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1、主谓一致意义一致意义一致Grammatical concordNotional concordPrinciple of proximity 1.The children _ (be) playing outside.2.John _ (get) up at six oclock every morning.3.They _ (have) not come yet.4.Nobody _ (know) who is going to win in the game.aregetshaveknows主谓一致主谓一致:主主语和和谓语动词之之间在人称在人称和数方面的一致和数方面的一致.语法一致语法一致1

2、. Both boys_ ( have/has ) their own rooms.2. Few students _ (be) really lazy.3.Each boy _ (have/ has) his own book.4. every student _(come) on time.语法一致语法一致主主语和和谓语动词之之间关系关系表如今表如今 “数数 的方式上的方式上.内容内容内容内容 一致一致一致一致1.My family _ (be) a large one. My family _ (be) friendly.2.The news _ (be) so surprising.

3、3.Seven days _(be) too long to wait.内容内容内容内容 一致一致一致一致: :主主语和和谓语动词的关系并非取的关系并非取决于决于语法上的法上的单复数方式复数方式,而取而取决于主决于主语单复数的意复数的意义.内容内容内容内容 一致一致一致一致1.(2)(1)1. The red and white rose _ (be) beautiful.用用and 的的衔接的并列主接的并列主语 普通用情况普通用情况下下谓语动词用复数方式用复数方式.1. The red and the white roses _(be) beautiful.2. Teachers and w

4、orkers _ (be) very busy.(3) 用用 and 衔接的并列主语被衔接的并列主语被each, every, many a 或或no修饰时,谓语动修饰时,谓语动词词 用单数。用单数。Each doctor and each nurse _ (were /was) given a new shirt.No sound and no voice _(is / are) heard.内容内容内容内容 一致一致一致一致2.1.Five pounds _ (do/ does) not buy as much as it used to.2.Ten years _(be) a momen

5、t in history.内容内容内容内容 一致一致一致一致3.1. The old _ (be) being taken good care of there.2. The young _ (be) the hope of our country. 集体名词集体名词 family, team, class, group, government, enemy, company, committee 等被看作一个主题时等被看作一个主题时, 谓语动词用单谓语动词用单数数. 如看作一个个成员如看作一个个成员, 谓语动词用复数谓语动词用复数.4.1. Our group _ ( be ) readin

6、g the newspapers.2. The group _ ( be ) having a meeting.3. The family _ ( be ) sitting at the table.集体名集体名词 people , police 只当复数用只当复数用, 谓语动必需求用复数必需求用复数 . The police are searching for the thief.5.The United Nations was born at the end of the Second World War.6.不定代词不定代词 anyone someone ,everyone, nobod

7、y, something, anything, no one , each , the other 等作主语时等作主语时, 谓语动词用单谓语动词用单数数. Someone _(want )to see you. Everything _ (be) ready. Nobody _ (be) in the classroom.1. None of them has /have arrived yet.2. Neither of them knows /know the secret.3. None of the money is mine.7.neither none 就近一致就近一致就近一致就近

8、一致 1. She as well as her two sisters _ music. ( like , likes ) 2. Not only the father but also the children _ sick . (are, is)就近一致就近一致There _ (be) a lamp , two pens and three books on the desk.1.2.当用作主当用作主语的两个名的两个名词或代或代词由由 or, eitheror, neithernor 或或 not only but also 衔接接时,谓语通常与通常与临近的近的坚持一致持一致. 3.Ei

9、ther you or Tom _ (be) to be sent to Xian. 4. Neither he nor I _ (have) finished the experiment.5. Not only his family but also he _ (like) music.3.The teacher with three students was doing an experiment.The girl as well as the boys has learned to drive. Example, as well as telephones, _ an importan

10、t part in daily communication. (99 上海上海2)A. is playing B. have playedC. are playing D. play答案及分析答案及分析答案是答案是A A。当有。当有as well as as well as 引引导时,谓语与第一个主与第一个主语一致,既与一致,既与 单数数一致,一致,应选A.A.1.There_alotofmilkinthebottle.A.areB.isC.wereD.has(C86)2.Zhangsfamily_ratherbig,withtwelvepeopleinall.A.isB.areC.being

11、D.was(C85)3.NobodybutJane_thesecret.A.knowB.knowsC.haveknownD.isknown(C86)补补充充充充1.题21 A library wi

12、th five thousand books_ to the nation as a gift.2. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered3.2. 89题27 Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another.4. A. is B. are C. am D. be5.3. 87题15 All but one _ here just now.6. A. is B.was C. has been D. w

13、ere答案 Multiple choice:1. On the wall_ two large portraits. A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging (C85)2. “News of victories _ pouring in as our army advances, the company commander said. A. keep B. keeps C. kept D. have kept (C85)3. There _ a lot of milk in the bottle. A. are B. is C. were D. has (C

14、86)4. Zhangs family _ rather big, with twelve people in all. A. is B. are C. being D. was (C85)5. Nobody but Jane _ the secret. A. know B. knows C. have known D. is known (C86 ) Multiple choice:6. All but one _ here just now. A. is B. was C. has been D. were (C87 NO.45)7. A library with five thousan

15、d books _ to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered (C90 NO.20)8. Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one exam after another. A. is B. are C. am D. be (C89 NO.27)9. The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for diff

16、erent reasons. A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were (C 96 NO.14)10. When and where to build the new factory _ yet. A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided Agreement ( Agreement (练习练习) )一、一、一、一、选择选择填空填空填空填空1.The number of people invited _ fifty, but

17、a 1.The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons. number of them _ absent for different reasons. A. were; was B. was; was A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were C. was; were D. were; were 2.The number of students in this school _ by 5%2.The n

18、umber of students in this school _ by 5% every year. every year. A. rise B. raise C. rises D. raises A. rise B. raise C. rises D. raises3.A library with five thousand books _ to the3.A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift. nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered A. is of

19、fered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered C. are offered D. have offeredC CC CA A4.,aswellastelephones,_animportantpart4.,aswellastelephones,_animportantpart4.,aswellastelephones,_animportantpartindailycommunication.indailycommunication.indailycommunication.A.isplayingB.haveplayedC.areplay













32、空 1.Heradvice_usefultome.(be)1.Heradvice_usefultome.(be)1.Heradvice_usefultome.(be)2.Layingeggs_thequeenantsfull-timejob.2.Layingeggs_thequeenantsfull-timejob.2.Layingeggs_thequeenantsfull-timejob.(be)(be)(be)3.Everyone_TomandMarywillgetmarried3.Everyone_TomandMarywillgetmarried3.Everyone_TomandMary



35、erfourchildren8.Apoorwomantogetherwithherfourchildren8.Apoorwomantogetherwithherfourchildren_foundbegginginthestreet.(be)_foundbegginginthestreet.(be)_foundbegginginthestreet.(be)isisknowshasis washavewas9.Theprofessor,includingallofhisstudents_9.Theprofessor,includingallofhisstudents_9.Theprofessor








43、23.There_somewaterandstonesinthebottle.(be) areisisareishasis三三对比比选择填空:填空:1 1 1a.Heistheonlyoneofthestudentsthat_a.Heistheonlyoneofthestudentsthat_a.Heistheonlyoneofthestudentsthat_gotfullmark.gotfullmark.gotfullmark.b.Heisoneofthestudentsthat_gotfullmake.b.Heisoneofthestudentsthat_gotfullmake.b.Hei






















65、areC.haveD.hasA.isB.areC.haveD.hasBABA1. Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having oneexaminationafteranother.A.isB.are C.amD.be2.Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks_tothenationasagift.A.isofferedB.hasofferedC.areofferedD.haveoffered3.Whenandwheretobuildthenewfactory_yet.A.isnotdecidedB.arenotde

66、cidedC.hasnotdecidedD.havenotdecided4.Thenumberofpeopleinvited_fifty,butanumberofthem_absentfordifferentreasons.A.were;wasB.was;was C.was;wereD.were;were5. , as well as telephones, _ an important part in dailycommunication.A.isplayingB.haveplayed C.areplayingD.play6._ofthelandinthatdistrict_coveredw

67、ithtreesandgrass.A.Twofifth;isB.Twofifth;areC.Twofifths;isD.Twofifths;are1Oneortwodays_enoughtoseethecityAisBareCamDbe2NeithermywifenorImyself_abletopersuademydaughtertochangehermindAisBareCamDbe3Not onlyI but alsoJaneand Mary_tiredof having oneexaminationafteranotherAisBareCamDbe4Nottheteacher,butt

68、hestudents_lookingforwardtoseeingthefilmAisBareCamDbe1NobodybutBettyandMary_lateforclassyesterdayAwasBwereChasbeen Dhavebeen2Awomanwithsomechildren_soonAiscomingBarecomingChascomeDhavecome3Nooneexceptmyparents_anythingaboutthis。AknowBknowsCisknownDareknown4Theteacheraswellasthestudents_thebookalread

69、yAhasread BhavereadCarereadingDisreading5Allbutone_intheaccidentAwaskilledBwerekilledCwillbekilled DarekilledTry again!- Finish the 8 questions1.Morethanonepersonhere_withthedisease.A.hasbeeninfectedB.havebeeninfectedC.hasbeeninfecting又如:又如:Morethanonemanwasinjuredintheaccident.Morethanonehousehasbe




73、oks.Whathesaysandwhathedoesdonotagree.8.Whattheyneed_morepeople.A.isB.areC.hasD.have主谓一致精练与解析1.More than one person here _ with the disease. A. has been infected B. have been infected C. has been infecting D. have been infecting由more than one 修饰单数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数又如:More than one man was injured in th

74、e accident. More than one house has been repaired.2. One or perhaps more pages _ missing. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been由or衔接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与接近它的主语一致。又如:Are you or he to drive ? Was she or you there ?3.An expert, together with some assistants, _ to help in this work. A. was sent B. were sen

75、t C. is sending D. are sending由 with,together with,along with,rather than,no less than , but, besides,except等衔接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与前一个相一致。又如:Nobody but John and Helen was absent. I, rather than you, am responsible for the accident.4.The police _ the black in winter. A. wears B. wear C. put on D. puts

76、on英语中,一些表示总称意义的名词,如:police,people,cattle等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数方式。又如:Some people spend a lot of money on clothes. Cattle are raised everywhere by the farmers.5.The number of students that you have met _ the life of the team. A. are B. is C. were D. bethe number of复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。a number of复数名词作主语时,谓语用复数。又如:T

77、he number of cars is increasing in . A number of books have been published on this subject.6. To get up early and to go to sleep early _ good for your health. A. is B. are C. was D. were由and衔接两个名词,包括两个不定式、两个动名词作主语,假设指同一件事或一个概念事,谓语动词用单数方式。又如:Whether to go on or return is not known. Time and tide wait

78、s for no man.7. More students than one _. A. were punished B. is punished C. was punished D. will punishMore 复数名词 than one 和 more than one 单数名词的意义一样,均表示“不只一个,但前者用作复数,后者用作单数。又如:More students than one were punished. More than one student was punished.8. What they need _ more people. A. is B. are C. ha

79、s D. have 名词从句作主语时,通常表示单数概念,谓语动词常用单数, 但所指内容是复数意义时,谓语动词用复数。本句从表语more people 可以得知主语what we need指复数内容。 又如:What we need is more time. What he needs are books. What he says and what he does do not agree. 历届高考英语单项选择题精选二主谓一致 1.Nobody but Jane _ the secret. (86)A.know B.knows C.have known known2.All bu

80、t one _ here just now. (87) B.was C.has been D.were3.Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another. (89) B.are C.amD.be4.A library with five thousnd books _ to the nation as a gift. (90) offered B.have offered C.are offered D.has offered5.When and wher

81、e to build the new factory _ not decided B.are not decidedC.has not decided D.have not decided6.The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons. (96)A.were , was B.was , was C.was , were D.were , were7._ of the land in that district _ covered with t

82、rees and grass. (2000)A.Two fifth , is B.Two fifth , areC.Two fifths , is D.Two fifths , are8.This is one of the most interesting questions that _ asked.A.have B.has C.have been D.has been 9.Between then two rows of trees _ the teaching building.A.stand B.stands C.standing D.are10.All that can be do

83、ne_.A.has been done B.has done C.have done D.were done11.They each _ a new dictionary.A.has B.have D.are12.The singer and the dancer _ come to the meeting.A.has B.have C.are D.is13.I have finished a large part of the book ; the rest _more B.are C.was D.were14.The wounded _ by the hospital.A.have been taken in B.has been taken in C.have taken in D.has taken inHave a rest



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