七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball单元知识盘点 (新版)人教新目标版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball单元知识盘点 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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1、单元知识盘点单元知识盘点Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball?单元知识盘点Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball?常用短语单元知识盘点1.soccer ball 足球 2. watch TV 看电视3. play sports 参加体育运动 4. at school 在学校5. on TV 在电视上 6. after class 下课后经典句型单元知识盘点1. Do you have a ping-pong bat? 你有乒乓球拍吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我有。2. Does she have a tennis ball? 她有网球吗? Yes, she do

2、es./No, she doesnt. She has a baseball. 是的,她有。 / 不,她没有。她有一个棒球。3. Do they have a basketball? 他们有篮球吗? Yes, they do./No, they dont. They have a volleyball. 是的,他们有。/ 不,他们没有。他们有一个排球。4. That sounds good. 那听起来不错。5. I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. 我没有足球,但是我的哥哥(弟弟)艾伦有。单元知识盘点单元知识盘点6. We g

3、o to the same school and we love soccer. 我们去同一所学 校,并且我们喜欢足球。7. We play it at school with our friends. 我们和朋友们在学校踢足 球。8. I love sports, but I dont play themI only watch them on TV! 我喜爱运动,但是我不做运动我只在电视上观看它们!单元知识盘点9. Its easy for me. 它对我来说很简单。10. After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates. 下课后,我和我的

4、同班同学打乒乓球。语法点睛单元知识盘点1. 行为动词用于描述经常发生的动作。2. 当主语是第三人称单数形式时,行为动词使用第三人称单数形式。变化规则:一般情况加-s以s, sh, ch, x, o结尾的,加-es 以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i,再加-es have变为has课文再现单元知识盘点完成短文,有的空要填入适当的内容,有的空要用括号内单词的正确形式。Frank BrownI dont have a soccer ball, 1. _my brother Alan does. We go to the same school and 2. _(us) love soccer. We p

5、lay it at school with our friends. Its 3. _(relax).butwerelaxing单元知识盘点Gina SmithI have two soccer balls, three 4. _ (volleyball), four basketballs and five baseballs and bats. I love 5. _ (sport), but I dont play 6. _(it) I only watch them 7. _TV!Wang WeiSoccer 8. _ (be) difficult. I like ping-pong. Its easy 9. _ me. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong 10. _ my classmates.volleyballssportsthemonisforwith



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