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1、背景阅读背景阅读(原文略原文略)1.Zhou Zhou is quite sensitive to music. 2. Zhou Zhou became world-famous after he performed in the Spring Festival Gala.3. Steven Hawking was born in America. 4. Despite his disability, Steven Hawking went back to school to study for his Ph.D.TFTF美句仿写美句仿写 He had the questions read t

2、o him and used dictation to give his answers into a special machine. 他让别人给他读问题,他让别人给他读问题,然后口述他的答案进入一部特殊的机器然后口述他的答案进入一部特殊的机器里面。里面。(P1)句型句型have sth. done 完成某事完成某事; 请人做请人做某事某事; 遭遇遭遇仿写仿写 我的自行车坏了我的自行车坏了,我明天要拿去让人修。我明天要拿去让人修。_ 尽管有许多困难尽管有许多困难,我还是按时完成了任我还是按时完成了任务。务。_In spite of many difficulties, I had my ta

3、sk finished on time.My bike is broken and I will have it repaired tomorrow.一、短语互译一、短语互译1. 智力障碍智力障碍 _2. 因做了某事而自豪因做了某事而自豪 _3. 嘈杂的嘈杂的 _同步作业同步作业mental disability be proud to have done sth noisy4. 适合的适合的 _5. lead a busy life _6. play a major part in _ _ 在在中起主要作用中起主要作用; 在在中扮中扮 演主要角色演主要角色suitable过着忙碌的生活过着忙

4、碌的生活二、单词拼写二、单词拼写1. Banning the use of plastic bag is of great b _ to environmental protection.2. Dont make so much n_. Your father is sleeping. enefitoise3. Yao Mings wounds d_ him to take part in the new season.4. The _ (有抱负的有抱负的) little boy makes up his mind to support his family when he grows up.

5、 ambitious isabled 三、选词填空三、选词填空 disability disabled able ability In the past, the society paid little attention to the _ and some even played trick on their _ when they were out. But now something has changed. The government has built some special accesses for the disabled people. So they are _ to l

6、ive a more convenient life and get more _ to do what they want to do.disabled disabilitiesableabilitiesAnswer the following questions andsummarize the text(P2)according to youranswers.1.What is wrong with Marty?快速阅读快速阅读Marty has a muscle disease that makes him too weak to run or climb stairs as quic

7、kly as others and sometimes he is very clumsy. Whats worse, the doctors dont know how to make him better. 2. What is Martys ambition?3. How does Martys disability help him?Martys ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up. Martys disability has helped him grow st

8、ronger psychologically and became more independent.(summary) With a serious _ which makes Marty very weak,Marty is very outgoing and learns to adapt to his disability. He hopes to _ when he grows up. 细读填表细读填表work for a disabilitycomputer companyThough having to work hard to live a normal life, Marty

9、 found his disability has helped _. him gain a stronger will and independence(careful reading and retelling)Fill in the Blanks and then retell the text using the chart. The character of Marty very 1_ and have learnt to get used to his 2_.The condition of Martys diseaseafter thousands of tests, still

10、 none knows 3 _ of his disease and cant tell what 4_ will be.outgoing disabilitythe namehis futureSchool life some of Martys classmates in primary school laughed at him for his being 5_ after running a short distance but his high school life became much easier because 6_.out of breathhis classmates

11、have accepted himDaily life Marty likes to do many things such as 7_ and 8_ , 9 _with friends and looking after 10_.writingprogramming computer software enjoying films and football games his pets His hopes people 11_ for the man with disability. Just accept them 12_ and 13_ to live a normal life. en

12、courage them neednt feel sorry for who they are (Choose the best answers according to the text)1. Where can we get the text? ( )A. In a book B. On a websiteC. In a newspaper D. In a magazine选择填空选择填空B. On a website2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( )A. Marty was as healthy as others

13、before 10.B. Most of the fellow students in high school havent accepted Marty.C. Marty doesnt want the healthy children to feel pity for him.D. Marty often felt himself stupid after absence from class in his primary school.B. Most of the fellow students in high school havent accepted Marty.3. Marty

14、does the following activities in his daily life EXCEPT_.A. take care of his fishB. program computer softwareC. sit all day and complain about his misfortune.D. enjoy films and matches with his friendsC. sit all day and complain about his misfortune.4. We can infer from the text that. ( )A. Marty is

15、very good at computer.B. the doctors dont know how to cure Marty of his disease.C. Marty envies the healthy children very much.D. Marty feels it worthless to struggle hard for a normal life.A. Marty is very good at computer.5. What kind of person do you think Marty is? ( )A. pessimistic B. unrealist

16、icC. stupid D. optimisticD. optimistic话题议写话题议写议一议议一议(discussion)1. Is it easy for the disabled to live a normal life?2. Are the disabled useless in their life?3. What can we do for the disabled?写一写写一写(writing)写作内容写作内容以约以约120个字就个字就“残疾人也能活得精彩残疾人也能活得精彩”发表你的看法,内容包括:发表你的看法,内容包括:1. 残疾人在生活中所遇到的一些问题。残疾人在生活中

17、所遇到的一些问题。2. 残疾人在日常生活中可以做些什么来残疾人在日常生活中可以做些什么来丰富自己的生活。丰富自己的生活。3. 我们应该为残疾人做些什么。我们应该为残疾人做些什么。词典释义词典释义在课本在课本P2页找出下列单词,并从词典释义中选择它们在页找出下列单词,并从词典释义中选择它们在本单元中的意思。本单元中的意思。WordsDictionary entriesadaptvt. 1.become adjusted to new conditions 2.alter or modify (a text) for television,stage,etcabsencen. 1.being aw

18、ay2.lack; non-existencefirmvt. 1.(cause sth.to) become firm adj. 2.not yielding when pressed; fairly hard n. 3. business company113词语搜索词语搜索1. in other words_2. in addition _3. 适应适应 _4. 过去常常过去常常 _5. cut out _换句话说换句话说此外此外, 另外另外adapt toused to切除切除, 切下切下6. out of breath_7. 闲坐闲坐 _8. 也也; 还还 _9.在许多方面在许多方面

19、_10.取笑取笑 _ make fun of上气不接下气上气不接下气sit aroundas well asin many ways1.I used to climb tree,swim and play football. 我过去常常爬树,游泳,踢足我过去常常爬树,游泳,踢足球球(P2,Line7)仿写仿写 我们过去常常一起吃饭,一起我们过去常常一起吃饭,一起玩乐,但是现在却成了敌人。玩乐,但是现在却成了敌人。We _, but now,we are enemies.美句仿写美句仿写used to eat and play together2. Every time I returned a

20、fter an absence,I felt stupid because I was behind others.每次缺课之后,我就觉得自己很每次缺课之后,我就觉得自己很笨,因为我比别人落后。笨,因为我比别人落后。(P2,Line 17)仿写仿写 每次下雨,雨水就漏进来。每次下雨,雨水就漏进来。The water gets through_ .every time it rains3. Im happy to have found many things I can do,like writing and computer programming. 我很高兴我能做许多事情,我很高兴我能做许多

21、事情,比如写作和电脑编程。比如写作和电脑编程。(P2,Line22)仿写仿写 她看起来没有明白他真正的意思。她看起来没有明白他真正的意思。She seemed _ _. not to have understood whathe really meant1. I think I had at least a billion tests,including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope.(P2,Line12)句式分析句式分析 本句主干为主语本句

22、主干为主语(I)+谓语谓语(think)+宾宾语从句语从句(I had at least a billion tests)。 including引导的介词短语作状语。引导的介词短语作状语。 in which 引导定语从句,修饰先行词引导定语从句,修饰先行词one。难句分析难句分析原句试译原句试译句式仿写他说他曾经出演过许多电句式仿写他说他曾经出演过许多电视剧,其中包括一部他担任主演的电视视剧,其中包括一部他担任主演的电视剧。剧。我想我至少做过十亿次检查了我想我至少做过十亿次检查了, 包括有包括有一次检查一次检查, 他们从我的腿部切下一小块他们从我的腿部切下一小块肌肉肌肉, 放在显微镜下观察。放

23、在显微镜下观察。He said he had played role in many TV plays, including one in which he was the leading role.2. I had a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.(P2,Line27)句式分析句式分析 本句主干为主语本句主干为主语(I)+谓语谓语(had)+宾语宾语(a very busy life) to sit around 为不定式作后置定语。为不定式作后置定语。 feeling sorry fo

24、r myself 为为V-ing作状语,作状语,表伴随状态。表伴随状态。原句试译原句试译句式仿写句式仿写 她躺在床上,盯着树上最她躺在床上,盯着树上最后那一片叶子。后那一片叶子。我的生活很充实我的生活很充实, 没有时间闲坐着顾影没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。自怜。 She lay in bed,staring at the last leaf on the tree. 3. Just accept for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.(P3,Line 37)句式分

25、析句式分析 本句为祈使句,本句为祈使句,accept和和give为两个并为两个并列谓语动词。列谓语动词。 to live 是一个不定式短语,在本句中作是一个不定式短语,在本句中作定语,修饰定语,修饰encouragement. as+形容词形容词+as的结构是用来比较说明前的结构是用来比较说明前后两者在某方面相同。后两者在某方面相同。原句试译原句试译句式仿写句式仿写 看,一个脸似苹果般红的看,一个脸似苹果般红的女孩朝我们走来了。女孩朝我们走来了。要接受他们要接受他们, 给他们鼓励给他们鼓励, 让他们能像让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩你一样过得丰富多彩, 充实美满。充实美满。Look, a gir

26、l whose face is as red as apple is coming towards us. 同步作业同步作业一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 1. The theatre has very good access for the_ (残疾人残疾人).2. I couldnt have done it without your _ (鼓舞鼓舞). 3. Tom is an old lady of great_ (尊严尊严).disabledencouragement dignity 4. The company is looking for an _ (外向的外向的) person to

27、 do the job.5. Children often played trick on the poor girl who is very _ (笨拙的笨拙的) when walking because of her disability on the leg.6. One of her a_ is to become a doctor.outgoingclumsymbitions7. She is very i _ and went on holiday alone.8. She took a years leave of a_ from her job.9. The teacher i

28、s quite satisfied with the s_ result in the exam.10. Dont get a_ with others who ask for your advice sincerely. nnoyed ndependent bsenceatisfying二、介词填空二、介词填空 用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1. They asked him to leave; _ other words,he was fired.2. Dont get annoyed_ your pet dog.3. He has been absent _ class for q

29、uite a long time.4. These films and TV plays are adapted _ the novels.5. Your experience is quite beneficial _ me.inwithfromfromto三、连接词填空三、连接词填空 用适当的连接词填空。用适当的连接词填空。 My life is a lot easier at high school 1_ my fellow students have accepted me. The few 2_ cannot see the real person inside my body do

30、 not make me annoyed,3_ I just ignore them. My ambition is to work for a firm 4_ develops computer software 5_. because whoandthatwhen I grow up. To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time 6_ I find it worthwhile. 7_ I had a chance to say something to healthy children,it would be this: havin

31、g a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying. 8_ dont feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them,and dont ignore them either. but IfSo四、动词填空四、动词填空 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. I have a very busy life with no time _ (sit) around_ (feel) sorry for myself.2. Just accept them for who they a

32、re,and give them encouragement_ (live) as rich and full a life as you do.3. I am happy_ (find) many things I can do,like writing and computer programming. to have found to sit feeling to live五、词形变换五、词形变换 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Id like to assist those with_ (disable).2. Nowadays more and more wome

33、n are becoming _ (independence) of their husband.disabilitiesindependent3. The heavy rain explains his _ (absent).4. The_ (encourage) news made the whole class_ (encourage).5. Health includes physical health and _ (psychology) health. psychological absenceencouragingencouraged六、词语故事六、词语故事 disable al

34、l in all adapt dependbenefit encourage in many ways annoy Lucas,one of my best friends in college,became _ after a car accident during his travel to Yunnan. Hardly _ himself to the misfortune, he got_ easily with everything around him. disabledadaptingannoyedLuckily,_ his parents and friends helped

35、him and gave him _ to stand up again. Hard as he practiced,he finally could walk _. The guy who _ a lot from the experience told me that he was quite confident about the bright future._ ,I wish him all the best. All in allin many ways encouragement independentlybenefited七、完成句子七、完成句子 根据括号内的汉语提示,根据括号内

36、的汉语提示,完成下列句子。完成下列句子。1.The small factories_ (从价格下降中受益从价格下降中受益).2. You should try to_ (适应新环境适应新环境)。benefited from the fall of priceadapt to the new environment3. When we climbed up to the top of the mountain,_ (所有人都上气不接下气了所有人都上气不接下气了)。4. Everyone around_ (取笑取笑他他),so he lost_ (生活生活的勇气的勇气)。5. _ (总的来总的来说我们很愉快说我们很愉快)at the barbecue party. All in all we had a good timeall of us were out of breathmade fun ofthe courage to live



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