高中英语课时讲练通配套课件:Unit4《Earthquakes》Period 2(新人教版必修1)

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1、1. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. (P26) 在市内,有些建筑物的水管爆裂开来。在市内,有些建筑物的水管爆裂开来。气球突然爆炸了。气球突然爆炸了。The balloon suddenly burst . 他们如此感动以至于大哭起来。他们如此感动以至于大哭起来。They were so moved that they burst into tears/out crying . Every time he thought of his past, he couldnt help bursting

2、 . A. out tearsB. into cryingC. into cry D. out crying【解解析析】选选D。“burst into 名名词词”和和“burst out doing ”都都表表示示“突突然然起起来来”,即即burst out crying burst into tears, 故选故选D。听到那个坏消息,我禁不住泪流满面。听到那个坏消息,我禁不住泪流满面。I couldnt help bursting into tears when I heard the bad news. burst vt. & vi. 使爆裂,使爆炸使爆裂,使爆炸 n. (突然突然)爆发爆

3、发(1)burst out 突然迸发;爆发突然迸发;爆发(2)burst out doing sth. burst into 名词名词 表示表示“突然突然起来起来”(3)burst in/into. . . 闯入;破门而入闯入;破门而入(4)burst with anger勃然大怒勃然大怒2. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. (P26)但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当回事,但是,唐山市的一百万居民

4、几乎都没有把这些情况当回事,当天晚上照常睡觉了。当天晚上照常睡觉了。在场的每一个人都高度评价他的演讲。在场的每一个人都高度评价他的演讲。Everyone present at the meeting thought highly of his speech. 对什么都不在乎是不对的。对什么都不在乎是不对的。Its wrong to think little of everything. They thought badly/poor/ill of (评价很低评价很低) the plan. We all think of her as (把把当作当作) our elder sister. thi

5、nk little of 对对不重视;不屑不重视;不屑think nothing of不把不把当回事;轻视某人当回事;轻视某人think badly/poor/ill of 对对评价很低评价很低think well/highly/a lot of对对重视、高度评价重视、高度评价think of. . . as. . . 把把看作看作3. It seemed as if the world was at an end!(P26)仿佛到了世界末日!仿佛到了世界末日!他表现得就像一个专家。他表现得就像一个专家。He acts as if he were an expert. 他们谈起话来就好像是多年

6、的老朋友。他们谈起话来就好像是多年的老朋友。They talked as if they had been friends for years. 看来,这件衬衫好像没有按照说明进行洗涤。看来,这件衬衫好像没有按照说明进行洗涤。It looks as if the shirt has not been washed following the instructions. 她好像很快就能完成整项任务。她好像很快就能完成整项任务。She seems as if she could complete the whole task soon. Shes looking at me she me, but

7、 Ive never seen her before in my life. 2011湛江高一检测湛江高一检测A. as if; knowsB. as if; knewC. as though; knows D. even if; knew【解解析析】选选B。考考查查as if的的用用法法。句句意意:她她看看着着我我,好好像像她她认认识识我我,但但是是在在这这之之前前我我从从未未见见过过她她。as if/though从从句句中中表表示示与现在事实相反时,从句谓语动词用一般过去时。与现在事实相反时,从句谓语动词用一般过去时。Their friendship was at an end. (英英译

8、译汉汉)他他们们的的友友谊谊破破裂裂了。了。He will be a scientist in the end(最后,终于)(最后,终于). At last, the meeting came to an end(结束)(结束). 1) as if仿佛;好像仿佛;好像虚拟语气在虚拟语气在as if/though 从句中的应用从句中的应用(1)表示与现在事实相反,从句用一般过去时。)表示与现在事实相反,从句用一般过去时。(2)表示与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时。)表示与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时。(3)表示与将来事实相反,从句谓语动词用)表示与将来事实相反,从句谓语动词用would/cou

9、ld/might动词原形。动词原形。(1)如如果果as if/though 引引导导的的从从句句表表示示的的情情况况接接近近事事实实,句子要用陈述语气。句子要用陈述语气。(2)as if/though引引导导的的虚虚拟拟语语气气句句中中若若从从句句谓谓语语动动词词是是系系动动词词则用则用were。2)at an end结束;终结结束;终结at the end of 在在结尾结尾/尽头尽头by the end of 到到为止为止(多用完成时多用完成时)in the end 最后;终于最后;终于come to an end 结束结束(用作谓语用作谓语)4. In fifteen terrible

10、seconds a large city lay in ruins . (P26)在可怕的在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市沦为了废墟。秒钟内,一座大城市沦为了废墟。她把水全部倒在了我的画上,把画毁了。她把水全部倒在了我的画上,把画毁了。She poured water all over my painting and ruined it. 我们看见了这座教堂的废墟。我们看见了这座教堂的废墟。We saw the ruins of the church. 大部分建筑物在大地震后变成了废墟。大部分建筑物在大地震后变成了废墟。Most buildings fell into ruins after t

11、he big earthquake. After the earthquake passed away, all the villages and towns were . And no being was seen. A. in ruinB. in ruinsC. at ruins D. for ruins【解解析析】选选 B。考考查查ruin 用用作作名名词词表表示示状状态态的的用用法法。be in ruins 成为废墟,符合句意。成为废墟,符合句意。 Finally he realized that it was his laziness and rudeness that his ma

12、rriage. A. destroyedB. ruinedC. damaged D. hurt【解解析析】选选B。destroy 和和damage 常常指指对对事事物物的的破破坏坏或或损损坏坏;hurt 多多指指对对人人的的精精神神或或身身体体的的伤伤害害;ruin 可可以以表表示示具具体体或或抽抽象象的的东东西西,如如health, happiness, marriage, holiday等等的的“毁毁灭;破坏灭;破坏”。ruin n. 废墟;毁灭废墟;毁灭vt. 毁灭;使破产毁灭;使破产5. Two-thirds of them died or were injured during th

13、e earthquake. (P26) 三分之二的人在那次地震中死亡或受伤。三分之二的人在那次地震中死亡或受伤。地球表面的三分之二是海洋。地球表面的三分之二是海洋。Two-thirds of the surface of the earth is (be) sea. 五分之三的土壤去年被洪水冲走了。五分之三的土壤去年被洪水冲走了。 Three-fifths of the soil was washed (wash)away by the flood last year. 撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。Three people were killed and f

14、ive injured in the crash. 用用injure, hurt, wound, harm 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The little boy fell off the big tree and injured his leg. The soldier was wounded in the arm during the war. Your words have hurt her feelings. You should make an apology to her. Reading in the sun will harm your eyes. Mike didnt pl

15、ay football yesterday because he had his leg. A. damagedB. hurtC. hitD. struck【解解析析】选选B。考考查查词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:迈迈克克昨昨天天没没有有踢踢足足球球,因因为为他他伤伤了了腿腿。damage 指指对对某某物物带带来来某某种种程程度度的的“损损害害”,使使其其失失去去部部分分功功能能;hit 和和 strike 可可指指对对人人进进行行“攻攻击击”;hurt 表示对人的身体或精神的伤害。表示对人的身体或精神的伤害。1)分数作主语分数作主语(1)分子是基数词,分母是序数词。分子是基数词,分母是序数词。

16、(2)当分子大于当分子大于1时,分母序数词要用复数。时,分母序数词要用复数。(3)“分分数数+of +名名词词”作作主主语语时时,谓谓语语的的单单复复数数由由of后后面面的的名名词词决定。决定。2)injure vt. 损害;伤害损害;伤害6. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400, 000. (P26)(在这次地震中)死伤人数达到四十在这次地震中)死伤人数达到四十多万。多万。 The number of our students are 56. (改错改错)【解析解析】are 改为改为 is

17、 the number of 指指的数量,谓语动词的数量,谓语动词用单数。用单数。上周有许多学生进行了野炊。上周有许多学生进行了野炊。Last week a great number of students went to have a picnic. 冬天有许多动物在雪下睡觉。冬天有许多动物在雪下睡觉。In winter, a good many animals sleep under the snow. the number of的数量的数量7. People were shocked . (P26) 人们惊呆了。人们惊呆了。 The Japan Earthquake in March s

18、hocked (使使震惊震惊) the whole world. The news of his wifes death was a terrible shock (一次严重一次严重的打击的打击) to him. 这位太太听到这个不幸的消息很震惊。这位太太听到这个不幸的消息很震惊。The woman was shocked at the bad news. 她因为吃惊,脸都白了。她因为吃惊,脸都白了。She was white with/from shock . The news of his sudden death is so_ that everyone was very much at

19、 it. A. shocking; shockedB. shocked; shockingC. shocking; shocking D. shocked; shocked【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:他他突突然然死死亡亡的的这这个个消消息息如如此此令令人人震震惊惊,以以至至于于每每个个人人听听到到时时都都感感到到震震惊惊。shocking 修修饰饰news, shocked 修饰修饰everyone。shock vt. &vi. (使使)震惊;震动震惊;震动n. 休克;打击;震惊休克;打击;震惊be shocked at/by (doing) sth. 对对(做做)某事感到震惊某事感到震惊b

20、e shocked to do sth. 惧怕做某事惧怕做某事with/from shock因为震惊因为震惊(1)情情感感动动词词shock, surprise, frighten, interesting, tire等意为等意为“使使”(2)其其形形容容词词有有-ed 和和-ing 两两种种形形式式,-ed 形形式式表表示示“(感感到到)的的”, 主主语语常常为为人人; -ing 形形式式表表示示“令令人人感感到到的的”, 主语常为物。主语常为物。8. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins. (

21、P26) 一些救援人员和医生被困在了废墟下面。一些救援人员和医生被困在了废墟下面。消防队员从着火的房子里救出了一个男孩。消防队员从着火的房子里救出了一个男孩。The firemen rescued a boy from a burning house. 当我们有危险时,他们赶来救援。当我们有危险时,他们赶来救援。When we were in danger, they came to our rescue . 他们被困在了两层楼之间。他们被困在了两层楼之间。They were trapped between two floors. 她被困在了燃烧着的大楼里。她被困在了燃烧着的大楼里。She w

22、as trapped in the burning building. 希望这个抢劫犯正好落入我们的圈套。希望这个抢劫犯正好落入我们的圈套。Hopefully, the robber will fall right into our trap . 1) rescue n. & vt. 援救,营救援救,营救rescue sb. /sth. from 从从营救某人营救某人/物物come to ones rescue 来援救某人来援救某人2) trap vt. 使陷入困境使陷入困境 n. 陷阱,困境陷阱,困境be trapped in. . . 陷入困境陷入困境trap sb. into doing

23、 诱骗诱骗(陷害陷害)某人做某事某人做某事If you are trapped, Ill come to rescue you. 如果你被困住了,我就来救你。如果你被困住了,我就来救你。9. All hope was not lost. (P26) 并非所有的希望都破灭了。并非所有的希望都破灭了。并非闪光的都是金子。并非闪光的都是金子。All that glitters is not gold. Not all that glitters is gold. 并不是人人都在这里。并不是人人都在这里。All the people are not here. Not all the people a

24、re here. 并非我的父母都去过北京。并非我的父母都去过北京。Both of my parents havent been to Beijing. Not both of my parents have been to Beijing. 1)部分否定结构为:部分否定结构为:all. . . not. . . not all. . . 该该句句为为部部分分否否定定。not与与all, every, everyone, everything, both等词连用时,表示部分否定。等词连用时,表示部分否定。2)全部否定结构为:全部否定结构为:no/none/nobody/nothing/neith

25、er. . . 谓语肯定形式。谓语肯定形式。10. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. (P26)解放军组成小分队,将那些受困的人们挖出来,并掩埋死者。解放军组成小分队,将那些受困的人们挖出来,并掩埋死者。用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空The soldiers had to dig the dead out (把把挖出来挖出来) of the ruins. At last the truth was dug out. (英译汉英译汉)最后真相被查明。最后真相被

26、查明。The soldiers buried (掩埋掩埋) the dead at the foot of the hill. He was buried in (埋头于埋头于) his study. = He buried himself in (埋头于埋头于) his study. 1)dig out挖掘;发现挖掘;发现dig for sth. 挖掘某物挖掘某物dig up 挖出;发现;搜集挖出;发现;搜集dig的过去式、过去分词为的过去式、过去分词为dug, dug。2)bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏埋葬;掩埋;隐藏be buried in 埋头于;专心于埋头于;专心于bury on

27、eself in 埋头于;专心于埋头于;专心于1. Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away . (P25) 假如你的家开始摇晃,你就必须马上离开。假如你的家开始摇晃,你就必须马上离开。你能想像她成为了飞行员吗?你能想像她成为了飞行员吗?Can you imagine her becoming a pilot? 不要以为自己总是对的。不要以为自己总是对的。Dont imagine yourself to be always right. I dont imagine you will fail. 我想你

28、不会失败的。我想你不会失败的。我们马上就动身。我们马上就动身。We are about to start right away . 立刻给她打电话。立刻给她打电话。Call her right away . 1) imagine vt. & vi. 想像,推测,设想想像,推测,设想imagine sb. doing. . . 想像某人做想像某人做imagine sb. to be 把某人想像成把某人想像成imagine 后后接接的的宾宾语语从从句句为为否否定定意意义义时时,要要否否定定转转移移,与与think, suppose 用法相同。用法相同。2) right away 立刻,马上立刻,马

29、上right away=right now = at once=in no time = immediately 表表示示“立刻,马上立刻,马上”2. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. (P26)裂缝里冒出臭气。裂缝里冒出臭气。这鱼发臭了。这鱼发臭了。The fish is smelly . 我再也不能忍受他了。他总是把房间弄得又臭又脏。我再也不能忍受他了。他总是把房间弄得又臭又脏。I cant put up with him any more. He always makes the room smelly and dirty. 据说明天将是雾天。据说

30、明天将是雾天。It is said that tomorrow will be foggy . smelly adj. 发臭的;有臭味的发臭的;有臭味的smelly 是是一一个个派派生生词词,即即:smelly构构成成的的形形容容词词。将将名名词词转转化化为为形形容容词词时时,末末尾尾直直接接加加y,或或去去e加加y,若若名名词词末末尾尾只只有有一一个个辅辅音音字字母母的的重重读读闭闭音音节节名名词词,要要双双写写辅辅音音字字母母再再加加y。如如mudmuddy, rainrainy, fogfoggy3. Workers built shelters for survivors whose

31、homes had been destroyed. (P26) 工人们为那些房屋被毁的幸存者建造临时住所。工人们为那些房屋被毁的幸存者建造临时住所。人们在超市躲避阵雨。人们在超市躲避阵雨。People took shelter from the shower in the supermarket. 那些树木庇护田地不受冷风侵袭。那些树木庇护田地不受冷风侵袭。The trees shelter the field from the cold wind. shelter n. 掩蔽;避身处;掩蔽处掩蔽;避身处;掩蔽处 vt. 掩蔽掩蔽a bus shelter 公共汽车亭公共汽车亭take she

32、lter from. . . 躲避躲避shelter sb. /sth. from=protect sb. /sth. from 保护保护免受免受侵害侵害 . 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. nation One-third of the nation felt the earthquake. English is a universal national language widely used in the world. 2. dirt Dont always treat others like dirt . You are an ordinary person. You

33、 should clean your dirty room. 3. injure The attacker is said to be seriously injured and has been taken to hospital. AC Milan star Kaka said a foot injury was still stopping him from returning to football team. 4. use I realized it was useless to reason with him. I think the new grammar book is ver

34、y useful . 5. electricOur teacher told us not to ride an electric bike to school, because it is too dangerous. Metals are usually good conductors(导体)(导体) of electricity . . 选词填空选词填空1. The war which lasted for years was at an end . 2. She was buried in thought. 3. We are shocked at the news that abou

35、t thirty miners died in the accident. 4. He was awarded because of rescuing a child from drowning. 5. They were trapped in the burning building. 6. To her surprise, she dug out a ring from under the ground. 7. You shouldnt think little of your fathers advice. 8. She always walks so hurriedly as if s

36、omeone is running after her. . 单句改错单句改错1. It seemed that the world was in an end. 【解析解析】in at。 at an end 常用于系表结构,意为常用于系表结构,意为“结束结束”。2. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruin. 【解解析析】ruin ruins。 ruins 名名词词,表表示示“废废墟墟”、“遗遗迹迹”时常用复数。时常用复数。3. People trapping in the building were saved at last

37、. 【解解析析】trapping trapped。trapped为为过过去去分分词词作作定定语语,修饰修饰people,相当于,相当于who were trapped。4. They felt shocking at everything they saw. 【解解析析】shocking shocked。 shocked 震震惊惊的的,通通常常以以人人作作主语;主语;shocking 令人震惊的,通常以物作主语。令人震惊的,通常以物作主语。5. The earthquake was felt in Beijing, where is more than two hundred kilomete

38、rs away. 【解解析析】where which。非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句中中,缺缺少少主主语语,where是关系副词,不能作主语;是关系副词,不能作主语;which 在此指代北京。在此指代北京。. 单项填空单项填空1. John couldnt continue his words something had struck his throat. A. thoughB. as ifC. whenD. since【解解析析】选选B。考考查查as if 的的用用法法。as if 引引导导方方式式状状语语从从句句时时,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,其他选项不合语境。从句中的谓语动词常用

39、虚拟语气,其他选项不合语境。2. The UN is to an end to the dispute (争争端端) between the two countries. Im sure the issue will _ an end soon. A. come; putB. come to; bringC. put; comeD. bring; come to【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:联联合合国国将将要要结结束束两两国国间间的的争争端端,我我相相信信这这一一问问题题将将会会很很快快得得到到解解决决。bring an end to sth. 和和 come to an end 都是固定短语

40、,表示都是固定短语,表示“结束;终结结束;终结”,故选,故选D。3. Even now I dont know why she at such good news. A. burst into tearB. burst into laughingC. burst out crying D. burst out laughter【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:我我到到现现在在也也不不明明白白她她为为什什么么听听到到那那个个好好消消息息突突然然哭哭起起来来。burst out+ 动动名名词词 和和 burst into+ 名名词词 都都表表示示“突突然然起起来来”,故故B、D 选选项项错错误误;而而

41、A项项 tear 应应用用复复数,故数,故C项正确。项正确。4. You must be off . Its midnight now. A. just nowB. all rightC. all of a sudden D. right away【解解析析】选选D。考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。just now 刚刚才才,常常与与过过去去时时连连用用;all right 好好吧吧;all of a sudden 突突然然;right away 立立刻刻,马上,符合句意,故选马上,符合句意,故选D。5. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont

42、agree with . A. everythingB. anythingC. something D. nothing【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:我我赞赞同同你你所所说说的的大大部部分分(话话),但但并并不不赞赞同同你你所所说说的的每每一一句句话话。anything与与nothing不不符符合合题题意意,something用用于于肯肯定定句句中中。 not. . . everything是是英英语语中中部部分分否否定的一种表达方式,且符合句意,故选定的一种表达方式,且符合句意,故选A。【规律方法规律方法】部分否定部分否定“集结号集结号”英英语语中中的的部部分分否否定定又又叫叫不不完完全全否

43、否定定,主主要要有有两两种种形形式式:一一是是直直接接把把否否定定词词not 放放在在被被否否定定词词之之前前;二二是是用用not 来来否否定定谓语。具体用法如下:谓语。具体用法如下:1) all的的否否定定式式:not all. . . (all. . . not )。表表示示 “ 并并非非都都;不是所有的都;不是所有的都”。例如:。例如:Not all the students have been to Beijing. (= All the students have not been to Beijing. ) 并非所有的学生都去过北京。并非所有的学生都去过北京。2) both的的否否

44、定定式式:not. . . both (both. . . not ) 并并非非两两个个都都。例如:例如:Both my parents are not doctors. 我的父母并非都是医生。我的父母并非都是医生。3) every的否定式:不是每的否定式:不是每都都。例如:。例如:Not every boy likes playing basketball. 或或 Every boy doesnt like playing basketball. 不是每一个男孩都喜欢打篮球。不是每一个男孩都喜欢打篮球。4) always的否定式:并非总是的否定式:并非总是(一直一直) 。例如:。例如:The

45、 economic situation is not always so unhappy. 经济状况并不会总是这样不乐观。经济状况并不会总是这样不乐观。5) entirely, altogether, completely和和 quite 的的否否定定式式:不不完完全全;并非完全;并非完全。例如:。例如:The boss felt not entirely satisfied with my deeds. 老板对我做的并非完全满意。老板对我做的并非完全满意。6) all the time的否定式:并非一直的否定式:并非一直。例如:。例如:A foolish man doesnt make a

46、mistake all the time. 傻子未必老是犯错误。傻子未必老是犯错误。6. About of the worlds surface covered with water. A. two-thirds; isB. two-thirds; areC. two-third; are D. two-third; is【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:大大约约地地球球三三分分之之二二的的表表面面被被水水覆覆盖盖着着。“分分数数+ of+ 名名词词”作作主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词的的单单复复数数由由of 后后面面的的名词决定。名词决定。7. The policeman the robber

47、into a village where he could not escape and caught him. A. led B. broughtC. caughtD. trapped【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词搭搭配配。trap sb. into. . . 表表示示“将将某某人人诱诱入入”。句句意意:警警察察将将这这个个盗盗贼贼诱诱入入了了一一个个小小村村庄庄,使使他他无处可逃,然后捉住了他。无处可逃,然后捉住了他。8. If you go on doing so, youll yourself sooner or later. A. damageB. destroyC. ruin

48、 D. break【解解析析】选选C。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:如如果果你你继继续续这这样样做做的的话话,你你的的身身体体迟迟早早会会垮垮掉掉的的。destroy彻彻底底破破坏坏、摧摧毁毁以以致致不不可可能能恢恢复复, 可可以以接接人人,也也可可以以接接物物;damage 指指部部分分性性的的破破坏坏,还还可可以以修修复复使使用用,一一般般接接物物;ruin表表示示破破坏坏严严重重,但但不不像像destroy 那那样样毁毁灭灭某某物物,而而是是表表示示“毁毁灭灭;摧摧毁毁”等等抽抽象象概概念念,也也有有借借喻喻的的用用法法表表示示希希望望、前前程程的的破破灭灭,健健康康遭遭到到毁毁坏

49、坏等等; break表打碎、打破。表打碎、打破。9. It was a story, and we all got _. A. shocking; shockingB. shocked; shockedC. shocking; shocked D. shocked; shocking【解解析析】选选C。考考查查词词语语辨辨析析。句句意意:那那是是一一个个令令人人震震惊惊的的故故事事,我我们们都都感感到到很很震震惊惊。shocked 感感到到震震惊惊的的,指指人人;shocking 令人震惊的,指物,故选令人震惊的,指物,故选C。10. Hearing the bad news, he his

50、head in his hands and began to cry. A. placedB. hidC. laidD. buried【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:听听到到这这个个坏坏消消息息,他他双双手手捂捂住住脸脸哭哭了了。place 放放置置;hide 隐隐藏藏;lay 放放置置,搁搁置置;bury 埋,埋,bury. . . in. . . 把把埋在埋在,符合句意,故选,符合句意,故选D。My name is Ben. I am 13,and I live in Chantilly, Va. Just yesterday, June 24,1996,I was

51、 at home watching my sister,who is mentally handicapped. My father was at work while my mother and younger sister were at my moms office. I had noticed the clouds growing darker and the ones to the east were turning green. At first I thought nothing of it,but then on the TV, the weather reporter was

52、 announcing a big thunderstorm warning,one that usually brings hail and heavy rain. After seeing that,I called my mother and told her about it. She told me I should not be worried because it was just a thunderstorm so we hung up. Then I looked outside and noticed it was almost pitch black at 4:30. I

53、 took a flashlight because I was sure the power was going to go out any second. Then no sooner had I gotten back from getting the flashlight than the weather reporter announced a Tornado Warning!I had never been in an actual tornado before, but I had seen some funnel clouds before in Montana. Sudden

54、ly I realized I had no time to lose and I had to try to get my sister down the stairs to the basement in a matter of minutes. I surprisingly got her down there with no trouble at all and I raced back up the stairs to get the cordless phone. When I got back downstairs my dad called and told me to get

55、 down-stairs immediately. I told him I was already down there!He said OK and we talked for a few seconds and then we hung up. Then through the basement windows,the only thing I could see was lightning. I do not recall hearing of any deaths,or too many injuries so I guess everyone got a good head sta

56、rt to run to their basements. Either they or we are all lucky. 1. When Ben noticed the clouds growing darker,. A. he knew a strong storm was coming B. he didnt pay much attention to it at firstC. he at once make a call to his motherD. he wanted to make sure if it would rain on TV【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题

57、。根根据据第第二二段段的的第第二二句句“At first I thought nothing of it”可可知知,作作者者最最早早看看到到乌乌云云密密布布时时没没有有在在意。意。2. Ben took a flashlight becauseA. he wanted to look for somethingB. it was not bright enough in the roomC. he wanted to take care of his sisterD. he was prepared for the power off【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第三三段

58、段中中的的“. . . I was sure the power was going to go out any second”可可知知,他他拿拿手手电筒的目的是为了防止因暴风雨的来临而停电。电筒的目的是为了防止因暴风雨的来临而停电。3. How did Ben save himself and his sister? A. By staying upstairs at home. B. By running out of the house. C. By hiding in the basement. D. By using the cordless phone. 【解解析析】选选C。推推理

59、理判判断断题题。第第四四段段提提到到我我把把姐姐姐姐安安置置到到了了地地下下室室,并并且且父父亲亲与与我我通通话话告告诉诉我我要要尽尽快快到到地地下下室室,再再结结合合最最后后一一段段提提到到的的龙龙卷卷风风过过后后并并没没有有人人受受伤伤是是因因为为人人们们都都躲躲到到了地下室,由此可知了地下室,由此可知, C符合题意。符合题意。4. How did Bens father feel when he called Ben? A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Disappointed. D. Encouraged. 【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。龙龙卷卷风风就就

60、要要到到来来,爸爸爸爸给给Ben打打电电话话让让他他们们立立即即(immediately)躲躲进进地地下下室室,由由此此判判断断爸爸爸爸当当时很时很“着急着急”。5. What can we infer from the underlined sentence? A. It was completely dark outside. B. They were scared. C. The flashlight was broken. D. It was at midnight. 【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据倒倒数数第第二二段段“透透过过地地下下室室的窗户,我惟一能看见的就是

61、闪电的窗户,我惟一能看见的就是闪电”可知,外面全黑了。可知,外面全黑了。CARDIFF, Wales(威尔斯威尔斯) Poets, singers and musicians from across the globe gathered in Wales to celebrate the tradition(传传统统) of storytelling. “It might seem strange that people still want to listen in age of watching television, but this is an unusual art form who

62、se time has come again. ” said David Ambrose, director of Beyond the Border, an international storytelling festival(节节) in Wales. “Some of the tales, like those the Inuit from Canada, are thousands of years old. So our storytellers have come from distant lands to connect us with the distance of time

63、. ” he said early this month. Two Inuit women, both in their mid 60s, are among the few remaining who can do Kntadjait, or throat singing, which has few words and much sound. Their art is governed by the cold of their surroundings, forcing them to say little but listen attentively. Ambrose started t

64、he festival in 1993, after several years of working with those reviving (coming back into use or existence) storytelling in Wales. “It came out of a group of people who wanted to reconnect with traditions, and as all the Welsh are storytellers, it was in good hands here. ” Ambrose said. 本文介绍了威尔斯故事节的

65、有关情况。本文介绍了威尔斯故事节的有关情况。6. Ambrose believes that the art of storytelling . A. will be more popular than TVB. will be popular againC. started in WalesD. are in the hands of some old people【解解析析】选选 B。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第二二段段中中. . . but this is an unusual art form whose time has come again. 可可以以推推断断这这种种讲故事的

66、传统会再度受到欢迎。讲故事的传统会再度受到欢迎。7. From the tales told by the Inuit, people can learn . A. about their life as early as thousands of years agoB. why they tell the stories in a throat-singing wayC. how cold it has been where the Inuit liveD. how difficult it is to understand the Inuit【解解析析】选选 A。细细节节理理解解题题。根根

67、据据第第三三段段 Some of the tales, like those the Inuit from Canada, are thousands of years old. 可推知此题答案为可推知此题答案为 A。8. According to the writer, which of the following is NOT true? A. Storytelling once stopped in Wales. B. Storytelling has a long history in Wales. C. Storytelling is always well received in

68、Wales. D. Storytelling did not come back until 1993 in Wales. 【解解析析】选选 D。细细节节理理解解题题。从从第第五五段段Ambrose started the festival in 1993,. . . 可可知知Ambrose在在1993年年创创办办了了这这个个节节,但但并并不不等等于于说说讲讲故故事事的的传传统统是是1993年年才才恢恢复复的的,这这是是两两码码事事。故选故选D。9. The underlined phrase “in good hands” means . A. controlled by rich peopleB. grasped by good storytellersC. taken good care ofD. protected by kind people【解解析析】选选 C。词词义义猜猜测测题题。从从第第六六段段. . . as all the Welsh are storytellers. . . 可可以以推推断断出出 “in good hands” 是是“照照顾顾得得好或举办得好好或举办得好”的意思,故选的意思,故选 C。 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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