江苏省淮安市新马高级中学高中英语《Unit 2 Witnessing time readinggrammar》课件 牛津译林版选修9

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1、M9 Unit2 Reading- GrammarM9 Unit2 Reading- GrammarM9 Unit2 Reading- GrammarM9 Unit2 Reading- GrammarWitnessing timeWitnessing time一、词汇拓展一、词汇拓展1._ adj.古典的;经典的_ adj.一流的;典型的;典雅的,传统的;n. 名著,经典作品2. _n. 政治 _adj.政治的 _n.政治家3. _vt.联想,联系;adj.非正式的;副职的 _n.联系4. _n.偷,盗窃 _n.小偷 _vt.&vi. 偷 _:过去式 _:过去分词 classical clas

2、sic politics political associate association theft thief steal stole stolen politician5. _vt.任命,委任;指定(时间,地点) _ n.任命,约会6. _n.评估,评价 _ v.评估,评价7. _n.灵感;启发灵感的(人或事物) _vt.激发;鼓舞;使产生 _adj.给人灵感的 _adj.有创见的,有灵感的 appointappointmentassessmentassessinspirationinspireinspiringinspired1. A lawyer was _ (委派)toreprese

3、ntthechild.2.Objectivea_oftheseverityoftheproblemwasdifficult.3.IhadaholidayinAmericafora_(两周)lastyear.4.Bothpoetsdrewtheir_(灵感)fromthecountryside.5.Hisc_fingerscouldntuntietheknot.appointedssessmentfortnightinspirationlumsy 二、根据提示完成单词二、根据提示完成单词1. have an influence on(L1)=have an impact on=have an e

4、ffect on2. make advances in(L3)=make progress in3. in honour of(L8)4. in particular(L16)5. associate with (L16)6. rise up(L20)1. 对有影响2. 在方面取得进步3.为了纪念;为了向表达敬意4.尤其,特别5. 把和相联系6. 升起;起义三、短语三、短语三、短语三、短语P18-197. of the time(L22)8. is no different(L42)9. natural force(L43)10. seize control of(L46)11. pack w

5、ith(L48)12. cause sb. to do sth.(L50)13. turn sth. over(to sb.)(L61)14. under the title of(L62)7. 当时的,当代的8. 没什么两样9. 自然力量10. 夺取对的控制11. 把塞满12. 导致某人做某事13. 把移交给某人14. 以为名15. cause some friction between A and B(L63)16. ask for(L66)17.be recognized as(L68)18. carry out(L73)19. cause /do damage to(L87)20. i

6、n a gesture to (L89)=in order to21. appoint sb. to do sth.(L90)22. be listed as(L92)15. 在A和B间引起争端16. 要求,请求17. 被认为是18. 实施,执行19. 对造成破坏20. 为了21. 指派某人做某事22. 被列为23. a World Heritage site(L93)24. in preparation for(L96)25. bring back(L99)26. fall down(L103)27. historic site(L119)28. for generations to com

7、e(L120)P2129. look into30. keep in good condition23. 世界遗产地24. 为做准备25. 带回;使恢复;使回忆起26. 倒塌27. 历史遗迹28. 在未来的世代29. 调查30. 保持情况良好P2231. oweto32. apart / aside fromP2333. with regard to=with/in reference toP24-2534. in this case35. in that36. be opposed to doing37. source of inspiration38. come to do31. 欠; 把

8、归功于32. 除了33. 关于34. 在这种情况下35. 因为;由于;既然36. 反对做37. 灵感的源泉38. 逐渐AIMSWords:1. associate2. inspirationSentence :1. No one has had a greater influence (P18,L1-3)2. The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, (P18,L5-10)3. In fact, repairs were so clumsy that (P19, L75-78)4. The committee is also undertaking im

9、portant work to educate the public,(P19,L110-114)WORDS 1. In particular, we _ancient Greek civilization _ the capital city of Athens, the greatest symbol of which is Acropolis. 我们尤其将古希腊文明与首都雅典城相联系,而雅典最伟大的标志就是雅典卫城。划线部分结构“_+of+_”引导的_ 完成句子:Light is the fast thing in the world, _ _ _ _is 300.000 kilomet

10、ers per second. 世界上光的速度是最快的,其速度是每秒三十万公里。associatewith名词/代词which / whom非限制性定语从句the speed of which(1)词性: _ 意义:_We have learned to associate packaging with quality.我们已经学会把包装和质量联系在一起。In the childrens minds summer is associated with picnics.在孩子的意识里,夏天是和野餐联系在一起的。(2)词性:_ 意义: _The associated professor never

11、 associated himself with political extremism.这位副教授从来不赞同政治上的极端主义。vt.联想,联系adj.非正式的,副职的小结:associate(1) vt. 联想,联系 associate with _和有关_ associate with sb. _(2)adj. 非正式的,副职的(3)n. 联系:_association把和联系在一起与某人交往或常打交道be associated with 翻译句子:I dont like you associating with those bad people. 译文:_我不喜欢你和那些坏人混在一起。b

12、e relevant tobe related tobe linked tobe associated withbe concerned withbe connected withbe in connection withhave connection withhave something to do with回顾:与回顾:与有关有关 2. These heritage sites _visitors _their amazing beauty, and they are a great_ _ _. 这些遗址惊人的美,给游客留下了深刻的印象,它们是灵感的源泉。source of inspira

13、tionimpresswith语境感知: Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。 Hu Zhongs deeds inspired us to help the poor children. 胡忠的事迹激励我们去帮助贫困的儿童。 The situation of Chinese economy is inspiring now. 现在中国的经济形势是令人鼓舞的。小结:(1)inspire _ _ 鼓舞某人去做某事(2)inspiring _(3)inspired _(4)n. 灵感_v. 鼓舞;

14、给以灵感adj. 鼓舞人心的adj. 受到鼓舞的;有雄心壮志的;有创造力的; 受灵感启发的inspire sb. to do sth.inspiration用inspire 的适当形式填空(1). _ by her example, other zoologists have begun working with monkeys in the wild.(2). She was an _ example to her followers.(3). Dreams are a rich source of _ for some writers.Inspiredinspiringinspiratio

15、nSENTENCES 1. No one has had a greater influence on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks.译文:_ _句式:_+_=_表示_含义句型转换: The ancient Greeks _没有人对西方文明的影响比古希腊人更大。否定词比较级最高级没有比更 has had the greatest influence on Western civilization than any others. 2. The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, _is the m

16、arathon, a long distance race (created _ _ _a Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens to report the victory at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC.)译文:罗马字母表是希腊人的发明,马拉松赛跑也是。这项长跑比赛是为了纪念一名希腊战士从马拉松一直跑到雅典,报告马拉松战役大捷的消息。(1)结构:_+be/do+主语.表示:_ (2)created 为_作_(3) who引导: _,先行词:_asin honour ofas也是一样定语从句a Gre

17、ek soldier过去分词后置定语完成句子:1. 这个电影很无聊,它的音乐也一样无聊。Thefilmissoboring,_.2. 我每年都去伦敦旅行,我大部分同事也一样。I travel to London every year, _most of my workmates.单选:3. The beginning of the movie is impressive, _ is the ending, which leaves us much to think.A.asB.whatC.whichD.thatas is its musicas doA3. In fact, repairs w

18、ere so clumsy that they made some of the buildings less secure than they had been before. 译文:_ so that 引导_,意为:“_”结果状语从句如此以至于事实上,修复工作非常粗陋,它们使得一些建筑比修复前更不安全。adj.(1). sothat句型的常见形式 so+ adj. / adv. + that so+ adj. + a / an + 单数可数名数可数名词 + that The teacher was telling us so interesting a story that we all

19、forgot the time. so + many/ few/much/little+ n. + that There is so little water in the bottle that the crow cant drink. 拓展延伸拓展延伸1(2). such that句型结构 such + a / an + adj. + 单数可数名词+ that such + adj. + 复数可数名词/不可数名词+ that Dalian is such an attractive place that lots of tourists visit the city every year.

20、(3)当so + adj./adv.及such放句首时,主句要用倒装.句型转换He seems so nice that we all like him. He seems such _ _ _ _we all like him. So _ _ _ _that we all like him. Such _ _ _ _ _ _that we all like him.拓展延伸拓展延伸2a nice man thatnice does he seema nice man does he seem高考链接:The Great Wall is _ tourist attraction that mi

21、llions of people pour in every year.A. so a well known B. a so well- knownC. such well- known a D. such a well-knownD4. The committee is also undertaking important work to educate the public, _ _the assessment that the best way _ _ the Acropolis is to prevent damage. 译文:保护卫城的最好方式就是防止破坏。基于这一认识,该委员会还在教育公众方面做了重要的工作。(1)based on :_ 作work 的_(2) that引导_ (3) to protect 为动词不定式作_ 的_based on同位语从句to protect系表结构后置定语way后置定语THANK YOU !



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