外研版(三起)六上Unit 1 The Great Wallpp课件

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1、Unit 1 TravelBy Gong YuanyuanPeriod1: Warming Up& ReadingPyramidEiffel Tower TaskOne:talkaboutsomeplacesofinterestintheworldSanyaThe Huangshan MountainBirdsNestWaterCubeTiananmen SquareThe Great WallThe Heaven TemplethePalaceMuseumTaskTwo:talkabouttheGreatWallSeeashortmovietoanswerthefollowingquesti

2、ons:1.WhatdoestheGreatWalllooklike?2.Whereisitlocated?1.WhatdoestheGreatWalllooklike?2.Whereisitlocated?ahugedragoninthenorthofChinaspringsummerautumnwinterHe who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man . 不到长城非好汉(毛泽东)不到长城非好汉(毛泽东)Jiayuguan PassShanhaiguan PassENThisisamapoftheGreatWall.Now

3、wecansayItextendsfrom,aseaportalongthecoastofBohaiBay,toinGansuProvince.Shanhaiguan PassJiayuguan PassTaskThree:Listen,readandanswer1. When did the Chinese people begin to build the Great Wall? 2. How many people were made to build the Great Wall?3.How did people build the Great Wall?4.When was the

4、Great Wall which we can see now rebuilt?5.Whats the total length of the Great Wall?People began to build it during the period of the Warring States.About 1 millionby handIt was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty.More than 6,700 kilometersTaskFour:Summarizeeachparagraph The position and location of the Grea

5、t Wall. When and why the ancient Chinese emperors built it. How they built the Great Wall. How long the Great Wall is. Honor. The Great Wall was listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1987Para 1:Para 2:Para 3:Para 4:Para 5:Para 1position and locationItsoneoftheworldsmostfamouswonders.Itslo

6、catedinthenorthofChina.Para 2When and whyPeoplebegantobuilditduringtheperiodoftheWarringStates.Peoplebuiltittoprotect theircountries.Para 3How to buildItissaidthatabout1millionpeople,wereforcedtobuildit.Ittookthemtenyearstobuilditunderterribleconditions.Peoplehadtocarryallthestones,bricksandlimeupth

7、emountainsbyhand.Para 4How longItstotallengthismorethan6,500kilometers.Para 5HonoraWorldHeritageSiteTask Five:Retellthispassagefromsixparts.1.Locatoin:Itslocatedinthe_ofChina.Itextends_ShanhaiguanPass_JiayuguanPass.2.Building:timePeoplebegantobuildit_.Thenitwasrebuiltin_DynastyandDynasty.4.Buildingm

8、aterials:Itwasmadeof_,_and_.3.purpose:Peoplebuiltitto_theircountries.5.Length:Itstotallengthis_6,500kilometers.6.Position:ItsnotonlyasymbolofChinas_butalsoaWorld_.the Qinthe Mingbricksstoneslimenorthfromtomore thanprotectAncient CivilizationHeritage Siteduring the period of theWarring StatesTask Six

9、:Discussion-How to protect the Great WallWhenyougothere,remembertotellotherstoprotecttheseplacesofinterestwithyouAdvise:1.Read and retell the text 1.Read and retell the text correctly and fluently.correctly and fluently.2. Finish off Practice II on 2. Finish off Practice II on P61.P61.3. Write a pas

10、sage about a place 3. Write a passage about a place of interest youof interest youve visited.ve visited.Period 2 Listening and SpeakingTask1:ListeningWangLing,atourguide,isgivingthetouristsgreetings.Listenandfillinthemissingwordsaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard.Hello!LadiesandGentlemen,WelcometoBeijing.M



13、k2SpeakingpraticeHow to get to the Great Wall Hotel?1.径直走径直走2.在十字路口在十字路口3.在交通灯处在交通灯处4.向右转向右转5.向左转向左转6.斑马线斑马线Translate the following into Chinese(1)go/walk straight at the crossing at the traffic lightsturn right turn leftzebra crossing7. 在你的左边在你的左边8. 在你的右边在你的右边9. 过马路过马路10.当你来到十字当你来到十字路口时路口时11.在街道角落处

14、在街道角落处cross the road when you come to the crossingat the street cornerTranslate the following into Chinese(2)on your left on your right - Excuse me.- Would you please tell me the way to ?- Would you please tell me how to get to?- Could/ Can you show me the way to?- Could/ Can you tell me where is?-

15、Could/ Can you tell me how I can get to?- Where is, please?- Which is the way to?- Walk along/down the street.- Go/ Walk straight ahead.- Turn left/right.- At the first/second crossing- At the corner/the traffic lights- On the left/rightCross the roadWalk along this road.Turn left at the crossing.Cr

16、oss the road.Could you tell me the way to the museum?Could you tell me the way to the museum?Model:A: Excuse me. Where is the museum, please? B: First, cross the road, then walk along this road and turn left at the first crossing , and then cross the road again, you could find the museum.A: Thank yo

17、u!B: Youre welcome! Homework1. Go over the expressions and sentences about “Asking and Telling the Way”.2. Try to use these expressions and sentences in our daily life.3. Remember the meanings of the traffic signs.Period3Grammar被动语态被动语态The Passive Voice英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是谓语动词所表示的动作的执行者;被动语





22、lsatthattimeinmyhometown.Since1978,greatchangeshavetakenplaceinmyhometown.Manymodernbuildingshavebeenbuilt.Childrencangetagoodeducationintheschools.Televisions,washingmachinesandrefrigeratorsareverycommon.Peopleherecanalsoreceivefreemedicalcare.Allthepeopleinmyhometownarelivingahappylife. 1. Read the passage “The Great Wall” after class. 2. Write a passage about your hometown in your exercise book.Homework



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