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1、Notice, Poster & Announcement2021/6/71How to write Notice? 2021/6/72通知的格式与便条相似。一般说来,通知由三部分组成通知的格式与便条相似。一般说来,通知由三部分组成:标题、正文和落款。:标题、正文和落款。通知具有较强的告知性,语言简洁明了、格式清楚、重通知具有较强的告知性,语言简洁明了、格式清楚、重点突出。简单句、省略句和缩写形式在通知中十分常见。点突出。简单句、省略句和缩写形式在通知中十分常见。 基本特点(基本特点(Basic features)2021/6/73有时,发出通知的日期、出通知的人或单位的名称可有时,发出通知的

2、日期、出通知的人或单位的名称可以省略。以省略。简短的通知的正文一般不使用完整句,也不使用标点;简短的通知的正文一般不使用完整句,也不使用标点;较长的通知正文常使用省略句、祈使句,并按常规使较长的通知正文常使用省略句、祈使句,并按常规使用标点。用标点。注意事项注意事项 (Reminders)2021/6/74Directions:The following notice contains 10 errors and/or mistakes. Please identify and correct each of them and give your explanations.NOTICE ! S

3、eptember 27 Visiting professor Dr. Wu Zhiping in fudan university is give us a lecture on the later developments of IT technology in the lecture hall of the school library at 6:30 to 8:30, 2006 October 5. Those are interested in are welcome. Student Unionfudanis givelaterat2006 October 5interestedSt

4、udent Union! inareuniversityin2021/6/75Practice:英语俱乐部通知,在圣诞前夕将在学校会议厅举行英语晚会。英语俱乐部通知,在圣诞前夕将在学校会议厅举行英语晚会。晚会时间:晚晚会时间:晚7 7:00001010:0000。每个小组须准备两个或三个节目。每个小组须准备两个或三个节目。节目内容和形式不限。例如,英文歌曲演唱,表演英文短剧,节目内容和形式不限。例如,英文歌曲演唱,表演英文短剧,讲英文笑话或故事,朗诵英文诗歌。讲英文笑话或故事,朗诵英文诗歌。欢迎准时参加。谢谢。欢迎准时参加。谢谢。 2021/6/76 Christmas day is comi

5、ng. We will hold an English party on Christmas Eve in the meeting hall of our school. It will begin at 7:00 and end at 10:00 in the evening. Each group has to prepare two or three performances. For example, singing English songs, playing English plays, telling jokes or stories in English and reading

6、 English poems. Welcome to take part in the party on time. Thanks. The English Club 2021/6/77How to write Poster? 2021/6/78基本特点:基本特点: 海报与通知接近,但内容多是面向社会大众的消息,如海报与通知接近,但内容多是面向社会大众的消息,如球讯、影讯、文艺演出消息登,因此形式更为多样。球讯、影讯、文艺演出消息登,因此形式更为多样。 2021/6/79国际足球比赛国际足球比赛中国中国韩国韩国时间:时间:6 6月月8 8日下午日下午7 7:3030地点:五台山体育场地点:五台

7、山体育场凭票入场,票价每张凭票入场,票价每张100100元,售票地点:售票处元,售票地点:售票处欢迎前往助兴!欢迎前往助兴!INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL MATCHChina vs. KoreaTime: 7:30 pm, June 8Place: Wutaishan StadiumAdmission by ticket only. Ticket price 100 yuan per person. Available at the Ticket OfficeCome and cheer them on! 2021/6/710How to write Announcement?

8、 2021/6/711基本特点:基本特点:启事格式统一,结构包括标题、正文和文尾,内容通常包括启事格式统一,结构包括标题、正文和文尾,内容通常包括主要事由、人名(物名)、时间、地点、联系方式等;文尾主要事由、人名(物名)、时间、地点、联系方式等;文尾通常是出启事者的姓名、单位和联系方式。启事语言要求简通常是出启事者的姓名、单位和联系方式。启事语言要求简明扼要、准确具体。明扼要、准确具体。2021/6/712遗失证件遗失证件 (正式)(正式) 遗失启事遗失启事 金陵示范学院徐亚青不慎将学生证遗失,号码为金陵示范学院徐亚青不慎将学生证遗失,号码为04934518930,现声明作废。,现声明作废。

9、Lost Xu Yaqing from Jinling Teachers College lost her student identity card, No. 04934518930, which has been invalidated. 2021/6/713招领启事招领启事 (非正式)(非正式) 招领:招领: 在东风大街一带捡到黑白相间的花狗一条在东风大街一带捡到黑白相间的花狗一条 戴着标有戴着标有Baby名牌的蓝色项圈名牌的蓝色项圈 联系电话:联系电话:02524455110 Found: Black and white dog near Dongfeng Street Wearing

10、 blue collar with name tag: BabyPhone: 025244551102021/6/714Practice:Directions:The Students Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information: 1) the purpose of the contest2) time and place of the contest3) what is required

11、 of the candidates4) details of the judges and awardsDo not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.2021/6/715 Chinese Speaking Contest February 3, 2007To improve students ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-

12、class activities, the Students Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (10 February) at the Students Club. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest. The Students Union Department of Chinese Language and Literature2021/6/716部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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