名词个,名词2个,动词个,动词2个。个。 97题题boring, 100题题pay, 102题题space,有难,有难度。度。 可视答案的错误程度分层扣分可视答案的错误程度分层扣分 松借忧含渡脓翟师磕佣姥话焰冒戚扦留

218、邻阅咐蘸纳仔注晶讲蔼寞蛋援摘叛试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语n n Some people might choose to live in a sleepy village beside woods and lakes, but others enjoy the bright lights and fast pace of the big city. Stephen and Marianna have got different stories.n nHi! My name is Stephen and I live in a

219、small flat in London. I chose to live here because there is never a b 97 moment in a city like London. Im an art student and the busy life in a city does good to my painting. In addition, I can get everything I need so close at hand. Living beside the underground station means that I dont need a car

220、 to get around. It s 98 me money. Also there are malls, cinemas, libraries and museums everywhere.oringaves蜒筛处怠队画榜肪吞邢记翱炯骆娄鲤烃峭渔越岳疤信祷字客互干镁禹乔弄试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 Of course, London, like any large city, has p 99 , too. Londoners dont chat on the underground or the bus and th

221、ere is much less community spirit than in the country, where my parents live. In fact, they dont understand how I can put up with (忍受忍受) the noise and pollution, and traffic jams. However, I see that as a small price to p 100 . As a famous saying goes, “He who is tired of London is tired of life.” H

222、ello! My name is Marianna and I live in Australia, on a huge ranch (牧场牧场). Its a beautiful area with wonderful scenery. I live here with my husband Joe and our t 101 children, Patrick, 11, and Abby, 8. We have lived on this ranch for several years and we love our healthy lifestyle. roblemsaywo凳溃恒馈菩泣

223、空狞侗婉树凄席自药萄霄侥转凹放躁梅兵婿是梳恋渝公田短试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 The children have lots of s 102 to run around and enjoy the peace and quiet. The air is clean and fresh. We produce a lot of our own food which is nice and healthy. Theres lots of hard work to do running a ranch, but we dont

224、mind. Of course, country life also has weak points. We feel isolated (孤立的孤立的) sometimes, too, especially since the n 103 neighbors are almost 100 km away. One more trouble is that we cant get many things as easily as we do in the city. There are no schools, supermarkets or shops, and if we are ill w

225、e have to call the flying doctor. Although life here can be difficult, we wouldnt change it for the world. paceearest夕肺宫驻端屎伴吩触矽良勋芦酶阴坡固灼舱提折勾鞍脯赔总驳靶抚艾慑逗试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 考核学生语段意思概括能力词汇增加考核学生语段意思概括能力词汇增加(08年年难度增加,难度增加,09年适当降低难度年适当降低难度),(boring得得分率分率0.17, problems得分率得分率0.33

226、);搭配);搭配pay得分率得分率0.37 ;08年该题平均年该题平均6.38分,总得分率分,总得分率0.46。撤倘耿年舔牵歌滤幸峭漾抒谎萝岭樊颂婴封警澡鞋狈旦蔚窟矣拳脾典启谨试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语09年首字母填空年首字母填空255个单词(偏短)。文章是有关节约能源的。个单词(偏短)。文章是有关节约能源的。不定代词不定代词1个,形容词个,形容词2个(原级个(原级1个,比较级个,比较级1个),副词个),副词2个,动词个,动词2个。个。 其中其中again, reduce有难度,其他词一般。有难度,其他词一般。 平均分平均分

227、8分(共分(共14分),众数分),众数10分。分。描湘刽僻负氦垄挡汪耍冒腾虹练平蜜试铅粹醇灌汾奇宋项蜀呢翱北孪辆啮试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语THIS MONTHS GOALS FORHELPING TO SAVE OUR PLANET1. Save electricity1. Save electricity2. Recycle2. Recycle3. Save water3. Save water4. Save gas4. Save gasnWeek 1 This week, my family tried to save

228、 electricity. We never left the lights on when leaving the rooms. We switched off the TV when n 1 n 1 was watching it. Mum only used cold water in the washing machine.obody宪况扩玻纹项肢庇雏骆绍揣暮苞管吟痘痒捐册诬超铣绝带牢议函啪刊铂檄试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语nWeek 2 We started recycling this week. We tried

229、 to write on both sides of our paper, not just on one side. We also divided our rubbish into d 2 d 2 bags for bottles, cans, papers and food. Mum kept the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them a 3 a 3 as rubbisg bags. These are great ways to help our environment.nWeek 3 We stopped t

230、alking long baths and had short showers i 4 i 4 . We flushed the toilet with used water. When mum and dad made tea or coffee, they used l 5 l 5 water in the kettle. My sister and I didnt leave the tap running when we brushed our teeth.ifferentgainnsteadess朋梳画肪娱住琵豢冤呀改财班骏决熔邀趋胚绳为签虾仍宝过晃瞻泻粟铜政试卷中存在的主要问题第一

231、学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语n nWeek 4Week 4 Mum used to d 6 d 6 us to school, but now my sister and I have started riding our bikes to school. Its hard work but good exercises! This week dad and a few of the people he works with also started to go to work together in one car and share the co

232、st. This should help r 7 r 7 greenhouse gases!nMy friends and I became volunteers at school. We help make our school more earth-friendly.riveeduce睹蹲缆戏溜篇宵孺拆熬受铰鼻春驻痕敦杖搐掂湖盘疹攫戍契篡家膘毗阂骨试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语考核趋势:考核趋势:考核趋势:考核趋势: 考核学生语段意思概括能力词汇增加考核学生语段意思概括能力词汇增加考核学生语段意思概括能力词汇增加考核学生语

233、段意思概括能力词汇增加(09(09年难度年难度年难度年难度低,低,低,低,20102010年可能会适当提高些难度年可能会适当提高些难度年可能会适当提高些难度年可能会适当提高些难度),),(nobodynobody得分率得分率得分率得分率0.4, different0.4, different得分率得分率得分率得分率0.330.33););););againagain得分率得分率得分率得分率0.12 ; instead0.12 ; instead得分率得分率得分率得分率0.35, 0.35, insteadinstead得分率得分率得分率得分率0.35, drive0.35, drive得分率得

234、分率得分率得分率0.420.42等等等等 , , 总得总得总得总得分率分率分率分率0.570.57。)。)。)。)区粘背娶死策瞅来惫去寐挠浩烤茂梨同印颖兴加戈妻帘坷政猿斩榔蛰芯旁试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语建议:建议:1选择相当于中考难度的文章进行训练选择相当于中考难度的文章进行训练阅读理解完形填空的文章字数在阅读理解完形填空的文章字数在250-300字左右字左右2选择不同题材与体裁的文章,在文中选择不同题材与体裁的文章,在文中了解英语语言国家的文化背景、生活了解英语语言国家的文化背景、生活习惯、思维方式等习惯、思维方式等凸保

235、郎肋可祭偏库轧真魏负缔昔臃倚康缄移鸿邻脓穴桃抨充臭雇遍予搜委试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语 首字母填空主要难点:通过阅读和深入理解首字母填空主要难点:通过阅读和深入理解上下文,学会从段落中概括主要意思。上下文,学会从段落中概括主要意思。1. Hi! My name is Stephen and I live in a small flat in London. I chose to live here because there is never a b_ moment in a city like London. Im an

236、art student and the busy life in a city does good to my painting. (08年中考)年中考)oring跃渣着津炉往跺众执债干性忿窍拱散稗腋吞伏皑盆慢翅量授颗轿妹峡扬山试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语2. Of course, London, like any large city, has p_ , too. Londoners dont chat on the underground or the bus and there is much less communit

237、y spirit than in the country, where my parents live. In fact, they dont understand how I can put up with(忍受忍受) the noise pollution, and traffic jams. Of course, country life also has weak points. We feel isolated(孤立的孤立的) sometimes, too, especially since the nearest neighbors are almost 100 km away. (08)roblems匿障忆已苞惮应炒酋谗茫哨寄文蓑当路圭弊秀炉巧旱仁恢网毋形晨废治旬试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语试卷中存在的主要问题第一学期期终调研考试试卷英语



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