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1、British EducationBritish EducationChapter 6Chapter 61IntroductionThe purpose of British education system is not only to provide children with literacy( “3 Rs”: reading, (w)rting and and (a)rithmetic ) and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society but also to socialize

2、 children. 2History of EducationHistorically, education was voluntary and many of the schools were set up by churches. The influence of the church on schooling is strong: religious education was the only subject which the state insisted all schools teach their pupils (other subjects were left up to

3、schools to decide upon). Daily prayers and singing hymns (圣歌) is a regular part of school life. 3History of EducationBefore 1870, only 4o% of children under 10 went to school regularly. The main receivers of a more advanced education were the sons of the wealthy.In 1870, a law was passed to call for

4、 governmentfunded education, involving government in taking responsibilities for the education of children. 4History of Education By 1880, attendance at school for children between 5 and 10 was compulsory rather than voluntary. And by the end of WWI the school leaving age was raised to 14 to dissuad

5、e (劝阻) children from leaving school in order to work to support their families. 5History of EducationIn 1944, Education Act made Children admitted to schools not because of their social class or their parents possession, but for the abilities they display. The main concern was to make sure more chil

6、dren had access to a good education. 6History of EducationThrough an exam called “the 11-plus”, the government tried to raised the quality of education 1. Grammar Schools - where the most academically capable pupils were sent to be prepared for university. 2. Vocational Schools - where less successf

7、ul pupils were sent to learn trades.7History of EducationIn the 1960s, comprehensive schools (综合学校)were introduced all over the country, which ended the division between grammar schools and vocational schools. Entrance exams were abolished and schools were no longer allowed to let children compete f

8、or places. 8History of EducationIn 1976, the Labor Party started “the Great Education Debate” - national standards and styles of teaching.In 1989, the Conservative Party led by Margaret Thatcher introduced a National Curriculum(全国教学大纲) and unified (使统一)subjects. 9History of EducationNow all children

9、 throughout the country must study the following subjects: English, mathematics, science, religious education, history, geography, technology, music, art, physical education, and a modern foreign language. They must also pass national tests and schools are ranked according to the success of their pu

10、pils in reaching national targets. 10History of EducationThe National Curriculum has reintroduced competitions between schools. Good schools attract good pupils and therefore attract more funding, which means they can hire better teachers, buy more books and equipment and therefore produce even bett

11、er students. 11Education and Social ClassBritain is a society in which social class is still very important. If you understand the importance of the relationship between education and social class, you can understand a great deal about British culture and society. In Britain, where you are educated

12、is still very important to your future. 12Education and Social ClassIn Britain, the accent you speak with, the clothes you wear, and the schools you attend are all markers that identify your social class. The school tie is a clear marker of social class. Even on informal occasions you will sometimes

13、 see men wearing their school ties as belts to hold up their trousers - proudly displaying their attendance at a certain school. 13Education and Social Class“The old boys network” refers to the elite(社会精英)(社会精英) groups of men who went to public schools(私立学校私立学校) like Eton and Winchester; and prestig

14、ious universities like Oxford and Cambridge (Oxbridge which is still the best way to guarantee a successful career). They dominate government, and are influential in banking, the media, the arts and education. 14Eton College north of Windsor Castledistinguished former pupils eighteen former British

15、Prime Ministers members of British and overseas royal familiesthe most famous public school in the world about a third of its graduates go to Oxford or Cambridge famous for its high quality education and unique tradition, uniform, language and gamesqualifications for admission: money & talentover 20

16、,000 per yearstrict admission requirements15OxbridgeUniversities: Oxford and Cambridge oldest and most respected universities founded in the 13th century Oxbridge: Oxford and Cambridge (牛桥)with implications of superior intellectual or social status an elite that continues to dominate Britains politi

17、cal and cultural establishment“ (occupies a high proportion of the top level of many aspects of British society-9% 0f the 22 senior government ministers)16School mottoDominus illuminatio mea (Latin)The Lord is my light (English)Oxford Crest(饰章)17Oxford 1664-1668 theatrethe oldest museum in Britain18

18、Cambridge Shield(盾形纹章)19Present educational system British education system is run by the state. Primary and secondary education is compulsory. Children between 5 -16 years old are obliged to attend school. 1) 3-5: nursery schools or day care facilities (paid)20Present educational system 2) 5-12: pr

19、imary schools (free) expensive public schools/ independent schools: Eton or Harrow (private schools) less expensive public schools free state schools3) 12-16: secondary schools (free) grammar schools comprehensive schools21Present educational system 4) 16-18: tertiary schools Who plan to enter the u

20、niversityWho choose some kind of vocational trainingFormsAdvanced degrees: evening classesAssociate degree: 2 yearsCollege degree: 3 years22Degrees Bachelors: 3 years Masters: 2 years Doctorate: 2 yearsOpen University by correspondence through TVPresent educational system 23Reforms of National Exami

21、nationsthe Eleven-Plus (the government tried to raised the quality of education) Grammar Schools -where the most academically capable pupils were sent to be prepared for university. Vocational Schools -where less successful pupils were sent to learn trades. 24Reforms of National Examinationsthe O-le

22、vels: General certification of Education Ordinary Level A-levels (Advanced levels):中学高级水平考试a requirement to enter a universitythe comprehensive schools: combination of the two kinds of schools (综合中学)25Reforms of National Examinations GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) Exams 中学毕业证中学毕业证

23、书考试书考试-after 5 years of secondary education, English , Northern Irish and Welsh students sit the exams which is to assess their progress in their final 2 years of compulsory education. 26Reforms of National Examinations GCE-A (General Certificate of Education-Advanced高级水平测试结业证高级水平测试结业证书书) exams - Pu

24、pils who hope to attend university carry on their academic study in the 6th form for a further two years and then sit A-levels exams. 27Reforms of National Examinations GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualifications (国家专国家专业资格证业资格证) exams - Students may choose to take vocational training which pro

25、vide a broadly based preparation for work. 28Reforms of National Examinations GCE-A (General Certificate of Education-Advanced) 高级水平测试高级水平测试结业证书。结业证书。学生学生16岁通过中学毕业考试后,想继续岁通过中学毕业考试后,想继续深造进高等学府,必须通过高级水平测深造进高等学府,必须通过高级水平测试。从试。从16岁到岁到18岁的两年里,学生根据岁的两年里,学生根据自己想读的大学专业选定数门有关课程自己想读的大学专业选定数门有关课程学习,一般选三门。通过学习,

26、一般选三门。通过A级水平考试级水平考试合格者都可以入大学深造。合格者都可以入大学深造。 29Reforms of National Examinations GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualifications): 国家专业资格证书。国家专业资格证书。这一证书是为职业技术学校毕业的学生设这一证书是为职业技术学校毕业的学生设置的,共分置的,共分5个级别,便于人们按阶梯逐个级别,便于人们按阶梯逐步攀登,根据自己条件通过实际工作和专步攀登,根据自己条件通过实际工作和专业培训由低级向高级发展。获四级国家专业培训由低级向高级发展。获四级国家专业资格证书相当于学

27、士学位,获五级相当业资格证书相当于学士学位,获五级相当于研究生水平。(于研究生水平。(see picture) 30Higher Education Higher Education has a long history in the UK. Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12th and 13th centuries, while Scottish universities of St Andrews, etc. from the 14th and 15th centuries. The rest were founded in the 19th an

28、d 20th centuries. In recent years, access for mature students and students without traditional A-level qualifications is widening. 31Higher Education In the 1960s a large number of universities were built. In 1992, the number grew when polytechnics and other higher education establishments were give

29、n the right to become universities. By 1994, Britain had 83 universities. In 1980, 1 in 8 pupils went to universities; by1990 it was 1 in 5; by 2000 it was 1 in 3. 32Higher Education British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government.The UK has only one privately fund

30、ed university - the University of Buckingham.白金汉大学创建于白金汉大学创建于1976年。该大学不年。该大学不依靠政府拨款办学,因此可开设创新性依靠政府拨款办学,因此可开设创新性的课程,根据工商企业需求的变化调整的课程,根据工商企业需求的变化调整教学内容。教学内容。 33Higher Education Open University(开放大学开放大学 )-and open education - was founded in Britain in the 1960s for people who may not get the opportunit

31、y for higher education for economic and social reasons.It was the Open University which provided the inspiration (启示启示) for the founding of Chinas TV and Radio University. 34Higher Education Its open to everybody and doesnt demand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities.

32、 University courses are followed through TV, radio, correspondence, videos and a network of study centers. At the end of their studies at the Open University, successful students are awarded a university degree.开放大学开放大学不限年龄,最小的不到不限年龄,最小的不到20岁,最大的岁,最大的90岁有岁有余,大多在余,大多在20至至40多岁之间。多岁之间。 35A red brick university36



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