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1、概述:字母,音素,音标字母:字母是书写的最小单位。英语单词是由26个字母构成的。(5个元音字母,21个辅音字母)音素:音素是语音的最小单位。是字母在单词中的发音,共48个,其中元音20个,辅音28个。音标:音标是音素的书面符号,它与汉语拼音类似。用 / / / 来表示。元音(20个)元音分为单单元音(12个)和双双元音(8个) 单元音可以分为前元音(4个),中元音(3个),后元音(5个)。双元音可以分为合口合口双元音(5个)和集中集中双元音(3个)前元音(4个)/ i: / / /e / / /扁唇形,舌尖抵下齿,依次张大 1) i: 发音字母: e ee ea ie ei ey evenin

2、g the she me hegreen see three meet beef please tea teacher speak piece receive key2) 发音字母: i e ysit it is this quilt in jacket English many happy3) e 发音字母: e ea a spell red Eric pen yellowhead bread sweatermany any 4) 发音字母: amap black thanks that can Frank Alice中元音(3个) / : / / / / / 发音要领: 圆唇,舌悬空中高,

3、依次张大 5) : 发音字母:ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty third bird turn nurse purple Thursday learn early earth heardruler her work worker word world 6) 发音字母: o a e ur uretogether tomorrow todayabout ago away banana Chinastudent children openhello7) 发音字母: u o ou oo cup up bus butcome mother brother lo

4、vetrouble blood flood后元音(5个) / u: / / / / : / / / / : / 扁圆唇,舌后缩底高,依次张大8) u: 发音字母: oo o utoo zoo food school roomwho do two toblue ruler true9) 发音字母: oo ou u ogood look foot book wood should could wouldput full pull pushwoman wolf 10) : 发音字母: al ar au or our oorall small wall talkwarm quarter daughter autumnshort horse for fortyfour your door floor11) 发音字母: o a orange Bob lot not boxwhat want wash watch 12) : 发音字母: ar acar farm card fast class afternoon



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