八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all P1 Welcome to the unit课件

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1、traintheOlympicGamessupportmeaningful vi.& vt.接受训练;培接受训练;培训;训练训;训练 n.(=theOlympics)奥奥林匹克运动会林匹克运动会v.支持支持 adj.有意义的有意义的Words&phrasereviewWords&phrasereviewblinddeafdisabledelderlyhomeless adj.瞎的瞎的 adj.聋的聋的 adj.残疾的残疾的 adj.年老的年老的 adj.无家可归的无家可归的ListenandanswerListentothedialoguebetweenEddieandHoboandanswe

2、rthefollowingquestions.1.WhatisHobodoing?2.WillEddiesupportHobo?HowwillhesupportHobo?3.WhatdoesHoboneedEddietodoforhim?Questions He needs Eddie to give him some more food.Yes. Eddie is going to give Hobo some money.He is training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games.Fill in the blanks.Hoboistrain

3、ingtobea_fortheOlympicGames.Eddiethinksits_todosomethingfortheOlympics,sohegivesHobosomemoneyto_him.ButHobodoesntneed_,hejustneeds_toeatatwork.volunteermeaningfulsupportmoney some more foodDo you know Project Hope?大眼睛大眼睛小女孩小女孩小光头小光头大鼻涕大鼻涕Origin:inOct.1989Aim:toraisemoneytohelpthechildrentogotoschool

4、Projects:bulid more schoolsfund the poor children to go to schooltrain more teachersLetswatchapieceofvideoaboutProjectHope.YouwillknowmoreaboutProjectHopethroughit.Pleaseremember:Love, give children a bright tomorrow.Hope, give children a beautiful world.There are a lot of people in need around us.

5、Lets look at some pictures and try to figure out the problems with them. Then write the correct words in the blanks.a_persona_personpoordisableda_personblindan_personelderlya_personhomeless_peopledeafPut a tick() in the boxes if you have ever helped these people.AmyandDanielaretalkingaboutpeoplewhon

6、eedhelp.Listentothedialogueandwritedownthewaystohelphomelesspeople.Ways to help homeless people:1. Give them food and clothes2. Write to local government and the government can provide special places for them to stay.Work in pairs and discuss the people in Part A. Use the conversation as a model.Tal

7、k What are? How can we help? 1.Willyousupportme,Eddie?你会支持我吗?你会支持我吗?supportv.支持,支撑支持,支撑Thebridgeisstrongenoughtosupportheavytrucks.这座桥经得起重卡车通行。这座桥经得起重卡车通行。Hopeyoucansupportuswhenweareintrouble希望你在我们需要帮忙时,能给我们以希望你在我们需要帮忙时,能给我们以帮助。帮助。n.支持,不可数名词。支持,不可数名词。常用在下列短语中:常用在下列短语中:withthesupportof“在在的支持下的支持下”;w




11、xcited.A.surpriseB.supportC.hopeD.wish.根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我们在这儿为公众提供服务。我们在这儿为公众提供服务。_2.他们制定了计划帮助无家可归的人。他们制定了计划帮助无家可归的人。_We are here to provide a service for the public.They made a plan to help homeless people.3.我刚刚在街上见了一位白发老妇人。我刚刚在街上见了一位白发老妇人。_4.在警察局的帮助下,我们找到了失踪在警察局的帮助下,我们找到了失踪的孩子。的孩子。_5.博物馆有专供

12、残疾人使用的设施博物馆有专供残疾人使用的设施(facility)。)。_I saw an elderly lady with white hair on the street just now.With the support of the police station, we found the lost child.There are some facilities for disabled people in the museum.1. support sb2. have no place to live3. providefor4. need some more food to eat5. Its meaningful to do something for the Olympics.6. How can we help homeless people?1.ToreadthetextonPage802.TosearchforsomeinformationabouttheSpecialOlympicsWorldGamesDiscussmorewaystohelppeopleinneed.



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