高中英语课时讲练通配套课件:Unit2《English around the world》Period 3(新人教版必修1)

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《高中英语课时讲练通配套课件:Unit2《English around the world》Period 3(新人教版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语课时讲练通配套课件:Unit2《English around the world》Period 3(新人教版必修1)(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、“Stand up! ”the teacher said to us. The teacher told us to stand up . “Dont play games in the classroom, ” the monitor said to us. The monitor told us not to play games in the classroom. He said to them, “Dont go out at night. ”He ordered them not to go out at night . The teacherall of his students

2、to stand up and sing together. A. suggestedB. orderedC. beggedD. pleased【解解析析】选选B。order sb. to do sth. 命命令令某某人人做做某某事事。句句意意:老师命令所有学生站起来一起唱歌。故选老师命令所有学生站起来一起唱歌。故选B。当当祈祈使使句句作作直直接接引引语语表表示示要要求求和和命命令令时时,变变间间接接引引语语时时常常采采用用 tell/order/command sb. to do sth. 的的形形式式。若若原原句句中中没没有有称呼语,通常可加上称呼语,通常可加上me, him, us等宾语

3、。等宾语。若若直直接接引引语语中中祈祈使使句句是是否否定定形形式式, 变变间间接接引引语语时时, 不不定定式符号式符号to前要加前要加 not或或never。她说:她说:“不要在这儿等了不要在这儿等了! ” (用直接引语翻译用直接引语翻译)“Dont wait here any longer, ”she said. “Please dont be late again, ”he said. He asked me not to be late again . “Would you (please) help me with my English? ”he begged. He begged m

4、e to help him with his English . The teacher said, “Will you please not smoke here? ”The teacher requested me not to smoke there . He asked, “Can you give me a lift? ”He asked me to give him a lift . If anyone comes, tell them Im ill and ask themanother day. A. visitB. to visitC. visitingD. visit【解解

5、析析】选选B。 根根据据ask sb. to do sth. 可可确确定定选选B。句句意意:如如果有人来,告诉他们我病了,请他们改天再来。果有人来,告诉他们我病了,请他们改天再来。1. 当当祈祈使使句句作作直直接接引引语语表表示示请请求求时时,变变间间接接引引语语时时常常采采用用request/beg/ ask sb. to do sth. 的形式。的形式。2. 有有些些疑疑问问句句并并非非提提出出询询问问,而而是是表表示示请请求求或或祈祈求求,这这种种问问句句变变间间接接引引语语时时和和一一般般祈祈使使句句一一样样,也也常常采采用用ask/beg / request sb. to do st

6、h. 结构。结构。1. 其其否否定定形形式式变变间间接接引引语语时时, 不不定定式式符符号号to前前也也要要加加 not或或never。2. 若原句中没有称呼语,通常可加上若原句中没有称呼语,通常可加上me, him, us等宾语。等宾语。3. 祈使句中的祈使句中的please 在间接引语中必须省去。在间接引语中必须省去。 He said, “Lets go to the museum. ”He suggested that we (should) go to the museum . David said, “let me do it for you. ”David offered to d

7、o it for me . Bill suggested a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. 2011北京高一检测北京高一检测A. having heldB. to holdC. holdingD. hold【解解析析】选选C。根根据据suggest doing可可确确定定选选C。 动动词词hold不不发发生在生在suggest之前,故之前,故A项不正确。项不正确。 表表建建议议、要要求求或或劝劝告告的的祈祈使使句句变变间间接接引引语语时时,可可以以用用suggest, insist, offer

8、等动词加以转述。等动词加以转述。转转述述间间接接引引语语时时要要注注意意suggest, insist, offer, advise等等动动词词的的固固定定搭搭配配和和习习惯惯用用法法。如如suggest doing。但但如如果果后后面面接接that从从句句时时,从从句句谓谓语语就就要要考考虑虑用用虚虚拟拟语语气气,用用should+动动词词原形,且原形,且should可省略。可省略。(1)她说:她说:“天气是多么的好啊!天气是多么的好啊!”She said, “What a lovely day it is! ”(用直接引语翻译)(用直接引语翻译)She said what a lovely

9、 day it was. (用间接引语翻译)(用间接引语翻译)She said that it was a lovely day. (用宾语从句翻译)(用宾语从句翻译)(2)“Merry Christmas! ” he said to me. (变为间接引语)(变为间接引语)He wished me a Merry Christmas. 直直接接引引语语是是感感叹叹句句,变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,间间接接引引语语可可以以用用what 或或how引导,也可以用引导,也可以用that引导。引导。表表祝祝愿愿的的感感叹叹句句转转述述要要根根据据原原句句的的意意思思采采用用合合适适的的动动词变为陈

10、述句式。词变为陈述句式。单句改错单句改错Tom said he hopes to find a special gift for his mother. 答案:答案: hopes改为改为hopedShe said she will go to see her friend. 答案:答案:will 改为改为wouldThe teacher told me the earth moved around the sun and the moon moves around the earth. 答案:答案:moved改为改为movesMr. Wang said he had been born on

11、April 21, 1979. 答案:答案:had been 改为改为wasThe doctor asked me what the matter was with me. 答案:答案:把把was放于放于what与与 the matter之间之间He said that his bikestolen and hetelephone the police. A. is; would have toB. has; will have toC. has been; will have toD. had been; would have to【解解析析】选选D。句句意意: 他他说说他他的的自自行行车车

12、被被偷偷 了了,他他将将不不得得不不报报警警。由由said可可知知第第一一个个空空用用过过去去完完成成时时,第第二二个个空空用用过过去去将将来来时。时。1. 改改为为间间接接引引语语,主主句句谓谓语语动动词词为为过过去去时时态态时时,从从句句谓谓语语动动词词用用相相应应过过去去时时态态; 现现在在时时态态需需改改为为过过去去时时态态;过过去去时时态态改改为为过去完成时态。过去完成时态。2. 直接引语属于下列情况时时态不变:直接引语属于下列情况时时态不变:(1)直接引语是客观真理。)直接引语是客观真理。(2)直接引语是过去进行时。)直接引语是过去进行时。(3)直接引语中有具体的过去某年、月、日作

13、状语。)直接引语中有具体的过去某年、月、日作状语。(4)直接引语用一般现在时表示一种习惯性的动作。)直接引语用一般现在时表示一种习惯性的动作。(5)直接引语为过去完成时。)直接引语为过去完成时。直直接接引引语语变变为为间间接接引引语语时时用用陈陈述述句句语语序序,只只有有whats wrong /whats the matter语序不变。语序不变。 . 将下列直接引语变为间接引语将下列直接引语变为间接引语1. Mother said to her daughter, “Hurry up! ” Mother ordered her daughter to hurry up. 2. “Come a

14、t five oclock,”she said to him. She told him to come at five oclock. 3. “Dont swim too far, ”I said to the boys. I told/warned the boys not to swim too far. 4. “Let me stay up a little longer tonight, mother. ”he begged. He begged his mother to let him stay up a little longer that night. 5. He said,

15、 “Happy birthday. ” He wished me a happy birthday. . 翻译句子翻译句子1. 他说:他说:“比尔,你最好抓紧一点。比尔,你最好抓紧一点。”He said, “Bill, youd better hurry. ”2. 他告诉孩子们不要发出噪音。他告诉孩子们不要发出噪音。He told the children not to make noise. 3. 他问我是否可以借给他他问我是否可以借给他10元钱。元钱。He asked me if I could lend him 10 yuan. 4. 他建议今晚召开一次会议。他建议今晚召开一次会议。He

16、 suggested holding a meeting tonight. 5. 他让贝蒂去关窗户。他让贝蒂去关窗户。He asked Betty to shut/close the window. . 单项填空单项填空1. He regrettedsilly mistakes he had made. A. whatB. howC. thatD. which 【解解析析】选选A。直直接接引引语语是是what引引导导的的感感叹叹句句,变变为为间间接接引引语后还是由语后还是由what引导。由引导。由mistakes可知可知how不合适。不合适。2. What did the teacher sa

17、y? He told meagain. A. not to lateB. not to be lateC. to be not late D. not being late【解解析析】选选B。“告告诉诉某某人人不不要要做做某某事事”要要用用tell sb. not to do sth. 结构。结构。3. “Please explain why youre so late.” the boss said angrily. “What did the boss say to me? ”“He ” A. orders you to explain why you are so late. B. or

18、dered you to explain why were you so late. C. asked you to explain why were you so late. D. ordered you to explain why you were so late. 【解解析析】选选D。由由said确确定定用用过过去去时时;宾宾语语从从句句中中应应用用陈陈述述句句语序,故选语序,故选D。4. The teacherme to have another try. A. warnedB. suggestedC. hopedD. asked【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:老老师师请请我我再再试试

19、一一次次。ask sb. not to do sth. 请请求求某某人人不不做做某某事事;warn sb. not to do sth. 警警告告某某人人不不做做某某事事;suggest和和hope都都不不能能用用于于此此结结构构。结结合合句句意意,应应选选D项。项。5. The teacher requested usso much noise. A. dont makeB. not make C. not makingD. not to make【解析解析】选选D。request sb. not to do sth.请求某人不要做某事。请求某人不要做某事。6. He asked, “How

20、 are you getting along? ”He asked me. A. how am I getting alongB. how are you getting alongC. how I was getting alongD. how was I getting along 【解解析析】选选C。变变为为间间接接引引语语要要用用陈陈述述句句语语序序,而而且且时时态态要要与与asked一致。一致。7. The teacher asked usin deep water. A. dont swimB. not swimC. not swimming D. not to swim【解解析析

21、】选选D。ask之之后后可可以以接接含含有有不不定定式式的的复复合合宾宾语语,否否定定词词not应应置置于于不不定定式式符符号号to之之前前。把把该该句句变变成成直直接接引引语语即即为为:The teacher said to us, “Dont swim in deep water. ”。【规律方法规律方法】祈使句变化口诀祈使句变化口诀 一改,二变,三加,四去一改,二变,三加,四去祈祈使使句句变变成成间间接接引引语语时时,根根据据说说话话人人的的语语气气分分别别用用beg, tell, ask, order等作谓语,将原来的祈使句改为动词不定式。等作谓语,将原来的祈使句改为动词不定式。一改:

22、一改:said (to) 改为改为asked或或told, ordered等。等。二变:二变:said to 的宾语或称呼语变为的宾语或称呼语变为asked等的宾语。等的宾语。三加:即在动词原形前加三加:即在动词原形前加to,使成为动词不定式。,使成为动词不定式。四去:去掉四去:去掉please。如:。如:The teacher said to the librarian, “Please give me the book. ” The teacher asked the librarian to give her the book. 老师让图书管理员给她这本书。老师让图书管理员给她这本书。8

23、. “Dont put it on my hat, ” his wife said to him. His wife told him put it on hat. A. dont; hisB. dont; herC. not to; his D. not to; her【解解析析】选选D。告告诉诉某某人人不不要要做做某某事事用用“tell sb. not to do sth. ”;句句意意为为:他他的的妻妻子子告告诉诉他他不不要要把把它它放放在在她她的的帽帽子子上上。直接引语中的直接引语中的my变成间接引语后应改成变成间接引语后应改成her。9. The teacher asked, “Ar

24、e you ready? ”The teacher asked us. A. if we were readyB. that we were readyC. to be readyD. whether we are ready【解解析析】选选A。直直接接引引语语是是一一般般疑疑问问句句,变变为为间间接接引引语语后后要要用用“if/whether+陈陈述述句句”语语序序。该该句句时时态态也也由由原原来来的的一一般般现在时变为一般过去时。故选现在时变为一般过去时。故选A。10. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mo

25、ther told him. A. not toB. not to doC. not do itD. do not to【解解析析】选选A。由由语语境境可可推推出出后后半半句句直直接接引引语语为为:but his mother said to him, “Dont ride your bicycle in the street. ”因因此此改改为为间间接接引引语语时时应应为为:but his mother told him not to ride his bicycle in the street, 为了避免重复,只保留不定式符号为了避免重复,只保留不定式符号to。11. My English

26、 teacher advised I keep my mouth shut to improve my spoken English. A. toB. not toC. notD. mustnt【解解析析】选选C。advise + 从从句句(主主语语+ should do),should可可以以省省略略。主主语语I限限定定advise后后只只能能接接宾宾语语从从句句。若若用用不不定定式式表表达,应用宾格达,应用宾格me。12. What did she say just now? Sheyou not to forget to bring your ticket. A. saidB. told

27、C. suggestedD. ordered【解解析析】选选B。考考查查间间接接引引语语。告告诉诉某某人人不不要要做做某某事事要要用用tell sb. not to do sth. 结构。结构。13. Mary, here; everybody else, stay where you are. A. comeB. comesC. to comeD. coming 【解解析析】选选A。题题干干为为祈祈使使句句。句句意意:玛玛丽丽,过过来来;别别的的人人呆在原处。呆在原处。14. She said, “How lovely the present is! ”She said that. A. h

28、ow lovely the present isB. what lovely the present isC. how the present is lovelyD. how lovely the present was【解解析析】选选D。直直接接引引语语如如果果是是how引引导导的的感感叹叹句句,变变为为间间接接引引语语要要用用how或或what引引导导。再再结结合合时时态态一一致致的的原原则则,故故选选D。15. John suggestedswimming tomorrow. A. goingB. to goC. we will go D. we going【解解析析】选选A。表表示示建建议议的的祈祈使使句句变变为为间间接接引引语语可可用用suggest转转述述,但但具具体体形形式式根根据据情情况况而而定定。suggest doing正正合合要要求求。如果用如果用C项形式,需将项形式,需将will改为改为should或去掉或去掉will。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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