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1、Unit 2Unit 2RevisionRevision Oxford English 8A Oxford English 8A 学习目标:学习目标:1. 了解一些英国与美国英语的区别了解一些英国与美国英语的区别(P23)。2. 掌握掌握more-than和和fewer-than修饰修饰可数名词,可数名词,more-than和和less-than修饰不可数名词的用法。修饰不可数名词的用法。 (P28-30)3.掌握掌握the same as和和be different from的用法。的用法。 (P31)翻译下列词组翻译下列词组1.schools around the word2.a mixe

2、d school3.how to cook and sew4.near the end of each class5.have driving lessons6.a close friend7.read newspapers and magazines8.cook healthy and tasty meals9.9.my ideal school10.life in an American school11.after school activities12.on one side of the street schools 世界各地的学校一所混合型学校如何烧饭缝补每堂课要结束时上驾驶课一个

3、亲密的朋友看报纸和杂志烧健康美味的饭菜我的理想学校一所美国学校的生活课外活动在街道的一边翻译下列词组翻译下列词组 13.wear school uniforms14.talk about different schools15.be different from16.chat with each other happily17.go on a school trip18.pratise swimming three times a week19.have a great time doing sth.20.Home Economics class21.the length of the sum

4、mer holidays22.the number of the students23.in hospital穿校服讨论不同的学校与-不同彼此聊得非常开心进行学校旅游一周三次游泳做某事很开心家政课暑假的长度学生的数量住院开车送我回家开车送我回家drive me home花大量时间练习花大量时间练习spend lots of time practicing午餐期间午餐期间 during lunchtime钦佩某人钦佩某人 比乘公交车花更少的时间比乘公交车花更少的时间admire sb.take less time than taking the bus做健康美味的饭做健康美味的饭 cook he

5、althy and tasty meals / food倾听我的困难倾听我的困难 listen to my problems在在16岁时岁时 at the age of 16 / at age 16 / at 16有两周休假有两周休假 have two weeks off/have two weeks holiday have a two-week holiday 做早操做早操 do morning exercises 课外活动课外活动after-school activities伤了某人的腿伤了某人的腿hurt ones leg 1.too 多用于口语,用于句末,前面常有逗多用于口语,用于句

6、末,前面常有逗号隔开号隔开;若在句中,前后均有逗号。若在句中,前后均有逗号。also较为正式,只用于句中,较为正式,只用于句中,通常接近动词通常接近动词,不用于句末。不用于句末。as well 多用于口语中多用于口语中,只用于句末只用于句末。以上三个以上三个“也也“均均不用于否定句中不用于否定句中, 否定句否定句中用中用either.用用too, also, as well, either填空:填空: (1)He likes drawing _.(2)He _ likes drawing.(3)She is teacher, _.(4)Sandy is not a worker, _.(5)T

7、hey want to read all their friends books _ .as welltooeitheralsoas well2.be able to ,can,could1.She _ sing many English songs.2._ you ride a bike when you were seven years old ?3.If you go out at night ,you _ see thousands of stars.can /is able toCould will be able to1.can/could 用于表示能力,有用于表示能力,有“能,会

8、,能够能,会,能够”的意思的意思 只有现在时和过去时两种形式。其他时态要用只有现在时和过去时两种形式。其他时态要用 be able to 来表达。来表达。3.Subject,lesson,class subject 学科,科目,主题,也许是课程里讨论学科,科目,主题,也许是课程里讨论的一个论题之类的一个论题之类 。 lesson指某一堂课,该堂课是以讲授知识为主指某一堂课,该堂课是以讲授知识为主 class班级,课,是指一堂课,可以是讲授,也可班级,课,是指一堂课,可以是讲授,也可以是讨论或者别的形式以是讨论或者别的形式4.taste,tasty1.I dont like the _ of b

9、ananas.2.The drink _ very nice.3.It _ like beer.4.The meat smeels nice.Can I have a _.5.My mother knows how to cook healthy and _ mealstastetastestastestastetasty1.taste (1) 名词名词.味道味道 (2)连系动词连系动词.尝起来尝起来. (3)动词动词.品尝品尝2.tasty 形容词形容词.美味的,可口的美味的,可口的5.任何any学校图书馆的任何一本书any book in the school library在这家中餐馆,

10、你可以选择任何你喜欢的食物.You can choose any food you like in this Chinese restaurant.他比班上任何一个男孩都要高.He is taller than any other student in his class.6.a library with a lot of books 1.I invited him to have dinner with me .2.The boy cut the wood with a knife .3.I want to own a house with a garden .4.The thief lef

11、t the bank with a bag of money.5.With his help ,we finished the job in time.和和用(某种工具)用(某种工具)具有,带有具有,带有带着,拿着带着,拿着由于由于结束,末端end在最后 in the end = at last= finally在的最后at the end of在这个月底at the end of this month在街道的尽头at the end of the street在上学期快结束的时候near the end of last term.数字,数目number你的电话号码是多少?Whats your

12、 telephone number ?我们班的学生数是The number of students is 50 in our class.许多的学生正在植树A number of students are planting trees.1.We always have a great time talking to each other at lunch time.2. We often go on a spring trip to the museum or to the park.3. Whats your ideal school like? It is like a big famil

13、y.4.Im teaching myself how to make delicious and healthy food.5. I spend much time practising dancing after school.6. We have a big school with three basketball courts and a swimming pool.7.The number of the students and the teachers of our school is bigger than that of yours. Our school has more te

14、achers and students than yours. 五.重点句型1.你知道如何做饭吗?你知道如何做饭吗?2.我每周上一次驾驶课。我每周上一次驾驶课。3.她每天花好多时间练习说英语。她每天花好多时间练习说英语。4.在冬天,我们总是愉快地滑雪。在冬天,我们总是愉快地滑雪。Do you know how to cook?I have driving lessons once a week.She spends a lot of time practicing speaking English. In winter, we always have a great time skiing.5

15、.我的好友在任何时候都会倾听我的问题。我的好友在任何时候都会倾听我的问题。6. 我累了,你能开车送我回家吗?我累了,你能开车送我回家吗?7.家政课是一门关于烹饪和缝纫的科目。家政课是一门关于烹饪和缝纫的科目。8.他是我的偶像,因为他会说很多种外语。他是我的偶像,因为他会说很多种外语。My buddy will listen to my problems any time.Im tired. Could you drive me home?Home Economics is a subject about cooking and sewing.He is my hero because he c

16、an speak many foreign languages.1.用用more than, fewer than, less than完成句子完成句子: (1)Simon的的桔子桔子比比sandy少少。Simon has _ oranges _ Sandy.fewer than(4) 他早饭吃的比我他早饭吃的比我少少。He eats _ food _ I for breakfast.less thanmorethan之间可以加之间可以加可数名词的复数可数名词的复数 或者或者不可数名词不可数名词。fewerthan 之间加之间加可数名词的复数可数名词的复数形式形式.lessthan 之间加之间

17、加不可数名词不可数名词。Translation汤姆学的科目比彼得多汤姆学的科目比彼得多 Tom studies more subjects than Peter.2.我们加入的俱乐部比汤姆和汉克少。我们加入的俱乐部比汤姆和汉克少。We join fewer clubs than Tom and Hank.3.我妹妹空闲时间比我少我妹妹空闲时间比我少.My sister has less free time than I.4.我校的教师比你校的多。我校的教师比你校的多。There are more teachers in my school than in yours.5.Lucy 比比Tom

18、有钱。有钱。Lucy has more money than Tom.6.Lily 的花比的花比Millie 的花少。的花少。Lily has fewer flowers than Millie.7. Sandy喝的牛奶比喝的牛奶比Simon少。少。Sandy drinks less milk than Simon.8.Millie 的朋友比的朋友比Daniel多。多。Millie has more friends than Daniel.1. 昨天昨天Amy得了最高分得了最高分.2. Simon得分最少得分最少.3. 我的钱最多我的钱最多.4. 他的水最少他的水最少.Amy got/scor

19、ed _ points.Simon gets/scores _ points. I have _ money.He has _ water.the mostthe fewestthe mostthe least2.用用the most , the fewest, the least完成句子完成句子: 2.the most, the fewest, the least 分别是分别是many/much, few, little的最高级的最高级.the most 表示表示“最最, 最多最多”后面可以加后面可以加可可数或不可数名词数或不可数名词; the fewest 后面加后面加可数名词的复数可数名

20、词的复数形式形式, 表表示示“最少最少”; the least表示表示“最少最少”, 后面跟上后面跟上不可数名不可数名词词.Translation 1.他有许多书,我有更多的书,她的书更多。He has many books.I have more books .She has the most books.2.我得的分数很少,艾米得的分数更少, 汤姆得的分数最少。I scored few points.Amy scored fewer points.Tom scored the fewest points. 3.他的钱很少,我的钱更少,她的钱更少。 He has little money.I

21、 have less money. She has the least money. 4.丹尼尔钓的鱼比我多,西蒙钓的鱼最多。 Daniel caught more fish than I. Simon caught the most. 5.他参加的俱乐部比我少,但艾丽丝参加的俱 乐部最少。 He joins fewer clubs than I, but Alice joins the fewest. 6.这次考试谁的分最低? Who scored the fewest points in the exam?3.用用the same as 和和 be different from完成句完成句

22、子子:1.Simons jacket is _ Johns. 2. Daniel的制服和的制服和Simon的相同的相同, 但是与但是与John的不同的不同.Daniels uniform is _ Simons, but _ Johns. (中考指导中考指导)is different fromthe same asthe same as3. Nancy的时间表和的时间表和John的时间表不一样。的时间表不一样。Nancys timetable is _ Johns timetable.4. 她的发型和她妈妈的一样。她的发型和她妈妈的一样。Her hair style is _ _ her mo

23、thers.the same asdifferent from当我们说某一物品恰好像另外一物品时,当我们说某一物品恰好像另外一物品时, 我我们用们用the same as. 当我们说某一物品不像另一当我们说某一物品不像另一物品时,我们用物品时,我们用be different from.Translation1.她的包和我的一模一样。她的包和我的一模一样。Her bag is the same as mine.2.我的裤子和我的裤子和Lucy 的一模一样。的一模一样。My trousers are the same as Lucys.3.他和我们讲一样的语言。他和我们讲一样的语言。He spea

24、ks the same language as we do.4.我买了一本和你一样的书。我买了一本和你一样的书。I bought the same book as you did .5.他的学校生活和我们的学校生活不一样他的学校生活和我们的学校生活不一样.His school life is different from our school life.His school life is not the same as our school life.6.他和他弟弟的脾气不同他和他弟弟的脾气不同.He is quite different from his brother in temper

25、.7.Lily的凳子和的的凳子和的Lucy的凳子一样大的凳子一样大.Lucys desk is the same size as Lucys desk. Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs i 1 of people. They say that at a circus(杂技技场),for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs

26、 and other animals doing q 2 skillful things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer always g 3 the animal some sugar o 4 a piece of fruit as a reward. The scientists say that many d 5 animals may be trained to do a lot of simpl

27、e things if they know they will get a reward f 6 doing that.Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to look after a house, and soldiers in both old and modern t 7 have u 8 geese to give warning by m 9 a lot of noise when an enemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f 10 .一、短文填空一、短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。factoriesmaking used timesfor different or gives quite instead 七七.中心任务中心任务v写一篇介绍你理想中的学校的文章.Time table Your favourite subjectsWhat is it like inside /outside school ?



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