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1、Greeningtheschoolmanagingchange绿化学校管理变化Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望EEFS as a process of social learning作为一种社会学习的过程的为了可持续发展的环境教育作为一种社会学习的过程的为了可持续发展的环境教育EEFS involves schools learning their way to sustainability together with the local community and

2、communities around the world.Such social learning is a process of reflecting and acting on alternative forms of technology and governance that may allow more sustainable ways of living.It can be described as praxis, critical pedagogy, or critical action research.为了可持续发展的环境教育使学校和当地的社区以及世界各地的社区一起共同学习摸

3、索通过可持续发展的途径。这样一种社会学习是一个过程,是对可能能促进可持续生活方式的替代技术和管理进行反思并采取行动的过程。可以把它称为“批判性教学法”,“批判性行动研究”,或(哲学意义上的)“实践”。Participation and empowerment参与与能力提高参与与能力提高EEFS in schools and communities should be guided by clearly understood processes, roles and rules. The quality of peoples participation and empowerment is th

4、e key to effective change.EEFS should empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to participate effectively in shaping their own futures.学校和社区里进行的为了可持续发展的教育应该有双方都明确的过程,职责和规则所指引。人们参与和能力提高的质量是促进有效变化发生的关键。为了可持续发展的教育应该培养人们有效参与决定他们未来的决策所需要的知识,技能和价值观。Green schools 1: environmental management绿色学校

5、绿色学校1 1:环境管理:环境管理Green schools seek to improve their environmental performance and management.After an environmental review they may develop action plans in one or more of the following areas:-Litter-Waste management-Energy-Water-Transport-Healthy living-School grounds绿色学校旨在努力改善他们的环境表现和管理。在完成了环境评估以后

6、他们可以就以下一个或多个领域制定行动计划:扔弃垃圾垃圾管理能源水交通健康生活学校校园Green schools 2: the stated and hidden curriculum绿色学校绿色学校2 2:显性和隐性课程:显性和隐性课程Green schools demonstrate and explore the principles of sustainability not only in the stated curriculum of lessons, textbooks and examinations, but also in the hidden curriculum or

7、day to day life of the school. There are aspects of school life that relate to all five dimensions of sustainability:-Ecological-Economic-Social-Cultural-Personal绿色学校不仅在显性课程的课文,教科书和考试里展现并探索可持续发展原则,在隐性课程或者是学校的日常生活里同样如此。学校生活中有些方面可持续性的五个维度都有关系:生态的经济的社会的文化的个人的Green Schools 3: links with the wider commun

8、ity绿色学校绿色学校3 3:与社区的联系:与社区的联系The green school has links with enterprises, governments, community groups, and individuals that are seeking to realise more sustainable forms of development.These links often include links with schools elsewhere in the world made possible by information technology.绿色学校与在

9、寻求实现更可持续的发展模式的企业,政府部门,社区团队和个人都建立一定的联系。由于信息技术的发展,与世界其他地方的学校建立联系也成为可能。The change process变化发生的过程变化发生的过程1.Making the decision to act2.Back up the decision with a rationale3.Prepare a communication strategy to share your vision with those involved and the wider community4.Prepare goals and milestones (de

10、stinations along the way)5.Establish accountability and methods of evaluation6.Review and revise goals and milestones7.Rewards and celebrations1.作出要采取行动的决定2.有根据地支持作出的决定3.制定一份宣传策略,把你心中的蓝图与参与者和更广泛的社区进行交流4.确定你的目标和阶段性目标5.建立职责及评估方法6.回顾并修改目标和阶段性目标7.颁奖和庆祝Factors in the change process变化过程中的影响因素变化过程中的影响因素Mis

11、sion and visionWorking from existing strengthsReadiness and capabilityAnalysing the nature of changeAnalysing and planning commitmentCreating, implementing and monitoring plans使命与蓝图从现有优势出发准备就绪与接纳力分析变化的性质分析并计划作出的承诺制定,实施并监测行动计划The strengths model优势模型优势模型Every teacher and every subject can contribute t

12、o EEFSIdentify existing and potential opportunities for EEFS within the curriculumInsert additional knowledge, issues, perspectives, skills, values and examplesPrune the curriculum, taking out less relevant material to make room for greater emphasis on EEFS每位老师和每个学科都可以对为了可持续发展的环境教育有所贡献在现有课程中确定已有的和潜在

13、的渗透为了可持续发展的环境教育的机会加入额外的知识,议题,观点,技能,价值观和案例删减课程,取出关联性不强的材料,给为了可持续发展的环境教育创造更大的空间Managing change管理变化管理变化 Identify projects (Stoplight)Identify barriers (Steering around barriers)Identify stakeholdersIdentify milestones along the wayTake stock of support, resistance, and commitmentDevise an action plan (

14、action planning)Consider communication strategy确定项目(交通指示灯)识别障碍(以便避开障碍)确定利益相关者确定阶段性目标估量可能获得的支持,遇到的阻碍和作出的承诺设计一份行动计划考虑宣传策略Green schools will require activities that enable them to:绿色学校要求开展能使他们进行以下工作的活动:绿色学校要求开展能使他们进行以下工作的活动:Create an appropriate climate for changeEstablish prioritiesFind effective proc

15、eduresImprove relationshipsThe School is Us,WWF/DEP, 1993营造一种适合变化的氛围确定要优先开展的工作找到有效的程序改善关系选自WWF/DEP于1993年编写的学校就是我们Questions teachers ask about change教师提出的关于变化的问题:教师提出的关于变化的问题:Do I want this change?Do I have to change? Do I understand the change?Will I have the time to learn and practice the change in

16、 a safe setting? Will I have the materials available?Will I have support or pressure from parents?Will I have support or pressure from fellow teachers?Do I intuitively value the change?Does everybody else have to do it too?Will I get a sincere reward for doing it?这是我想要的改变吗?我必须做出改变吗?我是否理解这个变化?我是否有时间在一个安全的环境中学习并实践这一变化?我是否有可用的材料?我从家长那儿是会获得支持还是压力?我从同事那儿是会获得支持还是压力?我是否从直觉上重视这一变化?别人是否也得这么做?我是否会为此而获得一份真诚的奖励?



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