高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 3 A healthy life课件 新人教版选修6

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1、选选修修六六Unit 3A healthy life.情景默写1.She has a _ (偏见)against modern music.2.He has been _ (禁止)from driving for a year.3.John is so shy and _ (笨拙)that everyone notices him.4.It is _ (非法的)to drive a car that is not taxed and insured.5.All the children had been physically and emotionally _(虐待).6.At one tim

2、e,she is fine,but at another,she is _ (不正常的).prejudicebannedawkwardillegalabusedabnormal7.Clarks friends all avoided any mention of his _ (精神上)ill wife.8.I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didnt have any _ (影响).9.He showed good _ (判断力)in deciding not to invest in the project.10.I doubt

3、 if there will be a _ (女的)president in this country in my lifetime.11.People at the party were _ (尴尬的)when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.12.The movements of machines are completely _ (自动),you only need to start and stop the machines.13.Most of them turned up on time;only Tom arri

4、ved late _ (由于)the storm.mentallyeffectjudgementfemaleembarrassedautomaticdue to14.If you keep on ignoring the teachers advice,you will _ (陷入)a situation where you fall behind others in all subjects.15._ (不顾)the bad weather,I had fun meeting friends and relatives.16.He doesnt want to _ (冒险)of losing

5、 his job,especially since he became the main source of familys income.17.Lydia _ (想要)going for a walk after supper every day.18.Have you _ (决定)a date for your wedding?19.What worries him is that his son _ (对有瘾)playing phone games.20.I _ (习惯于)getting up early and taking an hours walk before breakfast

6、.get intoIn spite oftake risks/take a riskfeels likedecided onis addicted toam accustomed to.词性转换1.The man had so little education that he was _ (fit)for this job.2.We all agreed on an idea to _ (strength)the cooperation between our two parties.3.You take my _ away and you leave me _.(breath)4.You s

7、hould be _ of your _ behaviors or you will be a _ man.(shame)5.Toms parents are worried that he is _ to the computer games which are _ to children.(addict)6.After hearing some _ music,she felt quite _,and there was _ expression on her face.(relax)unfitstrengthenbreathbreathlessashamedshamefulshamele

8、ssaddictedaddictiverelaxingrelaxedrelaxed7.The man in the river _ tried to reach the side.The situation was _ but not hopeless.(desperate)8.After a _ week of work,all the employees were extremely _ and tired.They complained that few could work efficiently under _.(stress)9.As we all know,everyone ha

9、s both strengths and _.Therefore,we shouldnt look down upon whoever looks _.(weak)10.To Sun Yangs _,he didnt enter the 1500-meter freestyle swimming final in 2016 Rio Olympics,which was _.But Sun was not _ and said he would continue his swimming in future.He believed that he wouldnt _ his fans.(disa

10、ppoint)desperatelydesperatestressfulstressedstressweaknessesweakdisappointmentdisappointingdisappointeddisappoint1.句型公式:“finditadj.to do sth.”结构,it作形式宾语作为一名行政官员,他觉得全心全意为人民服务是他的职责。As an official,_ the people heart and soul.2.句型公式:助动词do强调谓语动词他的确来过,但很快就回去了。_ but went back soon.3.句型公式:强调句型its.that.正是当我到

11、达电影院时我才意识到我把电影票忘在家里了。_ I realized I had left my ticket at home.he finds it his duty to serveHe did comeIts when I arrived at the cinema that1.ban vt.禁止;取缔n.禁令;谴责高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/句型转换After decades of effort,the city is still trying to figure out how to ban _ (smoke)in public places.The new rule h

12、as put a ban _ driving after drinking.smokingon状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢ban doing sth.禁止做某事ban sb.from (doing)sth.禁止某人 (做)某事a ban on sth.对的禁令put/place a ban on sth.place/put.under a ban 禁止His parents banned his driving.His parents _ _ _ _.bannedhimfromdriving2.due adj.预定的;预期的;到期的;欠款的高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子Sh

13、e is due _ (make)a speech on the economy next week.That money is due _ me,but I havent got it yet.I am due _ an increase in pay soon.As is well-known to all,her success _.众所周知,她成功是因为她努力工作。to maketoforwas due to her hard work状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢be due to do.预期做;预定要做be due to sth.归因于;欠某人be due for.应有;应得到due

14、 to因为,由于 (一般作表语和状语)3.effect n.结果;效力高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子Its reported that this regulation will come _ effect from September 1,2018.Although these measures are not _ (effect)forever,they are vital for now.They decided _ as soon as possible.他们决定尽快实施这项计划。Global warming _ hundreds of plant and anima

15、l species around the world.全球变暖正在对全球数以百计的动植物物种产生重大影响。intoeffectiveto put/bring the plan into effectis having a great effect on状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)have an/no effect on对有/没有影响take effect实行;生效come/go into effect开始生效;开始实施put/bring sth.into effect使生效in effect正在实行;实际上be of no effect无效果的(2)effective adj.有效的;显

16、著的;实际的4.addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/一句多译People addicted _ shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.这个小男孩迷恋于玩电脑游戏,对功课失去了兴趣。1 The little boy _ and lost interest in his lessons.2 _,the little boy has lost interest in his lessons.3 _,the little boy has lost inte

17、rest in his lessons.tobecame addicted to playing computer gamesAddicted to playing computer gamesAddicting himself to playing computer games状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)be/become addicted to (doing)sth.沉溺于、醉心于(2)addict vt.使沉溺;使上瘾 n.有瘾的人addict oneself to (doing)sth.使自己沉溺于、醉心于(3)addiction n.癖好;上瘾【点津】与addict和accus

18、tom搭配的to为介词。5.accustom vt.使 (人)习惯于,养成习惯高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子This means that after a while your body becomes _ (accustom)to having nicotine in it.It took a while for me to accustom _ (I)to all the new rules and regulations.As we all know,English people _ on the left.众所周知,英国人习惯于靠左边开车。accustomedmys

19、elfare accustomed/used to driving状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)accustom oneself/sb.to (doing)sth.使自己/某人习惯于(2)accustomed adj.通常的,习惯的be accustomed tobe used to (doing)sth.习惯于(表状态)become/get accustomed tobe used to (doing)sth.习惯于 (表动作)6.ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子/一句多译She felt ashamed _ having che

20、ated in the exam and tears ran down her cheeks.My uncle is always ashamed _ (ask)others for help._ others things.偷窃他人的东西是可耻的。一个好学生竟然会做出那样的事,真令人遗憾。1 _ a good student should do something like that.2 _ a good student should do something like that.3 _!A good student should do something like that.ofto as

21、kIts shameful to stealIts a shame/pity thatWhat a shame/pity thatWhat a shame/pity状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)be/feel ashamed of.由于感到惭愧/羞愧/羞耻be ashamed to do sth.耻于做某事(2)shame n.羞耻;羞愧;惭愧what a shame/pity真可惜,真遗憾its a shame/pity that.真遗憾(3)shameful adj.可耻的;不道德的【点津】(1)ashamed指某人因某事而感到羞愧;(2)shameful指事情本身可耻、不道德。7.i

22、n spite of 不顾;不管高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/句型转换In spite _ the hot weather,students still practice on the playground.In spite of the fact that he was busy,he came to the station to meet us.In spite of _ _,he came to the station to meet us.Although _ _ _,he came to the station to meet us.ofbeingbusyhewasbus

23、y状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)in spite of为介词短语,与介词despite一样,其后可跟名词、代词和动名词,意义基本相同(2)though,although也有“虽然,尽管”之意,是连词,后接句子(3)regardless of 不管,不顾8.take risks (a risk)冒险高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子He took a risk _ (help)the Jewish during World War .He got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt _ the good op

24、portunity.他对面试作了充分的准备,因为他不想冒失去这一次好机会的风险。He was determined to get there even _.他决心到那里去,即使是冒生命危险也在所不惜。to helprun/take the risk of losingat the risk of his life状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢(1)take risks/a risk to do.冒险做某事at risk处于危险之中at the risk of doing sth.冒着的危险run/take the risk of doing sth.冒着的风险(2)risk ones life冒

25、生命危险risk doing sth.冒险做某事9.findit宾语补足语 (adj./n.)to do./that从句高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子Gesture makes it easy for audience _ (understand)his speech.He _ he should devote himself to teaching.他感到致力于教学是他的责任。状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢“find/think/consider/make/feel等it宾语补足语 (adj./n.)to do/that从句”,该句式中,it为形式宾语,to do不定式或t

26、hat从句作真正的宾语。to understandfeels it his duty that10.“do/does/did动词原形”构成强调句高考必刷题练透高考必刷题练透完成句子I _ because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.我的确希望如此,因为我盼着你也能像我一样活得健康长寿。Believe it or not,he _ yesterday.信不信由你,他昨天确实回家了。To my great joy,the plant _ what we are looking for.令我非常高兴的是,这种植物确实

27、像我们正在寻找的植物。do hope sodid go homedoes look exactly like状元笔记全记牢状元笔记全记牢“do/does/did动词原形”构成强调句,意为“确实,的确”,用来加强谓语动词的语气,但须符合以下两个条件:a.句子是肯定句;b.句子的时态为一般现在时或一般过去时。.课文语法填空Its easy for you to start smoking,but 1._ you become addicted to it,you may find it difficult for you 2._(quit).Firstly,you may become physi

28、cally addicted to nicotine,one of the hundreds of harmful chemicals in cigarettes.Secondly,you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become 3._ (mental) addicted to it.onceto quitmentallySmoking may have all kinds of harmful effects 4._ the health of both the smokers themselves and non-smoker

29、s around them.It not only affects your physical fitness,but also 5._(do) harm to your heart and lungs and causes a variety of diseases.6._ (be) a smoker,the offensive smell and appearance of you may drive people around you away.So,its important 7._ one quit smoking and live a healthier life.ondoesBe

30、ingthatTo quit smoking,you should be wellprepared and make a list of all the 8._(benefit) that you may get after quitting.Developing some new habits like listening to music,reading novels or doing housework may distract your attention and help you to forget your need for a cigarette.But if you reall

31、y feel bad,you should consult 9._ doctor or chemist to get some 10._ (profession) help.Remember,if you keep trying,you will eventually succeed.benefitsaprofessional【参考范文】Having learned that his grandson James had been addicted to cigarettes,Grandad wrote a letter telling him how he started smoking a

32、nd managed to quit smoking when young.(要点1)People become addicted in three different ways:firstly,physically addicted to nicotine;secondly,addicted through habit;lastly,mentally addicted.(要点2)In the letter,Grandad gave his grandson some advice,hoping that James would give up smoking and live a long

33、and healthy life like himself.(要点3).课文话题写作一、用本单元所学知识补全短文More and more children _ (沉溺于) the Internet games all day,which really has a bad effect on them.Once they _ (养成这个习惯),they find it difficult to get rid of the habit and get _ (accustom) to the daily life.Despite the fact that they know the dange

34、r,children still _ (冒险).In my opinion,we must make all the children live as active and healthy a life as possible,which is our duty. _ (However/Therefore),both the teachers and parents should put stress _ the harm of playing Internet games and prevent the children from playing them. are/become/get a

35、ddicted toget into the habitaccustomedtake risks/a riskThereforeon二、按要求升级短文1.用本单元的高级词汇升级短文中的加黑词汇(1)get rid of_ (2)Despite_ (3)prevent_ quitIn spite ofban2.用高级表达升级短文中的句子(1)把句加波浪线部分改为强调句 (强调谓语动词)_(2)用it作形式主语改写句In my opinion,_ live as active and healthy a life as possible.which does have a bad effect on themit is our duty to make all the children



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