2013届高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修三 unit2《healthy eating》

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1、Unit 2Healthy eating1Diet n.日常饮食 vi.节食be/go on a diet 节食/减肥;定量饮食put sb.on a diet 限制某人的饮食keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的膳食运用 完成句子(1)本森夫人在节食,像吃鸟食似地吃得很少。Mrs.Benson _ and she eats as a bird.(2)她被限定每天只吃含 1600 卡路里热量的食物。She _ of only 1,600 calories a day.is on a diet/is dietingis put on a diet2debt n债;债务be in d

2、ebt 欠债in sb.s debt 欠某人情债;受过(某人的)好处、恩惠等be/get out of debt 还清债务get/run into debt 借债;开始负债clear a debt 还清欠债owe a debt 欠债运用 完成句子(1)挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。Wasteful people usually end up _.(2)借债容易还债难。Its much easier to _ than to _.(3)他们的行为让后世蒙受恩泽。Their behavior puts succeeding generations _.in debtget into debtget ou

3、t of debtin their debt3Benefit n.利益;好处 vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益beneficial adj.有利的;有益的benefit sb./sth.使某人/物受益benefit from/by 从中受益be of benefit to/be beneficial to 使受益;对有好处for the benefit of.为的利益运用 完成句子(1)关于这项活动,我真的认为这有益于我们学生。As to this activity, I really suppose it _ us students.(2)我们受益于先进的科学技术。We _ the adv

4、anced scientific techno-logy.(3)我为了他的利益才做那件事情。I have done it _.is beneficial to/is ofbenefit to/benefitsbenefit from/byfor his benefit用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子1许多人,特别是年轻女子,为变得苗条而节食。Many people, especially young women _ to_.2我们必须限定每人只吃一块蛋糕。We must _ ourselves to one cake each.3你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。You have to _ th

5、e advantages of living in a big cityagainst the disadvantages.go on a dietget slimlimitbalance4我采取行动之前一定征求你的意见。Ill do nothing without _ you.5有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。Some films _ education with recreation.6以前穷的时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就没欠债了。She was _ when she was poor, but has been _since she got rich.7广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。I _ a

6、 lot from extensive reading.consultingcombinein debtout of debthave benefited1get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚get down to 开始认真做get on well with 相处融洽;进展好get through 接通电话;完成get up 起床;起身get over 克服;熬过;恢复运用 用 get 相关短语的适当形式填空(1)Do you _ your new classmates?(2)She never arrives on time at the office, but she s

7、omehowmanaged to _ it.(3)Well, stop chatting.Its time we should _ someserious work.(4)The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will _the shock soon.get on well withget away withget down toget over2earn ones living (make ones living) 谋生earn/make a living by 靠谋生运用 完成句子(1)毕业后他在一家工厂谋生。He _ in a fact

8、ory after graduation.(2)在美国许多中国人靠在餐馆工作谋生。Many Chinese in the US._ inrestaurants.earns/makes his livingearn/make a living by working3before long 不久以后辨析 before long/long before(1)before long 表示将来的时间,常用于将来时态。(2)long before 意为“很久以前”,常用于过去时态或完成时态。运用 用上面所提供的辨析短语填空(1)The dictionary will be published _.(2)Y

9、ou neednt tell me about it.I have known about it _.before longlong before用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子1现在很多人对居住在大城市感到厌倦。Nowadays quite a few people _ living in big ci-ties.2她靠卖蔬菜和水果为生。She _ by selling vegetables and fruits.3显然,他对所有人都撒了一个谎。Obviously, he _ to everyone.4你应该扔掉这辆旧自行车,买一辆新的。You _ throw away the old b

10、ike and buy a new one.are tired ofearns/makes a livingtold a lieought to5我会用胜利赢回我们失去的荣誉。I will _ our lost glory _ by victory.6那时候并不是很多罪犯都能摆脱这种罪行。Not many criminals _ this crime at that time.7不久我们搬家了,不得不把宠物送人。_ our family moved and had to give the pet away.8他试图少抽烟,但没成功。He tried to _ on smoking but fa

11、iled.9自从我上次见到他以来,他又长胖了。He _ since I last saw him.winbackgot away withBefore longcut downhas put on weight原句 1 “Nothing could be better,” he thought.他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”“Nothing could be better.”是比较级与否定词连用,表示的是最高级的含义。精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)我从来没看过这么好的电影。Ive _ film.(2)她唱得多美啊!我从来没听过比她更好的嗓音了。How beautifully she

12、 sings! I have _.never seen a betternever heard a better voice原句 2He could not have Yong Hui getting away withtelling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。“have宾语doing sth.”结构意为“使某人/物一直做某事”。其中宾语是现在分词(doing)的逻辑主语,而 doing 表示持续性的动作,常与表示一段时间的状语连用。注意(1)“have 宾语do sth.”意为“使某人/ 物做某事”,宾语与省略 to 的不定式之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,不定式(do

13、)表示一次性的具体动作。(2)“have宾语done”意为“使某事被做”,宾语与过去分词(done)构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且宾语补足语的行为常由他人来完成。精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)使我绝望的是,医生让我在房间里等了一个下午。To my despair, the doctor _ in the room forthe whole afternoon.(2)因为我的手表坏了,所以我拿去修了。I _ because it didnt work.(3)由于房间很乱,昨天吉姆的母亲叫他整理了一下。Yesterday Jims Mum _ his room since it was ina

14、mess.had me waitinghad my watch repairedhad him tidy运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之As the proverb says, “No one knows the value of health untilhe loses it.” (1)_ (换句话说), nothing is moreimportant than health.Good health (2)_(对有益) your work and study.But how to keep healthy? Here I want togive you some advic

15、e.In other wordsis beneficial toFirst, you should have a regular life(3)_(早睡早起)Second, keep a healthy and (4)_ (均衡的饮食): eat more vegetables and fruits and other food full of energy andfiber; eat (5)_ sugar and oily food (6)_ ( 尽可能少)Dont eat food which has gone bad.Third, (7)_ (去掉,改掉) the bad habits

16、such as smoking, drinking or (8)_(熬夜) too late.Physical exercise can make your body strong, so we should exercise every day.(9)_ ( 总 而 言 之 , 一 句 话 ), health is moreva-luable than anything else.We should (10)_(尽我们所能) to keep us healthy.go to bed and get up earlybalanced dietas littleas possibleget ri

17、d ofstaying upIn a worddo everything we can“角色扮演角色扮演”考试目标及考试目标及备考策略备考策略角色扮演部分的话题范围一般界定在广东省普通高考英语科考试说明附录 5“话题项目表”以内,贴近学生的实际生活,即涉及个人情况、周围环境、日常活动、学校生活、兴趣和爱好等方面的内容。语言材料大部分以对话形式出现,题目中有简短的情景提示,长度一般在 280 个单词左右(包括提问部分的人机对话内容)。一、应试目标新课标及高考大纲对该题型的考查目标主要有以下几点:1能听懂有关熟悉话题的讨论和谈话并记住要点;2能抓住简单语段中的观点;3能在日常人际交往中有效地使用语


19、。例 1:住学校宿舍是否比较便宜?Is it cheaper to live in the school dormitory?例 2:天气如何?What is the weather like?例 3:如何从学校到机场?How can we get to the airport from the school?例 4:最近的地铁站在哪里?Where is the nearest underground station from here?2回答部分备考策略:回答部分侧重考查正确传达信息的能力。回答时,要符合实际交际,问什么,答什么,不必多答,更不能答非所问。注意:可以简略回答!例 1:How

20、long does a letter take to reach Japan?About ten days.例 2:What are they talking about?Environmental problems.3注意事项:(1)可利用视频信息帮助理解对话内容;(2)练习用最简洁的符号记录信息,如字母、箭头、笔画、汉字、图形等;(3)准备提问时,可简单写下问句,特别是疑问词,使得真正录音时能比较顺畅;(4)第一轮提问后听回答时,作简单笔记,记录必要的信息点,如数量、时间等;(5)第二轮回答时,判断问题所涉及的信息点,根据所记录的信息做出恰当回答。人物简介人物简介【谋篇布局】人物简介一般为

21、记叙文体裁,其正文主要包括:1.人物概况(age, sex, birth place and family background)2.人物外貌、性格(appearance, character)3.教育背景(education)4.经历、生平(big events in his or her life)5.对人物的评价(evaluation)【实用套语】1.职位头衔:用同位语,年龄、性别与家境也可用同位语。如:(1)Bruce, our English teacher, is from England and is about40 years old.布鲁斯是我们的英语老师,他来自英国,大约四

22、十岁。(2)She is Li Na, a girl of twenty.她是李娜,一个 20 岁的女孩。2.介绍出生:用分词结构,使文章简洁。如:Born in a poor clerks family, Charles Dickens had littleschooling.出生在一个贫困的小职员家庭中,查尔斯狄更斯接受的学校教育不多。3.描写外貌:巧用 with 短语。如:He is tall and thin with a pair of glasses on his nose.他又高又瘦,鼻子上总是架着一副眼镜。4.生平事迹:尽量用复合句、并列句、非谓语动词短语和倒装句等高级句型。如

23、:(1)He wrote a famous book “Ben Cao Gang Mu”, which isa collection of Chinese herbs and includes 2,000 Chinese herbswith millions of characters.(定语从句)他写了一本著名的书本草纲目,它是一本中草药总集,收录了近 2,000 种中草药,字数多达百万。(2)He died in 1875, leaving the world more than 160stories.(非谓语动词短语)他于 1875 年去世,为世人留下了 160 个故事。5.对人物的评价

24、:尽量运用短语。如:(1)The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader.人们爱戴他,把他作为一位精神领袖。(2)Lei Feng has been praised for his communist spirit.雷锋因他的共产主义精神而受到赞扬。此外,还有一些常用的短语需要熟记:with the help of. 在的帮助下be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求spend his childhood in. 在度过他的童年live a happy/hard life 过着幸福/艰苦的生活graduate from

25、毕业于major in 主修receive a doctors degree 获得博士学位go abroad for further studies 出国深造devote his lifetime to. 把他毕生的时间都奉献给do sth. with great determination and perseverance以极大的决心和毅力做某事win a prize in. competition 在比赛中获奖make rapid progress in.在取得快速进步set sb. a good example 为某人树立一个好榜样speak (think) highly of. 高度赞

26、扬请用英语为该某报社写一篇人物介绍,介绍前世界跳水冠军孙淑伟。写作内容1.简况:孙淑伟(Sun Shuwei),男,广东人;2.训练项目:跳水(diving);3取得成绩:第十一届亚运会冠军,第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军(Swimming Championships);4.其他情况:从小就喜欢游泳,8 岁进广东省跳水队;在学校里认真学习,在跳水队时认真训练,13 岁进入国家队,14 岁夺得十一届亚运会金牌,15 岁成为第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军,26 岁成为国家队教练。5.对其评价:他为我们树立了好榜样,我们以他为豪。写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。参考范文:Sun Shuwei , a f

27、ormer world champion in diving , is fromGuangdong.He loved swimming when he was a small boy and atthe age of eight he became a member of the di-ving team inGuangdong Province, where he studied hard at school and trainedhard for five years before he came to the national team.A yearlater, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asia Games and became aworld champion at the 6th world Swimming Championships whenhe was only 15.He became the national teams coach at the age of26.He set a good example to us and we were all proud of him.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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