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1、如何写好段落主题句如何写好段落主题句?1. 1. 重述要点重述要点2. 2. 回答要点回答要点3. 3. 明示观点明示观点4. 4. 引出经历引出经历5. 5. 引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等6. 6. 总述原因总述原因7. 7. 引出感受引出感受1谈谈独立的重要性。谈谈独立的重要性。2 学会在逆境中感恩,对生活有何意义?学会在逆境中感恩,对生活有何意义?3 请谈谈你是如何理解梦想在人生中所起的作用的。请谈谈你是如何理解梦想在人生中所起的作用的。It is very important to be independent.It is of great importan

2、ce to be independent.Inspired by the story, I suddenly realized the importance of independence.Learning to be grateful, even when all is not so well, is of great significance to our life.Nobody will deny that dreams play a very significant part in ones life. 技巧技巧1 重述要点重述要点4 4 中学生活和大学生活的差别,及你打算如何适应。(

3、中学生活和大学生活的差别,及你打算如何适应。(0808年)年)5 5 想家给学习和生活带来的影响。(想家给学习和生活带来的影响。(1111年)年)6 6 你怎样看待老师对学生的影响(你怎样看待老师对学生的影响(1212年)年) 分析学生之间存在竞争的利弊。分析学生之间存在竞争的利弊。Life in college will be greatly different from that in high school. . Despite the difference, I will try to adapt to the life in college.Being homesick had a

4、(very) bad effect on my / his / her study and life.Being homesick did affect my his her study and life a lot.Teachers can have great influences on students.As we know, competition among students has advantages as well as disadvantages.技巧技巧技巧技巧1 1 重述要点重述要点重述要点重述要点7 你认为是什么导致了三兄弟的薪酬差别?你认为是什么导致了三兄弟的薪酬差别

5、?8 假设你当时就在事故现场,你是伸出援助之假设你当时就在事故现场,你是伸出援助之手还是袖手旁观?手还是袖手旁观?In my opinion, it is the three brothers different attitudes toward their work that result in their different wages.If I had been on the scene / spot, I would have lent a helping hand.If I had happened to be present at the scene , I would have

6、come to his help and sent him to the nearest hospital or dial 120 for help.正面,明确的回答正面,明确的回答技巧技巧2 回答要点回答要点9 假如你是父母一方,你会如何磨砺自己的孩子?假如你是父母一方,你会如何磨砺自己的孩子? Were I a parent, I would learn to let go of my children and allow them to face their problems by themselves. If I were a parent, I would first keep hi

7、m well informed that life is never easy and that he should be ready to face any difficulties. 10 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应?假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应?(2009)If I were one of the animals in the wild park, I would feel annoyed when people keep photographing with me. 技巧技巧技巧技巧2 2 回答要点回答要点回答要点回答要点11 上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老

8、师上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师?(?(2012)Reading the passage, I am reminded of Miss Mr. _, my _ teacher in Grade _, who I owe most of my achievements to. 技巧技巧2 回答要点回答要点12 你认为读书与事业之间的关系是怎样的。你认为读书与事业之间的关系是怎样的。From my point of view, ones future career is closely related to his schooling.13 请谈谈坚持与成功的关系。请谈谈坚持与成功的关系。Su

9、ccess can hardly be achieved without perseverance. Perseverance makes a great difference to success.There is no such thing as success without perseverance.技巧技巧技巧技巧2 2 回答要点回答要点回答要点回答要点明确表示对某观点支持、赞同或反对、不赞同。明确表示对某观点支持、赞同或反对、不赞同。14、你认为阅读书籍重要吗?为什么?、你认为阅读书籍重要吗?为什么?I strongly believe / am deeply convinced

10、that reading books are very important. 15、你是否赞成这种做法(熄灯一小时)并说、你是否赞成这种做法(熄灯一小时)并说明理由明理由.I am strongly for this activity, which is really meaningful and helpful for preventing our earth from getting warmer. 技巧技巧3 明示观点明示观点 表明立场表明立场16、你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照、你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照(2009)I think it necessary to ban tou

11、rists from taking pictures with animals.17、你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法。、你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法。(2010)As far as I am concerned, I am strongly against the measure of paying students to study.技巧技巧3 明示观点明示观点 表明立场表明立场18 谈谈你所经历的让你最感动或给你印象最深刻的谈谈你所经历的让你最感动或给你印象最深刻的一次微笑;一次微笑;The story reminds me of the most moving impressive smi

12、le I have ever had. When it comes to smile, I have something to share.19 讲述讲述你你经历的一次困难或考验;经历的一次困难或考验;This reminds me of my own experience when I joined in the physical training after I entered senior high school.技巧技巧4 引出经历引出经历20 时间、地点和起因。时间、地点和起因。【讲述一次想家的经历讲述一次想家的经历】(11广东)广东)Like Sam, each of us may

13、 have the experience of missing our family, me included.Once I had a similar experience to Sams.21 (第一点:你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师)第一点:你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师) 举例说明该老师对你学习或成长的影响。举例说明该老师对你学习或成长的影响。I can still remember clearly the influence Mr. Li had on my study and life. ( It was when I was in Senior Two. I got so disap

14、pointed with the little progress I made in study that I wanted to quit school.)技巧技巧4 引出经历引出经历22 说说人们为保护环境所采取的措施。说说人们为保护环境所采取的措施。 Luckily,more and more people begin to appreciate the situation and measures are being taken to protect the environment.23 你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习。你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习。Many effective

15、means can be adopted to encourage / motivate children to learn.To get kids motivated to learn, parents and educators can adopt many effective means. (They can . They may . Besides, they had better .) 如何道歉才能取得好的效果。如何道歉才能取得好的效果。Here are three steps to making a good apology.技巧技巧5 引出方法、建议、措施、步骤引出方法、建议、措

16、施、步骤等等24 请你给团购者一些有用的建议。请你给团购者一些有用的建议。 As for group buying, my suggestions are as follows. As for suggestions for group buying, firstly, you should read the advertisements and comments from other customers carefully.技巧技巧5 引出方法、建议、措施、步骤引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等等25 谈谈谈谈我们为什么要遵守规章制度。我们为什么要遵守规章制度。 The reason why we

17、 must obey rules can be listed as follows. The reason for this can be listed as follows. There are several reasons for this / why总述原因的句型总述原因的句型: : The reason (for./ why) can be listed as follows. There are three / several reasons for this / (why) 技巧技巧6 总述原因总述原因26.谈谈你读完这个故事谈谈你读完这个故事 / 这则新闻的感受。这则新闻的感受

18、。The story / news sets me thinking.After reading the story / the news, I am lost in deep thought.After reading the story / news, I come to realize sth / that 例如例如:After reading the story, I come to realize that struggles are what it takes to survive and succeed. 技巧技巧7 引出感受引出感受 以约以约120120个词就个词就“熄灯一小时

19、熄灯一小时”活动发表看法,活动发表看法,包括如下要点:包括如下要点:1 1)你是否赞成这种做法并说明理由;)你是否赞成这种做法并说明理由;2 2)你是否动员你的家人或你周围的人参加此活)你是否动员你的家人或你周围的人参加此活动?动? 3 3)日常生活中为了保护环境我们还可以做些什)日常生活中为了保护环境我们还可以做些什么?么?明示观点明示观点重述要点(在列举行动重述要点(在列举行动之前)之前)回答要点回答要点以约120个词就老师影响学生的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1) 上文是你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师;(2)举例说明该老师对你学习或成长的影响;(3) 你怎样看待老师对学生的影响。回答要点回答要点引出经历引出经历重述要点重述要点注意注意: : 1. 1. 第一段第一段: : 概括全面客观概括全面客观, ,表述清晰表述清晰, ,不要不要加入你的观点加入你的观点! !2.2.第二段开始第二段开始 按按【写作内容写作内容】进行写作。进行写作。1) 1) 每个写作要点占一个段落每个写作要点占一个段落! !2) 2) 每个段落第一句为主题句每个段落第一句为主题句! ! 3) 3) 主题句明确突出主题句明确突出!4)4) 每个段落结构为每个段落结构为主题句主题句+ + 拓展句拓展句 5 5)2525分钟完成分钟完成! !



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