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1、全英文英语教案全英文英语教案全英文英语教案前言Teaching plan for Unit 16 book1Good afternoon, everyone, It s my great pleasure to be heresharing my lesson withyou.The content of my lesson is SeniorEnglish for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I ll be ready tobegin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teachin

2、g material,theteachingmethods,thestudyingmethods,theteachingprocedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about theteaching material.全英文英语教学材料解说Part 1 Teaching Material:This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of thisunit, we ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude tow

3、ardsscience and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let thestudents learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays animportant part in the English teaching in this unit.This is animportant lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking theSs to grasp contents of each passag

4、e. Therefore, this lesson is in theimportant position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well,it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we allknow ,reading belongs to the input during the process of thelanguage learning. The input has great effect on output , suc

5、h asspeaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculumand the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲 ), after studying theteaching material and analyzing the rule of children s growing ofmind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:1.Knowledge objects:a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main senten

6、ce patternsb)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in theproper situation.2.Ability objects:(1) To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, readingand writing.(2) To train the Ss ability of working in pairs.(3) To Improve the

7、student s reading ability, especially theirskimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion or moral objects:a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and setup self-confidence in science;b)Teach the Ss what is science , put the moral education in thelanguage study.now,let s come to the Importa

8、nt points and the Difficult points.Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stressthe important points and break through the difficult points? As isknown to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher shouldimprove the students ability. A good teaching method requiresthatthe teach

9、er should have the leading effects. According to the analysisof the teaching material and the students learning background ,I willuse the following methods .全英文英语教学方法Part 2 Teaching Methods:In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning Englishin the Middle School is to develop the students a

10、bilities of listening,speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the Englishlanguage. So in this lesson I ll mainly use CommunicativeApproach(交际教学法), Whole language teaching (整体语言教学法)and Task-based language teaching (任务教学法). That is to say, Ill let the Ss to get a better understanding of the

11、 key structure of thedialogue. According to the modern social communication teachingtheories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method( 情景教学) and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely TotalSituational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former isa scene activity teaching method .It establishe

12、s a real scene and theinteraction between the teacher and the Ss . The latter offers the Ssan opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language toachieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life andlearners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language theywant.At the same

13、time, I ll make use of the modern electricityteaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can developthe Ss creativity in learning English.全英文英语学习技巧Part 3 Studying Methods:Our students are almost from the countryside. They are lack ofgeography knowledge and the cultural background of thos

14、e foreigncountries.As senior students ,they have a certain ability to read . Andthe beautiful places are most attractive and easily arouse studentslearning emotion.As for the learning methods, they are poor incooperative learning skills.Some students are not active in theclass ,and some students don

15、 t like English.therefore, I ll have Ssstudy in a relaxed atmosphere. Ss understand the new knowledge incertain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying,observing, thinking etc. And make preparation for completing thenew study task.After feeling and understanding the language poi

16、nts,let Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperativestudy. In a word,we ll1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.2.Let the Ss pass Observation Imitation Practice (观察 模仿实践三步教学法) to study language.3.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how tocommunicate with others.全

17、英文英语教案实施流程Part 4 Teaching Procedure:Step 1 Lead-in.As we all know ,Benjamin Franklin is a famous politician andwriter.But today, we will read a passage about him as a scientist. Hisserious attitude to science .Let s see how Franklin made his famouselectricity experiment by flying a kite.1). Group co

18、mpetitionIn the 18th and 19th century, scientists all over the world mademany important discoveries and inventions in different fields ofphysics, chemistry, medicine, biology and so on. Divide the wholeclass into four groups to name some of them.2). Group workA match competition. Match Column B with

19、 Column Acorrectly.give more examples to make Ss get information.Purpose of my design:To get to know something about thestory of famous scientists.To have a better understanding about the importance ofexperiments in science.It is really difficult for the scientists toachieve their goal , and only af

20、ter tens of thousands of attempts,experiments, thinking and failure can they be successful in theirresearch. Today, we are going to learn one example of them:Franklin s famous kite experiment.Step 2 Reading1). Individual workSkimming: Read the material fast to find out the right pictureabout Frankli

21、n s experiment.2). Individual workScanning: Listen to the tape part by part to find out the topicfor each one.Para 1-3 the description of the experimentPara 4 the equipment of the experimentPara 5-6 the steps of the experimentPurpose of my design:Enable students to understand the givenmaterial bette

22、r using different reading skills . To presentSample Aby CAI (电脑辅助教学)is much easier for the Ss to learn and graspthe meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound andpicture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better. In thiscourse, Ss can understand the main contents of this di

23、alogue and getthe key points by following the example.Step 3 Practice1). Class workWith all the equipment ready ( a handkerchief made of silk,two pieces of light wood, strings, a sharp piece of metal, a key, a silkribbon ), one student acts as the host to conduct two students how tomake a kite as the one made by Franklin.2). Individual workAfter that, all the students try to tell how to make such a kitein their own words with the help of the pictures on the screen.Step4 Further understanding1). Pair workRead through the passage to fill in the blanksin the form inpairs.2). Class work



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