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1、oPeriod 2Learning about Language & Using Languageo7sincerely/sInsIlI/adv._ _o8 express/Ikspres/ vt._ _n_ _o9outline/atlaIn/ n_ _ _o10headline/hedlaIn/ n_o11cyclist/saIklIst/ n_o答案1.damage2.frighten3.frightened4.frightening 5.congratulation 6.judge 7.真诚地;真挚地8.表示;表达;快车;速递9.要点;大纲;轮廓10.报刊的大字标题11.骑自行车的人o

2、.短语天地o1_ 在顶部o2_指,提及,提到o3_叫醒o4_搭起o5_很高兴做某事o6_以为骄傲o7express ones thanks to_o8be known for_o答案1.at the top of2.refer to3.wake up4.put up5.be pleased to do sth6.be proud of7.向表达谢意8.以而闻名o.预读理解oFast Reading:Scan the text and do True or False questions:o1A student will be invited to give a speech in a newl

3、yopen park.()o2Next month, a new park is to be opened for city peoples fun.()o3 On July 28 at 11: 00 am, 1974, a terrible earthquake hit Tangshan.()o4 Zhang Sha works in Tangshan government.()o5 This speech will make it clear that people should cherish (珍惜)their lives better.( )o答案1.T2.F3.F4.T5.To【归

4、纳拓展】ofrighten vt.使惊吓,吓唬ofrightened adj. 受惊的,受惊吓的obe frightened of (doing) sth 害怕(做)某事obe frightened at sth 因某事/某物而害怕ofrighten sb into doing sth 恐吓某人做某事ofrighten sb out of doing sth 吓得某人不做某事ofrighten sb to death 吓坏某人o【一目了然】oThe news was frightening and they were all frightened.o那个消息是令人恐惧的,他们都吓坏了。o【比较

5、网站】frightened/afraidfrightened意为“受惊吓的;害怕的”,可作表语,也可作定语,可构成be frightened of结构,意为“害怕”afraid意为“害怕的”,只能作表语,而不能作定语,后接of短语或不定式短语,接不定式时,意为“不敢”,接for时,意为“为担心”o【单项填空】oWhen the children heard the _story, they were _half to death.oAscary; frighteningoBfrightening; scaredoCscared; scaryoDfrightened; frighteningo解

6、析frightening某物令人害怕;scare sb half to death把某人吓得半死。o答案Bo2congratulation n庆祝,祝贺(常用复数)oI offered my congratulations to him on his success.o我祝贺他取得了成功。oCongratulations on winning the prize!祝贺你获奖!o【归纳拓展】ocongratulations to sb on sth祝贺某人某物ooffer/send ones congratulations to sb 向某人致以祝贺ocongratulate vt. 祝贺oco

7、ngratulate sb on sth 因某事祝贺某人ocongratulate oneself on/that. 暗自庆幸o【比较网站】congratulate/celebrate意义用法congratulate祝贺、道贺。一般用人作宾语后面常与on(upon)连接,构成congratulate sb on(upon)sthcelebrate举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”其宾语常为节日、胜利、成功等,构成短语celebrate stho【单项填空】oJohn and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.oOh,

8、 _!oAcheer up Bwell doneoCgo ahead Dcongratulationso解析句意:下个月,约翰和我将庆祝我们的40周年结婚纪念日。哦,恭喜。cheer up高兴起来;well done做得好;go ahead做吧,干吧;congratulations恭喜。o答案Do【归纳拓展】ojudge by/from从来看,根据可以看出ojudge.by. 以来判断,从来看ojudge sb/sth to be. 认为某人/某物ojudging from/by. 从判断ojudgment n. 判断,审判,判断力oin ones judgment 依某人看来,按某人的看法o

9、【一目了然】o【完成句子】o_ _ _ _(从他的谈话来看),he is an old hand in this field.oHe is too young _ _ _ _(判断哪一个更好)oI _ _ _(判 断 他是)an experienced worker.o答案 Judging from what he said to judge which is betterjudged him to beo【单项填空】o_from his accent, he must be _America.oAJudged; from BTo judge; ofoCJudging; from DJudgi

10、ng; ofo解 析 judging from/by.从 判 断 ;be/come from来自。o答案Co【单项填空】oIts a pity that you have to leave so soon. I _hope that you will come back.oAsincerely Bhardly oCstrongly Dobviouslyo解析sincerely“真诚地”,符合语境。hardly“几乎不”;strongly“强烈地”;obviously“明显地”。o答案Ao【归纳拓展】oexpress oneself表达自己的思想感情oexpress itself 显而易见,不言

11、自明oexpress sth 表达/表露oexpress concern about 表达对的担忧oexpression n. 表达,表情obeyond expression 无法表达owithout expression 毫无表情o【一目了然】oHe expressed his wish that he would go there on an express train.他表达了他想坐特快列车去那儿的愿望。o【完成句子】o_ _(我无法表达)how grateful I am to you.oThis is _ _ _(特快列车)for Beijing.o答案I cant expressa

12、n express traino1wake upo(1)使清醒oA cold shower will soon wake you up.o你冲个凉水澡,很快就清醒了。o(2)活跃起来;更感兴趣oAll the boys woke up and joined in the game.o所有的男孩都很活跃并参加了游戏。o(3)意识到;认识到oHe hasnt yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation.他还没有意识到形势的严重性。o注意:wake的过去式、过去分词分别是:waked或woke, waked或woken。o【单项填空】oIve _

13、the importance of learning a foreign language.oAwaked up Bwaked up tooCwoke up Dwoke up too解析wake up to意为“意识到;认识到”,且wake的过去分词为waked或woken,故选B。o答案Bo用be pleased with, be pleased at/about, be pleased to的适当形式填空oThe manager _you before.oMy boss must _see you again in Hong Kong.oI _seeing so many students

14、 present.o答案was pleased withbe pleased toam pleased at/abouto3be proud of 为而自豪(后接名词,代词或动名词)oWere proud of being Chinese.我们作为中华儿女而自豪。o【归纳拓展】opride n自豪,骄傲otake pride in 为而自豪o【单项填空】oYoud better not hurt his _.He is _ of his parents.oAproud; a pride Bpride; a prideoCproud; the pride Dpride; the prideo解析

15、句意:你最好别伤他的自尊心。他是父母的骄傲。hurt ones pride意为“伤某人的自尊心”,the pride of意为“的骄傲”。o答案Do1As you know,this is the day the quake happened.o如你所知,这是那场地震发生的日子o句中的as引导非限制性定语从句,as代替主句内容,在从句中作主语或宾语。oas作为关系代词,既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。o(1)as引导限制性定语从句时,通常用于the same.as.和such.as.句型中。在定语从句中as可用作主语、宾语和表语。oI want the same car

16、as he drives every day.o我想有一辆他每天开的那样的轿车。o(2)as引导非限制性定语从句时,往往修饰整个主句,代表主句所表述的内容。as引导的定语从句,可放在主句前,也可放在主句后,而which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后。o【感悟高考】oI travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day, _do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.(2009天津,14)oAas Bwhich oCwhen Dthougho解析该题考查考生在状语从句中使用连词的能

17、力。原题意为:“我每天都会坐轻轨往返于滨海新区,许多住在天津市区的生意人也是如此。”A选项“as”表示也如此,其用法为“asis/was/does主语”,符合题干结构;B选项“which”不能引导状语从句;C选项“when”表示“当时候”;D选项“though”表示虽然,尽管;根据本题语境判断,正确选项为A。o答案Ao【完成句子】o众所周知,发光的并非全是金子。oAll that glitters is not gold, _ _ _.o据说,他们要派我们去帮助那些欠发达地区的儿童。o_ _ _, they will send us to help the children in the le

18、ssdeveloped areas.o据上周报道,在这家外国公司的帮助下,他们将要发射另一颗人造卫星。oThey would send up another manmade satellite, _ _ _ _ _, with the help of the foreign company.o她学习很好,这使她父母很满意。oShe did well in her studies, _ _ _ _ _.o答案as everybody knowsAs is saidas was reported last weekwhich made her parents satisfiedoYoull nev

19、er get him to understand.你永远不会使他明白的。oIll have him do it.我会让他做这件事的。o【归纳拓展】oask sb to do sth tell sb to do sthoadvise sb to do sth encourage sb to do sthowarn sb to do stho【比较网站】/have sb do/have sb doing/have sth/sbdoneo(1)have sb. do与have sb doing这两种用法的基本意义相同,只有细微的差别。现在分词doing作宾补时动作具有进行的含义,也可指一个动作的持续

20、,不定式作宾补时可表示动作的整个过程,也可指将来或者可能发生的动作。o(2)have sth/sb done可表主语有意识的行为,宾语含有被动之意;也可表“遭遇”“经历”,是违背主语意愿的。oI wont have you say such things.o我不会让你说这样的话的。oHe had us laughing all through lunch.o他使我们整顿午饭都在笑。oYoud better have that bad tooth pulled out.o你最好把那颗坏牙拔掉。oThe old woman had her handbag stolen.o这位老太太的手提袋被偷了。

21、o【单项填空】oMrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had _ went wrong again.oAitBit repairedoC repaired D to be repairedo解 析 she had repaired作 the washing machine的 定 语 , had的 宾 语 是 the washing machine。o答案Co【完成句子】o我们很高兴能让你和我们一道工作。oWed be delighted _ _ _ _ _ _.o我会找人给你修理自行车的。oIll _ _

22、_ the bike for you.o答案to have you work with usohave someone repairo3The man was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake happened.那个人正在楼下睡觉,突然地震发生了。o本句中的when用作并列连词,意为“这时,就在那时(突然)”。oI was fishing by the river when someone called for help.o我正在河边钓鱼,突然听到有人呼救。oWe were working in the chemistry lab when the

23、 lights went out.o我们正在化学实验室工作,这时灯突然熄灭了。o【归纳拓展】owhen的这种功能还常用于以下结构:o.be doing.when正在这时o.be about to do.when 正打算做这时obe just going to do.when 正要这时ohad just done.when. 刚做了这时obe on the point of doing.when 正要这时oOne day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.o有一天,Chuck

24、正在太平洋上空飞行,这时他驾驶的飞机突然坠毁。oHe was just about to say something when Helen turned around.o他正想要说些什么,海伦突然转过身。oo【感悟高考】oTom was about to chose the window _has attention was caught by a bird.(2010全国,7)oAwhen Bif oCand Dtillo解析句意:汤姆正要关上窗户,就在这时一只鸟引起了他的注意。在句式“.be about to do”当中应用when,表“这时,突然”,作为从属连词,引导状语从句。o答案Ao【单项填空】oHe was surfing the Internet _ the electricity was cut off.oAwhile BhoweveroCbut Dwheno解析when在此为并列连词,意为“这时(突然)”。while也可作并列连词,但它表示对比。句意:“他正在上网,这时突然停电了”。o答案D



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