六年级下册英语课件-Recycle Mike's happy days |人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共19张PPT)

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1、RecycleDay 5 Mike and his new friends: Part 1Lets do1.Leading in(创设问题)Who is he?Look! This is Mikes school. Do you want to know what Mike does in his school?2、Self-exploring(自主探究) 1. Listen and tick the words that you cant read.听录音,在不会读的单词旁打钩。2. Read after the recorder lowly. 轻声地跟读录音.3. Read by your

2、self. 自己读。3、Discussing and solving problems (讨论解疑)2. Dicuss and answer these questions 讨论并回答下列问题: (6 min) (1) Which day is Mikes favourite day? (2) Which class does Mike like best? (3) Are maths questions difficult? (4) What does Mike do in music class?1. Discuss with your group member about the wor

3、ds you cant read. 和组员讨论你不会读的单词 (2 min)4、Presenting and upgrading(展示提升)1.Read the words group by group 小组朗读 Which group performs best? loud?(声音大声音大?) creative? (创新创新?)cooperative? (合作默契合作默契?) right? (准确准确?) natural? (自然大方自然大方?)Whats your opinion about their show? 2. Look at the pictures and answer th

4、e questions.看图回答问题(1)Which day is Mikes favourite day?His favourite day is _ . MondayHe likes Monday best.(2) Which class does Mike like best?His favourite class is PE .He likes _ best.PE(3) Are maths questions sometimes difficult?Yes, sometimes theyre difficult.difficult 困难Sometimes they are diffic

5、ult.(4) What does Mike do in music class?He _.plays the piano and sings songs(5) Is this very noisy and often great fun?Yes, this is very noisy and often great fun.(6) Is Mike good at running?_, _.No he is not good at runningMy favourite sport is football.Do you want to go to Mikes school?First you

6、should pass two steps, Can you?!你必须先来闯两关,你有信心你必须先来闯两关,你有信心吗?吗?5. In-class quiz 当堂检测找出下列错误的地方并画上横线PEMaths secondsometimesdifficultfootballfootball Read and answer the questions阅读短文,回答问题。阅读短文,回答问题。 My name is Alice. Im from Canada. Im 12 years old. I like music best, because it is relaxing. I have lun

7、ch at school. After school I usually play on the computer. I love China.1、Where is Alice from? A. Canada B. America C. China2、 Whats Alices favourite subject? A. English B. Music C. Chinese3、What does Alice usually do after school? A. has lunch B. plays on the computer C. does homework6. Conclusion and comprehension What have you learnt?你学到了什么? 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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