上海牛津版七年级第二学期7B Unit4

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1、Unit4 Lets go shopping上海版牛津英语7年级第二学期邵邵杰杰网网校校 单词讲解邵邵杰杰网网校校单词解析词组辨析语法夯实1. anything eni pron. 1. anything eni pron. 任何东西任何东西 I dont have anything but will 除了意志我一无所有。【友情提示】修饰anything的形容词应置于其后。anything用于否定句和疑问句中;anything也可表示“任何东西”,主要用在肯定句中。邵邵杰杰网网校校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example2. 2. jeans di:nz n. jeans di:nz n

2、. 牛仔裤牛仔裤Lots of young people wear jeans nowadays.现在,很多年轻人穿牛仔裤。【友情提示 】在英语中,表示“裤子”的词通常使用复数。如:trousers, pants, shorts等。邵邵杰杰网网校校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example3 3. .myself maself pron.myself maself pron. 我自己我自己I learn French by myself.我自学了法语。【 反身代词】yourself, yourselves, ourselves, himself, herself, itself, them

3、selves. 邵邵杰杰网网校校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example4. kid kd n.4. kid kd n. 小孩小孩Our kids are playing football.我们的小孩正在踢足球。【拓展】kid v. 开玩笑 Im not kidding.我没有开玩笑。邵邵杰杰网网校校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example5. fashion fn n. 5. fashion fn n. 时尚,流行时尚,流行Long skirts have come to fashion again. Jeans are still in fashion, too.又开始流行长裙

4、了。牛仔裤也很时髦。fashion n.时装:This shop always sells the latest fashions.fashionable adj.时髦的: She wears a fashionable hat.词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校6. super su:p(r) adj. 6. super su:p(r) adj. 超级的超级的 That was a super meal.那顿饭好极了。【拓展】supermarket n.超级市场 superman n.超人词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校7. spot

5、 spt n. 7. spot spt n. 斑点;点斑点;点She had spots on her forehead whenwas ill .生病的时候,她额头上有一些斑点。【拓展】spotless adj. 纯洁的;没有污点的She wore a spotless white skirt.词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校8. 8. neck nek n.neck nek n.衣领;领子衣领;领子Look at my neck.【辨析】1) collar 指的是有领服装的衣领2)neck 指无领服装的领圈,还有“脖子”的意思。词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For

6、example邵邵杰杰网网校校9. check tek n.9. check tek n.方格图案;格子方格图案;格子Do you like these curtains with checks?你喜欢这些有格子图案的窗帘吗?【拓展】check v. 核对,检查: Passengers should check in for Flight BA 125 to Berlin nowcheck n.支票: Do you want to pay by check?词组解析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校10. excuse kskju:s v. 10. excuse kskju

7、:s v. 原谅原谅Please excuse my bad handwriting.请原谅我的字写得不好。excuse n. 理由;借口His excuse for being late was that he had missed the train.他迟到的理由是没有赶上那班火车。词组解析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校11. 11. certainlycertainly s:tnli adj. s:tnli adj. 当然;行当然;行This certainly is his excuse.这一定是他的借口。【近义词】surely adv. 无疑;必定【反义词】d

8、oubtfully adv. 怀疑地;含糊地【拓展】certain adj. 确定的;无疑的词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校12. 12. loose lu:s adj.loose lu:s adj. 宽松的宽松的She wore a loose dress yesterday.昨天她穿了一条宽松的连衣裙。【反义词】tight adj.紧身的;紧的【拓展】loosen放松;使松弛的词组解析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校13. 13. tight tat adj.tight tat adj. 紧身的;紧的紧身的;紧的The shoes are

9、 too tight for me.这双鞋子我穿太紧了。【拓展】tighten v.收紧;拉紧词组解析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校14. medium mi:dim adj. 14. medium mi:dim adj. 中等的,中号中等的,中号He is of medium height. 他是中等身高。【拓展】 extra-small(特小), small (小号), medium(中号), large (大号), extra-large (特大号)词组解析单词解析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校1 1. all right . all right

10、好的好的1)all right=OK=sure=of course好的;没问题-Shall we watch TV now?-All right.2) thats all right 没关系;别客气-Thank for helping me solve that problem.-Thats all right.3)Im all right=Im fine/well身体好4) thats right 对的,正确的单词解析词组辨析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校For example2. 2. excuse meexcuse me 劳驾;请原谅劳驾;请原谅劳驾;请原谅劳驾;请原谅E

11、xcuse me, what time is it?劳驾,现在几点了?excuse me使用的场合:1) 向人问路时。2)因失礼而请求别人原谅。3)客气地纠正别人的话4)在席间或聚会场合需离开片刻。单词解析词组辨析语法夯实For example邵邵杰杰网网校校2. 2. sorrysorry 对不起对不起对不起对不起【辨析】Im sorry使用的场合:1) 当自己要说的话或做的事引起别人不快。2)当自己无法帮助别人时。3)当自己做错事或说错话。4)当听到不幸的消息时。Im sorry for+动名词Im sorry for having kept you waiting so long.单词解

12、析词组辨析语法夯实邵邵杰杰网网校校3. over there 3. over there 在那边在那边I put the computer over there at your suggestion. 根据你的建议,我把电脑放在那边。What size do you want?你想要什么尺寸?单词解析词组辨析语法夯实For example4. in ones size 4. in ones size 某人穿的尺寸某人穿的尺寸For example邵邵杰杰网网校校动词动词needneed1)need 可以作为情态动词,否定形式:neednt,疑问句形式need提前Need I pay the w

13、hole amount now?You neednt do it now.You can do it later.2)need可以作为行为动词,意为“需要”Ill call you if anything is needed.单词解析语法夯实词组辨析邵邵杰杰网网校校注意: 1)need+doing,主动表被动的意思 。Whose chair needs fixing?2)need的后面接不定式,不定式应该使用被动形式He will need to be looked after. 单词解析语法夯实词组辨析邵邵杰杰网网校校For exampleFor example选择正确答案1. -Must

14、I be in hospital for a week, Doctor?-No, you _. You can go back home tomorrow.A. mustnt B. neednt C. must 2. There is no rice in the bag, _?A. is there B. is it C. isnt there D. isnt it单词解析语法夯实词组辨析BA邵邵杰杰网网校校3.Mr. Smith has bought a large house _ a swimming pool. A. in B. with C. of D. at 4. I have j

15、ust heard on the radio that Nanjing Road is jammed _ cars. A. in B.on C. with D. at5. My mother left school in 2005, and since then he _ in Beijing.A. lives B. lived C. will live D. has lived单词解析语法夯实词组辨析BCD邵邵杰杰网网校校单词解析语法夯实词组辨析邵邵杰杰网网校校选择正确答案1. -Do you prefer the _(jean/jeans)with the white belt?- No,

16、 I prefer the _(one/ones) with the yellow belt.2. Which do you prefer, the blouse with the white collar or the _(one/ones) with blue collar?3. I need to buy some food and drink _(to/for) dinner.4. Do you need _(something/anything) from the shop?单词解析语法夯实词组辨析邵邵杰杰网网校校 按要求改写句子1. Well go to Toys for Kids. (改为否定句)We _ _ to Toys for kids.2. I will buy your father a pair of shoes. (保持句意不变)I will _ a pair of shoes _ your father.3. Sue likes dancing better than singing. (保持句意不变)Sue _ dacing _ singing.4. I need to buy a computer book for my father._ _ you _ to buy for your father?



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